209 research outputs found

    RNA editing generates cellular subsets with diverse sequence within populations

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    RNA editing is a mutational mechanism that specifically alters the nucleotide content in transcribed RNA. However, editing rates vary widely, and could result from equivalent editing amongst individual cells, or represent an average of variable editing within a population. Here we present a hierarchical Bayesian model that quantifies the variance of editing rates at specific sites using RNA-seq data from both single cells, and a cognate bulk sample to distinguish between these two possibilities. The model predicts high variance for specific edited sites in murine macrophages and dendritic cells, findings that we validated experimentally by using targeted amplification of specific editable transcripts from single cells. The model also predicts changes in variance in editing rates for specific sites in dendritic cells during the course of LPS stimulation. Our data demonstrate substantial variance in editing signatures amongst single cells, supporting the notion that RNA editing generates diversity within cellular populations

    On Robustness of Discrete Time Optimal Filters

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    A new result on stability of an optimal nonlinear filter for a Markov chain with respect to small perturbations on every step is established. An exponential recurrence of the signal is assumed


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    Μυλωνιτιωμένοι πλούσιοι σε μαγγάνιο σχιστόλιθοι και ασβεστοπυριτικά στρώματα που απαντούν ως ενδιαστρώσεις εντός αμφιβολιτικής έως πρασινοσχιστολιθικής φάσης μεταμόρφωσης μαρμαρυγιακούς σχιστόλιθους στο Τρίκορφο της Θάσου, 2069 χαρακτηρίζονται από μία ασυνήθιστη Mn-ούχο παραγένεση μεταμορφικών ορυκτών τα περισσότερα από τα οποία σε ιδιαίτερα μεγάλους κρυστάλλους και σε ποικιλία πολύτιμων λίθων. Τα Mn-ούχα πυριτικά ορυκτά απαντούν τόσο σε στρώσεις παράλληλα με την φύλλωση όσο και σε φλέβες που τέμνουν τη μεταμορφική δομή. Τα ορυκτά πιεμοντίτης (έως 12.7 % κ.β. Mn2O3), Mn-ούχο επίδοτο (έως 7.8 % κ.β. Mn2O3), Mn-ούχος ανδαλουσίτης (έως 15.6 % κ.β. Mn2O3), φτωχός σε Mn ροζ κλινοζοϊσίτης/επίδοτο (έως 0.87 % κ.β. Mn2O3), φτωχός σε Mn ροζ έως κόκκινος ζοϊσίτης (έως 0.21 % κ.β. Mn2O3), σπεσσαρτίνης (έως 47.7 % κ.β. MnO) και Mn-ούχος γροσσουλάριος (έως 3.6 % κ.β. MnO), συνοδεύονται από διοψίδιο, κεροστίλβη, φλογοπίτη, μοσχοβίτη, τουρμαλίνη, αιματίτη και σιδηρούχο κυανίτη. Η παραγένεση που μελετήθηκε είναι ενδεικτική υψηλών τιμών πτητικότητας του οξυγόνου λόγω της παρουσίας προϋπάρχουσας έντονα οξειδωτικής προ-μεταμορφικής ορυκτολογικής παραγένεσης πλούσιας σε μαγγάνιο. Σχηματίσθηκε κατά την πρόδρομη μεταμόρφωση ιζηματογενών πρωτόλιθων πλούσιων σε Mn, με ακόλουθη επανισσορόπηση απο τις μέγιστες συνθήκες πίεσης και θερμοκρασίας, σχηματισμό φλεβών και μετασωμάτωσης κατά την ανάδρομη μεταμόρφωση που συνόδευσε την ανάδυση της Θάσου στο Ολιγόκαινο-Μειόκαινο. Εναλλακτικά, η προσφορά ρευστών από γρανιτοειδή κατά την διάρκεια μεταμόρφωσης επαφής δεν πρέπει να αποκλειστεί. Η περιοχή μελέτης αντιπροσωπεύει μοναδικό ορυκτολογικό Γεώτοπο. Η γεωλογική-ορυκτολογική αυτή κληρονομιά μπορεί να προστατευθεί μέσω της ίδρυσης ενός Γεωπάρκου που θα συμβάλλει επιπλέον και στην προώθηση φιλικής προς το περιβάλλον ανάπτυξης της Θάσου.Mylonitized manganiferous schists and calc-silicate layers intercalated within amphibolite- to greenschist facies mica schists from the Trikorfo area (Thassos Island, Greece), host an unusual Mn-rich paragenesis of metamorphic silicate minerals, most of them in large, gemmy crystals. The silicates occur both in layers subparallel to the foliation and within discordant veins cross-cutting the metamorphic fabric. Piemontite (up to 12.7 wt. % Mn2O3), Mn-rich epidote (up to 7.8 wt. % Mn2O3), Mn-rich andalusite (up to 15.6 wt. % Mn2O3), Mn-poor pink clinozoisite-epidote (up to 0.87 wt. % Mn2O3), Mn-poor pink zoisite (up to 0.21 wt. % Mn2O3), spessartine (up to 47.7 wt. % MnO) and Mn-rich grossular (up to 3.6 wt. % MnO) are associated with diopside, hornblende, phlogopite, muscovite, tourmaline, hematite and iron-bearing kyanite. The studied assemblages are indicative of high fO2 conditions due to the presence of highly oxidized pre-metamorphic Mn-rich mineral associations. They developed during prograde metamorphism of a Mn-rich sedimentary protolith(s), followed by re equilibration to post-peak metamorphic conditions, vein formation and metasomatism during retrograde metamorphism accompanying the exhumation of the Thassos Island during the Oligocene-Miocene. Alternatively, the skarn similar mineralogy of the calc-silicate layers could have been formed by fluids released by granitoids during contact metamorphism. The studied area represents a unique mineralogical geotope. Its geological-mineralogical heritage should be protected through establishment of a mineralogical-petrological geopark that will also promote sustainable development of the area

    Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Hidden Markov Models in continuous time

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    The paper studies large sample asymptotic properties of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) for the parameter of a continuous time Markov chain, observed in white noise. Using the method of weak convergence of likelihoods due to I.Ibragimov and R.Khasminskii, consistency, asymptotic normality and convergence of moments are established for MLE under certain strong ergodicity conditions of the chain.Comment: Warning: due to a flaw in the publishing process, some of the references in the published version of the article are confuse

    Late diagnosis of medial condyle fracture of the humerus with rotational displacement in a child

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    For displaced medial condyle fractures in children, open reduction with internal fixation seems to be most popular treatment method. The major complication of this method is failure to make the proper early diagnosis. Corrective supracondylar humeral osteotomy has been preferred to open reduction and internal fixation for managing malunited fragments. We report a case of a child with nonunion of the medial condyle of the humerus who was subsequently treated successfully with open reduction and internal fixation

    Current and near-term GHG emissions factors from electricity production for New York State and New York City

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    This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Applied Energy and the definitive published version is available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.11.061.This paper reports estimates of average GHG emissions factors for New York State and marginal GHG emissions factors for interventions in New York City. A multi-regional unit commitment model was developed to simulate the behavior of the grid. The parameters defining the system operation were gathered from several publicly available data sources including historical hourly electricity production and fuel consumption from over one hundred power plants. Factors were estimated for a baseline year of 2011 and subsequently for the year 2025 considering planned power plant additions and retirements. Future scenarios are also developed considering different wind turbine installation growth rates and policies affecting the cost of generation from coal power plants. The work finds marginal GHG emissions factors for New York City could reduce between 30 and 36% from 540 kg CO2e/MWh in 2011 for all future scenarios considered. Average GHG emissions factors for New York State could reduce 9 to 39% from 215 kg CO2e/MWh depending on the wind growth rate and price burden on coal power plants

    Severe axial vertebral rotation treated with a modified Boston brace: a case report

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    We report the case of a 13-year-old Caucasian girl suffering from severe axial rotation of the T5 to L4 vertebrae. The patient (initially examined during a school screening study) was at first considered to be suspicious of suffering from scoliosis due to a highly positive Adam's forward bending test. However, her radiographic evaluation revealed the existence of axial rotation in 12 of her vertebrae, without inclination in the sagittal and coronal planes. After an observation period of 12 months and due to the fact that both her physical appearance and the measured vertebral rotation deteriorated, the patient was given a modified thoracolumbar Boston brace that had an immediate positive derotational effect on all but two vertebrae. Twenty four months later, the progress of the vertebral rotation(s) seems to have been halted and most affected vertebrae appear to be stabilized in their new, 'post-brace', reduced position, with better results shown when the Boston brace is worn. The patient remains under constant medical observation. The application of a modified Boston brace seems to have served well (so far) a useful purpose for reducing and stabilizing this case of severe axial vertebral rotation, providing less deformity and (possibly) offering a better final cosmetic result