182 research outputs found

    Supramolecular Engineering of Hybrid Materials in Photovoltaics and Beyond

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    Solar-to-electric energy conversion has provided one of the most powerful renewable energy technologies. In particular, hybrid organic-inorganic halide perovskites have recently emerged as leading thin-film semiconductors for new generation photovoltaics. However, their instability under operating conditions remains an obstacle to their application. To address this, we relied on supramolecular engineering in the development of organic systems that can interact with the surface of hybrid perovskites through different noncovalent interactions and enhance their operational stabilities. Moreover, we have utilized the uniquely soft yet crystalline structure of hybrid perovskites and their mixed ionic-electronic conductivity to provide a platform for advancing their functionality beyond photovoltaics. This account reviews our recent progress in supramolecular engineering of hybrid perovskites in photovoltaics and discusses their perspectives in the development of smart technologies

    Changes in Crude Protein Content with Advancing Maturity in Lucerne

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    The main determinants of the quality of lucerne forage are digestibility and protein content (Julier et al., 2001) as well as crude fibre content. In the early vegetative phases, the crude protein content of the leaves and stems is the highest and crude fibre content the lowest (Katic et al., 2003). The aim of this study was to determine the rate of change in crude protein levels at different stages of growth and development

    Agronomic Characteristics of Novi Sad Winter Vetch Cultivars

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    Genus Vicia. contains important annual food and forage species such as field bean, V. faba., narbon vetch, V. narbonensis, and common vetch, V. sativa (Maxted, 1995), while Hungarian V. pannonica Crantz and hairy vetch V. villosa also play an important role in the Balkans. Winter vetches are excellent forage catch crops useful for sustainable agriculture and organic farming (Ċupina et al., 2004). Our study was aimed at determining the agronomic characteristics of the winter vetch cultivars developed in Novi Sad, assessing thus their ability for successful growing in the prevailing conditions of Serbia and Montenegro

    Theoretical positions in contemporary classical architecture and their relationship with the theoretical principles of renaissance architecture

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    Савремена класична архитектура представља значајну проблемску целину новије историје и теорије архитектуре. Њено све веће присуство на савременој архитектонској сцени указује на потребу за проучавањем генезе, начина приказивања и критичком анализом идеја њених протагониста, за синтетичком студијом која истражује глобалне проблеме приказивања историје идеја које стоје иза класичне архитектуре, као и за формулисањем јединственог појма за ову савремену појаву. Ово истраживање се бави теоријским поставкама савремених класичних архитеката којима они објашњавају свој рад, а затим дефинисањем односа и успостављањем континуума идеја између савремених класичних архитеката и ренесансних теоретичара архитектуре. Утврђују се начини на које се теоријска мисао савремене класичне архитектуре манифестује у архитектонском стваралаштву и савременој теорији архитектуре, односно дефинишу теоријски ставови њених аутора на основу којих се она сврстава у значајне теоријске облике архитектуре 21. века. Теоријски ставови савремене класичне архитектуре јасно се разликују и издвајају од ставова других теоретичара који истовремено делују. Са ренесансним теоретичарима чине јединствену теоријску групу по свом индивидуалистичком приступу историји архитектуре и ставовима према идејама колективизма, историцизма, „духа времена“ и формализма. Колективизам и историцизам се одбацују ставом да појединачна дела нису одређена случајним и променљивим контекстом коме појединац припада. Заступа се теорија о историји по којој се закони сваке уметности усавршавају временом, формализовањем корпуса чињеница које се виде на грађевинама из историје архитектуре, њиховим процењивањем и испитивањем и, на крају, сублимирањем и трансформацијом у апстрактне типове и општа правила за савремену употребу...Contemporary classical architecture is an important problem field in the recent history and theory of architecture. Its growing presence on the contemporary architectural scene elicits a study into its genesis and modes of presentation; a critical analysis of its protagonists’ ideas; a synthetic exploration into the main problems of displaying the history of ideas underpinning classical architecture; and finally, a formulation of a comprehensive set of notions related to this modern phenomenon. This study deals with the theoretical positions of contemporary classical architects with which they explain their work; moreover, it attempts at defining relations and establishing a continuum of ideas between contemporary classical architects and the theoreticians of Renaissance architecture. Furthermore, insight is provided into the manifestations of theoretical thought on contemporary classical architecture within modern architectural theory along with the definitions of the authors’ theoretical views upon which it has been classified as a significant theoretical form of architecture in the 21st century. Theoretical considerations behind contemporary classicism in architecture are clearly distinguished from those of other contemporaneous theoreticians. In their individualistic approach to the history of architecture and attitudes towards the ideas of collectivism, historicism, the spirit of the times, and formalism they group with the Renaissance theorists. Collectivism and historicism are rejected with the view that a piece of art is not determined by the random and volatile context to which an individual (artist) belongs. They maintain the thesis on history in which the laws of each art are perfected over time, first by formalizing the corpus of facts observed on the buildings in the history of architecture, then by evaluation and examination of these facts, and finally, by their sublimation and transformation into abstract types and general rules for the modern user..

    Structure and immunohistochemistry of the human lenticulostriate arteries

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    Background: Data about the structure and immunohistochemistry of the lenticulostriatearteries (LSAs), although very important for medical research and clinicalpractice, have been rarely reported in literature.Materials and methods: Fourty serially sectioned LSAs were stained with hematoxilinand eosin, and prepared for immunohistochemistry.Results: Our examination revealed a typical endothelial lining and a narrow subendothelialspace with subintimal smooth muscle cells occasionally. The internalelastic lamina was fragmented or absent in the smallest LSAs branches. The mediacoat, with a mean diameter of 148.5 μm, contained typical smooth muscle cellswhich formed 14.2 layers on average and showed a positive immune reactions foralfa-actin, desmine, laminin and collagen IV. The thin adventitial coat containedfibroblasts, collagen fibers, and nerve bundles, with the strongest immunopositivityto thyrosin hydroxilase. The immune reactions against CD31 and CD34 proteins,endothelial nitric oxide synthase, S 100 protein, neurofilament protein and synaptophysin,seem to be performed in the LSAs wall for the first time. Similarly,the thickness of the LSAs wall and its coats have never been reported, nor thenumber of the smooth muscle cell layers.Conclusions: Our results related to the structure and immunohistochemistry ofthe LSAs could be important in cerebrovascular pathology, neurology and neurosurgery

    Craniovertebral anomalies associated with pituitary gland duplication

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    Background: An extremely rare occurrence of the pituitary gland duplication inspired us to examine in detail the accompanying craniovertebral congenital anomalies in a patient involved. Materials and methods: T1-wighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed, as well as the multislice computerised tomography (MSCT) and MSCT angiography in our patient, as well as in a control group of 10 healthy subjects. Results: In a 20-year-old male a double pituitary gland was identified, as well as hypothalamic enlargement, tuberomamillary fusion and hamartoma. In addition, the patient also showed a duplicated hypophyseal fossa and posterior clinoid processes, notch of the upper sphenoid, prominent inner relief of the skull, inverse shape of the foramen magnum, third occipital condyle, partial aplasia of the anterior and posterior arches of the atlas with a left arcuate foramen, duplication of the odontoid process and the C2 body, and fusion of the C2–C4 and T12–L1 vertebrae. The MSCT angiography presented a segmental dilatation of both vertebral arteries and the A2 segment of the anterior cerebral artery, as well as a duplication of the basilar artery. Conclusions: This patient is unique due to complex craniovertebral congenital anomalies associated with a duplication of the pituitary gland

    Uticaj Bonsilage Plus i Bonsilage Forte na smanjenje mikroflore tokom siliranja lucerke

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    Crops at ensiling contain both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms and a range of bacteria and fungi that affect silage quality. Typical classes of microorganisms on plants prior to ensiling are aerobic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria (LAB), enterobacteria, yeasts, molds, clostridia, bacilli, acetic acid bacteria and propionic acid bacteria. The quality of silage depends on the competition between different groups of microorganisms. LAB, which are responsible for the silage fermentation process, usually dominate the silage microflora, but undesirable microorganisms, that occur at low levels on fresh plant material, may grow during the storage of silage and lead to anaerobic or aerobic spoilage. In this study, effects of silage inoculants on reduction of microflora during ensiling of alfalfa have been investigated. The results showed that the addition of commercial silage inoculants, Bonsilage Plus and Bonsilage Forte, had significant effect in reducing total number of aerobic bacteria, enterobacteria, yeasts, moulds and sulphite reducing clostridia during ensiling of alfalfa.Biljni materijal za siliranje sadrži aerobne i anaerobne mikroorganizme i niz bakterija i gljivica koji utiču na kvalitet silaže. Tipične klase mikro-organizama na biljkama pre siliranja su aerobne bakterije, bakterije mlečne kiseline (LAB), enterobakterije, kvasaca, plesni, klostridije, bakterije sirćetne kiseline i bakterije propionske kiseline. Kvalitet silaže zavisi od dominacije različitih grupa mikroorganizama. Bakterije mlečne kiseline, koje su odgovorne za proces fermentacije silaže, obično dominiraju mikroflorom silaže, ali broj neželjenih mikroorganizama, koji se javljaju u niskom nivou u svežoj biljnoj masi, može da raste tokom skladištenja silaže i dovede do njenog kvarenja. U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj silažnih inokulanata na smanjenje mikroflore u toku siliranja lucerke. Rezultati su pokazali da je dodavanje komercijalnih inokulanata Bonsilage Plus i Bonsilage Forte, imalo značajan efekat na smanjenje ukupnog broja aerobnih bakterija, enterobakterija, kvasaca, plesni i klostridija tokom siliranja lucerke

    Crystal Structure of Citrobacter freundii Asp214Ala Tyrosine Phenollyase Reveals that Asp214 is Critical for Maintaining a Strain in the Internal Aldimine

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    Tyrosine phenol-lyase (TPL) is a pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (PLP) dependent enzyme which catalyzes β-elimination of L-tyrosine. In the holoenzyme the protonated pyridinium N1 atom of the PLP cofactor is hydrogen-bonded to the side chain of Asp214. Here we report the X-ray structure of C. freundii D214A TPL determined at 1.9 Å resolution. Comparison with the structure of the wild-type TPL shows that the D214A replacement induced significant conformational reorganization in the active site leading to its partial closure. Significantly, in D214A TPL the strain in the internal aldimine is completely released and the pyridine N1 atom of PLP is deprotonated. These observations explain the considerably reduced activity of the D214A TPL towards its substrates [T. V. Demidkina et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Proteins Proteomics 1764 (2006) 1268–1276]. The reported structure reveals that Asp214 is critical for maintaining the strain in the internal aldimine. We argue that this strain is used by the enzyme to accelerate the transaldimination reaction, the first step in the enzymatic catalysis.(doi: 10.5562/cca1915

    Prediction of metabolisable energy of poultry feeds by estimating in vitro organic matter digestibility

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    The aim of this study was to develop equations to predict the in vivo apparent metabolisable energy (AME) of poultry feeds using an in vitro method for estimation of organic matter digestibility. In this study, a total of 57 samples of feedstuffs and 23 samples complete diets for poultry were used. Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), crude fat (CFat) and crude ash (CA) of the diets were determined. A modified method for estimating the enzymatic digestibility of organic matter (EDOM) was used. For the determination of in vivo ME, the rooster digestibility assay was followed. Obtained laboratory results, that is in vitro and proximate analysis values were regressed against the in vivo ME values and equations for predicting the in vivo ME of feeds for poultry have been derived. Using CA, CF, CFat and in vitro EDOM as predictors, the following equation for predicting the in vivo ME in poultry feeds was derived: ME (MJ/kg DM) = 5.46 – 0.2166 x CA – 0.0946 x CF + 0.2219 x CFat + 0.1054 x EDOM (R2 = 0.844, RSD = 1.10). Using only EDOM as predictor generated the equation: ME (MJ/kg DM) = -0.41 + 0.1769 x EDOM (R2 = 0.689; RSD = 1.63). Results show that using only EDOM as a predictor was not as accurate as when the other variables were included.Key words: Metabolisable energy, prediction, poultry, feeds, organic matter digestibilit

    A 3 tesla magnetic resonance imaging volumetric analysis of the hippocampal formation: dependence on handedness and age

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    Background: The hippocampal formation (HF) is one of the most important parts of the brain in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) volumetric analysis in various domains, but not completely from all aspects, including the handedness. The aim of our study was to evaluate the possible differences in the volume of the right and left HF among the healthy right-handed and left-handed subjects, and to determine whether the volume differences are age related. Materials and methods: The MRI of this prospective study was performed using T1 fast field echo (FFE) sequence. The 124 subsequent coronal slices (thickness 1.5 mm) were performed in each participant. The obtained HF volumes were normalised and statistically compared. Volunteers comprised 30 persons aged 22.0 years, 12 of whom were the left-handed, and 30 persons aged 75.2 years on average, 9 of whom were the left-handed. Results: The right and left HF volumes averaged 2.986 cm3 and 2.858 cm3 in the right-handed, and 2.879 cm3 and 3.020 cm3 in the left-handed young volunteers, as well as 2.728 cm3 and 2.650 cm3 in the right-handed, and 2.617 cm3 and 2.780 cm3 in the left-handed elderly persons. The HF volume ratios in the young left-handed participants showed a significant left-greater-than-right asymmetry. A significant difference was also noticed within the right-to-left volume ratios of the right- and left-handed young and elderly participants. The latter reduction in the HF volume within the aged group can be interpreted as a slight atrophy of the HF. Conclusions: There is a significant difference in the volumes of the left and right HF of the left-handed young participants. The age related HF volume differences were proven between the groups of the young and elderly volunteers. The obtained data should be included into the future MRI studies of the HF volumes in various clinical domains.