27 research outputs found

    Efekti zamene ribljeg brašna biljnim visokoproteinskim hranivom u ishrani krmača i prasadi

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    The effects of use of high protein plant feed - Ekofish meal in nutrition of sows in lactation, sucking piglets and weaned piglets were investigated in this paper. Considering our previous positive experiences in use of similar feed in nutrition of weaned piglets and fatteners, objective of this paper was to evaluate the effects of use of high protein feed based on plant proteins in diets for lactating sows, suckling and weaned piglets. Investigated feed was produced according to specific technology in production facilities of the firm Bankom in Serbia. Investigations were carried out on the Experimental pig farm of the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun in Serbia. Obtained results showed that in isonitrogen mixtures the introduction of studied feed as substitute for fish meal had positive effects: by 6,18% lower losses of body mass of sows during lactation, by 1,6 shorter service period, with almost identical gain (difference of 2 g) in suckling piglets, increased consumption of pre-starter by 1,1 kg/litter in piglets during creep feeding, and similar but by 4,73% lower cost of gain with similar feed conversion in weaned piglets. In general, obtained results have shown that use of high protein plant feed can be recommended in nutrition of sows, suckling and weaned piglets.Ispitivani su efekti korišćenja visokoproteinskog hraniva biljnog porekla - Ekofish meal u ishrani krmača u laktaciji, prasadi na sisi i u odgoju. Imajući u vidu naša ranija pozitivna iskustva o korišćenju sličnog hraniva u ishrani odbijene prasadi i svinja u tovu, cilj ovoga rada je bio da se ocene efekti korišćenja visokoproteinskog hraniva zasnovanog na biljnim izvorima proteina u obrocima krmača u laktaciji, prasadi na sisi, i u odgoju. Ispitivano hranivo je proizvedeno po određenoj tehnologiji u pogonima kompanije Bankom u Srbiji. Istraživanja su izvedena na eksperimentalnoj farmi svinja Instituta za stočarstvo, Beograd-Zemun u Srbiji. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je u izonitrogenim smešama uvođenje ispitivanog hraniva umesto ribljeg brašna imalo pozitivne efekte izražene za 6,18% manjim gubicima telesne mase krmača tokom laktacije, za 1,6 dana kraćim servis periodom, skoro istim prirastom (razlika 2 grama) kod prasadi na sisi, povećanom potrošnjom predstartera za 1,1 kg/leglo kod prasadi tokom prihranjivanja, sličnim ali za 4,73% jeftinijim prirastom uz sličnu konverziju hrane kod prasadi u odgoju. U celini dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se preporučuje korišćenje biljnog visokoproteinskog hraniva u ishrani krmača, prasadi na sisi i u odgoju

    Nutritvna vrednost Ekofiš meala u ishrani svinja

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    The effects of utilization of high protein feedstuff of plant origin- Ekofish meal, domestic product, in nutrition of lactating sows and suckling piglets were investigated. Considering our previous positive experiences in the use of similar feedstuffs in nutrition of weaned piglets and fattening pigs also the application of Ekofish meal as a substitute of fish meal in pig nutrition, objective of this paper was to evaluate the effects of the utilization of Ekofish meal in iso-energy and iso-nitrogen diets for lactating sows and suckling piglets. Investigated feedstuff was produced according to specific technology in production plant of the company Bankom in Serbia. Research was carried out on experimental pig farm of the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia. Obtained results have shown that, the introduction of investigated feedstuff had a positive effects expressed through shorter service period by 2.4 feeding days, better gain by 4.52% in suckling piglets, increased the intake of pre-starter by 1.0 kg/litter in piglets during creep feeding. In general, the obtained results have shown that utilization of Ekofish meal as high protein feedstuff can be recommended in nutrition of sows and piglets. The effects of utilization of high protein feedstuff of plant origin- Ekofish meal, domestic product, in nutrition of lactating sows and suckling piglets were investigated.Ispitivani su efekti korišćenja Ekofiš meal-a, biljnog visokoproteinskog hraniva domaćeg porekla u ishrani krmača u laktaciji i prasadi na sisi. Imajući u vidu naša ranija pozitivna iskustva pri korišćenju sličnog hraniva u ishrani odbijene prasadi i svinja u tovu, kao i pozitivna iskustva o primeni Ekofiš meal-a kao supstituenta ribljeg brašna u ishrani svinja, cilj ovoga rada je bio da se oceni mogućnost njegovog korišćenja u smešama ujednačenim na sadržaj energije i sirovih proteina kod krmača u laktaciji i prasadi na sisi. Ispitivano hranivo je proizvedeno po posebnoj tehnologiji u proizvodnim pogonima kompanije Bankom u Srbiji. Istraživanja su izvedena na Eksperimentalnoj farmi svinja u Institutu za stočarstvo, Beograd-Zemun. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je uvođenje ispitivanog hraniva imalo pozitivne efekte izražene kraćim servis periodom za 2,4 hranidbena dana, za 4,52% boljim prirastom kod prasadi na sisi i povećanom konzumacijom predstartera za 1,0 kg/leglo kod prasadi na sisi. U celini, dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se korišćenje Ekofiš meal-a može preporučiti u ishrani krmača u laktaciji i prasadi na sisi


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    Сучасні промислові технологічні процеси вимагають спеціальної підготовки металевих поверхонь. В даний час існують різні методи обробки поверхні металу. Серед них можна виділити метод електролітно-плазмового полірування (PEP – plasma electrolytic polishing), як інноваційний, завдяки своїм екологічним властивостям, низьким енергозатратами на одиницю оброблюваної поверхні, високою швидкістю модифікації та можливість обробки деталей складної геометричної форми. Основною перевагою даного методу модифікації поверхні є його екологічна чистота, що дозволяє застосовувати дану технологію для харчової та фармацевтичної промисловості. Незважаючи на велику кількість публікацій у журналах, електролітно-плазмове полірування залишається інноваційним методом модифікації поверхні, яку необхідно ретельно вивчати, щоб поліпшити розуміння фізичних процесів та оптимізувати процес модифікації поверхні. У даній статті розглянуто процес електролітно-плазмового полірування мідних виробів у розчині сульфату амонію з додаванням сірчаної кислоти. Експеримент був розділений на два етапи. Спочатку зразки оброблялися протягом 600 секунд кожен для зняття температурних характеристик, при цьому спостерігалася сильна кореляція між струмом навантаження і температурою електроліту. Залежність струму від температури електроліту показала чотири різні режими обробки. Один з режимів показав найкращі результати. Під час другого етапу експерименту проводилася послідовна обробка об'єктів від 30 до 600 секунд. У результаті проведених досліджень були отримані оптимальні режими полірування мідних об'єктів

    The effects of gut indigenous microbiota on intensity of oxidative stress and the cytokine immunity in women with recurrent pyelonephritis.

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    The aim of our study was to investigate the oxidative stress (OS) intensity and concentration of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin 10 (IL-10) depending on the content of Lactobacillus spp. in the colon of patients with recurrent pyelonephritis. Materials and methods. The observational study involved 64 women with recurrent pyelonephritis, aged 39.5±3.2 years. According to the quantitative content of Lactobacillus spp. in the patients’ intestine, the women were divided into two groups: the first group of the patients (n=38) had a deficit of Lactobacillus spp. in the intestine, and the second one (n=26) didn’t have any disorders. The intensity of OS was estimated by determining the OS index (OSI) as the ratio of total changes in the activity of oxidative processes to the total antioxidant capacity of blood. The blood concentration of TNF-α and interleukin 10 was determined. The local inflammation was characterized by the determination of the content of C-reactive protein (CRP), malondialdehyde (MDA) and the activity of N-acetyl-β-D-hexosaminidase (HEX) and β-galactosidase (β-gal) in urine. Results. The blood levels of OSI, MDA and TNF-α in the women with the deficit of Lactobacillus spp. in the gut were significantly higher compared with the deficit-free patients (р=0.03, р=0.01and р=0.007, respectively). Moreover, in the patients with the deficit of intestine lactobacillus spp., we observed high levels of CRP (р=0.045), HEX and β-gal (р=0.045) in the urine. In addition, a significant regression was found between IL-10 inthe blood and HEX in the urine (p=0.003), as well as MDA and TNF-α in the blood (p=0.02). Conclusions. Thus, the results of our work confirm the experimental studies data which demonstrate the leading role of gut indigenous microbiota in the development of the OS and inflammatory process

    Authenticity and drug resistance in a panel of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia cell lines

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    Cell lines are important models for drug resistance in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), but are often criticised as being unrepresentative of primary disease. There are also doubts regarding the authenticity of many lines. We have characterised a panel of ALL cell lines for growth and drug resistance and compared data with that published for primary patient specimens. In contrast to the convention that cell lines are highly proliferative, those established in our laboratory grow at rates similar to estimates of leukaemic cells in vivo (doubling time 53–442 h). Authenticity was confirmed by genetic fingerprinting, which also demonstrated the potential stability of long-term cultures. In vitro glucocorticoid resistance correlated well with that measured ex vivo, but all lines were significantly more sensitive to vincristine than primary specimens. Sensitivity to methotrexate was inversely correlated to that of glucocorticoids and L-asparaginase, indicating possible reciprocity in resistance mechanisms. A cell line identified as highly methotrexate resistant (IC50 >8000-fold higher than other lines) was derived from a patient receiving escalating doses of the drug, indicating in vivo selection of resistance as a cause of relapse. Many of these lines are suitable as models to study naturally occurring resistance phenotypes in paediatric ALL

    Development of clinical practice guidelines in paediatrics in the Czech Republic

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    Removal of ethylene oxide from waste gases by absorption

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    Ethylene oxide (EtO) is an organic compound, which is used as starting material in the production of polymers and as sterilizing agent for thermolabile materials. Although ethylene oxide is not common as an organic pollutant, its removal from numerous emission sources (e.g. ethylene oxide production plants or food and pharmaceutical sterilizing units) is of the crucial importance because of its mutagenic, teratogenic and cancerogenic effect on human health. The objective of this paper is the experimental investigation of ethylene oxide (EtO) absorption in diluted aqueous solution of sulfuric acid in order to evaluate the applicability of this procedure as well as to obtain project parameters for industrial plant realization. It was found that absorption is suitable as the fist step in the purification treatment of high EtO concentrations in the emission gases. According to the literature data, the basic parameter that defines the scrubber efficiency is the contact time, i.e. the ratio of packing height in scrubber and velocity of gas mixture. To investigate the characteristics of wet treatment in a broad range of contact time, part of experimental studies were conducted in the system with two and with three scrubbers in series. The obtained experimental results show that the high degree of EtO removal can be achieved (>98%) when the contact time is sufficiently long (about 25 s). The process is effective until the concentration of formed glycol in the solution reaches value of about 20%. The process is safe and there is no danger of ignition and explosion of air and EtO mixture, although at the entrance to the scrubber EtO concentrations are significantly above the lower explosive limit

    Quality of life and parental styles assessed by adolescents suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases and their parents

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    Daniela Jelenova,1 Jan Prasko,1 Marie Ociskova,1 Klara Latalova,1 Eva Karaskova,2 Radovan Hruby,3 Dana Kamaradova,1 Vladimir Mihal21Department of Psychiatry, 2Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University, University Hospital, Olomouc, Czech Republic; 3Private Practice, Martin, Slovak RepublicBackground: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) in adolescents are chronic medical conditions with a substantial influence on the quality of life (QoL) of the families.Methods: A total of 27 adolescents suffering from IBD, 39 healthy adolescents, and their parents were included in the cross-sectional study. The adolescents completed the questionnaires ADOR (parenting styles), KidScreen-10 (QoL), SAD (The Scale of Anxiety in Children), and CDI (Children’s Depression Inventory). The parents completed the BAI (Beck Anxiety Inventory), BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory, second version), and PedsQL (Pediatrics Quality of Life) Family Impact Module.Results: The parental styles of the parents of the IBD adolescents and controls were without significant differences. The only exception was that fathers’ positive parental style was significantly higher in the fathers of the controls. There were no statistically significant differences between the IBD children and controls in the QoL assessed using KidScreen-10. However, the QoL of the parents of the ill children was significantly lower than that of the parents of the controls (PedsQL total scores in mothers 66.84±14.78 vs 76.17±14.65 and in fathers 68.86±16.35 vs 81.74±12.89, respectively). The mothers of the IBD adolescents were significantly more anxious (BAI scores 9.50±10.38 vs 5.26±4.75) and the fathers more depressed (BDI-II scores 7.23±6.50 vs 3.64±3.51) than the parents of the controls, but there was no difference in the levels of anxiety or depression between the IBD adolescents and the controls. The positive parental style of both the parents of the children suffering from IBD positively correlated with the QoL of the adolescents evaluated by KidScreen-10. The positive parental style of the fathers negatively correlated with the children’s state and trait anxiety and negatively correlated with the severity of childhood depression.Conclusion: The fathers of the IBD adolescents may exhibit low levels of positive parenting style and be mildly depressed, and the mothers tend to exhibit higher levels of anxiety.Keywords: ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, parenting style, quality of life, anxiety, depressio

    On the efficiency limit of ZnO/CH3NH3PbI3/CuI perovskite solar cells

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    [eng] Organometal triiodide perovskites are promising, high-performance absorbers in solar cells. Considering the perovskite as a thin film absorber, we solve transport equations and analyse the efficiency of a simple heterojunction configuration as a function of electron-hole diffusion lengths. We found that for a thin film thickness of order 1 micron the maximum efficiency about 31% could be achieved at the diffusion length of ∼100 micron