353 research outputs found

    Medicinal plants and their bacterial microbiota: A review on antimicrobial compounds production for plant and human health

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    Medicinal plants (MPs) have been used since antiquity in traditional and popular medicine, and they represent a very important source of bioactive molecules, including antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal molecules. Such compounds are often of plant origin, but in some cases, an origin or a modification from plant microbiota has been shown. Actually, the research continues to report the production of bioactive molecules by plants, but the role of plant–endophytic interaction is emerging. Classic examples are mainly concerned with fungal endophytes; however, it has been recently shown that bacterial endophytes can also play an important role in influencing the plant metabolism related to the synthesis of bioactive compounds. In spite of this, a deep investigation on the power of MP bacterial endophytes is lacking. Here, an overview of the studies on MP bacterial microbiota and its role in the production of plant antimicrobial compounds contributing to prime host defense system and representing a huge resource for biotech and therapeutic applications is provided

    Medicinal Plants and Their Bacterial Microbiota: A Review on Antimicrobial Compounds Production for Plant and Human Health

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    Medicinal plants (MPs) have been used since antiquity in traditional and popular medicine, and they represent a very important source of bioactive molecules, including antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal molecules. Such compounds are often of plant origin, but in some cases, an origin or a modification from plant microbiota has been shown. Actually, the research continues to report the production of bioactive molecules by plants, but the role of plant–endophytic interaction is emerging. Classic examples are mainly concerned with fungal endophytes; however, it has been recently shown that bacterial endophytes can also play an important role in influencing the plant metabolism related to the synthesis of bioactive compounds. In spite of this, a deep investigation on the power of MP bacterial endophytes is lacking. Here, an overview of the studies on MP bacterial microbiota and its role in the production of plant antimicrobial compounds contributing to prime host defense system and representing a huge resource for biotech and therapeutic applications is provided

    The impact of previous pregnancy loss on lactating behaviors and use of herbal medicines during breastfeeding: A Post Hoc analysis of the herbal supplements in breastfeeding InvesTigation (HaBIT)

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    Introduction. Complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) are commonly used among lactating women, despite the poor knowledge of these products and of their safety. Perception of pregnancy- and breastfeeding-related difficulties and consequent use of CAMs may differ in bereaved women, by force of the distress related to previous loss, although no literature evidence is available. This Herbal supplements in Breastfeeding InvesTigation (HaBIT) post hoc analysis explored the impact of previous pregnancy loss on lactating behaviors and on use of CAMs during breastfeeding. Methods. A web-based survey was conducted among lactating women with no previous alive child, resident in Tuscany (Italy). Data on lactating behavior and on CAMs use were collected and evaluated among women with previous pregnancy loss as compared to control women. Results. Out of 476 women answering the questionnaire, 233 lactating women with one child were considered. Of them, 80 had history of pregnancy loss. Cesarean birth was significantly more frequent among women with history of pregnancy loss as compared to controls (41% versus 22%; p=0.004). Proportion, length of exclusive breastfeeding, and occurrence of breastfeeding-related complications were comparable among the two cohorts. More than half of women used CAMs during breastfeeding. Use of CAMs was more frequent among women with previous pregnancy loss (54% versus 68%; p=0.050), specifically considering herbal preparations (16% versus 30%; p=0.018). Major advisors for CAMs use were midwives. 18% and 23% of women without and with history of pregnancy loss declared no clear perception on CAMs efficacy and safety. Conclusion. Overcoming the social taboo of pregnancy loss and training healthcare professionals for an adequate management of the perinatal period are essential for an effective and safe care. Despite the common use and advice on CAMs use during breastfeeding, it is important to acknowledge that limited evidence supports their safety and efficacy during such critical period

    Multiple micronutrients and docosahexaenoic acid supplementation during pregnancy : A randomized controlled study

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    Maternal dietary intake during pregnancy needs to meet increased nutritional demands to maintain metabolism and to support fetal development. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is essential for fetal neuro-/visual development and in immunomodulation, accumulating rapidly within the developing brain and central nervous system. Levels available to the fetus are governed by the maternal diet. In this multicenter, parallel, randomized controlled trial, we evaluated once-daily supplementation with multiple micronutrients and DHA (i.e., multiple micronutrient supplementation, MMS) on maternal biomarkers and infant anthropometric parameters during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy compared with no supplementation. Primary efficacy endpoint: change in maternal red blood cell (RBC) DHA (wt% total fatty acids) during the study. Secondary variables: other biomarkers of fatty acid and oxidative status, vitamin D, and infant anthropometric parameters at delivery. Supplementation significantly increased RBC DHA levels, the omega-3 index, and vitamin D levels. Subscapular skinfold thickness was significantly greater with MMS in infants. Safety outcomes were comparable between groups. This first randomized controlled trial of supplementation with multiple micronutrients and DHA in pregnant women indicated that MMS significantly improved maternal DHA and vitamin D status in an industrialized setting\u2014an important finding considering the essential roles of DHA and vitamin D

    STOP Pain Project—Opioid Response in Pediatric Cancer Patients and Gene Polymorphisms of Cytokine Pathways

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    Moderate to severe cancer pain treatment in children is based on the use of weak and strong opioids. Pharmacogenetics play a central role in developing personalized pain therapies, as well as avoiding treatment failure and/or intolerable adverse drug reactions. This observational study aimed to investigate the association between IL-6, IL-8, and TNFα genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and response to opioid therapy in a cohort of pediatric cancer patients. Pain intensity before treatment (PI(t0)) significantly differed according to IL-6 rs1800797 SNP, with a higher PI for A/G and G/G individuals (p = 0.017), who required a higher dose of opioids (p = 0.047). Moreover, compared to G/G subjects, heterozygous or homozygous individuals for the A allele of IL-6 rs1800797 SNP had a lower risk of having a PI(t0) > 4. Dose(24h) and Dose(tot) were both higher in G/G individuals for TNFα rs1800629 (p = 0.010 and p = 0.031, respectively), while risk of having a PI(t0) > 4 and a ∆(VAS) > 2 was higher for G/G subjects for IL-6 rs1800795 SNP compared to carriers of the C allele. No statistically significant association between genotypes and safety outcomes was found. Thus, IL-6 and TNFα SNPs could be potential markers of baseline pain intensity and opioid dose requirements in pediatric cancer patients

    Innate Sex Differences in the Timing of Spring Migration in a Songbird

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    In migrating animals protandry is the phenomenon whereby males of a species arrive at the breeding grounds earlier than females. In the present study we investigated the proximate causes of protandry in a migratory songbird, the northern wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe. Previous experiments with caged birds revealed that males and females show differentiated photoperiod-induced migratory habits. However, it remained open whether protandry would still occur without photoperiodic cues. In this study we kept captive first-year birds under constant photoperiod and environmental conditions in a “common garden” experiment. Male northern wheatears started their spring migratory activity earlier than females, even in the absence of environmental cues. This indicates that protandry in the northern wheatear has an endogenous basis with an innate earlier spring departure of males than females

    A systematic review of the risk factors for clinical response to opioids for all-age patients with cancer-related pain and presentation of the paediatric STOP pain study

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    Inter-patient variability in response to opioids is well known but a comprehensive definition of its pathophysiological mechanism is still lacking and, more importantly, no studies have focused on children. The STOP Pain project aimed to evaluate the risk factors that contribute to clinical response and adverse drug reactions to opioids by means of a systematic review and a clinical investigation on paediatric oncological patients

    Le Elezioni Politiche 2013

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    Le elezioni politiche del 24 e 25 febbraio 2013 hanno sancito un forte cambiamento della struttura del sistema partitico italiano. In un contesto di altissima volatilità elettorale e di accelerato declino della partecipazione al voto, il sistema è divenuto sostanzialmente tripolare, dopo vent’anni di strutturazione e tenuta del bipolarismo. A questo esito hanno concorso da un lato l’erosione dei principali schieramenti politici che a partire dal novembre 2011 avevano sostenuto l’esperienza del governo Monti (nonché la deludente prova elettorale dello stesso Presidente del Consiglio uscente), e dall’altro lo straordinario successo del Movimento 5 stelle. Quest’ultimo, al primo test elettorale di livello nazionale, ha raccolto un risultato sorprendente, giungendo ad oltre un quarto dei voti validi. Siamo di fronte ad una parentesi momentanea dovuta all’effetto combinato di crisi economica e crisi politica, oppure le contraddizioni interne alla Seconda Repubblica l’hanno condotta effettivamente al suo crepuscolo? Come uscirà il sistema partitico italiano da questa nuova fase di destabilizzazione? Questo quarto Dossier CISE, che raccoglie contributi apparsi sul sito web del Cise prima e dopo le elezioni, fornisce una prima analisi del voto, presentando elaborazioni su dati aggregati, stime dei flussi elettorali, alcune prime analisi su dati di sondaggio, nonché una panoramica dei nuovi eletti e un’appendice ricca di tabelle e mappe riassuntive del risultato elettorale. Come i precedenti Dossier, si tratta di uno strumento prodotto rapidamente all’indomani del voto, con l’intento di suggerire primi spunti di interpretazione da approfondire in seguito, cercando di contribuire alla lettura di un risultato elettorale cruciale, in una delicata fase di cambiamento del sistema partitico italiano