157 research outputs found

    Kinetics and mechanisms of electrochemical reactions on platinum with solutions of iodine-sodium iodide in acetonitrile

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    The kinetics of the iodine-tri-iodide-iodide electrode in acetonitrile has been investigated in the temperature range from 0 to 30°C. Current/voltage curves were determined using a platinum rotating disk electrode working at 200 to 3000 rpm. The anodic and cathodic current/voltage curves are characterized by two well defined waves. The total reactions related to the first and second anodic waves are respectively 3I− = I3− + 2 e and 2I3− = 3I2 + 2 e, while the reverse reactions represent the second and first cathodic waves respectively. The diffusion coefficients of the diffusing species have been evaluated. Current/voltage curves in the region preceding the limiting cd exhibit a measurable irreversibility. The kinetic parameters related to the activated process were determined, and the kinetics of the reactions interpreted in terms of reaction mechanisms that involve an ion plus atom reaction as rate determining step for the anodic process and the reverse reaction for the cathodic process.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas (INIFTA)Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Kinetics and mechanisms of electrochemical reactions on platinum with solutions of iodine-sodium iodide in acetonitrile

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    The kinetics of the iodine-tri-iodide-iodide electrode in acetonitrile has been investigated in the temperature range from 0 to 30°C. Current/voltage curves were determined using a platinum rotating disk electrode working at 200 to 3000 rpm. The anodic and cathodic current/voltage curves are characterized by two well defined waves. The total reactions related to the first and second anodic waves are respectively 3I− = I3− + 2 e and 2I3− = 3I2 + 2 e, while the reverse reactions represent the second and first cathodic waves respectively. The diffusion coefficients of the diffusing species have been evaluated. Current/voltage curves in the region preceding the limiting cd exhibit a measurable irreversibility. The kinetic parameters related to the activated process were determined, and the kinetics of the reactions interpreted in terms of reaction mechanisms that involve an ion plus atom reaction as rate determining step for the anodic process and the reverse reaction for the cathodic process.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas (INIFTA)Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Kinetics and mechanisms of electrochemical reactions on platinum with solutions of iodine-sodium iodide in acetonitrile

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    The kinetics of the iodine-tri-iodide-iodide electrode in acetonitrile has been investigated in the temperature range from 0 to 30°C. Current/voltage curves were determined using a platinum rotating disk electrode working at 200 to 3000 rpm. The anodic and cathodic current/voltage curves are characterized by two well defined waves. The total reactions related to the first and second anodic waves are respectively 3I− = I3− + 2 e and 2I3− = 3I2 + 2 e, while the reverse reactions represent the second and first cathodic waves respectively. The diffusion coefficients of the diffusing species have been evaluated. Current/voltage curves in the region preceding the limiting cd exhibit a measurable irreversibility. The kinetic parameters related to the activated process were determined, and the kinetics of the reactions interpreted in terms of reaction mechanisms that involve an ion plus atom reaction as rate determining step for the anodic process and the reverse reaction for the cathodic process.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas (INIFTA)Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    'Kandinsky-fying’ the law: A translaborative use of abstract art in the law classroom

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    Sources of law are made up of terms that, amongst other things, mediate between facts and different results, and it is the role of lawyers to explain or justify why a particular interpretation or permutation of a given term should be taken in a given case. Such terms do not exist in isolation, but are hugely contextual and play an integral role in intermediating between different potential outcomes. Therefore, the skill of carefully applying and using legal terms is one of the primary focuses of legal education and calls for a consideration of the intricate role that legal terms play in legal argumentation. However, sometimes this endeavour in the law classroom is affected by the focus placed on the meaning of individual terms, as opposed to the broader role they have in legal reasoning and the analysis of legal outcomes. In considering this, this paper draws a contrast between the way in which students sometimes use different legal and moral terms in the various roles in their lives outside of the classrooms and within, and contends that one of the reasons for this is the greater liberty that they feel in using different terms outside of the classroom. This paper contends that, pedagogically, a similar level of independence can be achieved through the collaborative translation of legal concepts into abstract art, by enabling students to take greater co-ownership of legal language. Specifically, it argues that Wassily Kandinsky’s art theory, with its emphasis on the spirit and emotions, can provide an effective framework for this

    Correlation between SERS of Pyridine and Electrochemical Response of Silver Electrodes in Halide-Free Alkaline Solutions

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    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of pyridine (Py) on Ag electrodes in alkaline solutions free of halide ions was obtained at 25°C as a function of the applied potential. The Ag surface was activated for SERS through repetitive oxidation-reduction cycles (ORC), the effect being dependent on the electrochemical electrode history. The SERS effect was correlated to the activation for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), which can be obtained by means of potentiodynamic as well as potentiostatic procedures. The maximum SERS activity was achieved at potentials near the potential of zero charge (pzc) of polycrystalline Ag and appeared to be related to the maximum observed in the roughness factor vs potential curve. These results can be interpreted through the formation of a new uniform globular overlayer structure on the electroreduced Ag surface, which apparently exhibits a certain degree of preferred crystallographic orientation. Three well-defined potential regions can be distinguished for the complex competitive interactions between H2O, OH- ion, and Py with the new Ag electrode surface.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Correlation between SERS of Pyridine and Electrochemical Response of Silver Electrodes in Halide-Free Alkaline Solutions

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    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of pyridine (Py) on Ag electrodes in alkaline solutions free of halide ions was obtained at 25°C as a function of the applied potential. The Ag surface was activated for SERS through repetitive oxidation-reduction cycles (ORC), the effect being dependent on the electrochemical electrode history. The SERS effect was correlated to the activation for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), which can be obtained by means of potentiodynamic as well as potentiostatic procedures. The maximum SERS activity was achieved at potentials near the potential of zero charge (pzc) of polycrystalline Ag and appeared to be related to the maximum observed in the roughness factor vs potential curve. These results can be interpreted through the formation of a new uniform globular overlayer structure on the electroreduced Ag surface, which apparently exhibits a certain degree of preferred crystallographic orientation. Three well-defined potential regions can be distinguished for the complex competitive interactions between H2O, OH- ion, and Py with the new Ag electrode surface.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada
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