1,216 research outputs found

    Evolution of kinklike fluctuations associated with ion pickup within reconnection outflows in the Earth's magnetotail

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    Magnetic reconnection (MR) in Earth's magnetotail is usually followed by a systemwide redistribution of explosively released kinetic and thermal energy. Recently, multispacecraft observations from the THEMIS mission were used to study localized explosions associated with MR in the magnetotail so as to understand subsequent Earthward propagation of MR outbursts during substorms. Here we investigate plasma and magnetic field fluctuations/structures associated with MR exhaust and ion-ion kink mode instability during a well documented MR event. Generation, evolution and fading of kinklike oscillations are followed over a distance of 70 000 km from the reconnection site in the midmagnetotail to the more dipolar region near the Earth. We have found that the kink oscillations driven by different ion populations within the outflow region can be at least 25 000 km from the reconnection site.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Sosiaalisen median ja Volunteered Geographic Informationin hyödyntäminen luonnonkatastrofien hallinnassa

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    Tiivistelmä. Sosiaalinen media on kasvattanut merkitystään potentiaalisena resurssina kriisitilanteiden hallinnan edistämisessä 2010-luvulla. Kriisin, kuten luonnonkatastrofin tapahtuessa, on ensisijaisen tärkeää hankkia tietoa nopeasti. Sosiaalinen media ja Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) ovat osoittautuneet erittäin lupaaviksi tiedonlähteiksi kriisiavustuksessa, sillä ne välittävät tietoa miltei reaaliajassa. Nopeasti välitetyllä tiedolla voidaan esimerkiksi laatia kriisikarttoja vaikuttuneista alueista, eniten apua tarvitsevista alueista, sekä edistää tilannetietoisuutta huomattavasti. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on esimerkein havainnollistaa sosiaalisen median ja VGI:n roolia ja hyödyllisyyttä kriisitilanteissa. Tavoitteena on myös tutkia kyseisten tiedonlähteiden käyttöä muunlaisessa maantieteellisessä tutkimuksessa

    Global and local disturbances in the magnetotail during reconnection

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    We examine Cluster observations of a reconnection event at <I>x</I><sub>GSM</sub>=−15.7 <I>R<sub>E</sub></I> in the magnetotail on 11 October 2001, when Cluster recorded the current sheet for an extended period including the entire duration of the reconnection event. The onset of reconnection is associated with a sudden orientation change of the ambient magnetic field, which is also observed simultaneously by Goes-8 at geostationary orbit. Current sheet oscillations are observed both before reconnection and during it. The speed of the flapping motions is found to increase when the current sheet undergoes the transition from quiet to active state, as suggested by an earlier statistical result and now confirmed within one single event. Within the diffusion region both the tailward and earthward parts of the quadrupolar magnetic Hall structure are recorded as an x-line passes Cluster. We report the first observations of the Hall structure conforming to the kinks in the current sheet. This results in relatively strong fluctuations in <I>B<sub>z</sub></I>, which are shown to be the Hall signature tilted in the <I>yz</I> plane with the current sheet

    On the characterization of magnetic reconnection in global MHD simulations

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    The conventional definition of reconnection rate as the electric field parallel to an x-line is problematic in global MHD simulations for several reasons: the x-line itself may be hard to find in a non-trivial geometry such as at the magnetopause, and the lack of realistic resistivity modelling leaves us without reliable non-convective electric field. In this article we describe reconnection characterization methods that avoid those problems and are practical to apply in global MHD simulations. We propose that the reconnection separator line can be identified as the region where magnetic field lines of different topological properties meet, rather than by local considerations. The global convection associated with reconnection is then quantified by calculating the transfer of mass, energy or magnetic field across the boundary of closed and open field line regions. The extent of the diffusion region is determined from the destruction of electromagnetic energy, given by the divergence of the Poynting vector. Integrals of this energy conversion provide a way to estimate the total reconnection efficiency

    The magnetotail reconnection region in a global MHD simulation

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    International audienceThis work investigates the nature and the role of magnetic reconnection in a global magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the magnetosphere. We use the Gumics-4 simulation to study reconnection that occurs in the near-Earth region of the current sheet in the magnetotail. We locate the current sheet surface and the magnetic x-line that appears when reconnection starts. We illustrate the difference between quiet and active states of the reconnection region: variations in such quantities as the current sheet thickness, plasma flow velocities, and Poynting vector divergence are strong. A characteristic feature is strong asymmetry caused by non-perpendicular inflows. We determine the reconnection efficiency by the net rate of Poynting flux into the reconnection region. The reconnection efficiency in the simulation is directly proportional to the energy flux into the magnetosphere through the magnetopause: about half of all energy flowing through the magnetosphere is converted from an electromagnetic into a mechanical form in the reconnection region. Thus, the tail reconnection that is central to the magnetospheric circulation is directly driven; the tail does not exhibit a cycle of storage and rapid release of magnetic energy. We find similar behaviour of the tail in both synthetic and real event runs

    Supermagnetosonic jets behind a collisionless quasi-parallel shock

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    The downstream region of a collisionless quasi-parallel shock is structured containing bulk flows with high kinetic energy density from a previously unidentified source. We present Cluster multi-spacecraft measurements of this type of supermagnetosonic jet as well as of a weak secondary shock front within the sheath, that allow us to propose the following generation mechanism for the jets: The local curvature variations inherent to quasi-parallel shocks can create fast, deflected jets accompanied by density variations in the downstream region. If the speed of the jet is super(magneto)sonic in the reference frame of the obstacle, a second shock front forms in the sheath closer to the obstacle. Our results can be applied to collisionless quasi-parallel shocks in many plasma environments.Comment: accepted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (Nov 5, 2009

    Multiplexed High-Throughput Serological Assay for Human Enteroviruses

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    Immunological assays detecting antibodies against enteroviruses typically use a single enterovirus serotype as antigen. This limits the ability of such assays to detect antibodies against different enterovirus types and to detect possible type-specific variation in antibody responses. We set out to develop a multiplexed assay for simultaneous detection of antibodies against multiple enterovirus and rhinovirus types encompassing all human infecting species. Seven recombinant VP1 proteins from enteroviruses EV-A to EV-D and rhinoviruses RV-A to RV-C species were produced. Using Meso Scale Diagnostics U-PLEX platform we were able to study antibody reactions against these proteins as well as non-structural enterovirus proteins in a single well with 140 human serum samples. Adults had on average 33-fold stronger antibody responses to these antigens (p < 10−11) compared to children, but children had less cross-reactivity between different enterovirus types. The results suggest that this new high-throughput assay offers clear benefits in the evaluation of humoral enterovirus immunity in children, giving more exact information than assays that are based on a single enterovirus type as antigen

    Multiplexed High-Throughput Serological Assay for Human Enteroviruses

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    Immunological assays detecting antibodies against enteroviruses typically use a single enterovirus serotype as antigen. This limits the ability of such assays to detect antibodies against different enterovirus types and to detect possible type-specific variation in antibody responses. We set out to develop a multiplexed assay for simultaneous detection of antibodies against multiple enterovirus and rhinovirus types encompassing all human infecting species. Seven recombinant VP1 proteins from enteroviruses EV-A to EV-D and rhinoviruses RV-A to RV-C species were produced. Using Meso Scale Diagnostics U-PLEX platform we were able to study antibody reactions against these proteins as well as non-structural enterovirus proteins in a single well with 140 human serum samples. Adults had on average 33-fold stronger antibody responses to these antigens (p < 10−11) compared to children, but children had less cross-reactivity between different enterovirus types. The results suggest that this new high-throughput assay offers clear benefits in the evaluation of humoral enterovirus immunity in children, giving more exact information than assays that are based on a single enterovirus type as antigen