40 research outputs found

    Three Models of Faust’s Character

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    The article examines three independent images of Faust, created during XVIII–XIX centuries by F. Klinger, I.F. Goethe and H. Heine and literary models, resulting from these images

    Techniques for upgrading educational standards in tourism: how to integrate business circles into university research?

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    Methodology of developing modern educational standards has to comply with the new economic trends. Meeting the requirements of the market is conditioned by the integration of higher professional education and business all over the world. For the implementation of this integration strategy it is efficient to use the module education principle. This paper considers the main components of the module educational program: projective, innovative, and learner-centered. It has been shown that integration of business into research university programs can provide the necessary synthesis of theoretical and practical aspects of training professionals in tourism

    Quality of glycemic control in assessment of the requirement for insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes and comorbid pathology

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    Background. In modern medicine, several diseases exist that require an interdisciplinary approach, and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DT2), which can be considered as an initially comorbid pathology, is certainly one of these. Reportedly, a high level of comorbidity not only changes the presentation of the disease and makes diagnosis challenging, but in patients with comorbid diseases, the progression of the disease also increases, the prognosis worsens, and approaches to diagnosis and therapy change. For patients with DT2, a significant hallmark in the progression of the disease is the formation of insulin dependence. Determination of the mechanism behind comorbidity affecting the course and progression of diabetes, including the development of insulin dependence, necessitates research. In addition, the mutual influence of the quality of disease management of diabetes and the level of comorbidity also require investigation. Aims. We aimed to assess the influence of the quality of metabolic control and severity of comorbidity on the risk of insulin dependence in patients with DТ2. Materials and methods. A total of 166 patients with DT2 were divided into groups on the basis of the variant of hypoglycemic therapy, which was with either oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin therapy. The diagnostic complex included regular monitoring of glycaemia and the evaluation of the level of comorbidity. Results. The relationship between the quality of disease management and the level of comorbidity was established. With comorbidity measured using the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS), a score above 14 points reduced the effectiveness of the therapy and triggered the initiation of more intensive glycemic control. Data on the influence of the quality of glycemic control and the parameters of comorbidity on the risk of insulin dependence in patients with DT2 were obtained. Conclusions. High CIRS scores in patients with DТ2 reduce the likelihood of achieving glycemic control targets. These patients require more intensive self-monitoring (at least four times during the day), and the risk of formation of insulin dependence is increased by 1.5 times

    Monthly Runoff Forecasting by Non-Generalizing Machine Learning Model and Feature Space Transformation (Vakhsh River Case Study)

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    Energy prices and сost of materials for solar and wind power plants have increased over the past year. Therefore, significance increases for the hydropower and long-term (1-10 years) planning generation for the existing hydropower plants, which requires forecasting the average monthly values of the river flow. This task is especially urgent for countries without their own oil-fields and opportunity to invest in the creation of solar or wind power plants. The aim of the research is to decrease the mean absolute forecasting error of the long-term prediction for the Vakhsh River flow (Tajikistan) based on the long-term observations. A study of existing methods for the river runoff forecasting in relation to the object under consideration was carried out, and a new transformation model for the space of the input features was developed. The most significant results are the decrease in the average forecast error in the Vakhsh river flow achieved by the use of the proposed space of polynomial logarithmic features in comparison with other methods, and the need to use at least the 20 year-old observational data for the long-term operation planning of the hydropower plants and cascades of the hydropower plants obtained from the results of computational experiments. The significance of the results lies in the fact that a new approach to the long-term forecasting of river flow has been proposed and verified using the long-term observations. This approach does not require the use of the long-term meteorological forecasts, which are not possible to obtain with high accuracy for all regions. © 2022 Problems of the Regional Energetics. All rights reserved

    Тенденции и перспективы развития системы обязательного экземпляра в России: проблемы и практика комплектования

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    The problems connected with a current state and prospects of development of the legal deposit system are considered: completeness of legal deposit arrivals; growth of lacunas of the national library collection; technological and technical problems of relationship with national archives of the press and electronic editions; actual state and preservation of legal deposit collection of electronic editions on local carriers; need of improvement of the legal deposit legislation.Обязательный экземпляр документов (ОЭ) является базовой основой формирования национального библиотечного фонда. Поступления по системе ОЭ составляют примерно 78% от всех поступлений отечественных изданий в фонд РНБ. Совершенствование работы с ОЭ авторы видят в обеспечении максимально возможной полноты поступления печатного ОЭ и расширении видов электронных документов, подпадающих под действие закона «Об обязательном экземпляре документов». Рассматриваются проблемы, связанные с современным состоянием и перспективами развития системы ОЭ: полнота поступления ОЭ, рост лакун; технологические и технические проблемы взаимоотношений с национальными архивами печати и электронных изданий; состояние и сохранность фонда ОЭ электронных изданий на локальных носителях; необходимость совершенствования законодательства об обязательном экземпляре документов

    Identification of parameters for the hybrid electrical energy storage system in autonomous power system

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    The article describes the approach to the selection of parameters of a hybrid electrical energy storage system (EESS) based on supercapacitors (SC) and lithium ion battery (LIB) for an autonomous power station with a diesel generator set (DGS). The calculations of transients in an autonomous power supply system with an abruptly variable load and participation of a hybrid EESS. The procedure of determining the share of participation in the energy exchange of storage subsystems based on LIB and SC is presented. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Fluoroquinolones cardiotoxicity

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    The article discusses literature data on the effect of fluoroquinolones on the conduction system of the heart, and mechanisms for the development of their cardiotoxic effects.В статье рассмотрены данные литературы о влиянии фторхинолонов на проводящую систему сердца, а также механизмы развития их кардиотоксических эффектов

    Anthrax in the East Kazakhstan Region

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    Almost every year in Kazakhstan, cases of diseases of animals and people with anthrax are recorded. The incidence rate of people with anthrax in the period from 2000 to 2018 ranged from 0.01 to 0.24 per 100 thousand people. In the territory of the East Kazakhstan region, the incidence rate is higher than in the republic.Objective: a retrospective analysis of anthrax outbreaks in the East Kazakhstan region from 2000 to 2018.Methods: a retrospective analysis using statistical, cadastral data, archival funds, the results of participation in the investigation of outbreaks of infection.Results. Since 1938, cases of animal and human disease of anthrax have been recorded in East Kazakhstan. Infection of humans occurs during the slaughter of animals. In Zharma, Urjar, and Ayagozskiy areas most of all are anthrax foci of soil. In 67 % of cases, outbreaks of anthrax were recorded in these areas.Conclusion. The relative incidence rate of anthrax in people in East Kazakhstan is from 0.07 to 0.27, since 2001 it is higher than the republican indicator.In the East Kazakhstan region from 1997 to 2018, 37 people fell ill with anthrax. The form of the disease is skin, in 8.1 % secondary sepsis. In the remaining patients, the diseases were mild (70.3 %), ended in recovery. The source of human infection is mainly cattle. The isolated strains of B. anthracis have typical properties, they are included in cluster A1a, A3b (MLVA-8). The strains isolated in 2016 are similar to the strains isolated in the Almaty region (MLVA-25). Grouped with a number of European, Asian and African strains from France, Germany, Italy, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Korea and Namibia. The presence of a significant number of soil foci of anthrax in the territory of the East Kazakhstan region, not fully the implementation of veterinary and sanitary preventive measures leads to an exacerbation of the situation for anthrax

    Experimental evaluation of the fluoroquinolones effect on the QT interval in rabbits

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    This article discusses the cardiotoxicity of fluoroquinolone drugs to the ventricular myocardial conduction system, which is manifested by lengthening the QT interval.В исследовании проведена оценка влияния фторхинолонов на проводящую систему сердца в эксперименте на кроликах

    Comparison of anatomical characteristics of leaves and flowers of Crataegus and some species of Rosaceae family

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    The present work shows the results of microscopy of Crataegus sanguinea Pall. leaves with flowers (Crataegi flores cum folia), which is considered as a perspective form of medicinal raw material, and the hypothetical plant adulterants – Amelanchier ovalis Medik., Prunus subgen. Cerasus (Mill.) A. Gray, Pyrus communis L., Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott (Rosaceae). Parts of leaves and flowers of stated plants were subjected to anatomical investigation and comparative studies. Microscopical characteristics of leaves and flowers, which make possible to distinguish Crataegus from other species, were detected. The obtained data can be applied for the development of pharmacopoeial article “Crataegi Flores cum folia” for the XII edition of the Russian State Pharmacopoeia