925 research outputs found

    A link between the maximum entropy approach and the variational entropy form

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    The maximum entropy approach operating with quite general entropy measure and constraint is considered. It is demonstrated that for a conditional or parametrized probability distribution f(xμ)f(x|\mu) there is a "universal" relation among the entropy rate and the functions appearing in the constraint. It is shown that the recently proposed variational formulation of the entropic functional can be obtained as a consequence of this relation, that is from the maximum entropy principle. This resolves certain puzzling points appeared in the variational approach

    Bayesian Analysis of Inflation: Parameter Estimation for Single Field Models

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    Future astrophysical datasets promise to strengthen constraints on models of inflation, and extracting these constraints requires methods and tools commensurate with the quality of the data. In this paper we describe ModeCode, a new, publicly available code that computes the primordial scalar and tensor power spectra for single field inflationary models. ModeCode solves the inflationary mode equations numerically, avoiding the slow roll approximation. It is interfaced with CAMB and CosmoMC to compute cosmic microwave background angular power spectra and perform likelihood analysis and parameter estimation. ModeCode is easily extendable to additional models of inflation, and future updates will include Bayesian model comparison. Errors from ModeCode contribute negligibly to the error budget for analyses of data from Planck or other next generation experiments. We constrain representative single field models (phi^n with n=2/3, 1, 2, and 4, natural inflation, and "hilltop" inflation) using current data, and provide forecasts for Planck. From current data, we obtain weak but nontrivial limits on the post-inflationary physics, which is a significant source of uncertainty in the predictions of inflationary models, while we find that Planck will dramatically improve these constraints. In particular, Planck will link the inflationary dynamics with the post-inflationary growth of the horizon, and thus begin to probe the "primordial dark ages" between TeV and GUT scale energies.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Updated to match published version (revised and expanded discussions of reheating uncertainties and slow roll mapping; references added; results unchanged). Code available at http://zuserver2.star.ucl.ac.uk/~hiranya/ModeCode

    Electron-magnon coupling and nonlinear tunneling transport in magnetic nanoparticles

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    We present a theory of single-electron tunneling transport through a ferromagnetic nanoparticle in which particle-hole excitations are coupled to spin collective modes. The model employed to describe the interaction between quasiparticles and collective excitations captures the salient features of a recent microscopic study. Our analysis of nonlinear quantum transport in the regime of weak coupling to the external electrodes is based on a rate-equation formalism for the nonequilibrium occupation probability of the nanoparticle many-body states. For strong electron-boson coupling, we find that the tunneling conductance as a function of bias voltage is characterized by a large and dense set of resonances. Their magnetic field dependence in the large-field regime is linear, with slopes of the same sign. Both features are in agreement with recent tunneling experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Reconstruction of motional states of neutral atoms via MaxEnt principle

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    We present a scheme for a reconstruction of states of quantum systems from incomplete tomographic-like data. The proposed scheme is based on the Jaynes principle of Maximum Entropy. We apply our algorithm for a reconstruction of motional quantum states of neutral atoms. As an example we analyze the experimental data obtained by the group of C. Salomon at the ENS in Paris and we reconstruct Wigner functions of motional quantum states of Cs atoms trapped in an optical lattice

    Incomplete quantum process tomography and principle of maximal entropy

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    The main goal of this paper is to extend and apply the principle of maximum entropy (MaxEnt) to incomplete quantum process estimation tasks. We will define a so-called process entropy function being the von Neumann entropy of the state associated with the quantum process via Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism. It will be shown that an arbitrary process estimation experiment can be reformulated in a unified framework and MaxEnt principle can be consistently exploited. We will argue that the suggested choice for the process entropy satisfies natural list of properties and it reduces to the state MaxEnt principle, if applied to preparator devices.Comment: 8 pages, comments welcome, references adde

    Information Theory based on Non-additive Information Content

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    We generalize the Shannon's information theory in a nonadditive way by focusing on the source coding theorem. The nonadditive information content we adopted is consistent with the concept of the form invariance structure of the nonextensive entropy. Some general properties of the nonadditive information entropy are studied, in addition, the relation between the nonadditivity qq and the codeword length is pointed out.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, RevTex, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E(an error in proof of theorem 1 was corrected, typos corrected

    Strong coupling between single photons in semiconductor microcavities

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    We discuss the observability of strong coupling between single photons in semiconductor microcavities coupled by a chi(2) nonlinearity. We present two schemes and analyze the feasibility of their practical implementation in three systems: photonic crystal defects, micropillars and microdisks, fabricated out of GaAs. We show that if a weak coherent state is used to enhance the chi(2) interaction, the strong coupling regime between two modes at different frequencies occupied by a single photon is within reach of current technology. The unstimulated strong coupling of a single photon and a photon pair is very challenging and will require an improvement in mirocavity quality factors of 2-4 orders of magnitude to be observable.Comment: 4 page

    James van Allen and his namesake NASA mission

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    Abstract In many ways, James A. Van Allen defined and “invented” modern space research. His example showed the way for government-university partners to pursue basic research that also served important national and international goals. He was a tireless advocate for space exploration and for the role of space science in the spectrum of national priorities

    Influence of gravitational field on quantum-nondemolition measurement of atomic momentum in the dispersive Jaynes-Cummings model

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    We present a theoretical scheme based on su(2) algebra to investigate the influence of homogeneous gravitational field on the quantum nondemolition measurement of atomic momentum in dispersive Jaynes-Cummings model. In the dispersive Jaynes-Cummings model, when detuning is large and the atomic motion is in a propagating light wave, we consider a two-level atom with quantized cavity-field in the presence of a homogeneous gravitational field. We derive an effective Hamiltonian describing the dispersive atom-field interaction in the presence of gravitational field. We can see gravitational influence both on the momentum filter and momentum distribution. Moreover, gravitational field decreases both tooth spacing of momentum and the width of teeth of momentum.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    On the Bethe Ansatz for the Jaynes-Cummings-Gaudin model

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    We investigate the quantum Jaynes-Cummings model - a particular case of the Gaudin model with one of the spins being infinite. Starting from the Bethe equations we derive Baxter's equation and from it a closed set of equations for the eigenvalues of the commuting Hamiltonians. A scalar product in the separated variables representation is found for which the commuting Hamiltonians are Hermitian. In the semi classical limit the Bethe roots accumulate on very specific curves in the complex plane. We give the equation of these curves. They build up a system of cuts modeling the spectral curve as a two sheeted cover of the complex plane. Finally, we extend some of these results to the XXX Heisenberg spin chain.Comment: 16 page