171 research outputs found


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    The article investigates the creation of Louise Bourgeois, which is called the encyclopedia of modern art. Her works influenced the leading artistic movements of the twentieth century such as cubism, futurism, surrealism, constructivism, abstractionism and conceptualism.The artist Louise Bourgeois was born in France but the most part of her life she spent in the United States of America. The aim of the research is to study and to make the analysis of contemporary art and the participantion of the artist in world’s most famous exhibitions and biennales.This topic is actual not only for analysis of world tendencies in contemporary art but it also demonstrates the sphere of contemporary Ukrainian art.The information is about Louise Bourgeous as one of the world`s leading contemporary artists and her work. Born in Paris in 1911, she settled in New York in 1938 and began to exibit her work just afterwards. Bourgeois is a sculptor who worked with many materials from marble and bronze to latex, fabric and mirrors. She was worldwide exhibited, producing a beguiling body of work featuring among other things. Spiders, cages were her objects of the sculpture. Her early childhood is a recurring theme that fuels her work. In 1982, Bourgeous was the first woman artist to be given retrospective at The Museum of Modern Art in New York. In 1993, she represented the United States at theVenice Biennale.In the late 1940s Bourgeois produced wooden sculptures, and in the 1950s she began to create works crafted with non-traditional metirials such as latex and plaster. Her work became more explicit in the 1960s and 1970s, and she was paid great attention. The public attitude to her changed due to feminism and postmodernism. She got the international success with "the documenta 9" in Kassel in 1992, and at the Venice Biennale a year later. In 1999, Bourgeois was the first artist commissioned to fill the Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern in London, which held a large retrospective in honor of her 95th birthday. Her works were also exhibited at the Georges Pompidou centre in Paris, in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, and in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. In 1999, she was honored the Praemium Imperiale by the Japanese Art Association.Her works were very new for modern art world. She changed the traditional sculpture and showed her personal art objects. As a result she was regarded as one of the most successful female artists.Статья посвящена исследованию творчества Луизы Буржуа, которую называют энциклопедией современного искусства. В ее работах прослеживается влияние ведущих художественных направлений ХХ века – кубизма, футуризма, сюрреализма, конструктивизма, абстракционизма и концептуализма. Многочисленные выставки Л. Буржуа стали настоящими культурными событиями для признанных мировых столиц современного искусства. Работы Л. Буржуа представлены в самых известных собраниях искусства XX века: Музее Современного искусства (МoМА), Музее Соломона Р. Гуггенхайма в Нью-Йорке, Галерее Тейт в Лондоне, Центре Помпиду в Париже.Стаття присвячена дослідженню творчості Луїзи Буржуа, яку називають енциклопедією сучасного мистецтва. У її роботах прослідковується вплив провідних художніх напрямів ХХ століття – кубізму, футуризму, сюрреалізму, конструктивізму, абстракціонізму та концептуалізму. Численні виставки Л. Буржуа стали справжніми культурними подіями для визнаних світових столиць сучасного мистецтва. Роботи Л. Буржуа представлені в найвідоміших зібраннях мистецтва XX століття: Музеї Сучасного мистецтва (МoМА), Музеї Соломона Р. Гуггенхайма в Нью-Йорку, Галереї Тейт у Лондоні, Центрі Помпіду в Парижі

    C/EBP-induced transdifferentiation reveals granulocyte-macrophage precursor-like plasticity of B cells

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    The lymphoid-myeloid transdifferentiation potentials of members of the C/EBP family (C/EBP{alpha}, {beta}, {delta}, and {epsilon}) were compared in v-Abl-immortalized primary B cells. Conversion of B cells to macrophages was readily induced by the ectopic expression of any C/EBP, and enhanced by endogenous C/EBP{alpha} and {beta} activation. High transgene expression of C/EBP{beta} or C/EBP{epsilon}, but not of C/EBP{alpha} or C/EBP{delta}, also induced the formation of granulocytes. Granulocytes and macrophages emerged in a mutually exclusive manner. C/EBP{beta}-expressing B cells produced granulocyte-macrophage progenitor (GMP)-like progenitors when subjected to selective pressure to eliminate lymphoid cells. The GMP-like progenitors remained self-renewing and cytokine-independent, and continuously produced macrophages and granulocytes. In addition to their suitability to study myelomonocytic lineage bifurcation, lineage-switched GMP-like progenitors could reflect the features of the lympho-myeloid lineage switch observed in leukemic progression

    Case Report of Advanced Childhood Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Is Radiotherapy Dose Deescalation the Right Way in Good Responders to Induction Chemotherapy

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    Objectives:. Treatment of childhood NPC similar to adults consists of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but distant failure is often observed, which led to introducing the induction chemotherapy followed by radiation or chemoradiation. The improved survival rates raised the question of late toxicity. The options for lowering the toxicity rate is the application of advanced radiotherapy techniques like IMRT and VMAT, and deescalation of the radiation dose in good responders and early NPC.Case report: We report a case of13-years old male patient with a high-risk childhood undifferentiated NPC, stage cT4 cN2b M0. He presented with unilateral swallowing at the middle third of left muscle sterenocleidomastoideus, and headache, fever, sore throat and intermittent nasal bleeding for an year. Diagnostic MRI and PET/CT showed good concordance for primary tumor extension and lymph node involvement. Three coursesinduction chemotherapy were applied according to NPC2003-GPOH protocolwith good treatment response. The restaging PET/CT found no distant metastasis. Deescalated protocol of radiotherapy alone was delivered to 50.4 Gy total dose with IGRT, VMAT irradiation technique. At three month PET/CT follow up a solitary bone lesion was detected.Conclusion: The present case proved that in high risk patients more aggressive treatment strategies should be recommended with no omission of concurrent chemotherapy even after full response. Deescalation of radiotherapy dose probably is not appropriate in this group of patients. MRI and PET CT should be used as complementary imaging modalities for early detection of locoregional or distant metastasis

    A fast and robust hepatocyte quantification algorithm including vein processing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Quantification of different types of cells is often needed for analysis of histological images. In our project, we compute the relative number of proliferating hepatocytes for the evaluation of the regeneration process after partial hepatectomy in normal rat livers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our presented automatic approach for hepatocyte (HC) quantification is suitable for the analysis of an entire digitized histological section given in form of a series of images. It is the main part of an automatic hepatocyte quantification tool that allows for the computation of the ratio between the number of proliferating HC-nuclei and the total number of all HC-nuclei for a series of images in one processing run. The processing pipeline allows us to obtain desired and valuable results for a wide range of images with different properties without additional parameter adjustment. Comparing the obtained segmentation results with a manually retrieved segmentation mask which is considered to be the ground truth, we achieve results with sensitivity above 90% and false positive fraction below 15%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The proposed automatic procedure gives results with high sensitivity and low false positive fraction and can be applied to process entire stained sections.</p

    Dynamics of non-spherical dust in the coma of 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko constrained by GIADA and ROSINA data

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    Among the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/C-G) in situ measurements, the closest that have ever been performed at a comet nucleus, are also those of speed, mass, and cross-section of cometary grains performed by the Grain Impact Analyser and Dust Accumulator (GIADA) instrument. To interpret GIADA data, we performed dust dynamical numerical simulations with both spherical and non-spherical (spheroids) shapes. This allowed us to analyse how the grain non-sphericity affects the data interpretation. We find that some measured dust speeds are unlikely reproducible when a spherical shape is considered. We considered two GIADA observational periods, 2015 February 19-27 and 2015 March 13-28. Gas parameters calibrated with the Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis (ROSINA) measurements have been used to retrieve the gas conditions to set up the dust particle motion. The dust grains are assumed to be out of the near nucleus coma, i.e. where the gas velocity is radial and constant, therefore they are either aligned or have random but constant orientation with respect to the gas drag. We reproduced the GIADA dust speeds, using spheres and two different spheroidal shapes. We find that the particle shapes that reproduce best the GIADA dust speeds are consistent with the particle shape constrained by the GIADA data. We obtain different terminal velocities for spherical and non-spherical particles of the same mass. The shape, which reproduces the GIADA data, is oblate rather than prolate spheroid. We obtain rotational frequencies of the spheroidal particles that best fit the GIADA measurements in these periods

    Functional links between clustered microRNAs: suppression of cell-cycle inhibitors by microRNA clusters in gastric cancer

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    microRNAs (miRNAs) play integral roles in diverse processes including tumorigenesis. miRNA gene loci are often found in close conjunction, and such clustered miRNA genes are transcribed from a common promoter to generate polycistronic primary transcript. The primary transcript (pri-miRNA) is then processed by two RNase III proteins to release the mature miRNAs. Although it has been speculated that the miRNAs in the same cluster may play related biological functions, this has not been experimentally addressed. Here we report that the miRNAs in two clusters (miR-106b∼93 ∼ 25 and miR-222 ∼ 221) suppress the Cip/Kip family members of Cdk inhibitors (p57Kip2, p21Cip1 and p27Kip1). We show that miR-25 targets p57 through the 3′-UTR. Furthermore, miR-106b and miR-93 control p21 while miR-222 and miR-221 regulate both p27 and p57. Ectopic expression of these miRNAs results in activation of Cdk2 and facilitation of G1/S phase transition. Consistent with these results, both clusters are abnormally upregulated in gastric cancer tissues compared to the corresponding normal tissues. Ectopic expression of miR-222 cluster enhanced tumor growth in the mouse xenograft model. Our study demonstrates the functional associations between clustered miRNAs and further implicates that effective cancer treatment may require a combinatorial approach to target multiple oncogenic miRNA clusters

    Molecular recognition of poly(A) by small ligands: an alternative method of analysis reveals nanomolar, cooperative and shape-selective binding

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    A few drug-like molecules have recently been found to bind poly(A) and induce a stable secondary structure (Tm ≈ 60°C), even though this RNA homopolymer is single-stranded in the absence of a ligand. Here, we report results from experiments specifically designed to explore the association of small molecules with poly(A). We demonstrate that coralyne, the first small molecule discovered to bind poly(dA), binds with unexpectedly high affinity (Ka >107 M−1), and that the crescent shape of coralyne appears necessary for poly(A) binding. We also show that the binding of similar ligands to poly(A) can be highly cooperative. For one particular ligand, at least six ligand molecules are required to stabilize the poly(A) self-structure at room temperature. This highly cooperative binding produces very sharp transitions between unstructured and structured poly(A) as a function of ligand concentration. Given the fact that junctions between Watson–Crick and A·A duplexes are tolerated, we propose that poly(A) sequence elements and appropriate ligands could be used to reversibly drive transitions in DNA and RNA-based molecular structures by simply diluting/concentrating a sample about the poly(A)-ligand ‘critical concentration’. The ligands described here may also find biological or medicinal applications, owing to the 3′-polyadenylation of mRNA in living cells

    Ionizing Radiation-Induced Oxidative Stress Alters miRNA Expression

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    ). treatment, and 45 after etoposide treatment. Substantial overlap between the miRNA expression changes between agents was observed suggesting a signature miRNA response to cell stress. Changes in the expression of selected miRNA species varied in response to radiation dose and time. Finally, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) increased with increasing doses of radiation and pre-treatment with the thiol antioxidant cysteine decreased both ROS production and the miRNA response to radiation., and etoposide. Additionally, pre-treatment with cysteine prevented radiation-induced alterations in miRNA expression which suggests that miRNAs are responsive to oxidative stress. Taken together, these results imply that miRNAs play a role in cellular defense against exogenous stress and are involved in the generalized cellular response to genotoxic oxidative stress

    ISWI Regulates Higher-Order Chromatin Structure and Histone H1 Assembly In Vivo

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    Imitation SWI (ISWI) and other ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling factors play key roles in transcription and other processes by altering the structure and positioning of nucleosomes. Recent studies have also implicated ISWI in the regulation of higher-order chromatin structure, but its role in this process remains poorly understood. To clarify the role of ISWI in vivo, we examined defects in chromosome structure and gene expression resulting from the loss of Iswi function in Drosophila. Consistent with a broad role in transcriptional regulation, the expression of a large number of genes is altered in Iswi mutant larvae. The expression of a dominant-negative form of ISWI leads to dramatic alterations in higher-order chromatin structure, including the apparent decondensation of both mitotic and polytene chromosomes. The loss of ISWI function does not cause obvious defects in nucleosome assembly, but results in a significant reduction in the level of histone H1 associated with chromatin in vivo. These findings suggest that ISWI plays a global role in chromatin compaction in vivo by promoting the association of the linker histone H1 with chromatin

    The Meiotic Recombination Checkpoint Suppresses NHK-1 Kinase to Prevent Reorganisation of the Oocyte Nucleus in Drosophila

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    The meiotic recombination checkpoint is a signalling pathway that blocks meiotic progression when the repair of DNA breaks formed during recombination is delayed. In comparison to the signalling pathway itself, however, the molecular targets of the checkpoint that control meiotic progression are not well understood in metazoans. In Drosophila, activation of the meiotic checkpoint is known to prevent formation of the karyosome, a meiosis-specific organisation of chromosomes, but the molecular pathway by which this occurs remains to be identified. Here we show that the conserved kinase NHK-1 (Drosophila Vrk-1) is a crucial meiotic regulator controlled by the meiotic checkpoint. An nhk-1 mutation, whilst resulting in karyosome defects, does so independent of meiotic checkpoint activation. Rather, we find unrepaired DNA breaks formed during recombination suppress NHK-1 activity (inferred from the phosphorylation level of one of its substrates) through the meiotic checkpoint. Additionally DNA breaks induced by X-rays in cultured cells also suppress NHK-1 kinase activity. Unrepaired DNA breaks in oocytes also delay other NHK-1 dependent nuclear events, such as synaptonemal complex disassembly and condensin loading onto chromosomes. Therefore we propose that NHK-1 is a crucial regulator of meiosis and that the meiotic checkpoint suppresses NHK-1 activity to prevent oocyte nuclear reorganisation until DNA breaks are repaired