5,616 research outputs found

    The Welfare of Children During the Great Depression

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    This paper examines the impact of New Deal relief programs on demographic outcomes in major U.S. cities during the 1930s. A five-equation structural model is estimated that tests the effect of the relief spending on infant mortality, non-infant mortality, and fertility. For 111 cities for which data on relief spending during the 1930s were available, we collected annual data that matched the relief spending to the demographic variables, socioeconomic descriptions of the cities, and retail sales, which serve as a proxy for the level of economic activity. Relief spending directly lowered infant mortality rates to the degree that changes in relief spending can explain nearly one-third of the decline in infant mortality during the 1930s. Relief spending also raised general fertility rates. Our estimates suggest that the cost of saving an infant life during this period ranged from $2 to 4.5 million dollars (measured in year 2000 dollars). This range is similar to that found in modern studies of the effect of Medicaid and is within the range of market values of human life.

    Births, Deaths, and New Deal Relief during the Great Depression

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    This paper examines the impact of New Deal relief programs on infant mortality, noninfant mortality and general fertility rates in major U.S. cities between 1929 and 1940. We estimate the effects using a variety of specifications and techniques for a panel of 114 cities for which data on relief spending during the 1930s were available. The significant rise in relief spending during the New Deal contributed to reductions in infant mortality, suicide rates, and some other causes of death, while contributing to increases in the general fertility rate. Estimates of the relationship between economic activity and death rates suggest that many types of death rates were pro-cyclical, similar to Ruhm's (2000) findings for the modern U.S.. Estimates of the relief costs associated with saving a life (adjusted for inflation) are similar to estimates found in studies of modern social insurance programs.

    Constitutional Law - First Amendment - Defamation - Public Figures - Discovery - Editorial Process - Privilege

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    The United States Supreme Court has held that there is no first amendment privilege against discovery into the editorial process of a media defendant in a defamation action by a public figure. Herbert v. Lando, 441 U.S. 153 (1979

    The FCC\u27s New Equation for Radio Programming: Consumer Wants - Public Interest

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    The recent Federal Communications Commission deregulation of many aspects of radio station programming raises the recurrent issue of how intensively the FCC should regulate the programming of its broadcast licensees. The author summarizes the historical development of the Commission\u27s programming authority, the factors which have encouraged the Commission to change its stance regarding informational programming, and the probability of impediments to the deregulation. The landmark Red Lion case is the most formidable legal barrier, he concludes, but there also are pragmatic, statutory, and philosophical considerations that should be examined

    The effect of sheared diamagnetic flow on turbulent structures generated by the Charney–Hasegawa–Mima equation

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    The generation of electrostatic drift wave turbulence is modelled by the Charney–Hasegawa–Mima equation. The equilibrium density gradient n0=n0(x) is chosen so that dn0 /dx is nonzero and spatially variable (i.e., v*e is sheared). It is shown that this sheared diamagnetic flow leads to localized turbulence which is concentrated at max(grad n0), with a large dv*e/dx inhibiting the spread of the turbulence in the x direction. Coherent structures form which propagate with the local v*e in the y direction. Movement in the x direction is accompanied by a change in their amplitudes. When the numerical code is initialized with a single wave, the plasma behaviour is dominated by the initial mode and its harmonics

    The New Deal, Race, and Home Ownership in the 1920s and 1930s

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    Many federal government housing policies began during the New Deal of the 1930s. Many claim that minorities benefited less from these policies than whites. We estimate the relationships between policies in the 1920s and 1930s and black and white home ownership in farm and nonfarm settings using a pseudo-panel of repeated cross-sections of households in 1920, 1930, and 1940 matched with policy measures in 460 state economic areas. The policies examined include FHA mortgage insurance, HOLC loan refinancing, state mortgage moratoria, farm loan programs, public housing, public works and relief, and payments to farmers to take land out of production.

    Embedding the concept of ecosystems services:The utilisation of ecological knowledge in different policy venues

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    The concept of ecosystem services is increasingly being promoted by academics and policy makers as a means to protect ecological systems through more informed decision making. A basic premise of this approach is that strengthening the ecological knowledge base will significantly enhance ecosystem health through more sensitive decision making. However, the existing literature on knowledge utilisation, and many previous attempts to improve decision making through better knowledge integration, suggest that producing ‘more knowledge’ is only ever a necessary but insufficient condition for greater policy success. We begin this paper by reviewing what is already known about the relationship between ecological knowledge development and utilisation, before introducing a set of theme issue papers that examine—for the very first time—how this politically and scientifically salient relationship plays out across a number of vital policy venues such as land-use planning, policy-level impact assessment, and cost–benefit analysis. Following a detailed synthesis of the key findings of all the papers, this paper identifies and explores new research and policy challenges in this important and dynamic area of environmental governance

    Peculiar Velocities of Nonlinear Structure: Voids in McVittie Spacetime

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    As a study of peculiar velocities of nonlinear structure, we analyze the model of a relativistic thin-shell void in the expanding universe. (1) Adopting McVittie (MV) spacetime as a background universe, we investigate the dynamics of an uncompensated void with negative MV mass. Although the motion itself is quite different from that of a compensated void, as shown by Haines & Harris (1993), the present peculiar velocities are not affected by MV mass. (2) We discuss how precisely the formula in the linear perturbation theory applies to nonlinear relativistic voids, using the results in (1) as well as the previous results for the homogeneous background (Sakai, Maeda, & Sato 1993). (3) We re-examine the effect of the cosmic microwave background radiation. Contrary to the results of Pim & Lake (1986, 1988), we find that the effect is negligible. We show that their results are due to inappropriate initial conditions. Our results (1)-(3) suggest that the formula in the linear perturbation theory is approximately valid even for nonlinear voids.Comment: 12 pages, aastex, 4 ps figures separate, Fig.2 added, to appear in Ap

    Thermodynamic aspects of materials' hardness: prediction of novel superhard high-pressure phases

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    In the present work we have proposed the method that allows one to easily estimate hardness and bulk modulus of known or hypothetical solid phases from the data on Gibbs energy of atomization of the elements and corresponding covalent radii. It has been shown that hardness and bulk moduli of compounds strongly correlate with their thermodynamic and structural properties. The proposed method may be used for a large number of compounds with various types of chemical bonding and structures; moreover, the temperature dependence of hardness may be calculated, that has been performed for diamond and cubic boron nitride. The correctness of this approach has been shown for the recently synthesized superhard diamond-like BC5. It has been predicted that the hypothetical forms of B2O3, diamond-like boron, BCx and COx, which could be synthesized at high pressures and temperatures, should have extreme hardness