1,453 research outputs found

    Angular dependence of magnetoresistivity in c-oriented MgB2 thin film

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    The anisotropy of MgB2 is still under debate: its value, strongly dependent on the sample and on the measuring method, ranges between 1.2 and 13. In this work we present our results on a MgB2 c-oriented superconducting thin film. To evaluate the anisotropy, we followed two different approaches. Firstly, magnetoresistivity was measured as a function of temperature at selected magnetic fields applied both parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis; secondly, we measured magnetoresistivity at selected temperatures and magnetic fields, varying the angle q between the magnetic field and the c-axis. The anisotropy estimated from the ratio between the upper critical fields parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis and the one obtained in the framework of the scaling approach within the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau theory are different but show a similar trend in the temperature dependence. The obtained results are compared and discussed in the light of the two-band nature of MgB2. A comparison between critical fields in thin films and single crystal is also performed.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, European Physical Journal B in pres

    Significant enhancement of irreversibility field in clean-limit bulk MgB2

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    Low resistivity ("clean") MgB2 bulk samples annealed in Mg vapor show an increase in upper critical field Hc2(T) and irreversibility field Hirr(T) by a factor of 2 in both transport and magnetic measurements. The best sample displayed Hirr above 14 T at 4.2 K and 6 T at 20 K. These changes were accompanied by an increase of the 40 K resistivity from 1.0 to 18 microohm-cm and a lowering of the resistivity ratio from 15 to 3, while the critical temperature Tc decreased by only 1-2 K. These results point the way to make prepare MgB2 attractive for magnet applications.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Critical Field of MGB2 : Crossover from Clean to Dirty Regimes

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    We have studied the upper critical field, Bc2, in poly-crystalline MgB2 samples in which disorder was varied in a controlled way to carry selectively p and s bands from clean to dirty limit. We have found that the clean regime survives when p bands are dirty and s bands are midway between clean and dirty. In this framework we can explain the anomalous behaviour of Al doped samples, in which Bc2 decreases as doping increases.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Ostracodes; witnesses of the Plio-Quaternary boundary in the North Eastern Atlantic preliminary results

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    Proceedings of the 1" R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992The 2,4 MY crisis is an important event for the upper Neogene ofNorth Atlantic. A new climatic system occur and widespread during the Quaternary and is characterized by glacial and interglacial alternance. To follow the different steps of this crisis, we have choosen a borehole situated in the Cotentin peninsula (Normandy, France) and used ostracodes such as markers. The interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data from the ostracode fauna analysis shows that bathymetry was around 40 and 60 meters with slight fluctuations, excepted during Praetiglian event where the zone was outofwater. The morphologicalvariability analysis offour species (the best represented in the core), show a low variability between the basement and 80 meters. Beyond this limit and after 10 meters, characterized by very low values, the variability increases to very high values to the top of the core. Present data; Abe et Choe, 1988; Peypouquet et al, 1988; Carbonel et al., 1990 a, 1990 b; show that there is a close link between seasonal contrast intensity and ostracode intraspecifical morphological variations. The carbonates balance at the interface water / sediment, were ostracodes live and moult, is related and reflects the intensity of the seasonal contrast. After the Praetiglian event, an increase of the seasonal contrast occurs during the Tiglian A and the lower Tiglian B

    Highly effective and isotropic pinning in epitaxial Fe(Se,Te) thin films grown on CaF2 substrates

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    We report on the isotropic pinning obtained in epitaxial Fe(Se,Te) thin films grown on CaF2 (001) substrate. High critical current density values larger than 1 MA/cm2 in self field in liquid helium are reached together with a very weak dependence on the magnetic field and a complete isotropy. Analysis through Transmission Electron Microscopy evidences the presence of defects looking like lattice disorder at a very small scale, between 5 and 20 nm, which are thought to be responsible for such isotropic behavior in contrast to what observed on SrTiO3, where defects parallel to the c-axis enhance pinning in that directio

    Parameters of scalar resonances from the combined analysis of data on processes ππππ,KKˉ,ηη\pi\pi\to\pi\pi,K\bar{K},\eta\eta and J/ψJ/\psi decays

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    A combined analysis of data on isoscalar S-wave processes ππππ,KK,ηη\pi\pi\to\pi\pi,K\overline{K},\eta\eta and on decays J/ψϕππ,ϕKKJ/\psi\to\phi\pi\pi,\phi K\overline{K} from the DM2, Mark III and BESIII collaborations is performed to study f0f_0 mesons. The method of analysis is based on analyticity and unitarity and uses an uniformization procedure. In the analysis limited only to the multi-channel ππ\pi\pi-scattering data, two possible sets of parameters of the f0(500)f_0(500) were found: in both cases the mass was about 700 MeV but the total width was either about 600 or 930 MeV. The extension of the analysis using only the DM2 and Mark III data on the J/ψJ/\psi decays does not allow to choose between these sets. However, the data from BESIII on the di-pion mass distribution in the decay J/ψϕπ+πJ/\psi\to\phi\pi^+\pi^- clearly prefers the wider f0(500)f_0(500) state. Spectroscopic implications from results of the analysis are also discussed.Comment: the formalism is also described (text overlap) in arXiv:1108.3725; new extended analysis of data; revised PRD versio

    Effect of grain refinement on enhancing critical current density and upper critical field in undoped MgB2 ex-situ tapes

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    Ex-situ Powder-In-Tube MgB2 tapes prepared with ball-milled, undoped powders showed a strong enhancement of the irreversibility field H*, the upper critical field Hc2 and the critical current density Jc(H) together with the suppression of the anisotropy of all of these quantities. Jc reached 104 A/cm2 at 4.2 K and 10 T, with an irreversibility field of about 14 T at 4.2 K, and Hc2 of 9 T at 25 K, high values for not-doped MgB2. The enhanced Jc and H* values are associated with significant grain refinement produced by milling of the MgB2 powder, which enhances grain boundary pinning, although at the same time also reducing the connectivity from about 12% to 8%. Although enhanced pinning and diminished connectivity are in opposition, the overall influence of ball milling on Jc is positive because the increased density of grains with a size comparable with the mean free path produces strong electron scattering that substantially increases Hc2, especially Hc2 perpendicular to the Mg and B planes.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    Magnetic field dependence of vortex activation energy: a comparison between MgB2, NbSe2 and Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 superconductors

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    The dissipative mechanism at low current density is compared in three different classes of superconductors. This is achieved by measurement of resistance as a function of temperature and magnetic field in clean polycrystalline samples of NbSe2, MgB2 and Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 superconductors. Thermally activated flux flow behavior is clearly identified in bulk MgB2. While the activation energy at low fields for MgB2 is comparable to Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10, its field dependence follows a parabolic behavior unlike a power law dependence seen in Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10. We analyze our results based on the Kramer's scaling for grain boundary pinning in MgB2and NbSe2