487 research outputs found

    Tip-gating Effect in Scanning Impedance Microscopy of Nanoelectronic Devices

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    Electronic transport in semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes is studied by combined scanning gate microscopy and scanning impedance microscopy (SIM). Depending on the probe potential, SIM can be performed in both invasive and non-invasive mode. High-resolution imaging of the defects is achieved when the probe acts as a local gate and simultaneously an electrostatic probe of local potential. A class of weak defects becomes observable even if they are located in the vicinity of strong defects. The imaging mechanism of tip-gating scanning impedance microscopy is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Appl. Phys. Let

    Carbon nanotubes as a tip calibration standard for electrostatic scanning probe microscopies

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    Scanning Surface Potential Microscopy (SSPM) is one of the most widely used techniques for the characterization of electrical properties at small dimensions. Applicability of SSPM and related electrostatic scanning probe microscopies for imaging of potential distributions in active micro- and nanoelectronic devices requires quantitative knowledge of tip surface contrast transfer. Here we demonstrate the utility of carbon-nanotube-based circuits to characterize geometric properties of the tip in the electrostatic scanning probe microscopies (SPM). Based on experimental observations, an analytical form for the differential tip-surface capacitance is obtained.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Contrast mechanism maps for piezoresponse force microscopy

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    Piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) is one of the most established techniques for the observation and local modification of ferroelectric domain structures on the submicron level. Both electrostatic and electromechanical interactions contribute at the tip-surface junction in a complex manner, which has resulted in multiple controversies in the interpretation of PFM. Here we analyze the influence of experimental conditions such as tip radius of curvature, indentation force, and cantilever stiffness on PFM image contrast. These results are used to construct contrast mechanism maps, which correlate the imaging conditions with the dominant contrast mechanisms. Conditions under which materials properties can be determined quantitatively are elucidated

    Scanning Impedance Microscopy: From Impedance Spectra to Impedance Images

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    Impedance spectroscopy has long been recognized as one of the major techniques for the characterization of ac transport in materials. The primary limitation of this technique is the lack of spatial resolution that precludes the equivalent circuit elements from being unambiguously associated with individual microstructural features. Here we present a scanning probe microscopy technique for quantitative imaging of ac and dc transport properties of electrically inhomogeneous materials. This technique, referred to as Scanning Impedance Microscopy (SIM), maps the phase and amplitude of local potential with respect to an electric field applied across the sample. Amplitude and phase behavior of individual defects can be correlated with their transport properties. The frequency dependence of the voltage phase shift across an interface yields capacitance and resistance. SIM of single interfaces is demonstrated on a model metal-semiconductor junction. The local interface capacitance and resistance obtained from SIM measurements agrees quantitatively with macroscopic impedance spectroscopy. Superposition of a dc sample bias during SIM probes the C-V characteristics of the interface. When combined with Scanning Surface Potential Microscopy (SSPM), which can be used to determine interface I-V characteristic, local transport properties are completely determined. SIM and SSPM of polycrystalline materials are demonstrated on BiFeO3 and p-doped silicon. An excellent agreement between the properties of a single interface determined by SIM and traditional impedance spectra is demonstrated. Finally, the applicability of this technique for imaging transport behavior in nanoelectronic devices is illustrated with carbon nanotube circuit

    Imaging mechanism of piezoresponse force microscopy of ferroelectric surfaces

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    In order to determine the origin of image contrast in piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM), analytical descriptions of the complex interactions between a small tip and ferroelectric surface are derived for several sets of limiting conditions. Image charge calculations are used to determine potential and field distributions at the tip-surface junction between a spherical tip and an anisotropic dielectric half plane. Methods of Hertzian mechanics are used to calculate the response amplitude in the electrostatic regime. In the electromechanical regime, the limits of strong (classical) and weak (field-induced) indentation are established and the relative contributions of electroelastic constants are determined. These results are used to construct ‘‘piezoresponse contrast mechanism maps’’ that correlate the imaging conditions with the PFM contrast mechanisms. Conditions for quantitative PFM imaging are set forth. Variable-temperature PFM imaging of domain structures in BaTiO3 and the temperature dependence of the piezoresponse are compared with Ginzburg-Devonshire theory. An approach to the simultaneous acquisition of piezoresponse and surface potential images is proposed

    Local Polarization, Charge Compensation, and Chemical Interactions on Ferroelectric Surfaces: a Route Toward New Nanostructures

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    The local potential at domains on ferroelectric surfaces results from the interplay between atomic polarization and screening charge. The presence of mobile charge affects surface domain configuration, switching behavior, and surface chemical reactions. By measuring the temperature and time dependence of surface potential and piezo response with scanning probe microscopies, thermodynamic parameters associated with charge screening are determined. This is illustrated for the case of BaTiO3 (100) in air, for which the charge compensation mechanism is surface adsorption and enthalpy and entropy of adsorption are determined. The local electrostatic fields in the vicinity of the domains have a dominant effect on chemical reactivity. Photoreduction of a large variety of metals can be localized to domains with the appropriate surface charge. It has been demonstrated that proximal probe tips can be used to switch polarization direction locally. Combining the ability to \u27write\u27 domains of local polarization with domain specific reactivity of metals, vapors of small molecules, and organic compounds leads to a new approach to fabricating complex nanostructures

    Stellar and substellar initial mass function: a model that implements gravoturbulent fragmentation and accretion

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    In this work, we derive the stellar initial mass function (IMF) from the superposition of mass distributions of dense cores, generated through gravoturbulent fragmentation of unstable clumps in molecular clouds (MCs) and growing through competitive accretion. MCs are formed by the turbulent cascade in the interstellar medium at scales L from 100 down to ~0.1 pc. Their internal turbulence is essentially supersonic and creates clumps with a lognormal distribution of densities n. Our model is based on the assumption of a power-law relationship between clump mass and clump density: n~m^x, where x is a scale-free parameter. Gravitationally unstable clumps are assumed to undergo isothermal fragmentation and produce protostellar cores with a lognormal mass distribution, centred around the clump Jeans mass. Masses of individual cores are then assumed to grow further through competitive accretion until the rest of the gas within the clump is being exhausted. The observed IMF is best reproduced for a choice of x=0.25, for a characteristic star formation timescale of ~5 Myr, and for a low star formation efficiency of ~10 %.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Local Phenomena in Oxides by Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopy

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    In the last two decades, scanning probe microscopies (SPMs) have become the primary tool for addressing structure and electronic, mechanical, optical, and transport phenomena on the nanometer and atomic scales. Here, we summarize basic principles of SPM as applied for oxide materials characterization and present recent advances in high-resolution imaging and local property measurements. The use of advanced SPM techniques for solutions of material related problems is illustrated on the examples of grain boundary transport in polycrystalline oxides and ferroelectric domain imaging and manipulation. Future prospects for SPM applications in materials science are discussed

    Nanoimpedance Microscopy and Spectroscopy

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    One of the key limiting factors in current-based scanning probe microscopies (SPM) is the quality of tip-sample contact and stray capacitance in the probe-surface junction. We conduct impedance spectroscopy over a broad frequency range (40Hz~110MHz) through an AFM tip to quantify local electrical properties. Equivalent circuit for the tip-surface contact is constructed based on the impedance data and is used to study the mechanisms of relaxation in the near-tip region. Relative contributions of tip-surface contact and materials properties to the signal are discussed. This technique, referred to as Nanoimpedance Microscopy/Spectroscopy, is demonstrated in the imaging of an electronic ceramic: a ZnO varistor. Analysis of impedance spectra allows separation of tip-surface interactions and grain boundary behavior
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