568 research outputs found

    The role of fragmentation in interaction of meteoroids with the Earth's atmosphere

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    As a rule, when analyzing the mechanism of quasi continuous fragmentation (QCF) it is assumed that fragments separated from the parent meteoroid (PM) are of equal initial mass. In reality, this may not be so. A major difficulty is the lack of observational data on the function of the fragment initial mass distribution and so one must resort to theoretical modeling. A discrete distribution is considered which excluded to a certain extent some mathematical difficulties. The calculation results are given and discussed

    Problems of distance education in high school

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    В статье рассматриваются проблемы развития системы дистанционного образования. Внедрение инновационных технологий в высшей школе требует значительных финансовых затрат. Однако развитие дистанционного образования дает возможность большинству людей получать образование, экономить деньги, выбирать удобное время для обучения, повышать квалификацию.This article discusses the development of distance education. Introduction of innovative technologies in higher education requires considerable financial costs. However, the development of distance education makes it possible for most people to get an education, to save money, choose a convenient time for learning, improve their qualifications

    Александр Степанович Попов — изобретатель радио

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    Biographical details of Alexander Stepanovich Popov are stated in the paper, years of education in religious schools, seminary, St. Petersburg University. It was the University where he became an educated engineer-electrician. Repeating Hertz’s experiments and improving them A. S. Popov created the first in the world radio receiver. That is why May, 7 the date of publication of A. S. Popov of his invention is considered to be the birthday of radio. A. S. Popov was one of the originators of radioengineering industry and education in Russia.Излагаются биографические сведения об Александре Степановиче Попове, годы обучения в духовных училищах, духовной семинарии, Санкт-Петербургском университете. Именно в университете он становится высокообразованным инженером-электриком. Повторяя опыты Г. Герца и усовершенствуя их, А. С. Попов постепенно приходит к созданию первого в мире радиоприемника. Именно поэтому 7 мая — дата опубликования Поповым своего изобретения — считается днем рождения радио. А. С. Попов стоял также у истоков организации радиопромышленности и радиотехнического образования в России

    Global existence for the system of the macroscopic balance equations of charge transport in semiconductors

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    AbstractGlobal existence of a solution to the nonlinear balance equations of charge transport in semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle [Contin. Mech. Thermodyn. 11 (1999) 307–325; Contin. Mech. Thermodyn. 12 (2000) 31–51] is proven for a typical 1D problem under certain restrictions on the doping profile and the initial data

    Polish Revolt (1863 - 1864) in publications of I.S. Aksakov

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    In the article, the analysis of judgments of a revolt is provided in the Polish Kingdom and Western edge of one of the main ideologists of Slavophilism of I.S. Aksakov. The key moments of its paradigm on this problem are analyzed, the attempt to discover the reasons for the transformation of views of the Slavophile of the Polish events is made. It is revealed that the aggressive methods of fight practiced by rebels caused resistant hostility in Aksakov and other Slavophiles

    Stresses in Twisted Cylindrical Plugs of Non-homogeneous Material Inserted into a Rigid Medium

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    Periodization of the Reign of Alexander I in Soviet Historiography

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    The problem of the periodization of the reign of Emperor Alexander I in the works of Soviet historians is considered. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that even now the question of the periodization of this period causes controversy among scientists. Understanding that any periodization is conditional, which has emerged among modern historians, requires a revision of various approaches to the periodization of history. As part of the study, a review of a wide range of historiographic sources was carried out, which included special studies devoted to the reign of Alexander I, as well as generalizing works and textbooks that characterize this period of Russian history. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that for the first time in Russian historiography, it is analyzed how researchers solved the issue of the periodization of the Alexander I reign throughout the Soviet period. Various approaches to the periodization of Russian history in the first quarter of the 19th century are revealed. Their development has been traced throughout the entire existence of the Soviet state. Particular attention is paid to the contradictions that take place in the approaches to the periodization of the reign of Alexander I, proposed by Soviet historians

    Limits of Possibility: Practices of Administrative Sanctions Against Russian Periodical Press at Beginning of 20th Century

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    The study examines the mechanisms of censorship restrictions on Russian periodical press that had become widespread by the beginning of the 20th century. It explores the history of the development of censorship during the post-reform era and the stages of reorganization of the censorship apparatus in the context of changing Russian realities in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The issue of legislative initiatives regulating the coverage of domestic political events in the pages of Russian periodicals is addressed. Special attention is given to the practice of using administrative resources in the form of mandatory decrees by governors to establish control over local press. The documents for analysis were extracted by the authors from the archives of the Police Department of the State Archive of the Russian Federation. They contain information about specific instances of administrative penalties and fines imposed by governors on newspaper editors. Comparing this information with the content of articles subjected to penalties allowed for the identification of "the limits of possibility" for periodical press that existed locally in the perceptions of administrators. The review conducted led to the conclusion that mandatory decrees provided provincial administrations with the right, based on their own biases and convictions, to censor political content in print publications, thereby influencing public opinion

    Minsk Military District at Initial Stage of First World War

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    The article deals with the issue of organizing the Minsk Military District during the First World War. Attention is paid to the interpretation of the conditions in which the process of formation of this important structure in wartime conditions took place. The authors dwell on the main functions of this territorial entity related to the need to prepare reserves and supply the army in the field. In the presented study, it is shown that in an emergency, for the implementation of these tasks, it was planned to change the system of civilian administration with its subordination to the military leadership of the district. The novelty of the study is seen in the reflection of the problem of reconfiguring the borders of a part of the border military districts, which affected, among other things, the construction of censorship bodies, their ability in practice to adequately and promptly respond to the demands of difficult wartime. It is proved that the “mobility” of the borders of military censorship regions, caused by changes in the operational situation, was reflected in the creation and functioning of the necessary unified district censorship system, which also explains the violations of the “Provisional Regulations on Military Censorship” that occurred within the borders of the district. The stated problem is investigated by the authors of the article on the basis of materials from periodicals and documents stored in local and central archives

    Investigation of thermodynamic properties of organic substances

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    Scientific and ptactical significance of the investigations in the field of thermodynamics of organic compounds is discussed. The apparatuses and methods used in LTOC (the Laboratory of Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds, Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems, Belarusian State University) for experimental determination of thermodynamic properties of substances are described. They are adiabatic calorimetry and DSC of the heat bridge type for the measurements of heat capacities and enthalpies of phase transitions in the con-densed state, heat flow differential microcalorimeter of the Calvet type to obtain en-thalpies of evaporation, calorimeters for combustion of organic substances for determination of the enthalpies of combustion and formation, the apparatus for measurements of saturated vapor pressure by the integral effusion Knudsen method. The main results of studies of chemical and phase equilibria,thermodynam-ics of isomerization, improvements of additive methods for calculation of thermo-dynamic properties, investigations of plastic crystals of organic compounds and ionic liquids, calculations by the methods of statistical thermodynamics are re-ported. The information concerning development of the methods of calculation of chemical exergies in LTOC and thermodynamic substantiation of energy and resource saving technologies of organic production of Republic of Belarus is give