1,602 research outputs found

    Electroexcitation of nucleon resonances at Q^2=0.65 GeV/c^2 from a combined analysis of single- and double-pion electroproduction data

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    Data on single- and double-charged pion electroproduction off protons are successfully described in the second and third nucleon resonance regions with common N* photocouplings. The analysis was carried out using separate isobar models for both reactions. From the combined analysis of two exclusive channels, the gamma* p --> N*+ helicity amplitudes are obtained for the resonances P11(1440), D13(1520), S31(1620), S11(1650), F15(1680), D33(1700), D13(1700), and P13(1720) at Q2=0.65 GeV/c^2.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures (eps), Published in PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72, 045201 (2005

    Development of an Adaptive Efficient Thermal/Electric Skipping Control Strategy Applied to a Parallel Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

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    In recent years automobile manufacturers focused on an increasing degree of electrification of the powertrains with the aim to reduce pollutants and CO2 emissions. Despite more complex design processes and control strategies, these powertrains offer improved fuel exploitation compared to conventional vehicles thanks to intelligent energy management. A simulation study is here presented aiming at developing a new control strategy for a P3 parallel plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. The simulation model is implemented using vehicle modeling and simulation toolboxes in MATLAB/Simulink. The proposed control strategy is based on an alternative utilization of the electric motor and thermal engine to satisfy the vehicle power demand at the wheels (Efficient Thermal/Electric Skipping Strategy-ETESS). The choice between the two units is realized through a comparison between two equivalent fuel rates, one related to the thermal engine and the other related to the electric consumption. An adaptive function is introduced to develop a charge-blended control strategy. The novel adaptive control strategy (A-ETESS) is applied to estimate fuel consumption along different driving cycles. The control algorithm is implemented on a dedicated microcontroller unit performing a Processor-In-the-Loop (PIL) simulation. To demonstrate the reliability and effectiveness of the A-ETESS, the same adaptive function is built on the Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS). The PIL results showed that the proposed strategy ensures a fuel economy similar to ECMS (worse of about 2% on average) and a computational effort reduced by 99% on average. This last feature reveals the potential for real-time on-vehicle applications

    Potential of hydrogen addition to natural gas or ammonia as a solution towards low- or zero-carbon fuel for the supply of a small turbocharged SI engine

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    Nowadays there is an increasing interest in carbon-free fuels such as ammonia and hydrogen. Those fuels, on one hand, allow to drastically reduce CO2 emissions, helping to comply with the increasingly stringent emission regulations, and, on the other hand, could lead to possible advantages in performances if blended with conventional fuels. In this regard, this work focuses on the 1D numerical study of an internal combustion engine supplied with different fuels: pure gasoline, and blends of methane-hydrogen and ammonia-hydrogen. The analyses are carried out with reference to a downsized turbocharged two-cylinder engine working in an operating point representative of engine operations along WLTC, namely 1800 rpm and 9.4 bar of BMEP. To evaluate the potential of methane-hydrogen and ammonia-hydrogen blends, a parametric study is performed. The varied parameters are air/fuel proportions (from 1 up to 2) and the hydrogen fraction over the total fuel. Hydrogen volume percentages up to 60% are considered both in the case of methane-hydrogen and ammonia-hydrogen blends. Model predictive capabilities are enhanced through a refined treatment of the laminar flame speed and chemistry of the end gas to improve the description of the combustion process and knock phenomenon, respectively. After the model validation under pure gasoline supply, numerical analyses allowed to estimate the benefits and drawbacks of considered alternative fuels in terms of efficiency, carbon monoxide, and pollutant emissions

    Effects of Pre-Lift Intake Valve Strategies on the Performance of a DISI VVA Turbocharged Engine at Part and Full Load Operation☆

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    Abstract In the paper, the potentialities offered by an advanced valve lift design are numerically analyzed. In particular, the study is carried out by a 1D approach and regards the characterization of a VVA strategy named " pre-lift" applied to a downsized turbocharged four-cylinder engine. The pre-lift consists of a small, almost constant lift of the intake valve during the exhaust stroke, so to increase the valves overlapping. The results show a benefit on the fuel economy and on the gas-dynamic noise at part load and a substantial increase in the delivered torque at full load, while preserving the fuel consumption

    Multi-scale techniques for mansonry structures

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    The aim of this work is, hence, to adopt the computational homogenization techniques to obtain the global response of masonry structures. Since the experimental global response curves, obtained in typical shear tests on masonry panels, show stiffness and resistance degradation, damage is the fundamental ingredients which must be taken into account in such problems. Moreover, as it is well known, due to the aforementioned softening behavior, regularization techniques are required in order to avoid spurious mesh dependencies when a numerical solution is sought in the framework of finite element method. The first step of this work is the adoption of the standard first order computational homogenization, where Cauchy continuum is used both at the macro and micro-level. This approach is well known in literature and several authors applied it to different engineering problems. An example of the adoption of regularization techniques in the context of multi-scale approaches is found in Massart (2003). Hence a regularization based on the imposition of the macroscopical length scale at the micro-level, in the framework of the fracture energy regularization, is proposed. However, as previously stated, many authors have pointed out the inner limits of first order computational homogenization. Such a formulation, in fact, may be adopted only if 1)the microstructure is very small with respect to the characteristic size at the macro-scale; 2)the absolute size of the constituents does not affect the mechanical properties of the homogenized medium and in presence of low macroscopic gradients of stresses and strains. As a consequence no localization phenomena typically exhibited by masonry can be analyzed. For masonry structures, instead, microstructural typical sizes are comparable with the macro-structural sizes; shape, size and arrangement of the constituents strongly affect the mechanical global response and high deformation gradients typically appear. An enriched formulation is then proposed in order to overcome these problems, based on the adoption of a Cosserat medium at the macro-level and a Cauchy medium at the micro-level. The theoretical and computational schemes remain the same as before but for the fact that the two media present different variables. In particular in the Cosserat medium additional strain and stress variables appear, with respect to the Cauchy continuum, as a consequence of the independent rotational degree of freedom assigned to every material point. Thus, a more sophisticated kinematic map, containing higher order polynomial expansions, is needed to state proper bridging conditions between the two levels. The innovative contribution of this work concerns the adoption of an enhanced multi-scale computational homogenization technique for studying the masonry response, together with the employment of damage models for the constituents description. Thus, by exploiting the inner regularization properties of the Cosserat continuum at the macro-level and by adopting a classical fracture energy regularization at the micro-level, localization phenomena, typically exhibited by masonry structures, are analyzed. Since this material shows a typical strain softening behavior, an ad hoc regularization technique has been developed at both levels in order to obtain objective numerical responses. To the knowledge of the author, no previous examples of Cosserat-Cauchy computational homogenization techniques, taking into account localization effects, have been presented. A possible objection to the use of a fully-coupled multi-scale technique could be related to the high computational efforts required, but here the use of parallel computing brings them down. In this context, these procedures strike a good balance between the achievement of detailed information at the scale of the constituents and the requirement of holding the computational costs down

    Is your EPL attractive? Classification of publications through download statistics

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    Here we consider the download statistics of EPL publications. We find that papers in the journal are characterised by fast accumulations of downloads during the first couple of months after publication, followed by slower rates thereafter, behaviour which can be represented by a model with predictive power. We also find that individual papers can be classified in various ways, allowing us to compare categories for open-access and non-open-access papers. For example, for the latter publications, which comprise the bulk of EPL papers, a small proportion (2%) display intense bursts of download activity, possibly following an extended period of less remarkable behaviour. About 18% have an especially high degree of attractiveness over and above what is typical for the journal. One can also classify the ageing of attractiveness by examining download half-lives. Approximately 18% have strong interest initially, waning in time. A further 20% exhibit "delayed recognition" with relatively late spurs in download activity. Although open-access papers enjoy more downloads on average, the proportions falling into each category are similar.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in EP

    Efficient Thermal Electric Skipping Strategy Applied to the Control of Series/Parallel Hybrid Powertrain

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    The optimal control of hybrid powertrains represents one of the most challenging tasks for the compliance with the legislation concerning CO2 and pollutant emission of vehicles. Most common off-line optimization strategies (Pontryagin minimum principle-PMP-or dynamic programming) allow to identify the optimal control along a predefined driving mission at the expense of a quite relevant computational effort. On-line strategies, suitable for on-vehicle implementation, involve a certain performance degradation depending on their degree of simplification and computational effort. In this work, a simplified control strategy is presented, where the conventional power-split logics, typical of the above-mentioned strategies, is here replaced with an alternative utilization of the thermal and electric units for the vehicle driving (Efficient Thermal Electric Skipping Strategy-ETESS). The choice between the units is realized at each time and is based on the comparison between the effective fuel rate of the thermal engine and an equivalent fuel rate related to the electrical power consumption. The equivalent fuel rate in a pure electric driving is associated to a combination of brake specific fuel consumption of the thermal engine, and electro-mechanical efficiencies along the driveline. The ETESS is applied for the simulation of segment C hybrid vehicle, equipped with a thermal engine and two electric units (motor and generator). The methodology is tested along regulatory driving cycles (WLTP, Artemis) and RDE, with different powertrain variants. Numerical results underline that the proposed approach performs very close to most common control strategies (consumed fuel per kilometer higher than PMP of about 1% on average). The main advantage is a reduced computational effort (decrease of 99% on average). The ETESS is straightforwardly adapted for an on-line implementation, through the introduction of an adaptative factor, preserving the computational effort and the fuel economy

    Employment of an auto-regressive model for knock detection supported by 1D and 3D analyses

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    In this work, experimental data, carried out on a twin-cylinder turbocharged engine at full load operations and referred to a spark advance of borderline knock, are used to characterize the effects of cyclic dispersion on knock phenomena. 200 consecutive incylinder pressure signals are processed through a refined Auto-Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) mathematical technique, adopted to define the percentage of knocking cycles, through a prefixed threshold level. The heuristic method used for the threshold selection is then verified by 1D and 3D analyses. In particular, a 1D model, properly accounting for cycle-by-cycle variations, and coupled to a reduced kinetic sub-model, is used to reproduce the measured cycles, in terms of statistical distribution of a theoretical knock index. In addition, few individual cycles, representative of the whole dataset, are selected in a single operating condition in order to perform a more detailed knock analysis by means of a 3D CFD approach, coupled to a tabulated chemistry technique for auto-ignition modeling. Outcomes of 1D and 3D models are compared to the ARMA results and a substantial coherence of the numerical and experimental results is demonstrated. The integrated 1D and 3D analyses can hence help in supporting the choice of the experimental threshold level for knock identification, following a more standardized theoretical approach

    1D numerical and experimental investigations of an ultralean pre-chamber engine

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    In recent years, lean-burn gasoline Spark-Ignition (SI) engines have been a major subject of investigations. With this solution, in fact, it is possible to simultaneously reduce NOx raw emissions and fuel consumption due to decreased heat losses, higher thermodynamic efficiency, and enhanced knock resistance. However, the real applicability of this technique is strongly limited by the increase in cyclic variation and the occurrence of misfire, which are typical for the combustion of homogeneous lean air/fuel mixtures. The employment of a Pre-Chamber (PC), in which the combustion begins before proceeding in the main combustion chamber, has already shown the capability of significantly extending the lean-burn limit. In this work, the potential of an ultralean PC SI engine for a decisive improvement of the thermal efficiency is presented by means of numerical and experimental analyses. The SI engine is experimentally investigated with and without the employment of the PC with the aim to analyze the real gain of this innovative combustion system. For both configurations, the engine is tested at various speeds, loads, and air-fuel ratios. A commercial gasoline fuel is directly injected into the Main Chamber (MC), while the PC is fed in a passive or active mode. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or Hydrogen (H2) is used in the actual case. A 1D model of the engine under study is implemented in a commercial modeling framework and is integrated with “in-house developed” sub-models for the simulation of the combustion and turbulence phenomena occurring in this unconventional engine. The numerical approach proves to reproduce the experimental data with good accuracy, without requiring any case-dependent tuning of the model constants. Both the numerical and experimental results show an improvement of the indicated thermal efficiency of the active PC, compared to the conventional ignition device, especially at high loads and low speeds. The injection of H2 into the PC leads to a significant benefit only with very lean mixtures. With the passive fueling of the PC, the lean-burn limit is less extended, with the consequent lower improvement potential for thermal efficiency

    Influence of the Spatial Variability of Joints Characteristics on the Elastic Properties of Masonry

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    Brick masonry is a multicomponent composite material, characterized by a marked inhomogeneity, a highly anisotropic behavior arising from the complex interactions between joints and bricks, and a considerable spatial variability of material properties, particularly relevant in the case of historical masonries. The focus of this paper is on the interdependence between the spatial variability of mechanical properties of joints and the overall homogenized response of a given volume element of masonry. It is assumed that mechanical properties of bed joints may vary according to a fixed probability distribution and correlation function and the mechanical response of the volume element is investigated in terms of the overall elastic stiffness. As confirmed by preliminary results, the spatial variability of the mechanical properties may affect the overall response of a masonry wall
