320 research outputs found

    Quantum properties of the Dirac field on BTZ black hole backgrounds

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    We consider a Dirac field on a (1+2)(1 + 2)-dimensional uncharged BTZ black hole background. We first find out the Dirac Hamiltonian, and study its self-adjointness properties. We find that, in analogy to the Kerr-Newman-AdS Dirac Hamiltonian in (1+3)(1+3) dimensions, essential self-adjointness on C0(r+,)2C_0^{\infty}(r_+,\infty)^2 of the reduced (radial) Hamiltonian is implemented only if a suitable relation between the mass μ\mu of the Dirac field and the cosmological radius ll holds true. The very presence of a boundary-like behaviour of r=r=\infty is at the root of this problem. Also, we determine in a complete way qualitative spectral properties for the non-extremal case, for which we can infer the absence of quantum bound states for the Dirac field. Next, we investigate the possibility of a quantum loss of angular momentum for the (1+2)(1 + 2)-dimensional uncharged BTZ black hole. Unlike the corresponding stationary four-dimensional solutions, the formal treatment of the level crossing mechanism is much simpler. We find that, even in the extremal case, no level crossing takes place. Therefore, no quantum loss of angular momentum via particle pair production is allowed.Comment: 19 pages; IOP styl

    Quantum radiation from superluminal refractive index perturbations

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    We analyze in detail photon production induced by a superluminal refractive index perturbation in realistic experimental operating conditions. The interaction between the refractive index perturbation and the quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field leads to the production of photon pairs.Comment: 4 page

    Spacetime geometries and light trapping in travelling refractive index perturbations

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    In the framework of transformation optics, we show that the propagation of a locally superluminal refractive index perturbation (RIP) in a Kerr medium can be described, in the eikonal approximation, by means of a stationary metric, which we prove to be of Gordon type. Under suitable hypotheses on the RIP, we obtain a stationary but not static metric, which is characterized by an ergosphere and by a peculiar behaviour of the geodesics, which are studied numerically, also accounting for material dispersion. Finally, the equation to be satisfied by an event horizon is also displayed and briefly discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Reply to Comment on: Hawking radiation from ultrashort laser pulse filaments

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    A comment by R. Schutzhold et al. raises possible concerns and questions regarding recent measurements of analogue Hawking radiation. We briefly reply to the opinions expressed in the comment and sustain that the origin of the radiation may be understood in terms of Hawking emission

    Quantum Effects for the Dirac Field in Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS Black Hole Background

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    The behavior of a charged massive Dirac field on a Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black hole background is investigated. The essential self-adjointness of the Dirac Hamiltonian is studied. Then, an analysis of the discharge problem is carried out in analogy with the standard Reissner-Nordstrom black hole case.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, Iop styl

    Emission of correlated photon pairs from superluminal perturbations in dispersive media

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    We develop a perturbative theory that describes a superluminal refractive perturbation propagating in a dispersive medium and the subsequent excitation of the quantum vacuum zero-point fluctuations. We find a process similar to the anomalous Doppler effect: photons are emitted in correlated pairs and mainly within a Cerenkov-like cone, one on the forward and the other in backward directions. The number of photon pairs emitted from the perturbation increases strongly with the degree of superluminality and under realizable experimental conditions, it can reach up to ~0.01 photons per pulse. Moreover, it is in principle possible to engineer the host medium so as to modify the effective group refractive index. In the presence of "fast light" media, e.g. a with group index smaller than unity, a further ~10x enhancement may be achieved and the photon emission spectrum is characterized by two sharp peaks that, in future experiments would clearly identify the correlated emission of photon pairs.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Divergences problem in black hole brick-wall model

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    In this work we review, in the framework of the so-called brick wall model, the divergence problem arising in the one loop calculations of various thermodynamical quantities, like entropy, internal energy and heat capacity. Particularly we find that, if one imposes that entanglement entropy is equal to the Bekenstein-Hawking one, the model gives problematic results. Then a proposal of solution to the divergence problem is made following the zeroth law of black hole mechanics.Comment: 19 pages, reviseted-extended version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Notes on the Third Law of Thermodynamics.I

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    We analyze some aspects of the third law of thermodynamics. We first review both the entropic version (N) and the unattainability version (U) and the relation occurring between them. Then, we heuristically interpret (N) as a continuity boundary condition for thermodynamics at the boundary T=0 of the thermodynamic domain. On a rigorous mathematical footing, we discuss the third law both in Carath\'eodory's approach and in Gibbs' one. Carath\'eodory's approach is fundamental in order to understand the nature of the surface T=0. In fact, in this approach, under suitable mathematical conditions, T=0 appears as a leaf of the foliation of the thermodynamic manifold associated with the non-singular integrable Pfaffian form δQrev\delta Q_{rev}. Being a leaf, it cannot intersect any other leaf S=S= const. of the foliation. We show that (N) is equivalent to the requirement that T=0 is a leaf. In Gibbs' approach, the peculiar nature of T=0 appears to be less evident because the existence of the entropy is a postulate; nevertheless, it is still possible to conclude that the lowest value of the entropy has to belong to the boundary of the convex set where the function is defined.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures; RevTex fil

    Hawking Radiation Entropy and Horizon Divergences

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    We review the problem of divergences in one--loop thermodynamical quantities for matter fields in thermal equilibrium on a black hole background. We discuss a number of results obtained for various thermodynamical quantities. Then we discuss the ansatz called ``literal interpretation" of zeroth law of black hole mechanics and try to explain the diseases of the conical defect procedure in light of this ansatz. Finally, an analysis of the consequences implied by our ansatz on the calculation of the partition function is made.Comment: 32 pages, uses Phyzz