25 research outputs found

    Asymptotically (anti) de Sitter Black Holes and Wormholes with a Self Interacting Scalar Field in Four Dimensions

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    The aim of this paper is to report on the existence of a wide variety of exact solutions, ranging from black holes to wormholes, when a conformally coupled scalar field with a self interacting potential containing a linear, a cubic and a quartic self interaction is taken as a source of the energy-momentum tensor, in the Einstein theory with a cosmological constant. Among all the solutions there are two particularly interesting. On the one hand, the spherically symmetric black holes when the cosmological constant is positive; they are shown to be everywhere regular, namely there is no singularity neither inside nor outside the event horizon. On the other hand, there are spherically symmetric and topological wormholes that connect two asymptotically (anti) de Sitter regions with a different value for the cosmological constant. The regular black holes and the wormholes are supported by everywhere regular scalar field configurations.Comment: Final versio

    Phytoplankton Size Structure in Association with Mesoscale Eddies off Central-Southern Chile: The Satellite Application of a Phytoplankton Size-Class Model

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    Understanding the influence of mesoscale and submesoscale features on the structure of phytoplankton is a key aspect in the assessment of their influence on marine biogeochemical cycling and cross-shore exchanges of plankton in Eastern Boundary Current Systems (EBCS). In this study, the spatio-temporal evolution of phytoplankton size classes (PSC) in surface waters associated with mesoscale eddies in the EBCS off central-southern Chile was analyzed. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) size-fractionated filtration (SFF) data from in situ samplings in coastal and coastal transition waters were used to tune a three-component (micro-, nano-, and pico-phytoplankton) model, which was then applied to total Chl-a satellite data (ESA OC-CCI product) in order to retrieve the Chl-a concentration of each PSC. A sea surface, height-based eddy-tracking algorithm was used to identify and track one cyclonic (sC) and three anticyclonic (ssAC1, ssAC2, sAC) mesoscale eddies between January 2014 and October 2015. Satellite estimates of PSC and in situ SFF Chl-a data were highly correlated (0.64 < r < 0.87), although uncertainty values for the microplankton fraction were moderate to high (50 to 100% depending on the metric used). The largest changes in size structure took place during the early life of eddies (~2 months), and no major differences in PSC between eddy center and periphery were found. The contribution of the microplankton fraction was ~50% (~30%) in sC and ssAC1 (ssAC2 and sAC) eddies when they were located close to the coast, while nanoplankton was dominant (~60–70%) and picoplankton almost constant (<20%) throughout the lifetime of eddies. These results suggest that the three-component model, which has been mostly applied in oceanic waters, is also applicable to highly productive coastal upwelling systems. Additionally, the PSC changes within mesoscale eddies obtained by this satellite approach are in agreement with results on phytoplankton size distribution in mesoscale and submesoscale features in this region, and are most likely triggered by variations in nutrient concentrations and/or ratios during the eddies’ lifetimes

    Kerr-Schild ansatz in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity: An exact vacuum solution in five dimensions

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    As is well-known, Kerr-Schild metrics linearize the Einstein tensor. We shall see here that they also simplify the Gauss-Bonnet tensor, which turns out to be only quadratic in the arbitrary Kerr-Schild function f when the seed metric is maximally symmetric. This property allows us to give a simple analytical expression for its trace, when the seed metric is a five dimensional maximally symmetric spacetime in spheroidal coordinates with arbitrary parameters a and b. We also write in a (fairly) simple form the full Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet tensor (with a cosmological term) when the seed metric is flat and the oblateness parameters are equal, a=b. Armed with these results we give in a compact form the solution of the trace of the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet field equations with a cosmological term and a different than b. We then examine whether this solution for the trace does solve the remaining field equations. We find that it does not in general, unless the Gauss-Bonnet coupling is such that the field equations have a unique maximally symmetric solution.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, references added. Last version for CQ

    N=4 superconformal mechanics as a Non linear Realization

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    An action for a superconformal particle is constructed using the non linear realization method for the group PSU(1,1|2), without introducing superfields. The connection between PSU(1,1|2) and black hole physics is discussed. The lagrangian contains six arbitrary constants and describes a non-BPS superconformal particle. The BPS case is obtained if a precise relation between the constants in the lagrangian is verified, which implies that the action becomes kappa-symmetric.Comment: new subection, references added and new acknowledgment

    Front-eddy influence on water column properties, phytoplankton community structure, and cross-shelf exchange of diatom taxa in the shelf-slope area off concepción (∼36–37°S)

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    In eastern boundary current systems (EBCSs), submesoscale to mesocale variability contributes to cross-shore exchanges of water properties, nutrients, and plankton. Data from a short-term summer survey and satellite time series (January–February 2014) were used to characterize submesoscale variability in oceanographic conditions and phytoplankton distribution across the coastal upwelling and coastal transition zones north of Punta Lavapié, and to explore cross-shelf exchanges of diatom taxa. A thermohaline front (FRN-1) flanked by a mesoscale anticyclonic intrathermocline eddy (ITE-1), or mode-water eddy, persisted during the time series and the survey was undertaken during a wind relaxation event. At the survey time, ITE-1 contributed to an onshore intrusion of warm oceanic waters (southern section) and an offshore advection of cold coastal waters (northern section), with the latter forming a cold, high chlorophyll-a filament. In situ phytoplankton and diatom biomasses were highest at the surface in FRN-1 and at the subsurface in ITE-1, whereas values in the coastal zone were lower and dominated by smaller cells. Diatom species typical of the coastal zone and species dominant in oceanic waters were both found in the FRN-1 and ITE-1 interaction area, suggesting that this mixture was the result of both offshore and onshore advection. Overall, front-eddy interactions in EBCSs could enhance cross-shelf exchanges of coastal and oceanic plankton, as well as sustain phytoplankton growth in the slope area through localized upward injections of nutrients in the frontal zone, combined with ITE-induced advection and vertical nutrient inputs to the surface layer