15,208 research outputs found

    The transition of ground-based space environmental effects testing to the space environment

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    The goal of the space flight program at the Center for Commercial Development of Space (CCDS)--Materials for Space Structures is to provide environmentally stable structural materials to support the continued humanization and commercialization of the space frontier. Information on environmental stability will be obtained through space exposure, evaluation, documentation, and subsequent return to the supplier of the candidate material for internal investigation. This program provides engineering and scientific service to space systems development firms and also exposes CCDS development candidate materials to space environments representative of in-flight conditions. The maintenance of a technological edge in space for NASA suggests the immediate search for space materials that maintain their structural integrity and remain environmentally stable. The materials being considered for long-lived space structures are complex, high strength/weight ratio composites. In order for these new candidate materials to qualify for use in space structures, they must undergo strenuous testing to determine their reliability and stability when subjected to the space environment. Ultraviolet radiation, atomic oxygen, debris/micrometeoroids, charged particles radiation, and thermal fatigue all influence the design of space structural materials. The investigation of these environmental interactions is the key purpose of this center. Some of the topics discussed with respect to the above information include: the Space Transportation System, mission planning, spaceborne experiments, and space flight payloads

    The Acraman impact and its widespread ejecta, South Australia

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    Discovery of a widespread horizon of shock-deformed volcaniclastic ejecta preserved in Late Proterozoic (approx. 600 Ma) shales in South Australia and its probable link to the Acraman impact structure in the Middle Proterozoic Gawler Range. Volcanics provide a rare opportunity to study the effects of a major terrestrial impact, including the sedimentology and distribution of an ejecta blanket and its precious-metal signature. The ejecta horizon occurs in the Bunyeroo Formation at many localities within the Adelaide Geosyncline, including the Wearing Hills, which are approx. 350 km northeast of the Acraman impact site. Following a search at the same stratigraphic level in other basins in South Australia, the ejecta has been located within the Lower Rodda beds of the Officer Basin, extending the limits of the ejecta to approx. 470 km northwest of the Acraman impact structure. The ejecta is therefore widely dispersed, and provides an important chronostratigraphic marker enabling precise correlation of Late Proterozoic sequences in southern Australia. In summary, the Bunyeroo ejecta is unique as the only known example of a widely dispersed, coarse-grained ejecta blanket that is, moreover, strongly linked to a known major impact structure. The marked Ir-PGE anomalies in the ejecta horizon provide support for the hypothesis that meteorite impact events can produce Ir anomalies interrestrial sediments. The findings also indicate that Ir can be mobilized and concentrated in sediments by low-temperature diagenetic processes. The identification of ejecta horizons in sedimentary rocks therefore should be based on the coincidence of shock-metamorphic features in the detritus and clear Ir anomalies

    Gravitational macrosegregation in binary Pb-Sn alloy ingots

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    A space shuttle experiment employing the General Purpose (Rocket) Furnace (GPF) in its isothermal mode of operation is manifested on MSL-3, circa 1989. The central aim of this experiment is to investigate the effect of reduced gravity levels on the segregation behavior in a slowly, and isothermally, cooled sample of a binary Pb-15 wt% Sn alloy. This experiment should be able to simulate, in a small laboratory sample, some aspects of the segragation phenomena occurring in large industrial ingots. Ground-based experiments conducted in the single-cavity simulator of the GPF, in support of the microgravity experiment are described in detail. The results of the MSFC experiments are compared with other related experiments conducted at Case Western Reserve University (CWRS), wherein the isothermal constraints were relaxed. The isothermally processed samples indicate a small and gradual increase in fraction eutectic, and a corresponding increase in tin content, from the bottom to the top of the ingot. The radial variations are minimal near the ingot bottom, but there are large radial variations in the top half. In the CWRU experiments, more severe segregations, including segregation defects known as freckles. Follow up experiments employing the GPF without the isothermal constraints, or other suitably modified space shuttle hardware are suggested

    Suppression of Superconductivity in Mesoscopic Superconductors

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    We propose a new boundary-driven phase transition associated with vortex nucleation in mesoscopic superconductors (of size of the order of, or larger than, the penetration depth). We derive the rescaling equations and we show that boundary effects associated with vortex nucleation lowers the conventional transition temperature in mesoscopic superconductors by an amount which is a function of the size of the superconductor. This result explains recent experiments in small superconductors where it was found that the transition temperature depends on the size of the system and is lower than the critical Berezinsk\u{i}-Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 86 (15 Jan. 2001

    Equation of state of cubic boron nitride at high pressures and temperatures

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    We report accurate measurements of the equation of state (EOS) of cubic boron nitride by x-ray diffraction up to 160 GPa at 295 K and 80 GPa in the range 500-900 K. Experiments were performed on single-crystals embedded in a quasi-hydrostatic pressure medium (helium or neon). Comparison between the present EOS data at 295 K and literature allows us to critically review the recent calibrations of the ruby standard. The full P-V-T data set can be represented by a Mie-Gr\"{u}neisen model, which enables us to extract all relevant thermodynamic parameters: bulk modulus and its first pressure-derivative, thermal expansion coefficient, thermal Gr\"{u}neisen parameter and its volume dependence. This equation of state is used to determine the isothermal Gr\"{u}neisen mode parameter of the Raman TO band. A new formulation of the pressure scale based on this Raman mode, using physically-constrained parameters, is deduced.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    On the accuracy of the melting curves drawn from modelling a solid as an elastic medium

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    An ongoing problem in the study of a classical many-body system is the characterization of its equilibrium behaviour by theory or numerical simulation. For purely repulsive particles, locating the melting line in the pressure-temperature plane can be especially hard if the interparticle potential has a softened core or contains some adjustable parameters. A method is hereby presented that yields reliable melting-curve topologies with negligible computational effort. It is obtained by combining the Lindemann melting criterion with a description of the solid phase as an elastic continuum. A number of examples are given in order to illustrate the scope of the method and possible shortcomings. For a two-body repulsion of Gaussian shape, the outcome of the present approach compares favourably with the more accurate but also more computationally demanding self-consistent harmonic approximation.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Reconstruction of Causal Networks by Set Covering

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    We present a method for the reconstruction of networks, based on the order of nodes visited by a stochastic branching process. Our algorithm reconstructs a network of minimal size that ensures consistency with the data. Crucially, we show that global consistency with the data can be achieved through purely local considerations, inferring the neighbourhood of each node in turn. The optimisation problem solved for each individual node can be reduced to a Set Covering Problem, which is known to be NP-hard but can be approximated well in practice. We then extend our approach to account for noisy data, based on the Minimum Description Length principle. We demonstrate our algorithms on synthetic data, generated by an SIR-like epidemiological model.Comment: Under consideration for the ECML PKDD 2010 conferenc

    The Kumaraswamy-G Poisson Family of Distributions

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    For any baseline continuous G distribution, we propose a new generalized family called the Kumaraswamy-G Poisson (denoted with the prefix “Kw-GP”) with three extra positive parameters. Some special distributions in the new family such as the Kw-Weibull Poisson, Kw-gamma Poisson and Kw-beta Poisson distributions are introduced. We derive some mathematical properties of the new family including the ordinary moments, generating function and order statistics. The method of maximum likelihood is used to fit the distributions in the new family. We illustrate its potentiality by means of an application to a real data set

    Elastic fluctuations as observed in a confocal slice

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    Recent confocal experiments on colloidal solids motivate a fuller study of the projection of three-dimensional fluctuations onto a two-dimensional confocal slice. We show that the effective theory of a projected crystal displays several exceptional features, such as non-standard exponents in the dispersion relations. We provide analytic expressions for the effective two-dimensional elastic properties which allow one to work back from sliced experimental observations to three-dimensional elastic constants.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Instant Two-Body Equation in Breit Frame

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    A quasipotential formalism for elastic scattering from relativistic bound states is based on applying an instant constraint to both initial and final states in the Breit frame. This formalism is advantageous for the analysis of electromagnetic interactions because current conservation and four momentum conservation are realized within a three-dimensional formalism. Wave functions are required in a frame where the total momentum is nonzero, which means that the usual partial wave analysis is inapplicable. In this work, the three-dimensional equation is solved numerically, taking into account the relevant symmetries. A dynamical boost of the interaction also is needed for the instant formalism, which in general requires that the boosted interaction be defined as the solution of a four-dimensional equation. For the case of a scalar separable interaction, this equation is solved and the Lorentz invariance of the three-dimensional formulation using the boosted interaction is verified. For more realistic interactions, a simple approximation is used to characterize the boost of the interaction.Comment: 20 pages in revtex 3, 3 figures. Fixed reform/tex errors