12 research outputs found

    The Influence of Various Anesthetic Thechniques on Life Quality of Patients During the Postoperative Period After Curettage of the Uterine Cavity

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    Вишкрібання порожнини матки (ВПМ) є інформативним діагностичним та лікувальним методом, який широко використовується у гінекології одного дня. Однак його мала травматичність не може повністю виключити розвиток післяопераційного больового синдрому, який в свою чергу, може мати вплив на якість життя пацієнтів. На виникнення психосоматичних ефектів накладають вплив основне захворювання, з приводу якого проводилась маніпуляція, психоемоційна атмосфера стаціонару, інтенсивність больового синдрому, тощо.Мета: визначення переліку клінічно значущих змін ЯЖ після малих амбулаторних ендоутеральних оперативних втручань, а також оцінка впливу компонентів анестезіологічного забезпечення, які найбільшою мірою змюють ЯЖ пацієнток в ранньому післяопераційному періоді.Матеріали і методи: у периопераційному періоді проводилось тестування пацієнток за шкальними опитувальниками якості життя EQ-5D, «Опитувальник якості життя пацієнтів у післяопераційному періоді» та шкалою болю ВАШ, проведена статистична обробка отриманих даних.Результати: проведене дослідження виявило основні фактори впливу на якість життя пацієнток у перед- та післяопераційному періоді ВПМ, раціональні методи покращення якості життя жінок після ВПМ. Це фізичні (післяопераційний больовий синдром) та психологічні (страх через майбутню операцію, переймання через якість її виконання, результати, очікування болю під час втручання) фактори.Висновки: основним фактором, який має найсильніший вплив на якість життя жінок у передопераційному періоді ВПМ, є порушення емоційно-вольової сфери, що проявляється хоч і у незначному за інтенсивністю, проте достовірно значимому відчутті тривоги та депресії, яке викликане страхом жінок перед майбутнім оперативним втручанням, особливостями його проведення та результатом, якістю анестезіологічного забезпечення. У післяопераційному періоді ВПМ найбільший вплив на якість життя пацієнток має післяопераційний больовий синдром. Метод превентивного інтраопераційного знеболення дає змогу ефективно та своєчасно попередити розвиток больового синдрому, та тим самим перетворюється на дієвий прийом покращення якості життя пацієнток гінекологічного стаціонару одного дня у післяопераційному періоді малих ендоутеральних оперативних втручань. Результати дослідження також виявили опосередкований позитивний вплив вказаного методу знеболення на характеристики емоційного стану та можливість попередити порушення емоційно-вольової сфери пацієнто

    Mathematical Modeling of Systemic Colorometric Parameters Unmasking Wild Waterfowl

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    The research presents results of modeling of systemic colorometric parameters, unmasking wild waterfowl.The problem of unmasking wild waterfowl is acquiring practical relevance in connection with problems of biosafety. Such problems are associated with hotbeds and ways of spreading of avian influenza and a number of other dangerous infections and infestations. Moreover, the study of regularities of formation of animals' protective coloration is of interest in terms of a number of fundamental problems of biology and ecology.As a result of conducted research with the use of a new class of mathematical models (DMDS), the authors offered a formalized description of systemic aspects that distinguish between protective coloration of mallard ducks and colorometric parameters of plant communities. The idealized trajectory of the system, reflecting dynamics of colorometric parameters of phytocenosis in the habitat of mallard duck, was constructed. The idealized pseudo-trajectory of the system, reflecting a set of combinations of colorometric parameters of protective coloration of mallard duck, was constructed. The kind of systemic colorometric parameter, which allows unmasking the mallard duck against the background of phytocenosis, was determined. Root mean square deviation of values of difference of colorometric parameters of digital photography of the researched area was selected as the systemic colorometric parameter. The systemic colorometric parameter reflects variability of ratios of difference of values of colorometric parameters in the sample of microsegments, into which the segments of the image of the studied area are divided. The obtained results offer new approaches to development of remote methods of studying living conditions and migration routes of wild waterfowl

    Development of the Method of Structural and Parametric Synthesis of the Quanton Diagnostic and Health Complex

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    The synthesis method based on the use of information invariants is proposed, and structural-parametric synthesis of the Quanton diagnostic and health complex is performed. Structural and parametric optimization of the complex is carried out according to the performance criterion. As information invariants, complete (within the accepted classification) sets of methods to obtain the functional properties of the complex, phase cycles of the life cycle, structures of technical subsystems and methods for controlling the technicalization levels, productivity and energy efficiency of processes are used. The sets of methods to obtain the functional properties of the complex and phase cycles of the life cycle are formed by elementwise complication of the corresponding attributes. The set of structures of technical subsystems corresponding to certain levels of technicalization of functions is determined on the basis of the periodic system of technical elements. Complete sets of possible structural solutions for methods of controlling the productivity and energy efficiency of processes are obtained by the topological product of the sets of types of objects by the types of methods for ensuring the required properties or qualities of objects. For each structurally different variant, the usual object parameterization procedure and the system of dependencies of the deductive parametric optimization problem are applied. The system of dependencies is a specific case of parametric information invariants. The dependencies are specified using the information about the necessary source data and target transformations occurring in the Quanton complex during the interaction of subsystems. The algorithm for finding an extremely effective solution is step-by-step. This algorithm assumes a step-by-step determination of the optimal process performance parameters within the limiting contours and subsequent improvement of energy efficiency and quality. Due to the use of complete sets of process structures, elements and discrete-continuum procedure of search for the optimal solution, the integration of the optimization of technical innovation is achieved

    Development of the Method of Structural and Parametric Synthesis of the Quanton Diagnostic and Health Complex

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    The synthesis method based on the use of information invariants is proposed, and structural-parametric synthesis of the Quanton diagnostic and health complex is performed. Structural and parametric optimization of the complex is carried out according to the performance criterion. As information invariants, complete (within the accepted classification) sets of methods to obtain the functional properties of the complex, phase cycles of the life cycle, structures of technical subsystems and methods for controlling the technicalization levels, productivity and energy efficiency of processes are used. The sets of methods to obtain the functional properties of the complex and phase cycles of the life cycle are formed by elementwise complication of the corresponding attributes. The set of structures of technical subsystems corresponding to certain levels of technicalization of functions is determined on the basis of the periodic system of technical elements. Complete sets of possible structural solutions for methods of controlling the productivity and energy efficiency of processes are obtained by the topological product of the sets of types of objects by the types of methods for ensuring the required properties or qualities of objects. For each structurally different variant, the usual object parameterization procedure and the system of dependencies of the deductive parametric optimization problem are applied. The system of dependencies is a specific case of parametric information invariants. The dependencies are specified using the information about the necessary source data and target transformations occurring in the Quanton complex during the interaction of subsystems. The algorithm for finding an extremely effective solution is step-by-step. This algorithm assumes a step-by-step determination of the optimal process performance parameters within the limiting contours and subsequent improvement of energy efficiency and quality. Due to the use of complete sets of process structures, elements and discrete-continuum procedure of search for the optimal solution, the integration of the optimization of technical innovation is achieved

    Mathematical Modeling of the Colorimetric Parameters for Remote Control Over the State of Natural Bioplato

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    An approach to the remote determination of the character of bioproduction processes in aquatic phytocenoses is proposed. The investigated plant communities can be used as natural bioplato for the elimination of biosafety threats to water consumption. The relevance of these studies is determined by the increased need for expanding the arsenal of methods for remote diagnosis of the states of natural systems that are important for biosafety provision. In particular – to ensure biosafety when using natural feed resources by waterfowls, which are a potential reservoir of bird flu.The similarity in the dynamics of the colorimetric parameters of phytocenoses and the Margalef's succession model makes it possible to implement a new approach to the generation of productive working hypotheses for the development of remote methods for determining the state of bioproduction processes in natural bioplato. The proposed approach is based on the use of the class of mathematical models, which is called the discrete models of dynamic systems.Based on the structure of the correlations between the colorimetric components of space photographs of the plavni in the mouth of the river Danube, a description of the structure of the intercomponent and intracomponent relations of the massifs of semi-submerged higher aquatic plants has been obtained. The resulting structure of intercomponent relations allowed us to construct idealized trajectories reflecting the dynamic changes of the system. A unique constant inverse relationship between the parameter reflecting the amount of green chlorophyll pigment affecting the level of photosynthetic production and the parameter reflecting the amount of orange-red pigments in each of the possible matrices of the ratios of colorimetric parameters has been revealed. As a result of analysis of the dynamic aspects of the RGB model, the structure of the system color parameter is shown, which is the mean square deviation of the spread in the degree of alignment of parameter values reflecting the amount of green and orange-red pigments.As a result of analysis of the systemic colorimetric parameter of photographs of the section of the Danube plavni during various periods of the vegetative season, it is shown that it is advisable to use it as a marker of the risk of secondary water pollution, which can be used for remote determination of the state of bioproduction processes in natural bioplato

    ФакторниЙ аналіЗ виникненнЯ крИзИ В сімейниХ відносинах, щО сприяЄ розвиткУ дисциркуляторноЇ енцефалопатіЇ

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    We examined the application of factor analysis for studying risk factors of crisis development in family relations, which can lead to dyscirculatory encephalopathy. Data of the study make it possible to reveal at early stages the occurrence and development of discirculatory encephalopathy, which subsequently will help to reveal the development of cerebrovascular pathologies, which lead to invaliding and even mortality. Using a factor analysis, we obtained a mathematical model with the help of which it is possible to reveal emotional and cognitive disorders, which lead to the development of dyscirculatory encephalopathy in patients who live in the crisis-prone families. The factors that make it possible to determine the psycho-correction targets, which include personal qualities and the factors, conditionally related to the family crisis block, were revealed. The information feature space, used in the study, was decreased, which makes it possible to reduce the time for conducting a patient's examination. A mathematical model proposed is of practical interest and may be used for the diagnosis and prediction of development of cerebrovascular diseases. Results, obtained in present study, might be useful for neuropathists, psychiatrists and psychologists who work with the crisis-prone families, as well as for specialists in the field of mathematical modeling of the processes, which may be defined as "weakly formalized"

    Developing a Method for Prediction of Relapsing Myocardial Infarction Based on Interpolation Diagnostic Polynomial

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    In this paper, based on the estimations of expert opinions of the persons who make decisions, we determined a set of criteria for evaluation of the states of patients and of the classes of possible states for predicting the relapsing myocardial infarction. We propose a method for predicting the relapsing myocardial infarction on the basis of the designed interpolation diagnostic polynomial to determine the probability of occurence of the relapsing myocardial infarction. The developed method is based on the methodology of verbal decision analysis. This method makes it possible, taking into account the totality of attributes of disease, their combination and mutual effect, to increase the accuracy of prediction by 2,7 % (in comparison to the method-prototype). This provides a possibility to prevent the relapse of disease and sudden coronary death. The proposed method is of practical interest and may be applied for the diagnosis and prediction of development of other human cardiovascular system diseases