13 research outputs found

    Coherent wave transmission in quasi-one-dimensional systems with L\'evy disorder

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    We study the random fluctuations of the transmission in disordered quasi-one-dimensional systems such as disordered waveguides and/or quantum wires whose random configurations of disorder are characterized by density distributions with a long tail known as L\'evy distributions. The presence of L\'evy disorder leads to large fluctuations of the transmission and anomalous localization, in relation to the standard exponential localization (Anderson localization). We calculate the complete distribution of the transmission fluctuations for different number of transmission channels in the presence and absence of time-reversal symmetry. Significant differences in the transmission statistics between disordered systems with Anderson and anomalous localizations are revealed. The theoretical predictions are independently confirmed by tight binding numerical simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Statistical study of the conductance and shot noise in open quantum-chaotic cavities: Contribution from whispering gallery modes

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    In the past, a maximum-entropy model was introduced and applied to the study of statistical scattering by chaotic cavities, when short paths may play an important role in the scattering process. In particular, the validity of the model was investigated in relation with the statistical properties of the conductance in open chaotic cavities. In this article we investigate further the validity of the maximum-entropy model, by comparing the theoretical predictions with the results of computer simulations, in which the Schroedinger equation is solved numerically inside the cavity for one and two open channels in the leads; we analyze, in addition to the conductance, the zero-frequency limit of the shot-noise power spectrum. We also obtain theoretical results for the ensemble average of this last quantity, for the orthogonal and unitary cases of the circular ensemble and an arbitrary number of channels. Generally speaking, the agreement between theory and numerics is good. In some of the cavities that we study, short paths consist of whispering gallery modes, which were excluded in previous studies. These cavities turn out to be all the more interesting, as it is in relation with them that we found certain systematic discrepancies in the comparison with theory. We give evidence that it is the lack of stationarity inside the energy interval that is analyzed, and hence the lack of ergodicity that gives rise to the discrepancies. Indeed, the agreement between theory and numerical simulations is improved when the energy interval is reduced to a point and the statistics is then collected over an ensemble. It thus appears that the maximum-entropy model is valid beyond the domain where it was originally derived. An understanding of this situation is still lacking at the present moment.Comment: Revised version, minor modifications, 28 pages, 7 figure

    The invariant measure for scattering matrices with block symmetries

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    Abstract. We find the invariant measure for two new types of S matrices relevant for chaotic scattering from a cavity in a waveguide. The S matrices considered can be written as a 2 × 2 matrix of blocks, each of rank N, in which the two diagonal blocks are identical and the two off-diagonal blocks are identical. The S matrices are unitary; in addition, they may be symmetric because of time-reversal symmetry. The invariant measure, with and without the condition of symmetry, is given explicitly in terms of the invariant measures for the well known circular unitary and orthogonal ensembles. Some implications are drawn for the resulting statistical distribution of the transmission coefficient through a chaotic cavity

    Conductance of 1D quantum wires with anomalous electron-wavefunction localization

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    We study the statistics of the conductance gg through one-dimensional disordered systems where electron wavefunctions decay spatially as ψexp(λrα)|\psi| \sim \exp (-\lambda r^{\alpha}) for 0<α<10 <\alpha <1, λ\lambda being a constant. In contrast to the conventional Anderson localization where ψexp(λr)|\psi| \sim \exp (-\lambda r) and the conductance statistics is determined by a single parameter: the mean free path, here we show that when the wave function is anomalously localized (α<1\alpha <1) the full statistics of the conductance is determined by the average and the power α\alpha. Our theoretical predictions are verified numerically by using a random hopping tight-binding model at zero energy, where due to the presence of chiral symmetry in the lattice there exists anomalous localization; this case corresponds to the particular value α=1/2\alpha =1/2. To test our theory for other values of α\alpha, we introduce a statistical model for the random hopping in the tight binding Hamiltonian.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. Few changes in the presentation and references updated. Published in PRB, Phys. Rev. B 85, 235450 (2012

    Conductance distribution in disordered quantum wires: Crossover between the metallic and insulating regimes

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    We calculate the distribution of the conductance P(g) for a quasi-one-dimensional system in the metal to insulator crossover regime, based on a recent analytical method valid for all strengths of disorder. We show the evolution of P(g) as a function of the disorder parameter from a insulator to a metal. Our results agree with numerical studies reported on this problem, and with analytical results for the average and variance of g.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Final version (minor changes

    Orbital entanglement and electron localization in quantum wires

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    We study the signatures of disorder in the production of orbital electron entanglement in quantum wires. Disordered entanglers suffer the effects of localization of the electron wave function and random fluctuations in the entanglement production. This manifests in the statistics of the concurrence, a measure of the produced two-qubit entanglement. We calculate the concurrence distribution as a function of the disorder strength within a random-matrix approach. We also identify significant constraints on the entanglement production as a consequence of the breaking/preservation of time-reversal invariance. Additionally, our theoretical results are independently supported by simulations of disordered quantum wires based on a tight-binding model.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Minor change

    Mesoscopic Capacitors: A Statistical Analysis

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    The capacitance of mesoscopic samples depends on their geometry and physical properties, described in terms of characteristic times scales. The resulting ac admittance shows sample to sample fluctuations. Their distribution is studied here -through a random-matrix model- for a chaotic cavity capacitively coupled to a backgate: it is observed from the distribution of scattering time delays for the cavity, which is found analytically for the orthogonal, unitary, and symplectic universality classes, one mode in the lead connecting the cavity to the reservoir and no direct scattering. The results agree with numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages (Revtex), 4 PS figures. Minor corrections. New e-mail address: [email protected] [email protected] e-mail address: [email protected]