16 research outputs found

    Landscape value in the spanish Costa del Sol’s real estate market: the case of Marbella

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    Housing prices are influenced by extrinsic and intrinsic factors. This study aims to highlight the economic impact of the perceived landscape on single-family houses prices in a Spanish Mediterranean urban area (Marbella). Considering the landscape an important added value in real estate markets, this study also explores the landscape elements that contribute the most to the value of housing. A particularly positive influence of mixed views (urban elements and Mediterranean scrub) and sea views is detected in the analysis. Sea views are highly requested in the local housing market, but due to the graded topographical layout of Marbella, it is not very difficult to have sea views for houses. The low importance of views on natural land areas is worth noting when one of the attractions of this municipality is that of a highly valued Mediterranean natural environment. Views on the old town centre are somewhere in between: although the old town centre is highly regarded, with a generally good state of preservation, the sampled properties have poorer quality perspectives, with reduced visual basins and views centred on the foreground, usually the houses opposite.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Relation between the Views and the Real Estate Application to a Mediterranean Coastal Area

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    The landscape is a factor considered when choosing to purchase a dwelling, and, therefore, it influences the price of the real estate market. However, it is difficult to measure and assess its role, since it has a series of features that work in an integrated way and are hard to quantify separately. The characteristics of the views from each dwelling must also be considered, as well as their intrinsic characteristics or proximity to public services. This study proposes an automatic method to analyze the quality of the views, including both its dimensions and its composition in order to be able to estimate the economic weight of the views in the real estate value. A series of measurements of the views from 226 dwellings are integrated into the final index equation. The results are then compared with the estimated dwelling prices. The results highlight that the average price increases up to 18.1% in dwellings with a larger high-quality visual basin. It has also been noted that it is difficult to establish a correlation between the quality of the views and the housing prices due to the multifactorial nature of the housing prices.This work is part of the project “Paisaje y valor inmobiliario en diversos modelos territoriales de entornos litorales y sublitorales mediterráneos”, financed by the Ministry of Sciences, Innovation and Universities (Spain) (PGC2018-097652-B-I00)

    Accelerated change of land uses and repercussions on risks in the territory. The case of the extension of subtropical crops in the Axarquía of Malaga.

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    Permiso del editor para depositar en el repositorio institucional.The work is based on the perspective that focuses the genesis of a good part of the processes of environmental risk in human action on the territory. The study area is a small basin located in the Axarquía (Málaga Spain), a region that experiences a very accelerated process of change of traditional agricultural uses towards the intensive cultivation of subtropical tree species. These crops require drastic changes in the hillside morphology in order to terrach them. It is proposed an analysis of the consequences of the accelerated change of use on the risk processes, both of induction of those of natural origin (erosion, mass movements or flooding) and other technological (pollution of aquifers). Several parameters has been chosen to assess that impact on hazard in order to use them as indicators of the variation of it. The results show a general increase in hazard in this area

    Recommendation system to determine suitable and viable hiking routes: a prototype application in Sierra de las Nieves Nature Reserve (southern Spain)

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    This paper describes a system for recommending hiking routes to help manage hiking activities in a protected area. The system proposes various routes, based on five criteria that maximize some aspects of hikers’ requirements (by analyzing the viability and difficulty of the trails) and also those of protected areas managers (by proposals to relieve congestion in areas already used for hiking and to promote awareness of new ones, as a contribution to environmental education). The recommendation system uses network analysis, multi-criteria decision analysis and geographic information system by free software tools: PgRouting, PostgreSQL and PostGIS. This system has been tested in Sierra de las Nieves Nature Reserve (Andalusia, Spain). Of the 182 routes obtained by the system, 62 (34%) are considered viable for hikers in Sierra de las Nieves, taking into account the type of user most likely to visit this protected area. Most routes have a high difficulty level, which is coherent with the mountainous character of the protected area.This study is a contribution to the Research Projects SEJ2007-67690, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and P07HUM-03049, funded by the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Enterprise of the Andalusian Regional Government. This work was carried out within the framework of research group HUM 776 (Geographic Analysis) of the Andalusian Regional Government

    Total 3D-viewshed map: quantifying the visible volume in digital elevation models

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    The 3D perception of the human eye is more impressive in irregular land surfaces than in flat land surfaces. The quantification of this perception would be very useful in many applications. This article presents the first approach to determining the visible volume, which we call the 3D-viewshed, in each and all the points of a DEM (Digital Elevation Model). Most previous visibility algorithms in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) are based on the concept of a 2D-viewshed, which determines the number of points that can be seen from an observer in a DEM. Extending such a 2D-viewshed to 3D space, then to all the DEM-points, is too expensive computationally since the viewshed computation per se is costly. In this work, we propose the first approach to compute a new visibility metric that quantifies the visible volume from every point of a DEM. In particular, we developed an efficient algorithm with a high data and calculation re-utilization. This article presents the first total-3D-viewshed maps together with validation results and comparative analysis. Using our highly scalable parallel algorithm to compute the total-3D-viewshed of a DEM with 4 million points on a Xeon Processor E5-2698 takes only 1.3 minutes

    El Atlántico a través de su representación cartográfica

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    Cartography has traditionally been an instrument used by man to get to know a territory without visiting it. The way territories are represented in maps allows us to have a real or slanted view of then. This fact can be proven by comparing diverse maps of the Atlantic Ocean made through the years, from antiquity to the present day. For centuries this ocean was a tenebrous space that slowed and limited the expansion of man, until, thanks to Columbus’s discoveries, it became a space that opened the door to prosperity. This paper contains a collection of maps that purport to present the Atlantic Ocean from different points of view, as well as reproducing a geographic characterization of the same.Un instrumento que tradicionalmente ha usado el hombre para conocer el territorio, sin necesidad de visitarlo, ha sido la cartografía. La forma en cómo se representan los territorios en los mapas permiten tener una visión real o sesgada de los mismos. Este hecho se puede comprobar en diversos mapas del Atlántico elaborados desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días. Durante siglos el Atlántico fue un espacio tenebroso que frenaba y limitaba la expansión del hombre hasta convertirse, a partir de los descubrimientos de Colón, en un espacio que abría las puertas a la prosperidad. En este trabajo se ha realizado una recopilación de mapas que han marcado la visión del Atlántico desde diversos puntos de vista, aparte de realizar una caracterización geográfica del océano

    Aplicación de un análisis cluster para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad a la contaminación de los acuíferos

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza una puesta a prueba de la capacidad del análisis cluster para realizar una cartografía de vulnerabilidad de la contaminación del acuífero carbonatado de Torremolinos (Sierra de Mijas, Málaga). Para este objetivo se comparan los resultados obtenidos a través del análisis cluster con otros procedentes de la aplicación de distintos métodos para cartografía de vulnerabilidad (DRASTIC, GOD y AVI). La cartografía resultante del análisis cluster muestra una distribución espacial de la vulnerabilidad del acuífero similar a la ofrecida por otros métodos, e incluso se observa en algunas zonas del acuífero una mayor capacidad de discriminación espacial. El grado de vulnerabilidad, de las distintas unidades espaciales homogéneas obtenidas a partir del cluster, se ha establecido mediante un análisis de la distancia al punto ideal

    Multicriteria evaluation by gis to determine trail hiking suitability in a natural park

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    This paper presents a method for assessing the suitability of a paths network in a protected natural park for hiking, using a geographic information system. The evaluation is based on multi-criteria methods including the weighted linear sum and the distance to the ideal point. The results show that hiking activities can be developed in other sectors of the study area, which are as suitable as those currently established. This would decongest saturated areas and add value to other sectors of the natural park. Thus, development associated with this form of tourism can be extended to all the population centres in the area of influence of the natural area.This study forms part of the project Methodological development to assess the capacity of protected spaces for recreational use, funded in open competition by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project No. SEJ2007-67690), the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Science and Enterprise (Project No. P07HUM-03049) and the Junta de Andalucía research group HUM776

    Aplicación de un análisis cluster para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad a la contaminación de los acuíferos

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza una puesta a prueba de la capacidad del análisis cluster para realizar una cartografía de vulnerabilidad de la contaminación del acuífero carbonatado de Torremolinos (Sierra de Mijas, Málaga). Para este objetivo se comparan los resultados obtenidos a través del análisis cluster con otros procedentes de la aplicación de distintos métodos para cartografía de vulnerabilidad (DRASTIC, GOD y AVI). La cartografía resultante del análisis cluster muestra una distribución espacial de la vulnerabilidad del acuífero similar a la ofrecida por otros métodos, e incluso se observa en algunas zonas del acuífero una mayor capacidad de discriminación espacial. El grado de vulnerabilidad, de las distintas unidades espaciales homogéneas obtenidas a partir del cluster, se ha establecido mediante un análisis de la distancia al punto ideal