45 research outputs found

    Proyecto corto de animación

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    [ES] El ser humano tiende a soñar e imaginar constantemente, a crear sus propias historias. Estas pueden ser tanto escritas, como ilustradas, contadas o animadas. Este proyecto es un corto animado en el que los personajes que lo componen se desenvuelven dentro de un mismo mundo y trama. Abarca principalmente la cruda historia de los dos personajes más importantes de esta, hermanos enfrentados por el destino: Darkii y Lightii. Esta historia se ha ido desarrollando a lo largo de los años gracias a los mundos, personajes e historias del principal referente: Salty Milk (Alyona Martínez), que han motivado fuertemente al diseño y creación de esta. Tomando inspiración de historias y universos de diferentes artistas fueron surgiendo ideas nuevas para una trama y personajes propios que se encuentran en un mundo muy diferente al que se conoce como la Tierra, donde diferentes especies conviven y algunos seres son bendecidos con poderes sobrenaturales. Utilizando la animación 2D, este TFG trata de mostrar esta historia al mundo con el fin de plasmar todas esas ideas en la pantalla y poder seguir desarrollándola en un futuro, dando como resultado un tráiler de cortometraje.[EN] Human beings tend to constantly dream and imagine to create their own stories. These can be written, illustrated, narrated or animated. This project is an animated short in which the characters that compose it unfold within the same world and plot. It mainly encompasses the raw story of the two most important characters in it, brothers faced by fate: Darkii and Lightii. This story has been developed over the years thanks to the worlds, characters and stories of the main reference: Salty Milk (Alyona Martínez), who has strongly motivated the design and creation of this story. Taking inspiration from stories and universes of different artists, new ideas emerged for a plot and characters that are in a world very different from what is known as Earth, where different species coexist and some beings are blessed with supernatural powers. Using 2D animation this TFG tries to show this story to the world in order to capture all those ideas on the screen in order to continue developing it in the future, ending with a trailer as a result.Vélez Jiménez, J. (2021). Proyecto corto de animación. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/170259TFG

    Predictive Model for Amotivation and Discipline in Physical Education Students Based on Teaching–Learning Styles

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    One of the purposes of teachers is to ensure the motivation of the students in their classes and to maintain disciplined behaviours. However, the teaching styles and methodologies used do not always have a positive effect on student’s motivation and discipline. This study analysed the relationship between student’s perceptions of the controlling behaviours of their physical education teacher, together with amotivation and discipline styles from Self-Determination Theory. The sample comprised 922 students, aged between 14 and 18 years (M = 14.95; SD = 0.98). Students’ perceptions of less controlling discipline styles (control of the use of rewards) negatively predicted the thwarting of autonomy need. Conversely, a more controlling discipline style (judging and devaluing) positively predicted the thwarting of autonomy need, and this, positively predicted amotivation, which nega- tively predicted disciplinary behaviours and positively predicted undisciplined behaviours. Teachers must avoid using controlling behaviours like judging and devaluing, as this reinforces amotivation towards physical education and undisciplined student behaviours. The importance of designing classes where the student has responsibilities to make decisions and to be part of their own learning is pointed out.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consideraciones de escala en la estimación de la carga anual de sedimentos en suspensión en la cuenca del río San Jorge, Colombia.

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    Se implementó un modelo distribuido de producción de sedimentos de largo plazo, mediante el cual se estimó la carga media anual y la concentración de sólidos en suspensión en la cuenca del río San Jorge -Colombia-, considerando los aportes debidos a procesos de erosión en ladera y erosión en banca de cauces. En la aproximación se empleó la estimación de caudales medios de largo plazo en la cuenca, y se evaluaron los resultados como una función de la escala y de características morfológicas de los canales que conforman la red hídrica

    Risaralda: competitividad y desarrollo regional. Generación de un lenguaje común entre actores

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    Risaralda convive con procesos de globalización con los cuales cada vez se tienen menos barreras y, por tanto, estar preparados para competir en este escenario es un imperativo para la región. La búsqueda de la competitividad es uno de los caminos posibles. El mejoramiento de los niveles de competitividad de la región no es solo tarea del sector empresarial sino que implica un trabajo en la sociedad en todos los niveles dirigentes. Uno de los mecanismos que permiten su mejoramiento es el desarrollo de estudios de futuro y, dentro de ellos, el uso de la prospectiva como herramienta. En este contexto es importante definir los principales retos del departamento de Risaralda en materia de competitividad y las acciones que se deben emprender por parte de los actores de desarrollo regional

    A Case of Acute Pemphigus Vulgaris Relapses Associated with Cocaine Use and Review of the Literature

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    Pemphigus is a bullous autoimmune disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes. It is very difficult to establish the etiology and the triggering factors that influence reactivations in pemphigus vulgaris (PV). The case of a 33-year-old male with chronic history of intranasal cocaine consumption is presented in this report. We present the clinical case of the patient, followed for a total of 86 weeks, with ten relapses secondary to probable cocaine use. The patient was admitted to the emergency department after presenting polymorphic dermatosis characterized by blisters, vesicles, and excoriations extending from the oral cavity to the thorax, and to the inguinal and genital regions, affecting approximately 35 % of the body surface area with a score of 56 on the Pemphigus Skin Disorder Index. Skin biopsies were compatible with PV diagnosis. The patient had clinical improvement with a combination of methylprednisolone 500 mg intravenously (IV) and cyclophosphamide 500 mg IV every 15 days, along with prednisone 50 mg orally (PO) q24 h and mycophenolic acid 500 mg PO q6 h. Persistent cocaine use is highly likely to be the factor triggering lesion reactivation and responsible for the torpid evolution. We cannot definitively conclude whether the change from azathioprine to mycophenolic acid after the tenth relapse was the adjuvant medication responsible for the end of the consolidation phase and complete remission on therapy. This case study could potentially serve as a guide for management of patients who continuously persist with cocaine use, leading to a clinical picture refractory to multiple therapeutic schemes

    Diagnostic accuracy of loop-mediated isothermal amplifcation (LAMP) for screening malaria in peripheral and placental blood samples from pregnant women in Colombia

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    ABSTARCT: Pregnant women frequently show low-density Plasmodium infections that require more sensitive methods for accurate diagnosis and early treatment of malaria. This is particularly relevant in low-malaria transmission areas, where intermittent preventive treatment is not recommended. Molecular methods, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are highly sensitive, but require sophisticated equipment and advanced training. Instead, loop mediated isothermal amplifcation (LAMP) provides an opportunity for molecular detection of malaria infections in remote endemic areas, outside a reference laboratory. The aim of the study is to evaluate the performance of LAMP for the screening of malaria in pregnant women in Colombia. Methods: This is a nested prospective study that uses data and samples from a larger cross-sectional project conducted from May 2016 to January 2017 in three Colombian endemic areas (El Bagre, Quibdó, and Tumaco). A total of 531 peripheral and placental samples from pregnant women self-presenting at local hospitals for antenatal care visits, at delivery or seeking medical care for suspected malaria were collected. Samples were analysed for Plasmodium parasites by light microscopy (LM), rapid diagnostic test (RDT) and LAMP. Diagnostic accuracy endpoints (sensitivity, specifcity, predictive values, and kappa scores) of LM, RDT and LAMP were compared with nested PCR (nPCR) as the reference standard. Results: In peripheral samples, LAMP showed an improved sensitivity (100.0%) when compared with LM 79.5% and RDT 76.9% (p<0.01), particularly in afebrile women, for which LAMP sensitivity was two-times higher than LM and RDT. Overall agreement among LAMP and nPCR was high (kappa value=1.0). Specifcity was similar in all tests (100%). In placental blood, LAMP evidenced a four-fold improvement in sensitivity (88.9%) when compared with LM and RDT (22.2%), being the only method, together with nPCR, able to detect placental infections in peripheral blood. Conclusions: LAMP is a simple, rapid and accurate molecular tool for detecting gestational and placental malaria, being able to overcome the limited sensitivity of LM and RDT. These fndings could guide maternal health programs in low-transmission settings to integrate LAMP in their surveillance systems for the active detection of low-density infections and asymptomatic malaria cases

    Headache, Delirium or Encephalitis?:A Case of Residual Mutism Secondary to Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis

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    Encephalitis is a heterogeneous syndrome that is diagnosed through clinical assessment and the assistance of laboratory, neuroimaging and electroencephalographic workup. Over the past 10 years, autoimmune encephalitis has been more frequently recognized; however, most reports come from highly specialized hospital settings. Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NDMAR) encephalitis has been associated with paraneoplastic encephalitis syndromes and was first recognized in 2005. We present the case of a 34-year-old male patient who debuted clinically with a headache associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms (i.e., visual and auditory hallucinations, anxiety, aggressiveness) and memory deficits, progressing to autonomic dysfunction (i.e., tachycardia and hypertension), seizures, and stupor with catatonic features. Initially, infectious, metabolic, and toxicological etiologies were excluded; followed by the assessment of immunological and paraneoplastic etiologies, yielding positive IgG levels for anti-NMDAR antibodies. The patient was treated successfully with systemic steroid therapy and therapeutic plasmapheresis, while mutism was the only sequela. Although large case series reporting on paraneoplastic and autoimmune anti-NMDAR encephalitis have been reported in the literature in recent years, this case is of particular importance due to the stepwise differential diagnosis and treatment management procedure that was used in a regional but not highly specialized hospital setting

    Investigación en ciencias sociales, humanidades y artes : debates para su valoración

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    El problema de la validez en la investigación en las ciencias, el humanismo o el arte moderno se ha convertido, en el último siglo, en un problema que pasa de la solidez de los argumentos o la consistencia de la obra creada, a las configuraciones sociales de las redes en las que se gesta ese conocimiento