16 research outputs found

    Discerning the interactions between environmental parameters reflected in d13C and d18O of recent fluvial tufas: Lessons from a Mediterranean climate region

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    d13C and d18O of recent, continuous tufa records, obtained during a monitoring period spanning 3 to 13 years, are compared with the corresponding, known environmental conditions. Three rivers in NE Iberia (located along a 200-km N–S transect) are used for this comparison. The isotopic variations through space and time are discussed in terms of the environmental and geological parameters that operate on different scales, focusing on discerning the interactions between these parameters and providing examples of possible misinterpretation of climatic conditions, which is important to past climate studies based on isotopic data. The calculation of the actual isotopic fractionation coefficients, and the comparison with the literature-derived coefficients, demonstrates that the studied tufa formation was close to isotopic equilibrium to reflect the water temperature. The difference between mean measured water temperature (Tw) and mean calculated Tw (based on d18Ocalcite and measured d18Owater) is less than 2.7 °C. Tendencies of these calculated Tw are similar to the regional air temperature (Tair) tendencies through time, in particular in the case of the 13-year record, although certain deviations exist over shorter time spans. The best agreement between measured and calculated Tw and between d18Ocalcite-based Tw tendencies and Tair tendencies corresponds to the tufa stromatolite facies. Differences between the d18Ocalcite records of the three rivers cannot be attributed to temperature changes, but to the varying influences of groundwater inputs and isotopic rainfall composition in each river.Without considering these parameters, d18Ocalcite-based Tw calculations yield inaccurate results when comparing the study sites. d13Ccalcite values do not exhibit distinct patterns over time, and d13Ccalcite variations are likely caused by local processes that do not reflect general environmental changes. These findings underscore the significance of accounting for both groundwater behaviour and rainfall stable isotope composition when interpreting climate parameters in carbonate systems, particularly when differences between the isotopic signatures of deposits exist in the same region

    Tufa sedimentation in changing hydrological conditions : the River Mesa (Spain)

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    The processes controlling tufa deposition along the River Mesa (NE Spain) were studied from April 2003 to September 2009, based on six-monthly monitoring of physical and chemical parameters of the river water and sedimentological characteristics, including deposition rates on tablets. With a mean annual discharge around 1.5m3 /s, the sedimentation rate (mean 2mm/yr) recorded important spatial, seasonal and interannual variations. The river waters are of the calcium bicarbonate type. In this study, three distinct river stretches were distinguished based on the steady groundwater inputs, some of low-thermal nature. Groundwater discharges controlled the water chemical composition, and some sedimentation features too. At each stretch, an increase in pCO2 and conductivity was measured around the spring sites. Decreasing trends in conductivity or alkalinity with high enough saturation values with respect to calcite were only clearly observed in the intermediate stretch, which had higher tufa deposition rates than the other two. Tufa deposition rates were higher in cool (autumn+winter) than in warm (spring+summer) periods. In some low-rainfall warm periods, tufa deposition was inhibited or limited due to the low flow -mainly from groundwater inputs- and to the dryness of some river sites, which indeed favoured erosion during flooding. A decrease in yearly deposition rates from April 2006 onwards paralleled an important reduction in the river discharge. Groundwater inputs, drought periods and flood events should therefore be considered to understand fluvial tufa sedimentation in semi-arid conditions

    Las tobas cuaternarias del río Añamaza (provincia de Soria, Cordillera Ibérica): aproximación cronológica

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    High-gradient, stepped fluvial tufa systems with dammed areas existed in the River Añamaza valley (NW Iberian Ranges, Spain) during Quaternary times. Single deposits range from a few meters to about 70 m thick, in which prograding-aggrading wedges separated by erosional surfaces exist. Several episodes of tufa formation have been distinguished by means of U-series, Amino-acid racemization and radiocarbon techniques. These correlate to MIS 8, 7, 5 and 1. The presence of MIS 9 is uncertain, as chronological data may also correspond to older stages. Most tufas in this area formed in MIS 5. Distinct tufa episodes can also be distinguished in the Holocene. These are the first chronological data presented for one of the northernmost Quaternary tufa systems in the Iberian Ranges

    Análisis preliminar de las tobas cuaternarias del río Ebrón (Castielfabib, Valencia, Cordillera Ibérica)

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    In this paper the Alpine cleavage affecting the Permo-Triassic series of the Espadan Range (Castellón) is studied. Cleavage affects to argillites and sandstones in Saxonian and Buntsandstein facies. At cartographic scale it is linked with the Espadan box anticline with constant ONO-ESE trend. At microscoscopic scale it constitutes a “spaced cleavage” with a predominance of pressure solution and passive rotation mechanisms. At outcrop scale the cleavage characterizes by a sigmoidal geometry linked both the post-cleavage flexural slip as a cleavage-related flexural flow mechanism. The proposed kinematic model to explain its origin includes three main stages: 1) incipient development of cleavage linked to layer-parallel shortening, 2) buckling and increasing of cleavage penetrativity and 3) folfing amplification and layer-parallel shear. RESUMEN Se estudia la esquistosidad alpina que afecta a la serie Permo-Triásica de la Sierra de Espadán, (Castellón). La esquistosidad afecta a los tramos argilíticos y areniscosos en facies Saxoniense y Buntsandstein, con distinto grado de penetratividad. A escala cartográfica se asocia al anticlinal de Espadán con geometría en cofre y orientación ONO-ESE. A escala microestructural se clasifica como esquistosidad espaciada con predominio de los mecanismos de disolución por presión y rotación mecánica de filosilicatos. A escala de afloramiento destaca la geometría sigmoidal de las superficies de esquistosidad atribuida tanto a un mecanismo post-esquistoso de flexodeslizamiento en las capas competentes como a flexofluencia sin-esquistosa en capas incompetentes. El modelo cinemático para su génesis contempla tres estadios: 1) desarrollo incipiente de esquistosidad en relación a acortamiento paralelo a las capas, 2) buckling e incremento del grado de penetratividad y 3) amplificación de los pliegues y cizalla simple paralela a las capa

    Ensayo cronológico de las tobas cuaternarias del río Piedra (Cordillera Ibérica)

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    A preliminary absolute chronology for the Quaternary calcareous tufa deposits from the Piedra River valley (Iberian Range, NE Spain) has been carried out based on U series dating, Amino Acid Racemization, Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Radiocarbon dating techniques. Although the age uncertainties of the obtained dates are substantial, four stages of tufa accumulation correlated to MIS 9, 7-6, 5 and 1 can be distinguished. The most favourable period for tufa accumulation is located around the isotopic stage

    Evolución estacional y decenal de isótopos estables registrada en tobas recientes depositadas en substratos artificiales en el Parque del Monasterio de Piedra (NE España)

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    Identification of six-month intervals in carbonate deposits formed on tablets installed in several fluvial subenvironments of the Monasterio de Piedra Natural Park, from 1999 to 2009, allowed six-monthly stable-isotope analysis of such records. Slight differences in δ13C and δ18O exist between stromatolites (fast-flowing water areas) and moss-bearing deposits (cascades). Sediment δ13C values did not show clear regular variations through time. A chiefly cyclic pattern of sediment δ18O values reflected the seasonal variations in temperature. The calculated water temperature values were consistent with measured air and water temperature values. The increasing tendency of air temperature is closely reflected by the estimated temperature tendencies. The isotopic results stress the validity of the seasonal variation pattern detected through thickness measures, and underscore the environmental significance of tufas, which accounts for the use of this type of analysis in climate interpretation from ancient tufa recordsLa identificación de intervalos semestrales en depósitos carbonatados formados sobre losetas instaladas en diversos subambientes fluviales del Parque Natural del Monasterio de Piedra, desde 1999 hasta 2009, ha permitido el análisis semestral de isótopos estables de dichos registros. Existen pequeñas diferencias en δ13C y δ18O entre las facies estromatolíticas (áreas de flujo rápido) y las ricas en musgos (cascadas). Los valores de δ13C no muestran variaciones temporales regulares. Los valores de δ18O presentan una pauta cíclica que refleja las variaciones estacionales de temperatura. Los valores calculados de la temperatura estacional del agua son acordes con las temperaturas medidas de aire y agua. La tendencia creciente de la temperatura del aire se refleja en las tendencias de temperatura estimadas. Estos resultados refuerzan la validez del patrón estacional detectado mediante la medida de espesores de los depósitos, y confirman la utilidad de este tipo de análisis en la interpretación climática de tobas antigua

    Análisis preliminar de las tobas cuaternarias del río Ebrón (Castielfabib, Valencia, Cordillera Ibérica)

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    In this paper the Alpine cleavage affecting the Permo-Triassic series of the Espadan Range (Castellón) is studied. Cleavage affects to argillites and sandstones in Saxonian and Buntsandstein facies. At cartographic scale it is linked with the Espadan box anticline with constant ONO-ESE trend. At microscoscopic scale it constitutes a “spaced cleavage” with a predominance of pressure solution and passive rotation mechanisms. At outcrop scale the cleavage characterizes by a sigmoidal geometry linked both the post-cleavage flexural slip as a cleavage-related flexural flow mechanism. The proposed kinematic model to explain its origin includes three main stages: 1) incipient development of cleavage linked to layer-parallel shortening, 2) buckling and increasing of cleavage penetrativity and 3) folfing amplification and layer-parallel shear. RESUMEN Se estudia la esquistosidad alpina que afecta a la serie Permo-Triásica de la Sierra de Espadán, (Castellón). La esquistosidad afecta a los tramos argilíticos y areniscosos en facies Saxoniense y Buntsandstein, con distinto grado de penetratividad. A escala cartográfica se asocia al anticlinal de Espadán con geometría en cofre y orientación ONO-ESE. A escala microestructural se clasifica como esquistosidad espaciada con predominio de los mecanismos de disolución por presión y rotación mecánica de filosilicatos. A escala de afloramiento destaca la geometría sigmoidal de las superficies de esquistosidad atribuida tanto a un mecanismo post-esquistoso de flexodeslizamiento en las capas competentes como a flexofluencia sin-esquistosa en capas incompetentes. El modelo cinemático para su génesis contempla tres estadios: 1) desarrollo incipiente de esquistosidad en relación a acortamiento paralelo a las capas, 2) buckling e incremento del grado de penetratividad y 3) amplificación de los pliegues y cizalla simple paralela a las capa

    Caracterización y significado ambiental de depósitos tobáceos neógenos en la Cuenca del Ebro: Comparación con ambientes Cuaternarios

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    En este trabajo se han caracterizado sedimentológica y geoquímicamente las tres unidades genéticas reconocidas en el sector centro-occidental de la Cuenca del Ebro (Muela de Borja) durante el final del relleno de la misma (intervalo Aragoniense medio-Turoliense?), con el objetivo de establecer las condiciones paleoclimáticas y paleogeográficas que condujeron al desarrollo de esos depósitos y, especialmente, del sistema tobáceo que culmina la muela. Por otro lado, la comparación de los depósitos tobáceos con otros similares cuaternarios formados por los ríos Piedra y Mesa (sector central de la Cordillera Ibérica) permite establecer notables diferencias en las condiciones de sedimentación: un sistema fluvio-lacustre carbonatado amplio, con una red de canales de gran movilidad lateral y pendiente suave y uniforme hacia un cuerpo lacustre situado al este (para la Muela de Borja) frente a un sistema fluvial escalonado, con saltos y represamientos, pero de amplitud lateral restringida (para los ríos Piedra y Mesa)

    Seasonal and decadal stable isotope evolution recorded by recent tufa deposited on artificial substrates in the Monasterio de Piedra Natural Park (NE Spain).

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    Identification of six-month intervals in carbonate deposits formed on tablets installed in several fluvial subenvironments of the Monasterio de Piedra Natural Park, from 1999 to 2009, allowed six-monthly stable-isotope analysis of such records. Slight differences in d13C and d18O exist between stromatolites (fast-flowing water areas) and moss-bearing deposits (cascades). Sediment d13C values did not show clear regular variations through time. A chiefly cyclic pattern of sediment d18O values reflected the seasonal variations in temperature. The calculated water temperature values were consistent with measured air and water temperature values. The increasing tendency of air temperature is closely reflected by the estimated temperature tendencies. The isotopic results stress the validity of the seasonal variation pattern detected through thickness measures, and underscore the environmental significance of tufas, which accounts for the use of this type of analysis in climate interpretation from ancient tufa records. La identificación de intervalos semestrales en depósitos carbonatados formados sobre losetas instaladas en diversos subambientes fluviales del Parque Natural del Monasterio de Piedra, desde 1999 hasta 2009, ha permitido el análisis semestral de isótopos estables de dichos registros. Existen pequeñas diferencias en d13C y d18O entre las facies estromatolíticas (áreas de flujo rápido) y las ricas en musgos (cascadas). Los valores de d13C no muestran variaciones temporales regulares. Los valores de d18O presentan una pauta cíclica que refleja las variaciones estacionales de temperatura. Los valores calculados de la temperatura estacional del agua son acordes con las temperaturas medidas de aire y agua. La tendencia creciente de la temperatura del aire se refleja en las tendencias de temperatura estimadas. Estos resultados refuerzan la validez del patrón estacional detectado mediante la medida de espesores de los depósitos, y confirman la utilidad de este tipo de análisis en la interpretación climática de tobas antiguas