139 research outputs found

    Improving perception accuracy in bar charts with internal contrast and framing enhancements

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    Bar charts are among the most commonly used visualization graphs. Their main goal is to communicate quantities that can be visually compared. Since they are easy to produce and interpret, they are found in any situation where quantitative data needs to be conveyed (websites, newspapers, etc.). However, depending on the layout, the perceived values can vary substantially. For instance, previous research has shown that the positioning of bars (e.g. stacked vs separate) may influence the accuracy in bar ratio length estimation. Other works have studied the effects of embellishments on the perception of encoded quantities. However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the effect of perceptual elements used to reinforce the quantity depicted within the bars, such as contrast and inner lines, has not been studied in depth. In this research we present a study that analyzes the effect of several internal contrast and framing enhancements with respect to the use of basic solid bars. Our results show that the addition of minimal visual elements that are easy to implement with current technology can help users to better recognize the amounts depicted by the bar charts.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The effect of L-arginine and citrulline on endothelial function in patients in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

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    Background: To evaluate the effect of the amino acids L-arginine and citrulline on endothelial function in patients in stable diastolic and right heart failure using photoplethysmography. Methods: Thirty patients from the Heart Failure Clinic of the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición "Salvador Zubirán" underwent photoplethysmography using the hyperemia technique. Index finger flow was assessed at baseline and after ischemia every 30 s by maximum amplitude time (MAT), total time of the curve (TT) and the index of the two (MAT/TT < 30 = normal) before and after the administration of L-arginine (8 g/day in two doses, n = 15) or citrulline (3 g/day in one dose, n = 15) for 60 days in addition to optimal pharmacological treatment. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups at baseline. After the intervention, the MAT/TT index of all patients normalized in each evaluation period with statistically significant differences. Basal L-arginine group = 38.75 &#177; 11.52, final 23.32 &#177; 6.08, p = 0.007 and basal citrulline group = 41.4 &#177; 13.47, final 23.65 &#177; 6.74, p = 0.007 at 60&#8211;90 s. Post-ischemia: basal L-arginine 36.60 &#177; 11.51, final 18.81 &#177; 15.13, p = 0.004 and basal citrulline = 49.51 &#177; 15.17, final 27.13 &#177; 7.87, p = 0.003. Conclusions: The administration of L-arginine and citrulline has a beneficial effect on endothelial function as shown by the normalized MAT/TT index. It probably improves systemic and pulmonary hemodynamics, which could help in the treatment of diastolic heart failure. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 5: 464-470

    The effect of left ventricular dysfunction on right ventricle ejection fraction during exercise in heart failure patients: Implications in functional capacity and blood pressure response

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    Background: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of left ventricular dysfunction on right ventricular ejection fraction during exercise in heart failure patients and its implications in functional capacity and blood pressure response. Methods: In a cross-sectional study 65 patients with heart failure were included. Left and right ventricular ejection fractions were evaluated by radio-isotopic ventriculography. All subjects underwent an exercise treadmill test (Bruce modified protocol). Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were also recorded. Results: From the total population, 38 (58.46%) showed a significant increase (&#8805; 5%) in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and 27 (41.5%) showed a significant decrease in LVEF (&#8805; 5%) after the stress test. Patients with a significant reduction in LVEF during stress had lower exercise tolerance (4.1 &#177; 2.5 vs. 6.1 &#177; 2.5 METs, p = 0.009) compared to those who showed an increase in LVEF. Diastolic blood pressure was higher at rest among those who had a reduced LVEF during stress (83 &#177; 12.2 vs. 72.6 &#177; 12.2 mm Hg, p = 0.035) and during exercise (95 &#177; 31.3 vs. 76.9 &#177; 31.3 mm Hg, p = 0.057), as well as mean arterial pressure in the same group (97.1 &#177; 11.6 mm Hg, p = 0.05). In addition, this group decrease of &#8211;8.8 &#177; 51.6% in the right ventricular ejection fraction after exercise compared to an increase of 27.3 &#177; &#177; 49.1% (p = 0.007) among the patients with an increase in LVEF. Conclusions: Biventricular systolic dysfunction during exercise is associated with higher rest and stress blood pressure and worse functional capacity

    Reversible changes of electrocardiographic abnormalities after parathyroidectomy in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Background: Several studies have reported that primary hyperparathyroidism is a risk factor of higher cardiovascular mortality, mainly because hyperparathyroidism is related to arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, structural heart abnormalities and activation of the renin&#8211;angiotensin&#8211; aldosterone system. However, very few studies have shown the electrocardiographic changes that occur after parathyroidectomy. That was the aim of this study. Methods: We studied 57 consecutive patients with primary hyperparathyroidism surgically treated. Electrocardiogram, serum electrolytes, parathyroid hormone, creatinine and albumin measures were obtained before and after surgery and were compared. Results: The most common basal electrocardiographic abnormalities were left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH, 24.6%), conduction disturbances (16.3%), and short QT and QTc intervals. After surgery, a QTc interval lengthening and a tendency of T wave shortening were observed, as well as an inverse association between QTc interval and serum levels of magnesium and corrected calcium. There were no differences in LVH and conduction disturbances after surgery. Conclusions: Primary hyperparathyroidism is an important factor in the development of electrocardiographic abnormalities in this population, some of which are not corrected after parathyroidectomy. Further studies are required to demonstrate what factors are associated with persistence of electrocardiographic disturbances after surgery

    Evaluation of the buffer capacity of acid soils of the Pampas Region

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    La capacidad buffer de un suelo puede ser utilizada para evaluaciones cuantitativas del requerimiento de correctores básicos. Hipótesis: la capacidad amortiguadora, alcalina y ácida de suelos ácidos de la región pampeana puede ser estimada mediante el pH actual, pH potencial, Capacidad de Intercambio Catiónico (CIC), materia orgánica y textura, determinaciones rutinarias en laboratorios de análisis de suelos. Los objetivos fueron: i) evaluar la evolución del pH de diferentes suelos ácidos representativos de taxones de amplia difusión areal de la Región Pampeana, ante el agregado de dosis crecientes de álcali y ácido, y ii) desarrollar funciones que permitan la estimación de la dosis de corrector mediante propiedades edáficas de fácil determinación. Se seleccionaron nueve suelos bonaerenses y uno pampeano, a los que se les efectuaron evaluaciones fisicoquímicas, y sobre los que se llevaron a cabo curvas de titulación alcalina y de titulación ácida mediante el agregado de cantidades crecientes de KOH 0,2 M, y HNO3 0,2 M, respectivamente, regulando la fuerza iónica del medio. La evolución del pH de los suelos ácidos ensayados ante el agregado de álcali y de ácido se ajustó por medio de funciones de regresión lineal. Tanto las curvas de titulación alcalina como de titulación ácida señalan la existencia de suelos cuyo poder amortiguador pudieron agruparse en dos categorías. Los de mejor poder buffer fueron los de CIC mayor a 14 cmolc kg-1, MO mayor a 30 g kg-1, arcilla superior a 200 g kg-1, limo superior a 310 g.kg-1 y arena menor de 400 g kg-1. Las determinaciones de contenido de materia orgánica y arcilla, de rutina en laboratorios de análisis de suelos, pueden ser una herramienta simple para la toma de decisión acerca de la dosis a emplear en la práctica del encalado, a través de los modelos de regresión lineal multivariado, previa calibración en condiciones de campo.Soil buffer capacity can be used for quantitative evaluations of the requirement of basic correctors. Hypothesis: The buffering capacity of acid soils of the Pampean region can be estimated by the current pH (1:2.5), potential pH, CEC (Cationic exchange capacity), organic matter (OM) and texture, routine determinations in soil analysis laboratories. The objectives were: i) evaluate the evolution of pH of different acid soils representative of the Pampas Region, with the addition of increasing doses of alkali and acid, and ii) develop functions that allow the estimation of the corrector dose by easy determination edafic properties. Ten soils were selected. Physicochemical evaluations and alkaline and acid titration curves were carried out by the addition of increasing amounts of 0.2 M KOH and HNO3 0.2 M, respectively. pH evolution of acid soils tested against alkali and acid aggregation was adjusted by linear regression functions. Both alkaline titration and acid titration curves point to the existence of soils whose buffer capacity could be grouped into two categories. The ones with the best buffer capacity were those of CEC greater than 14 cmolc kg-1, OM greater than 30 g kg-1, clay higher than 200 g kg-1, silt higher than 310 g kg-1 and sand smaller than 400 g kg-1. Routine organic matter and clay content determinations in soil analysis laboratories may be a simple decision-making tool for the dose to be used in liming practice, using multivariate linear regression models, after calibration under field conditions.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Las NIIF en la currícula de la carrera de contador público. Relevamiento en universidades latinoamericanas

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    Para diseñar un Plan de Estudios de una carrera universitaria es necesario, en primer lugar, definir el perfil del profesional que se pretende formar, teniendo en cuenta que el título de Con-tador Público en nuestro país habilita para el ejercicio profesional, sin necesidad de revalidar los conocimientos adquiridos. Adquiere, entonces, fundamental importancia la formación recibida en la carrera universitaria. Los mercados globales han impulsado el desarrollo de las normas internacionales a nivel mun-dial y, como consecuencia, el estudio de su inclusión en el currículo de Contador Público, te-niendo en cuenta que el área contable es la base de la formación profesional de estos gradua-dos. En este caso es necesario definir qué contenidos deben seleccionarse para incluir en el currículo, entre ellos los relacionados a las normas internacionales de información financiera, respetando la carga horaria de la carrera. Un factor importante para la definición de estos contenidos es el proceso de acreditación de la carrera de Contador Público por la CONEAU , responsable de la evaluación de la carrera en las universidades de nuestro país fijando estándares de cumplimiento obligatorio. En este trabajo se hizo un relevamiento de la inclusión de las NIIF en los Planes de Estudios de las principales universidades latinoamericanas, distintas de las argentinas, públicas y privadas, que están mejores clasificadas en los rankings internacionales: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú, Universidad de los Andes de Colombia, Universidad Nacional de Asunción del Paraguay, Universidad Nacional de Chile, Universidad de la República del Uruguay, Universidad de San Pablo y Universidad Nacional de Río de Janeiro. Del relevamiento realizado en las universidades mencionadas surge que: todas las Universida-des relevadas están radicadas en países donde se aplican las NIIF; se observan respuestas homogéneas al problema descripto; en las asignaturas de grado prevalece la obligatoriedad de la asignatura con preponderancia de la modalidad transversal; en general también se ofrece la enseñanza de las NIIF en asignaturas de posgrado (especializaciones y maestrías) y en pocos casos se observan asignaturas optativas.To design a curriculum for a university career, it is necessary to define the profile of the profes-sional to be trained, taking into account that, in our country, the title of Public Accountant qualifies for professional practice, without the need for revalidate the acquired knowledge. Therefore, the training received in the university career acquires fundamental importance. Global markets have driven the development of international standards worldwide and, as a consequence, the study of their inclusion in the Public Accountant curriculum, taking into account that the accounting area is the basis of the professional training of public accountants. In this case, it is necessary to define what content should be selected to include in the curriculum, including those related to international financial reporting standards, respecting the course workload. An important factor for the definition of these contents is the process of accreditation of the Public Accountant career by the CONEAU, responsible for the evaluation of the career in the universities of our country, setting mandatory standards. In this paper, a survey was made of the inclusion of IFRS in the curriculums of the main Latin American universities, different from the Argentine, of public and private management, located in the main positions in international rankings: National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) , Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, University of the Andes of Colombia, National University of Asunción of Paraguay, National University of Chile, University of the Republic of Uruguay, University of São Paulo and National University of Rio de Janeiro. From the survey carried out in the aforementioned universities, it emerges that: all the Universities surveyed are located in countries where IFRS are applied; homogeneous responses to the described problem are observed; in undergraduate subjects, the compulsory nature of the sub-ject prevails with a preponderance of the transversal modality; In general, the teaching of IFRS is also offered in postgraduate courses (specializations and master's degrees) and in a few cases optional subjects are observed


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    En México se han diagnosticado deficiencias de minerales traza en ovinos en pastoreo, pero hay pocas estrategias para corregirlas y evaluar su respuesta. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar, en sementales ovinos (10 Hampshire con PV 80.6±7.6 kg y 8 Suffolk con PV 86.3±9.3 kg), el efecto de un suplemento de selenito de sodio en un bolo intraruminal de liberación prolongada (500 mg de Se), sobre el PV, condición corporal, circunferencia escrotal, variables hemáticas, actividad de glutatión peroxidasa, concentración de selenio en suero sanguíneo y características del eyaculado. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2x2x3 sin y con Se (bolo intraruminal), razas (Hampshire y Suffolk) y tres meses en la época reproductiva (noviembre, diciembre y enero), donde cada semental fue la unidad experimental. Las muestras de sangre se obtuvieron en las semanas uno (previo al tratamiento), dos y tres de julio de 2005, y después, en la cuarta semana de cada mes (de agosto de 2005 a febrero de 2006). De noviembre a enero, mediante vagina artificial, cada semana se extrajo el eyaculado de los sementales. Cada día (08:00 h), previo al pastoreo, los sementales comieron un alimento concentrado (1 % PV) y pastaron durante el día praderas de Pennisetum clandestinum, mientras que por la noche estuvieron en confinamiento. El Se suministrado aumentó (p£0.05) la actividad de GSH-Px, la movilidad y número de los espermatozoides vivos y normales. La calidad del eyaculado fue mayor (p£0.05) en volumen, densidad, concentración y viabilidad para sementales Suffolk. En conclusión, un suplemento de Se en bolos intraruminales aumenta la actividad de GSH-Px, la movilidad y viabilidad del eyaculado de sementales Hampshire y Suffolk en la época reproductiva

    Producción y rentabilidad del frijol como monocultivo y asociado con limón Persa en el norte de Veracruz, México

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    En Martínez de la Torre, Ver., México, existen 16,115 ha establecidas con cítricos que aún no están en producción y pueden aprovecharse para sembrar frijol como cultivo asociado. El objetivo del trabajo fue comparar el rendimiento y rentabilidad del cultivo de frijol sólo y asociado con limón Persa, así como determinar, que sistema de cultivo, es más eficiente en el uso de la tierra. El experimento se estableció en noviembre de 2017 en tres localidades del norte de Veracruz. En cada sistema de cultivo, el frijol se sembró en franjas y ocupó una superficie de 216 m2. Se delimitaron cuatro áreas de siembra de frijol de 6 m2  cada una, por sistema de cultivo, en las que se cuantificaron diferentes variables agronómicas, incluido el rendimiento de grano, las cuales se analizaron en diseño experimental completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones, considerando los valores de las variables obtenidos en cada área delimitada como una repetición. Para la separación de promedios se aplicó la DMS al 5%. También se realizó un análisis de relación beneficio-costo y se obtuvo el índice equivalente de la tierra (IET). Con el sistema de cultivo de frijol asociado con limón Persa, se obtuvo un rendimiento promedio de 1430.7 kg ha-1, significativamente superior al que se produjo en monocultivo. También se obtuvo una utilidad neta por hectárea, 52.3% superior y la mejor relación beneficio-costo, además de una mayor eficiencia en el uso del terreno (IET de 1.23), que cuando el frijol se estableció en monocultivo

    Effect of L-arginine or L-citrulline oral supplementation on blood pressure and right ventricular function in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction

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    Background: The effect of L-arginine and L-citrulline on blood pressure and right ventricular function in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is unknown. We have therefore evaluated, in a randomized clinical trial, the effect of these aminoacids in chronic outstanding and stable patients with HFpEF. Methods and results: All patients underwent an echocardiogram and radioisotopic ventriculography rest/exercise, and were randomized in a consecutive manner to the L-arginine group (n = 15; 8 g/day); and the citrulline malate group (n = 15; 3 g/day). The duration of follow-up was two months. The principal echocardiographic finding was a statistically significant decrease in pulmonary artery pressure in the L-arginine (56.3 &#177; 10 vs 44 &#177; 16.5 mm Hg, p < 0.05) and the citrulline (56.67 &#177; 7.96 vs 47.67 &#177; 8.59 mm Hg, p < 0.05) groups. Duration on treadmill and right ventricular ejection fraction post exercise increased, while diastolic and systolic artery pressure decreased significantly in both groups. There were no other statistically significant differences between the groups. Conclusions: Administration of L-arginine and citrulline to patients with HFpEF improved right ventricular function by increasing right ventricular ejection fraction, and probably decreasing systolic pulmonary artery pressure. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 6: 612-618

    Differences in the Clinical Profile and Management of Atrial Fibrillation According to Gender. Results of the REgistro GallEgo Intercéntrico de Fibrilación Auricular (REGUEIFA) Trial

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    [Abstract] To analyze the clinical profile and therapeutic strategy in atrial fibrillation (AF) according to gender in a contemporaneous patient cohort a prospective, multicenter observational study was performed on consecutive patients diagnosed with AF and assessed by cardiology units in the region of Galicia (Spain). A total of 1007 patients were included, of which 32.3% were women. The mean age of the women was significantly greater than that of the men (71.6 versus 65.7 years; p < 0.001), with a higher prevalence of hypertension (HTN) and valve disease. Women more often reported symptoms related to arrhythmia (28.2% in EHRA class I versus 36.4% in men), with a poorer level of symptoms (EHRA classes IIb and III). Thromboembolic risk was significantly higher among women (CHA2DS2-VASc 3 ± 1.3 versus 2 ± 1.5), in the same way as bleeding risk (HAS-BLED 0.83 ± 0.78 versus 0.64 ± 0.78) (p < 0.001), and women more often received anticoagulation therapy (94.1% versus 87.6%; p = 0.001). Rhythm control strategies proved significantly less frequent in women (55.8% versus 66.6%; p = 0.001), with a lesser electrical cardioversion (ECV) rate (18.4% versus 27.3%; p = 0.002). Perceived health status was poorer in women. Women were older and presented greater comorbidity than men, with a greater thromboembolic and bleeding risk. Likewise, rhythm control strategies were less frequent than in men, despite the fact that women had poorer perceived quality of life and were more symptomatic