530 research outputs found

    Opinión de las mujeres desplazadas sobre la repercussion en su salud del desplazamiento forzado

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    ResumenObjetivoAnalizar la adaptación de la mujer desplazada a la ciudad y su relación con los problemas de salud percibidos.MétodosEstudio cualitativo descriptivo, de tipo exploratorio, desarrollado mediante entrevistas individuales semiestructuradas a una muestra de variación máxima de 25 mujeres desplazadas. Se efectuó un análisis narrativo de contenido, con generación mixta de categorías y segmentación de datos por grupos de edad y tema. El área de estudio fueron 5 localidades de Bogotá (Colombia).ResultadosEn su discurso, las mujeres entrevistadas expresan que su adaptación a la ciudad está mediada por las nuevas condiciones económicas y del entorno y por las consecuencias psicosociales del desplazamiento. Las condiciones económicas precarias les obligan a vivir en entornos insalubres y, en ocasiones, a asumir la jefatura del hogar. En este papel presentan importantes dificultades para satisfacer las necesidades familiares, particularmente la adulta joven; junto con las adolescentes, refiere cambios comportamentales, como la reproducción de acciones violentas hacia la familia. Las mujeres desplazadas perciben alteraciones de la salud mental, nutricionales, infecciones y afecciones ginecológicas, como los principales problemas de salud, e identifican la situación económica y las responsabilidades del hogar como restrictores del acceso a los servicios de salud.ConclusionesEl desplazamiento forzado coloca a la mujer en una situación con exigencias nuevas del entorno y de roles familiares que inciden negativamente sobre su salud y acceso a la atención. La promoción de la salud de este colectivo requiere acciones que posibiliten su acceso al trabajo y su estabilización socioeconómica a largo plazo.AbstractObjectiveTo analyze the adaptation process of women internally displaced to the city and the relationship between displacement and their self-perceived main health problems.MethodsA qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study was carried out by means of semi-structured individual interviews with a maximum variation sample of 25 internally displaced women. A narrative content analysis was conducted with mixed generation of categories and data segmentation by age and themes. The area under study consisted of five localities in the city of Bogotá (Colombia).ResultsAccording to the interviewed women's discourses, their adaptation to city life depended on the new socioeconomic and environmental conditions and the psychosocial impact of displacement on the family. Precarious economic conditions forced them to live in an unhealthy environment and, occasionally, to adopt the role of head of household. In this role, many of these women, particularly young women, faced great difficulties in ensuring that the family's needs were met. Young women and teenagers reported behavioral changes due to displacement, including reproduction of violence in the home. The main self-perceived health problems among displaced women were mental health, access to food, infections and gynecological alterations. Displaced women identified the main factors hindering their access to health services as their economic situation and home responsibilities.ConclusionsDisplaced women face new environmental and family challenges that negatively affect their health and access to healthcare. Specific interventions aimed at displaced women are required to foster better health through access to work and long –term socioeconomic stability

    Promoting the Sustainability of Organizations: Contribution of Transformational Leadership to Job Engagement

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    The psychology of sustainability highlights the importance of building organizational environments promoting the employees’ well-being, and leaders play an important role in it. Drawing from Kahn’s theory, the purpose of this study is to simultaneously examine the mediating role of task significance, perceived organizational support (POS) and employees’ core self-evaluations (CSE) in the relationship between supervisors’ transformational leadership and job engagement. In order to test the proposed model, a structural equation modelling was performed using the bootstrapping technique in IBM SPSS Amos 23 for Windows. The sample consisted of 320 employees from emergent high-tech and knowledge-based SMEs in Spain. The results supported all the hypotheses posited. By helping employees to find the meaning and significance of their work, making them feel supported by the organization and strengthening their sense of worth and competence, transformational leaders boost job engagement, a key aspect of the human dimension of organizational sustainability. This paper contributes to the psychology of sustainability by advancing knowledge of the mechanisms through which supervisors’ transformational leadership influences employees’ well-being in terms of job engagementS

    Estrategia didáctica para el tratamiento de las técnicas de orientación de grupo en la enseñanza universitaria en Cuba

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    Este trabajo es resultado de una investigación encaminada al perfeccionamiento de la enseñanza de la lengua materna y responde a una problemática actual de su proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En el artículo se ofrecen fundamentos teóricos y pautas relacionados con el proceso de la comunicación. Propone una estrategia didáctica para el tratamiento de las técnicas de orientación de grupo, debate y seminario, para favorecer la comunicación oral en el primer año de la formación de profesores de Español-Literatura. La estrategia contiene acciones didácticas que permiten hacer más eficiente la labor del docente.PALABRAS CLAVE: proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje; técnicas de orientación de grupo; comunicación oral; estrategia didáctica.Didactic strategy for the treatment of group orientation techniques in university education in CubaABSTRACTThis paper is the result of a research project intended to improve the quality of the teaching-learning process of Spanish for native speakers. It provides theoretical and practical grounds to solve a current problem of communication. It proposes a didactic strategy for the treatment of two group orientation techniques: the debate and the seminar. The proposal is framed in the first year of Spanish and Literature teachers-training major. It contains didactic actions that favour teachers’ performance in this area.KEYWORDS: teaching-learning process; group techniques of orientation; oral communication; didactic strategy.

    Impacto del nivel de conocimientos, la fuente de información y la experiencia con la enfermedad sobre las actitudes, creencias, conocimientos y emociones asociadas a la diabetes en un grupo de estudiantes de educación secundaria

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    El presente estudio se diseñó con el objetivo de conocer los conocimientos, creencias, actitudes y emociones asociados a la diabetes en un grupo de jóvenes sanos con distinto grado de experiencia con la enfermedad. Participaron en el estudio 600 alumnos de 4º de ESO de nueve centros educativos seleccionados al azar durante un curso académico. Los participantes tenían edades comprendidas entre los 15 y 18 años (M= 15.62, dt= 0.70; 50.8% mujeres). Se administró en aplicaciones colectivas el Cuestionario sobre Diabetes (CSD; Vázquez y Cruz, 2004), diseñado para este estudio con el fin de evaluar en adolescentes dichas variables. Los participantes mostraron tener algún conocimiento, aunque no exhaustivo, sobre la enfermedad, y en general unas creencias y actitudes positivas hacia la misma, así como cierta emocionalidad ante el hecho de padecerla. La fuente de información, la experiencia con la enfermedad y el nivel de conocimientos tuvieron una influencia importante sobre las actitudes, creencias y emociones asociadas a esta enfermedad. Estos resultados deben tenerse en cuenta debido al impacto que estas variables pueden ejercer sobre las conductas preventivas y terapéuticas de las personas sanas y los propios pacientes, así como en las conductas de apoyo a éstos.The present study was designed to establish the knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and emotions associated with diabetes in a healthy, young sample with different experience with the illness. Six hundreds of students of 4th grade of secondary obligatory education took part in the study. They were recruited from nine educative centres randomly selected during an academic year. The age of the participants ranged from 15 to 18 years old (M = 15.62, sd = 0.70; 50.8 % women). The Cuestionario sobre Diabetes (CSD; Vázquez and Cruz, 2004) was administered in collective applications. This questionnaire was designed for this study in order to evaluate in adolescents the above mentioned variables. The participants showed some level of knowledge regarding the illness, although it was not exhaustive, and, in general, they showed positive beliefs and attitudes towards the disease, as well as certain emocionality regarding the fact of suffering from it. The source of information, the experience with the illness and the level of knowledge of the participants exerted a relevant influence on the attitudes, beliefs and emotions associated with this illness. These results must be taken into account due to the impact that these variables can exert on the preventive and therapeutic behaviors of healthy persons and patients, as well as on the supporting behaviors aimed to ill people

    Training coping skills and coping with stress self-efficacy for successful daily functioning and improved clinical status in patients with psychosis: A randomized controlled pilot study

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    The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research was partially supported by the financial aid provided to the Research Group CTS-267 by the Consejeria de Innovacion, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucia (Spain).Due to the symptom diversity and pervasive function impairments (e.g. in perception, cognition, language, affect, behavior, daily and social functioning and sense of self), recurrent relapses, elevated disability, high rates of (co)morbidity, heightened premature mortality and high burden of care of psychotic disorders, psychosocial interventions are part of patients’ standard care. There is growing evidence on the relevance of self-efficacy for well-being and functioning among these patients, but specific coping with stress self-efficacy has rarely been investigated. This study explored the outcomes of an intervention for the improvement of coping resources based on training in coping skills and coping with stress self-efficacy. Fourteen adult volunteers with schizophrenia (n=12) or schizoaffective disorder (n=2) were matched in clinical and sociodemographic characteristics and randomly assigned to the study groups. The intervention group received the training—with 15 twice per week sessions (8 weeks)—along with their pharmacological therapy; the control group received their prescribed drug therapy. Participants completed self-reports on coping with stress self-efficacy, perceived successful daily functioning based on coping skills and clinical status (Expanded Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale). Trained patients showed a significant increase in coping with stress self-efficacy and reported greater successful functioning status, and significant improvements in their clinical status were also observed. All these enhancements remained at 3-month and 6-month follow-ups. The intervention condition interacted with coping with stress self-efficacy and perceived coping functioning in explaining improvements in clinical status: in the treatment group, greater coping with stress self-efficacy translated into enhanced daily functioning, and this improvement predicted better clinical status. These findings stress the relevance of promoting coping resources in psychotic disorders and provide preliminary evidence for the potential benefits of coping with stress self-efficacy.Junta de Andalucia CTS-26

    The crucial role of molecular emissions on LIBS differentiation of organic compounds of interest in astrobiology under a Mars simulated atmosphere

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    In this work, the influence of Martian atmosphere on the recombination mechanisms in laser-induced plasmas of organic compounds of interest in astrobiology has been closely examined. The proposed LIBS methodology reveals new insights concerning the influence of the surrounding atmosphere on the molecular emission of organics. The presence of nitrogen, even in the short concentration found in the low-pressure Mars environment, influences the plasma chemistry and the formation pathways leading to molecular species. Characteristic atomic and molecular emitters (C, H, C2, CN, NH, OH and CH) were inspected in a set of selected organic compounds considered as meaningful biomarkers. For comparative purposes, LIBS analysis was performed in both low-pressure air and Martian atmospheres. Statistical analysis (linear discriminant analysis; DFA) suggested that satisfactory differentiation among materials was feasible under Martian conditions when molecular emissions are computed in the classification algorithm. Atomic lines (C, H) only contribute a mere ~62% to the discriminating analysis, whereas the percentage of successful discrimination was considerably increased (up to 99%) by the progressive introduction of signals associated to molecular bands into the DFA analysis, thus confirming the major contribution of molecular information to the final sorting performance and the feasibility of discriminating closely related organic compounds by LIBS in the Martian atmosphere.his work was partially supported by Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020, Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucía, Reference UMA18-FEDERJA-272 and by Project PID2020-119185GB-I00 from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain. The authors would also like to acknowledge the support of the SIGUE-Mars Research Network, the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) Bern and the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) Beijing. // Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Improving the Speaking Skills Through the Use of Metaphor on First Year English Major Students. (Review)

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    En la actualidad la mayoría de las tendencias para la enseñanza de la lengua extranjera están condicionadas por la comunicación como elemento fundamental, con énfasis en el desarrollo de la expresión oral. La expresión oral es una habilidad que permite el enunciado de ideas y es vista como la herramienta más usada en el intercambio de conocimientos y sentimientos en el proceso de comunicación.  Investigadores demuestran que la expresión oral está asociada a éxitos en muchas áreas de la vida, e incluyen el aprendizaje de los educandos y su desarrollo académico en diferentes idiomas los cuales reflejan el uso de patrones del lenguaje figurativo. Desde que la metáfora es vista tanto en el lenguaje como en la literatura, es necesario para los educandos incluirla en los programas de estudio desde las primeras etapas para su comprensión. Por consiguiente, el trabajo ofrece algunas consideraciones para el desarrollo de la expresión oral a través del tratamiento y uso de la metáfora en los estudiantes de primer año la carrera de inglés por considerar la metáfora como la construcción básica del lenguaje.  Por su parte las autoras proponen actividades a través de la asignatura Práctica Integral de la Lengua Inglesa I con el objetivo de sistematizar   elementos lexicales usando la metáfora y así contribuir al desarrollo de la expresión oral de los educandos.   Como resultado de la propuesta, la comprensión y uso de la metáfora permitirá a los estudiantes ampliar léxico y por ende adquirirán mayor elocuencia a la hora de expresarse oralmente.At present most approaches in foreign language teaching are governed by communication as the final goal of any course emphasizing on the development of speaking as a language skill. Speaking is the most useful way man uses to express his knowledge, and feelings. It is the main means used to establish relationships among people. Research indicates that the speaking skill is associated with success in many areas of life, including students learning and academic performance, and such studies has demonstrated that different languages do exhibit different patterns of figurative language use. Since metaphor has been present in language thus in literature, it is important for learners to have a better understanding of metaphor by integrating them into the materials of the course from the very beginning. So, this work offers some considerations to foster first year English students´ speaking skill in the teaching learning process of Integrated English Practice I through the use of metaphors as they are considered the basic building block of language.  Consequently, the authors outline basic important propositions for the organization of activities aimed at overcoming the student needs on lexical items by using metaphor which will serve as a guide for teaching. The work will be included on Integrated English Practice I content and the activities will demand inference in   communicative situations and collaboration to help students for comprehending metaphor.  As a result, the examination of metaphor from the learner’s point of view might offer valuable insights into a large and important area of vocabulary

    Language learning strategy use by spanish efl students: the effect of proficiency level, gender, and motivation

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    This article aims to investigate the use of Language Learning Strategies (LLSs) by Spanish EFL students, as well as the relationship between that use and other learner variables such as the proficiency level, gender, and motivation. Participants were 206 Spanish students of English from different proficiency levels. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire.The results show that the participants use LLSs moderately with a high preference for metacognitive and affective strategies. Proficiency level did not have a significant effect, except in the cognitive category between proficient and basic users groups. In relation to gender, there were not statistically significant differences between male and female students. However, motivation had a paramount effect in the use of LLSs. El propósito de este estudio es investigar el uso de las estrategias de aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera por parte de estudiantes de inglés con distintos niveles de competencia. Además, intenta explorar la relación que ptstros participantes (N=206) hacen un uso moderado de esas estrategias, siendo las más utilizadas las metacognitivas y las afectivas. El nivel de competencia sólo tuvo un impacto significativo en la categoría de estrategias cognitivas entre los estudiantes del nivel más alto y los de los niveles básicos. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las mujeres y los hombres en el uso de las estrategias. Sin embargo, el factor motivacional sí arrojó diferencias significativas

    Evaluación de la efectividad de las intervenciones de coordinación de la atención diseñadas e implementadas a través de un proceso de investigación acción participativa: lecciones aprendidas de un estudio cuasi-experimental en redes públicas de salud en América Latina

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    Antecedentes: a pesar de las crecientes recomendaciones para que los profesionales de la salud participen en el diseño y la implementación de intervenciones para efectuar cambios en la práctica clínica, se sabe poco sobre la efectividad de esta estrategia. Este estudio analiza la efectividad de las intervenciones diseñadas e implementadas a través de procesos de investigación acción participativa (PAR) en redes de salud de Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Uruguay para mejorar la coordinación clínica entre los niveles de atención y ofrece recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones. Métodos: El estudio fue cuasi-experimental. En cada país se seleccionaron dos redes comparables, una de intervención (IN) y otra de control (CN). Se realizaron encuestas de línea de base (2015) y de evaluación (2017) a una muestra de médicos de atención primaria y secundaria (174 médicos/red/año) mediante el cuestionario COORDENA®. La mayoría de las intervenciones elegidas se basaron en reuniones conjuntas, promoviendo el acuerdo clínico entre niveles y la comunicación para el seguimiento de los pacientes. Las variables de resultado fueron: a) intermedias: factores interaccionales y organizacionales; b) distal: experiencia de coordinación de información clínica transversal, de coordinación de gestión clínica y percepción general de coordinación entre niveles. Se estimaron modelos de regresión de Poisson. Resultados: Se observó un aumento estadísticamente significativo en algunos de los factores interaccionales (resultados intermedios) -conocimiento personal y confianza mutua- en los IN de Brasil y Chile; y en algunos factores organizacionales -apoyo institucional- en Colombia y México. En comparación con los CN en 2017, los IN de Brasil, Chile, Colombia y México mostraron diferencias significativas en algunos factores. En los resultados distales, los ítems de consistencia asistencial mejoraron en los IN de Brasil, Colombia y Uruguay; y mejoró el seguimiento de los pacientes en Chile y México. Se incrementó la percepción general de coordinación clínica en los IN de Brasil, Colombia y México. En comparación con los CN en 2017, solo Brasil mostró diferencias significativas. Conclusiones: aunque se necesita más investigación, los resultados muestran que las intervenciones basadas en PAR mejoraron algunos resultados con respecto a la coordinación clínica a nivel de red, con diferencias entre países. Sin embargo, un proceso PAR es, por definición, lento y gradual, y se necesitan períodos de implementación más prolongados para lograr una mayor penetración y cambios cuantificables. La naturaleza participativa y flexible de las intervenciones desarrolladas a través de los procesos PAR plantea desafíos metodológicos (como definir los resultados o asignar a las personas a diferentes grupos por adelantado) y requiere un enfoque integral de métodos mixtos que evalúe simultáneamente la efectividad y el proceso de implementación para comprender mejor sus resultados.Background: Despite increasing recommendations for health professionals to participate in intervention design and implementation to effect changes in clinical practice, little is known about this strategy’s effectiveness. This study analyses the effectiveness of interventions designed and implemented through participatory action research (PAR) processes in healthcare networks of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay to improve clinical coordination across care levels, and offers recommendations for future research. Methods: The study was quasi-experimental. Two comparable networks, one intervention (IN) and one control (CN), were selected in each country. Baseline (2015) and evaluation (2017) surveys of a sample of primary and secondary care doctors (174 doctors/network/year) were conducted using the COORDENA® questionnaire. Most of the interventions chosen were based on joint meetings, promoting cross-level clinical agreement and communication for patient follow-up. Outcome variables were: a) intermediate: interactional and organizational factors; b) distal: experience of cross-level clinical information coordination, of clinical management coordination and general perception of coordination between levels. Poisson regression models were estimated. Results: A statistically significant increase in some of the interactional factors (intermediate outcomes) -knowing each other personally and mutual trust- was observed in Brazil and Chile INs; and in some organizational factors -institutional support- in Colombia and Mexico. Compared to CNs in 2017, INs of Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico showed significant differences in some factors. In distal outcomes, care consistency items improved in Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay INs; and patient follow-up improved in Chile and Mexico. General perception of clinical coordination increased in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico INs. Compared to CNs in 2017, only Brazil showed significant differences. Conclusions: Although more research is needed, results show that PAR-based interventions improved some outcomes regarding clinical coordination at network level, with differences between countries. However, a PAR process is, by definition, slow and gradual, and longer implementation periods are needed to achieve greater penetration and quantifiable changes. The participatory and flexible nature of interventions developed through PAR processes poses methodological challenges (such as defining outcomes or allocating individuals to different groups in advance), and requires a comprehensive mixed-methods approach that simultaneously evaluates effectiveness and the implementation process to better understand its outcomes