106 research outputs found

    El comportamiento del consumidor y la estrategia de distribución comercial: Una aplicación empírica al mercado de Asturias

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    Este artículo comenta un modelo teórico sobre la conducta del consumidor en el momento de seleccionar establecimientos detallistas. Sugiere diversas investigaciones a partir del mismo y plantea un estudio empírico cuyo objetivo es identificar una tipología del consumidor en función de su actitud hacia la compra. Para cada segmento analiza la imagen percibida de la actuación de distintos tipos de detallistas derivando grupos estratégicos desde la perspectiva de la demanda

    La experiencia de compra como creadora de lealtad actitudinal: ¿qué papel juega el compromiso con el detallista?

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    La gran dinamización que vive actualmente el sector retail ha llevado a los detallistas a tener que buscar nuevas estrategias para diferenciarse de sus competidores. La creación de experiencias en el punto de venta no sólo permite esto, sino que además puede contribuir a potenciar la lealtad de los consumidores. En este trabajo se propone un modelo que analiza la relación entre diversas experiencias de compra (sensorial, intelectual, social, pragmática y emocional), identificadas a partir de una muestra de 527 consumidores, y dos variables relacionadas con la lealtad actitudinal (intención de recompra y predisposión a pagar más). Además, se ha analizado el efecto moderador del compromiso con la empresa, confirmando que las experiencias durante el acto de compra influyen de diferente manera en la lealtad en función del nivel de compromiso con la empresa.The current dynamism of the retail sector has led retailers to find new strategies to differentiate themselves from their competitors. The creation of experiences at the store not only allows this, but can also contribute to enhance the loyalty of consumers. In this paper we propose a model that analyzes the relationship between different shopping experiences (sensory, intellectual, social, pragmatic and emotional), identified from a sample of 527 consumers, and two variables related to attitudinal loyalty (intention to repurchase and willing to pay more). In addition, the moderating effect of the commitment with the retailer has been analyzed, confirming that the shopping experiences influence in a different way in the loyalty depending on the level of commitment to the retailer

    Mapping the Field of Donation-Based Crowdfunding for Charitable Causes: Systematic Review and Conceptual Framework

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    [Abstract]: This study compiles the main findings in the field of academic research on pure donation-based crowdfunding (DCF) soliciting monetary contributions for charitable causes. To this purpose, a systematic literature review is conducted, resulting in 92 scientific publications analyzed for the first time in this field of research. The prevailing thematic dimensions and research gaps are identified and discussed. The incipient literature on DCF, with a majority of publications from 2015 onward in the form of empirical articles using quantitative methodolo gies, focuses on antecedents related to individual donors, organizational promoters as main actors, and online chan nels and design-related features of campaigns as enablers. However, the effects of DCF on relevant stakeholders (particularly beneficiaries and society in general) remain largely obscure. Based on this analysis, an integrated conceptual framework on DCF is proposed to guide future research. This framework, susceptible of empirical evalu ation, allows characterizing the DCF as a distinct and emerging type of philanthropic funding model based on specific and novel antecedents, actors, enablers and effects

    Bibliometric Map of Literatura on Donation-Based Crowdfunding for Charitable Causes

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    [Abstract]: By bibliometric analyzing 92 publications in the field of pure donation-based crowdfunding for charitable causes soliciting monetary contributions, and providing a comprehensive bibliometric map with the software VOSviewer, this work overviews the prevailing themes, the main cross-cutting aspects, commonalities and differences underlying the resulting clusters, and illustrates them through a sample of key contributions in the literature distributed in different research categories.[Resumen]: Mediante el análisis bibliométrico de 92 publicaciones en el ámbito del crowdfunding solidario puro para causas benéficas que solicitan contribuciones monetarias, y la elaboración de un mapa bibliométrico exhaustivo con el software VOSviewer, este trabajo sobrevuela los temas predominantes, los principales aspectos temáticos transversales, los puntos comunes y las diferencias que subyacen a los clústeres resultantes, y los ilustra a través de una muestra de contribuciones clave en la literatura distribuidas en diferentes categorías de investigación

    Determinants of success of donation-based crowdfunding through digital platforms : The influence of offline factors

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    The purpose of this research consist of exploring the extent to which factors traditionally explaining the success of offline fundraising campaigns for social causes may also influence the success of donationbased crowdfunding (DCF) campaigns promoted by social economy organizations (SEO) through digital platforms. Firstly, factors determining the success of offline fundraising campaigns for social causes are identified from previous literature. Secondly, a set of hypotheses linking these determinants to DCF campaigns is proposed. Thirdly, their explanatory capacity is measured through quantitative analysis based on a database of 360 campaigns fostered by small, medium and large-size organizations via Microdonaciones, a donation-based crowdfunding digital platform, for the period between 2012 and 2017. Logistic regression analysis is used to test the hypotheses proposed. Results confirm the high explanatory capacity of determinants related to the geographical scope of the campaign, the volume of potential beneficiaries involved ?in these two cases in unexpected ways-, and the information provided by the promoting organizations. However, factors related to the timing of the campaigns do not influence their success. This research suggests that not only the funding channels and tools but also the nature of the fundraising campaigns themselves have been digitally transformed. Implications of this research may assist SEO in establishing effective relationships with new digital donors in order to achieve sustainable growth.

    When the winner takes it all: online campaign factors influencing the success of donation-based crowdfunding for charitable causes

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    [Abstract] This research explores the extent to which campaign factors may influence the success of donation-based crowdfunding (DCF) promoted online with social purposes. Factors that may explain the success of online fundraising campaigns for social causes are firstly identified from previous literature and linked to DCF campaigns through a set of hypotheses: disclosure, imagery, updating, and spreadability. Following, their explanatory capacity is measured through quantitative analysis (logistic regression) based on 360 all-or-nothing campaigns fostered by nonprofits through an online platform. Results confirm the high explanatory capacity of determinants related to the updating and spreadability of the campaign. However, factors related to the disclosure and imagery do not influence their success. This research suggests that the success of online campaigns is closely related to share and update transparent information of those details that contributors deem relevant. Implications are drawn for the effective technical design and management of DCF campaigns channeled through digital media, and specifically for the engagement with potential online communities of funders in digital platforms

    Cambio de proveedor tras un fallo en el servicio

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    Este trabajo examina distintos factores que disuaden a los clientes de que cambien de proveedor tras un fallo en el servicio. Analiza el efecto de la (in)satisfacción del cliente, las barreras al cambio, el atractivo de alternativas y la antigüedad de la relación en dicho comportamiento del cliente. La metodología empleada se apoya en regresiones probabilísticas y en la reciente línea de investigación que aboga por analizar situaciones reales de fracaso del servicio. Los resultados obtenidos, en el sector de los servicios financieros, ponen de manifiesto que la satisfacción del cliente con la respuesta a su queja puede reducir el efecto negativo del fallo en el servicio en el mantenimiento de la relación con el proveedor. Además, la antigüedad de la relación y la ausencia de alternativas atractivas tienen también un papel importante a la hora evitar que el cliente cambie de proveedor.This paper examines several constructs which deter customers from switching providers after a service failure. It analyzes the effect of customer (dis)satisfaction, switching barriers, attractiveness of alternatives and relationship age on the aforementioned behavior. The methodology employed is based on probit analysis and on a recent line of investigation which defends the study of real service failure situations. The results, obtained in the financial services industry, show that customer satisfaction with complaint handling can reduce the negative effect of a service failure on maintaining relationships with providers. Moreover, relationship age and lack of alternative attractiveness also have an important role when preventing that the customer switches providers

    ¿Existen diferencias en el comportamiento omnicanal? Análisis webrooming y showrooming

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    Este trabajo evalúa la influencia que las rutas de procesamiento de la información tienen en el comportamiento webrooming y showrooming. Para ello, se utilizó la base de datos “Observatorio de e-Commerce 2014” de la Consultora GfK que contiene información detallada sobre el proceso de compra de 4.067 consumidores que han adquirido productos de diferentes sectores de la distribución comercial. Los resultados obtenidos utilizando el modelo logit binomial muestran que los consumidores webroomers tienen una conducta más planificada y valoran en mayor medida los criterios de decisión de compra vinculados al producto. Por su parte, los showroomers son compradores más influenciables y valoran más los criterios de decisión vinculados con el distribuidor.This paper evaluates the influence that routes information processing has on the webrooming and showrooming. The empirical research is based on the database compiled by GfK. This database contains detailed information about the buying process of 4,067 consumers who have purchased products from different retail sectors. The results derived from the application of a binomial logit model show that webroomers have a planned behavior and assess further the purchasing decision criteria linked to the product. Meanwhile, the showroomers are more impressionable and more valued decision criteria linked to the distributor

    El valor de marca: perspectivas de análisis y criterios de estimación

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    [ES] A lo largo de la última década, se ha originado un importante debate acerca de lo que debe entenderse por valor de marca. En la delimitación de este concepto se han utilizado varias perspectivas de análisis y criterios de estimación muy diferentes, de ahí que aún exista sobre este tema una excesiva ambigüedad. En este trabajo se presenta un marco teórico donde se contemplan distintas perspectivas de estudio y varios criterios de estimación del valor de marca. A partir de este marco, se analizan empíricamente siete criterios de estimación de acuerdo con la información recogida de una muestra de usuarios sobre seis marcas de zapatillas de deporte. Con ello se pretende contribuir a un mejor conocimiento del concepto de valor de marca.[EN] An important issue was raised for discussion trough the last decade regarding the meaning of brand equity. Different forms of analysis and estimation criteria have been applied, and that is the reason for the current ambiguity on its meaning. In this article, we present a theoretical frame were several forms of study and criteria for brand equity estimation are empirically analysed. Using six different brands of training shoes, seven estimation variables are empirically analysed in accordance with the opinions given by a sample of users for these different brands. By means of this analysis, it is our aim to contribute to a better knowledge on he concept of brand equity