13 research outputs found

    Digital Mammogram Enhancement

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    Migration and load-balancing in distributed hierarchical component systems

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    Vyvážené využití zdrojů je jedním z cílů distribuovaných aplikací. Jeden ze způsobů, jak dosáhnou vyváženého využití je monitorování běhu aplikací a migrace jejich komponent mezi počítači. Migrace s sebou přináší mnoho otázek, od monitorování prostředků až po získávání stavu komponenty a jeho přenosu na jiný počítač. Cílem této práce je navrhnout a implementovat podporu pro migraci a vyvažování zítěže v hierarchickém komponentovém systému SOFA 2.A well balanced usage of resources is one of the goals of distributed applications. A way to achieve such a balanced usage is by run-time monitoring and migration of components of already executed applications between computers. There are many issues related to migration, from monitoring resources usage till obtaining component state and transferring to a di erent computer. The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a support for migration and load-balancing of components in the SOFA 2 hierarchical component system.Department of Software EngineeringKatedra softwarového inženýrstvíFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Design and investigation of properties of nanocrystalline diamond optical planar waveguides

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    Diamond thin films have remarkable properties comparable with natural diamond. Because of these properties it is a very promising material for many various applications (sensors, heat sink, optical mirrors, chemical and radiation wear, cold cathodes, tissue engineering, etc.) In this paper we report about design, deposition and measurement of properties of optical planar waveguides fabricated from nanocrystalline diamond thin films. The nanocrystalline diamond planar waveguide was deposited by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition and the structure of the deposited film was studied by scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The design of the presented planar waveguides was realized on the bases of modified dispersion equation and was schemed for 632.8 nm, 964 nm, 1 310 nm and 1 550 nm wavelengths. Waveguiding properties were examined by prism coupling technique and it was found that the diamond based planar optical element guided one fundamental mode for all measured wavelengths. Values of the refractive indices of our NCD thin film measured at various wavelengths were almost the same as those of natural diamond

    Texture modeling applied to medical images

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    and contributions This thesis presents novel descriptive multidimensional Markovian textural models applied to computer aided diagnosis in the field of X-ray mammogra- phy. These general mathematical models, applicable in wide areas of texture modeling outside X-ray mammography as well, provide ideal visual verification using synthesis of the corresponding measured data spaces, contrary to stan- dard discriminative models. All achieved results in the thesis are extensively benchmarked. The thesis presents two methods for breast density classification in X-ray mammography. The methods were tested on the widely known MIAS database and the state-of-the art INbreast database, with competitive results. Several methods for completely automatic mammogram texture enhance- ment are presented. These methods are based on the descriptive textural mod- els developed in the thesis which automatically adapt to the analyzed X-ray texture, thus being universal for any type of input without the need of further manual tuning of specific parameters. The methods' outputs highlight regions of interest, detected as textural abnormalities. The methods provide the pos- sibility of enhancement tuned to specific types of mammogram tissue. Hence, the enhanced mammograms can help radiologists to decrease their false negative..

    Texture modeling applied to medical images

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    and contributions This thesis presents novel descriptive multidimensional Markovian textural models applied to computer aided diagnosis in the field of X-ray mammogra- phy. These general mathematical models, applicable in wide areas of texture modeling outside X-ray mammography as well, provide ideal visual verification using synthesis of the corresponding measured data spaces, contrary to stan- dard discriminative models. All achieved results in the thesis are extensively benchmarked. The thesis presents two methods for breast density classification in X-ray mammography. The methods were tested on the widely known MIAS database and the state-of-the art INbreast database, with competitive results. Several methods for completely automatic mammogram texture enhance- ment are presented. These methods are based on the descriptive textural mod- els developed in the thesis which automatically adapt to the analyzed X-ray texture, thus being universal for any type of input without the need of further manual tuning of specific parameters. The methods' outputs highlight regions of interest, detected as textural abnormalities. The methods provide the pos- sibility of enhancement tuned to specific types of mammogram tissue. Hence, the enhanced mammograms can help radiologists to decrease their false negative..

    Migration and load-balancing in distributed hierarchical component systems

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    A well balanced usage of resources is one of the goals of distributed applications. A way to achieve such a balanced usage is by run-time monitoring and migration of components of already executed applications between computers. There are many issues related to migration, from monitoring resources usage till obtaining component state and transferring to a di erent computer. The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a support for migration and load-balancing of components in the SOFA 2 hierarchical component system

    Modelování textur aplikované na lékařské snímky

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    V práci jsou prezentovány nové deskriptivní mnoharozměrné markovské tex- turní modely aplikované na počítačem podporovanou diagnostiku rentgenových mamogramů. Tyto netriviální matematické modely, aplikovatelné též v široké oblasti modelování mnoharozměrných vzájemně korelovaných dat mimo mamo- grafii, umožňují, oproti standardním diskriminativním modelům, ideální vizuální ověření pomocí syntézy odpovídajících datových prostorů. Veškeré dosažené výsledky byly podrobeny rozsáhlým benchmarkům. Práce prezentuje dvě metody klasifikace hustoty prsní tkáně z rentgenových mamogramů. Obě metody byly testovány na databázích MIAS a INbreast s výsledky srovnatelnými s nejnovějšími špičkovými metodami. Dále je představeno několik metod pro zcela automatické zvýrazňování mamo- grafických textur. Tyto metody jsou založeny na deskriptivních texturních mod- elech vyvinutých v rámci této práce, které se automaticky adaptují na texturu analyzovaného rentgenového snímku, díky čemuž jsou univerzální pro libovolný druh textury bez potřeby ručního nastavování konkrétních parametrů. Výstupy metod zvýrazňují oblasti zájmu detekované jako texturní abnormality. Metody umožňují nastavit zvýraznění na...and contributions This thesis presents novel descriptive multidimensional Markovian textural models applied to computer aided diagnosis in the field of X-ray mammogra- phy. These general mathematical models, applicable in wide areas of texture modeling outside X-ray mammography as well, provide ideal visual verification using synthesis of the corresponding measured data spaces, contrary to stan- dard discriminative models. All achieved results in the thesis are extensively benchmarked. The thesis presents two methods for breast density classification in X-ray mammography. The methods were tested on the widely known MIAS database and the state-of-the art INbreast database, with competitive results. Several methods for completely automatic mammogram texture enhance- ment are presented. These methods are based on the descriptive textural mod- els developed in the thesis which automatically adapt to the analyzed X-ray texture, thus being universal for any type of input without the need of further manual tuning of specific parameters. The methods' outputs highlight regions of interest, detected as textural abnormalities. The methods provide the pos- sibility of enhancement tuned to specific types of mammogram tissue. Hence, the enhanced mammograms can help radiologists to decrease their false negative...Katedra softwaru a výuky informatikyDepartment of Software and Computer Science EducationFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Point-based editor

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    Goal of this thesis is to implement interactive 3D editor able to work with unorganized point-clouds. Nontraditional graphics primitive needs nontraditional editing tools, author should propose and implement several instruments and verify their behavior in real editing tasks. Particular problems to be solved: efficient data representation and persistence, normal vector computation, dynamic level-of-detail, isotropic point density, etc

    Region of interest contrast measures

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    summary:A survey of local image contrast measures is presented and a new contrast measure for measuring the local contrast of regions of interest is proposed. The measures validation is based on the gradual objective contrast decreasing on medical test images in both grayscale and color. The performance of the eleven most frequented contrast measures is mutually compared and their robustness to different types of image degradation is analyzed. Since the contrast measures can be both global, regional and local pixelwise, a simple way of adapting the contrast measures for regions of interest is proposed

    How to Increase Biodiversity of Saproxylic Beetles in Commercial Stands through Integrated Forest Management in Central Europe

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    Due to traditional forest management, the primary goal of which is the production of raw wood material, commercial forest stands are characterized by low biodiversity. At the same time, commercial forests make up the majority of forests in the Central European region, which means a significant impact on the biodiversity of the entire large region. Saproxylic species of organisms are a frequently used criterion of biodiversity in forests. Based upon the analysis of 155 scientific works, this paper defines the fundamental attributes of the active management supporting biodiversity as well as the preservation of the production function. Using these attributes, a model management proposal was created for three tree species, which takes into account the results of research carried out in the territory of the University Forest Enterprise of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, since 2019. The optimum constant volume of deadwood in commercial stands was set at 40–60 m3/ha, 20% of which should be standing deadwood. The time framework is scheduled for an average rotation period of the model tree species, while the location of deadwood and frequency of enrichment must comply with the rate of decomposition, the requirement for the bulkiest dimensions of deadwood possible, and the planned time of tending and regeneration operations in accordance with the models used in the Czech Republic. The goal of active management is to maintain the continuity of suitable habitats for sensitive and endangered species. The estimates of the value of retained wood for decomposition can be as high as 45–70 EUR/ha/year for spruce and beech, and about 30 EUR /ha/year for oak