197 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Social Challenge of the City of Barcelona Under the Model of the Quintuple Helix in a Covid-19 Context

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    This study performed an exhaustive analysis of the context that has given rise to the related phenomena of tourism-phobia and touristification in the city of Barcelona. The Quintuple Helix innovation model developed by Carayannis, Barth, and Campbell is used as a model of open innovation to present a new perspective through which to counter the challenges of today\u27s society. The Quintuple Helix supports the formation of a win-win situation between ecology, knowledge, and innovation, thereby creating synergies between economy, society, and democracy. The research also draws on the strategic city plan of Barcelona, articles in the specialized press, and reports presenting the opinions of a diverse range of professionals. The statistical data from official bodies and the answers to a questionnaire are validated through the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) model. The research analysis is a process of innovation that has not yet begun, thereby highlighting exciting questions about the potential role of the different actors involved. Our results support the idea that tourism-phobia in Barcelona remains uncontrolled and that a lack of understanding exists between the different actors. This leads to a fragile innovation process that is incapable of solving the social challenges posed by the tourism monoculture. The study offers a precise diagnosis of the actors\u27 lack of control and cohesion and suggests that policymakers rethink how to manage the city together with tourism rather than focusing solely on tourist activities. Finally, we find that the current context of the Covid-19 pandemic perpetuates a model of unsustainable tourism-philia that will eventually feed back into tourism-phobia

    Dark Tourism: Death as a new tourism business in Spain

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    Se estudia el fenómeno del turismo dark desde sus orígenes, analizando su evolución, embrionaria comercialización y su propio concepto de turismo experiencial como modalidad novedosa en la industria turística. Los objetivos han sido caracterizar el producto y el perfil del consumidor del turismo dark, así como conocer la posible estigmatización del turista dark y la factibilidad de la explotación de dicha modalidad turística en España. Para ello se ha empleado una metodología mixta, cualitativa por un lado, en forma de entrevistas a un colectivo profesional configurado por un elenco variado de escritores, investigadores y profesionales y, por otro, cuantitativa en forma de encuesta y encuesta-experimento a una muestra heterogénea y representativa de turistas y viajeros. Los resultados obtenidos han sido muy significativos: el 66,3% de los encuestados opinan que se producirá un incremento notable de la industria turística dark en España, aunque señalan diferentes tipos de bloqueos en su desarrollo y comercialización, tanto legales como culturales o éticos. La literatura existente comenzó a forjarse a finales de los noventa, pero con una falsa idea de una heterogeneidad en las actividades turísticas que integran el turismo oscuro en sentido amplio. En esta investigación se establecen, en este sentido, diversas intensidades, categorías y subcategorías de esta modalidad turística complementando y ponderando las ya clásicas de Seaton, Fennon, Foley y Stone. La conclusión principal que se deriva la investigación es que el turismo dark puede ser un catalizador de cambios innovadores en la oferta turística, capaz de valorizar recursos endógenos infrautilizados para el desarrollo y maduración de muchos destinos turísticos en tiempos convulsos y de crisis en la industria turística española.This research has analysed the phenomenon of dark tourism from its very beginning, its evolution, its embryonic commercialization and even the concept of experiential tourism as a revolution in the tourism industry. The objectives were to reel off the product and the profile of the dark tourism consumer, to know the possible stigmatization of the dark tourist and the feasibility of the exploitation of such typology in Spain. To do so, a double methodology was used: firstly, a qualitative one in the form of interviews with a professional group made up of a varied cast of writers, researchers and professionals and, secondly, a quantitative one in the form of a survey and survey-experiment to a heterogeneous and representative sample of tourists and travellers. The results obtained were highly significant, 66.3% of people surveyed imagine the possible proliferation of a dark tourism industry in Spain, although they point out different types of blockages such as legal, cultural or ethical for their commercialization. The existing literature began to take shape in the late 1990s, but it involved a false idea of heterogeneity in activity. Therefore, this research creates a single spectrum of intensity and new categories and subcategories by unifying and complementing Seaton, Fennon, Foley and Stone’s classic ones. The main conclusion drawn from such research is that dark tourism can be a catalyst for changes, since it is capable of using dormant endogenous resources for development and territorial transformation in volatile, critical or turbulent times in the Spanish tourism industry

    Análisis de la Realidad Aumentada y el Big Data como herramientas tecnológicas aplicadas a la hostelería en un contexto Covid-19

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    El primer capítulo se contextualiza temporal y socioculturalmente el uso de las aplicaciones móviles en la actualidad y de las nuevas tendencias del mercado en las mismas. Se analizan las preferencias de los turistas experienciales y su interés en temas relacionados sobre la salud y el bienestar del cuerpo. Finalmente, se enmarca todo lo anterior en la tecnología aplicada a la hostelería. En el segundo capítulo se plantea el crecimiento de la realidad aumentada debido a la proliferación y uso de teléfonos inteligentes en nuestra vida diaria. Se realiza una intensa investigación sobre la literatura que ha tratado el concepto de realidad aumentada. En concreto, aparece información relativa a la evolución que ha tenido la realidad aumentada desde el primer prototipo diseñado por Ivan Sutherland en 1966, hasta su explosión de prototipos en la década del 2000. Igualmente, se hace hincapié en las características que tiene una aplicación móvil con realidad aumentada, y en las ventajas y desventajas de aplicarla. Finalment en el tercer y último capítulo se realiza una definición del concepto del Big Data, su evolución histórica, su composición, sus características y sus elementos principales. Se concluye con algunos desafíos que tiene el Big Data y que aún no han quedado resueltos. Se encuentra intercalado con algunas imágenes y composiciones, de elaboración propia, que dinamizan y agilizan su comprensión. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis de las ventajas del Big Data en el sistema de gestión de procesos en el restaurante y sobre la ingeniería de menús. Además, se enfatiza la importancia que tiene como herramienta enfocada a la gestión de la oferta del menú del restaurante, en correspondencia con el comportamiento del consumidor

    Aproximación a la interpretación publicitaria desde la estética de la recepción

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    Definida por primera vez por Hans Robert Jauss en la conferencia inaugural de la Universidad de Constanza el 13 de abril de 1967, la teoría o estética de la recepción pretendía una revolución en la concepción de la relación autor-receptor de la obra literaria, que sería trasladada, posteriormente, al resto de manifestaciones artísticas. En esta línea, y relacionada con la teoría de los efectos de la comunicación de masas y, en concreto, de la comunicación persuasiva, el presente trabajo propone un análisis de la publicidad desde los presupuestos básicos de dicha Teoría de la Recepción, entendiendo que es el público de los anuncios el que realmente configura su sentido final

    TRPA1 channels mediate cold temperature sensing in mammalian vagal sensory neurons: Pharmacological and genetic evidence

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    Cold thermoreceptors have been described in different territories of the vagus nerve. Application of cold temperature to these visceral afferents can evoke major protective reflexes and thermoregulatory responses. However, virtually nothing is known about the transduction mechanisms underlying cold sensitivity in vagal afferents. Here, we investigated the effects of cold stimulation on intracellular calcium responses and excitability of cultured vagal sensory neurons in the rat nodose ganglion. A large fraction of vagal neurons were activated by cold, with a mean threshold of ∼24°C. Cooling was accompanied by development of a small inward current and the firing of action potentials. Most cold-sensitive neurons were also activated by heat and capsaicin, suggesting a nociceptive function. The pharmacological response to TRPM8 and TRPA1 agonists and antagonists suggested that, unlike results observed in somatic tissues, TRPA1 is the major mediator of cold-evoked responses in vagal visceral neurons. Thus, most cold-evoked responses were potentiated by cinnamaldehyde, menthol, icilin, and BCTC [4-(3-chloro-pyridin-2-yl)-piperazine- 1-carboxylic acid (4-tert-butyl-phenyl)-amide], agonists of TRPA1, and were inhibited by ruthenium red, camphor, and HC03001 [2-(1,3-dimethyl-2,6-dioxo-1,2, 3,6-tetrahydro-7H-purin-7-yl)-N-(4-isopropylphenyl)acetamide]. Results in mouse nodose neurons revealed a similar pharmacological profile of cold-evoked responses. Furthermore, experiments in TRPA1 knock-out mice showed a large reduction in the percentage of cold-sensitive neurons compared with wild-type animals. Together, these results support an important role of TRPA1 channels in visceral thermosensation and indicate major differences in the transduction of temperature signals between somatic and visceral sensory neurons. Copyright © 2008 Society for Neuroscience.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science Project Grants BFU2007-61855 (F.V.) and BFU2005-08741 (C.B.), and Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Grant CSD2007-00023 (C.B.). O.F. and V.M were supported by predoctoral fellowships from the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and the Generalitat Valenciana.Peer Reviewe

    Understanding destination brand experience through data mining and machine learning

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    This research formalises a new methodology to measure and analyse Destination Brand Experience, improving upon traditional approaches by offering greater objectivity and rigour. Adopting a case study approach, five distinct and complementary types of analysis have been conducted: comprehensive sentiment analysis and topic modelling, an analysis using multiple thesauri, statistical analyses for hypothesis testing, and machine learning for classification. The methodological innovation, through the construction of thesauri, has enabled the measurement of sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioural dimensions in unique and emblematic attractions, experiences, and transportation within a tourist destination, based on visitor reviews. This new approach allows tourism professionals and destination managers to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance tourist satisfaction. The findings suggest that there are significant differences in the relationships between specific dimensions and that gender and culture moderate or impact these relationships.Funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This study was supported by the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme of Andalusia 2014–2020, through the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan (Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación) PAIDI 2020 (Grant: P20_00457), and by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España) (Grant: FPU20/00235)

    The intention of consumers to use augmented reality apps in gastronomy – case of Málaga

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    Versión aceptadaThe intention of consumers to use mobile applications with augmented reality is analyzed in order to assess which variables have the greatest influence on their use by consumers. The UTAUT-2 model has been used, analyzing: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, price value, facilitating conditions, habit and behavioural intention. The results show that predictors of a more social nature, such as aspects associated with perceived enjoyment: habits and social influence are not supported. Also, the hypothesis on the value of price could not be supported; since most augmented reality applications are free, although it is a variable that exerts a positive influence on the intention to use because of the perceived benefits. The demographic profiles of consumers can also become important predictors when using augmented reality apps, being the millennial generation and generation Z the most likely to use mobile devices with augmented reality

    Brand personality: Current insights and future research directions

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    The aim of this study is to improve the understanding of the scientific contributions made by brand personality (BP) research, to identify its predominant themes and to propose a relevant research agenda. An analysis was undertaken of the 1051 brand personality-related articles published over the period 1987–2022 that are indexed in the Scopus scientific database. A bibliometric approach was adopted to systematically analyse the publications, and a performance analysis and science mapping were undertaken. The results showed that the motor themes of BP research related to its conceptualisation, dimensions and measurement, its impact on consumer-brand relationships and application in tourism destination-focused studies. Emerging BP-focused themes are its applications in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, service robots, storytelling and tourism segments, such as luxury. This study contributes by providing a better understanding of the state-of-the-art research on BP, and by identifying future research directionsThis study was supported by the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme of Andalusia 2014-2020, through the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan (Plan Andaluz de Investigaci´on, Desarrollo e Innovación) PAIDI 2020 (Grant: P20_00457), and by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España) (Grant: FPU20/00235). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Hypoglycemic effect of Berberis microphylla G Forst root extract

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effect of the root extract of Berberis microphylla on glucose uptake and AMPK-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity in non-resistant and insulin-resistant HepG2 cells.Methods: B. microphylla root was extracted with absolute ethanol, filtered, concentrated and lyophilized. Subsequently, liver cells, HepG2 (resistant and non-insulin resistant), were exposed for 24 h to different concentrations of the extract (10, 5, 2.5 and 1.25 x 10-3 μg/μL) to determine the stimulation of glucose uptake and phosphorylation of AMPK.Results: In HepG2 cells without resistance exposed to B. microphylla root extract, glucose uptake varied from 34 to 59 % of the available glucose while AMPK phosphorylation was 1.9 to 3.6 times the phosphorylation of the control. In insulin-resistant HepG2 cells, glucose uptake varied from 68 to 95 % of available glucose while AMPK phosphorylation was 1.8 to 3.3 times the phosphorylation of the control.Conclusion: The root extract of B. microphylla possesses hypoglycemic effects and stimulates glucose uptake in HepG2 cells with and without resistance by activating AMPK protein.Keywords: Calafate, Diabetes, Antihyperglycemic effect, Phytomedicine, Berberis, Insulin resistanc


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    Objective: To objective of this work was to perform phytochemical qualitative and quantitative analyzes of the main secondary metabolites in the root of Berberis microphylla.Methods: The extracts of B. microphylla root were tested through phytochemical screening and the quantification of the most important constituents was carried out using spectrophotometric and gravimetric techniques.Results: Phytochemical screening of both extracts showed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, cardiac glycosides, saponins, terpenes,and tannins, which are pharmacologically important. Quantification of the major phytochemicals groups showed that the ethanolic extract contains 3.9% alkaloids, 0.46% flavonoids, 9.53% tannins, and 3.60% saponins. Similarly, the methanolic extract contains 6.61% alkaloids, 0.41% flavonoids, 7.40% tannins, and 1.43% saponins.Conclusion: This is the first time that the presence of tannins, flavonoids, and saponins in this plant has been reported. The medicinal properties of the root of B. microphylla may exist due to the presence secondary metabolites