85 research outputs found

    Incidencia de riesgo psicosocial en el personal de seguridad del Centro Cultural Libertador Simón Bolívar que realiza trabajo nocturno y/o rotativo. Diseño del plan de intervención de acuerdo a resultados.

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    Este documento contiene archivo en PDF.La presente Investigación tiene por finalidad identificar, medir y valorar los factores de riesgo psicosociales a los que se encuentran expuestos el personal de guardias de seguridad del Centro Cultural Libertador Simón Bolívar y aplicar un proceso de intervención que permita disminuir los riesgos que presentan altos grados de peligrosidad. Para conseguir resultados más precisos, se utilizó en primera instancia la matriz de triple criterio del Ministerio de Relaciones Laborales, mismo que fue como punto de partida para nuestro estudio. Posteriormente se aplicó el Cuestionario de Evaluación de Riesgos Psicosociales en el Trabajo istas21 (CoPsoQ), que es la adaptación española del Cuestionario Psicosocial de Copenhague (CoPsoQ), instrumento que está diseñado para identificar y medir la exposición a seis grandes grupos de factores de riesgo para la salud de naturaleza psicosocial en el trabajo (exigencias psicológicas, control sobre el trabajo, inseguridad sobre el futuro, apoyo social y calidad de liderazgo, doble presencia y estima); es decir, aquellas características de la organización del trabajo para las que hay evidencia científica suficiente de que pueden perjudicar la salud. Los resultados, tratados de forma colectiva, nos servirán para mejorar las condiciones de trabajo. El grupo de estudio estuvo conformado por 27 personas y para reforzar nuestro estudio se utilizó una metodología complementaria, mismo que consta de 10 preguntas, y tiene como finalidad conocer cómo se siente el trabajador en su ambiente laboral. Luego de los resultados obtenidos seThis research aims to identify, measure and assess psychosocial risk factors to which the personnel security guards Libertador Simon Bolivar Cultural Centre are exposed and implement a process of intervention to reduce the risks posed by high levels of dangerousness. To get more accurate results, is used first matrix triple criteria of the Ministry of Labour Relations, which was the same as the starting point for our study. Subsequently Assessment Questionnaire Psychosocial Risks at Work ISTAS21 (CoPsoQ), which is the Spanish adaptation of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (CoPsoQ) instrument is designed to identify and measure exposure to six major groups of risk factors was applied psychosocial health of nature at work (psychological demands, job control, uncertainty about the future, social support and quality of leadership, double presence and estimates); that is, those characteristics of the organization of work for which there is sufficient evidence that may harm health evidence. The results, treated collectively serve to improve working conditions. The study group consisted of 27 people and strengthen our study a complementary methodology, the same consisting of 10 questions was used, and its purpose is to know how it feels to work in their workplace. After the results ar

    TeXTracT: a Web-based Tool for Building NLP-enabled Applications

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    Over the last few years, the software industry has showed an increasing interest for applications with Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities. Several cloud-based solutions have emerged with the purpose of simplifying and streamlining the integration of NLP techniques via Web services. These NLP techniques cover tasks such as language detection, entity recognition, sentiment analysis, classification, among others. However, the services provided are not always as extensible and configurable as a developer may want, preventing their use in industry-grade developments and limiting their adoption in specialized domains (e.g., for analyzing technical documentation). In this context, we have developed a tool called TeXTracT that is designed to be composable, extensible, configurable and accessible. In our tool, NLP techniques can be accessed independently and orchestrated in a pipeline via RESTful Web services. Moreover, the architecture supports the setup and deployment of NLP techniques on demand. The NLP infrastructure is built upon the UIMA framework, which defines communication protocols and uniform service interfaces for text analysis modules. TeXTracT has been evaluated in two case-studies to assess its pros and cons.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    TeXTracT: a Web-based Tool for Building NLP-enabled Applications

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    Over the last few years, the software industry has showed an increasing interest for applications with Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities. Several cloud-based solutions have emerged with the purpose of simplifying and streamlining the integration of NLP techniques via Web services. These NLP techniques cover tasks such as language detection, entity recognition, sentiment analysis, classification, among others. However, the services provided are not always as extensible and configurable as a developer may want, preventing their use in industry-grade developments and limiting their adoption in specialized domains (e.g., for analyzing technical documentation). In this context, we have developed a tool called TeXTracT that is designed to be composable, extensible, configurable and accessible. In our tool, NLP techniques can be accessed independently and orchestrated in a pipeline via RESTful Web services. Moreover, the architecture supports the setup and deployment of NLP techniques on demand. The NLP infrastructure is built upon the UIMA framework, which defines communication protocols and uniform service interfaces for text analysis modules. TeXTracT has been evaluated in two case-studies to assess its pros and cons.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO


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    In aquaculture, the survival of fish postlarvae is influenced by food. The gamitana, Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1816, is a species of great economic importance in our country. In the present work, the growth of gamitana C. macropomum postlarvae was evaluated, subjected to three feeding treatments: T1, live food composed of brine shrimp nauplii; T2, food composed of brine shrimp nauplii plus microencapsulated experimental food and T3, only microencapsulated experimental food. Food was provided "ad libitum" and postlarvae growth, specific growth rate, weight gain and survival rate were evaluated. The microencapsulated food was prepared by the gelling, drying and grinding technique. The experiment lasted 30 days. 450 gamitana postlarvae with initial average size of 0.02 ± 0.012 cm distributed in nine aquariums were used. The experimental design was completely randomized with three treatments and three replications per treatment. The results showed significant differences between the treatments for weight gain (g), the specific growth rate (%) and survival (%). For T : 1.25 g; 13.93% and 1 70.66%; for T : 1.38 g; 14.23% and 78%; for T : 0.83 g; 13.48% and 56.66%, respectively. The water 2 3 quality parameters were within the appropriate ranges for the species. It is concluded that the best yields were obtained with the T2 treatment, brine shrimp nauplii plus microencapsulated food.En acuicultura la sobrevivencia de las postlarvas, etapa crítica en los peces, está influenciada por el alimento. La gamitana, Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1816, es una especie de gran importancia económica en nuestro país. En el presente trabajo se evaluó el crecimiento de postlarvas de C. macropomum, sometidos a tres tratamientos de alimentación: T , alimento vivo compuesto por nauplios 1 de Artemia; T , alimentación con nauplios de Artemia más alimento experimental microencapsulado y T , 2 3 solamente alimento experimental microencapsulado. El alimento se proporcionó “ad libitum” y se evaluaron el crecimiento de las postlarvas, la tasa de crecimiento específico, la ganancia de peso y la tasa de sobrevivencia. El alimento microencapsulado se preparó mediante la técnica de gelificación, secado y molido. El experimento tuvo una duración de 30 días. Se utilizaron 450 postlarvas de gamitana con tamaño promedio inicial de 0,02 ± 0,012 cm distribuidos en nueve acuarios. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con tres tratamientos y tres repeticiones por tratamiento. Los resultados presentaron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos para la ganancia de peso (g), la tasa de crecimiento específico (%) y supervivencia (%). Para T : 1,25 g; 13,93% y 70,66%; para T : 1,38 g; 14,23 1 2 % y 78%; para T3: 0,83 g; 13,48% y 56,66%, respectivamente. Los parámetros de calidad de agua estuvieron dentro de los rangos adecuados a la especie. Se concluye que los mejores rendimientos se obtuvieron con el tratamiento T , nauplios de Artemia más alimento microencapsulado

    AmeliCA: A community-driven sustainable framework for Open Knowledge in Latin America and the Global South

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    The Latin American region has an ecosystem where the nature of publication is conceived as the act of making public, of sharing and not as the publishing industry. Scholarly institutions and universities composed an informal and non-explicit cooperative that finances journals with its own faculty members and publish them in Open Access, which means that everybody gets benefit from everybody else?s investment. Nevertheless, Latin American Open Access ecosystem is facing a fragmentation. One can identify at least two main approaches: one determined by the so called ?mainstream science? through the indexation in WoS or Scopus as the only-way to validate research; and a second approach that recognizes institutional and regional quality research, that strengthens publishers inside universities by empowering editors with technology and training and that claims for a more responsible research assessment, with custom strategies but with the capacity to interact in a global scale. This work shows AmeliCA, a concrete initiative that emerged as a result of the convergence of various stakeholders that shares the second approach.AmeliCA is a configuration of strategies, in response to the international, regional, national and institutional contexts, that seeks a cooperative, sustainable, protected and non-commercial Open Access solution for Latin America that can be extended to the Global South.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    AmeliCA: A community-driven sustainable framework for Open Knowledge in Latin America and the Global South

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    The Latin American region has an ecosystem where the nature of publication is conceived as the act of making public, of sharing and not as the publishing industry. Scholarly institutions and universities composed an informal and non-explicit cooperative that finances journals with its own faculty members and publish them in Open Access, which means that everybody gets benefit from everybody else?s investment. Nevertheless, Latin American Open Access ecosystem is facing a fragmentation. One can identify at least two main approaches: one determined by the so called ?mainstream science? through the indexation in WoS or Scopus as the only-way to validate research; and a second approach that recognizes institutional and regional quality research, that strengthens publishers inside universities by empowering editors with technology and training and that claims for a more responsible research assessment, with custom strategies but with the capacity to interact in a global scale. This work shows AmeliCA, a concrete initiative that emerged as a result of the convergence of various stakeholders that shares the second approach.AmeliCA is a configuration of strategies, in response to the international, regional, national and institutional contexts, that seeks a cooperative, sustainable, protected and non-commercial Open Access solution for Latin America that can be extended to the Global South.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    AmeliCA: A community-driven sustainable framework for Open Knowledge in Latin America and the Global South

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    The Latin American region has an ecosystem where the nature of publication is conceived as the act of making public, of sharing and not as the publishing industry. Scholarly institutions and universities composed an informal and non-explicit cooperative that finances journals with its own faculty members and publish them in Open Access, which means that everybody gets benefit from everybody else?s investment. Nevertheless, Latin American Open Access ecosystem is facing a fragmentation. One can identify at least two main approaches: one determined by the so called ?mainstream science? through the indexation in WoS or Scopus as the only-way to validate research; and a second approach that recognizes institutional and regional quality research, that strengthens publishers inside universities by empowering editors with technology and training and that claims for a more responsible research assessment, with custom strategies but with the capacity to interact in a global scale. This work shows AmeliCA, a concrete initiative that emerged as a result of the convergence of various stakeholders that shares the second approach.AmeliCA is a configuration of strategies, in response to the international, regional, national and institutional contexts, that seeks a cooperative, sustainable, protected and non-commercial Open Access solution for Latin America that can be extended to the Global South.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    TeXTracT: a Web-based Tool for Building NLP-enabled Applications

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    Over the last few years, the software industry has showed an increasing interest for applications with Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities. Several cloud-based solutions have emerged with the purpose of simplifying and streamlining the integration of NLP techniques via Web services. These NLP techniques cover tasks such as language detection, entity recognition, sentiment analysis, classification, among others. However, the services provided are not always as extensible and configurable as a developer may want, preventing their use in industry-grade developments and limiting their adoption in specialized domains (e.g., for analyzing technical documentation). In this context, we have developed a tool called TeXTracT that is designed to be composable, extensible, configurable and accessible. In our tool, NLP techniques can be accessed independently and orchestrated in a pipeline via RESTful Web services. Moreover, the architecture supports the setup and deployment of NLP techniques on demand. The NLP infrastructure is built upon the UIMA framework, which defines communication protocols and uniform service interfaces for text analysis modules. TeXTracT has been evaluated in two case-studies to assess its pros and cons.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Are integrins and ligands correlated at pig placental interface during pregnancy?

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    In the present work, we emphasize the studies about integrins and their receptors in pig placental interface at different times of gestation. Uterine placental interface (n = 24) of 17, 30, 60 and 70 days of gestation (dg) and non-pregnant uterus (n = 4) of crossbred sows were used. The presence of αvβ3 (ITGAV (integrin subunit alpha V) ITGB3 (integrin subunit beta 3)) and α5β1 (ITGA5 (integrin subunit alpha V) ITGB3 (integrin subunit beta 3)) integrins, and their ligands fibronectin (FN) and osteopontin (OPN/ SPP1), was detected by immunohistochemistry, and the immunolabeled area percentage (IAP) and the optical density (OD) were determined. The integrins and its ligands analyzed have presented peaks of expression in early and mid-gestation, both in IAP and in the OD area, decreasing at 70 dg. These temporal changes showed us that the molecules studied in this work participate in embryo/feto–maternal attachment, variably. Besides, we found a significant correlation both in the intensity and in the extension of immunostaining for trophoblastic FN and endometrial αvβ3, and trophoblastic OPN and endometrial α5β1, throughout the entire pig pregnancy. At late gestation, there is notable placental remodeling with subsequent removal or renewal of folds at the uterine–placental interface that results in the loss of focal adhesions. The decrease of the expression of some integrins and their ligands in late gestation, particularly at 70 dg, would demonstrate that there would be other adhesion molecules and other ligands that could be participating in the establishment of the maternal–fetal interface.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria


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    1º RESEÑA de : Gozalbes Cravioto, Enrique. La Ciudad Antigua de Rusadir. Aportaciones a la Historia de Melilla en la Antigüedad. Melilla : Ayuntamiento. Servicio de Publicaciones, 1991. 2º RESEÑA de : Bravo Nieto, Antonio; Moga Romero, Vicente. Melilla, Imágenes de su Historia : Álbum de cromos. Melilla : Ayuntamiento, 1991. 3º RESEÑA de : Moga Romero, Vicente; Rodríguez Picazo, Julia; Reyes López, Amelia. Melilla. Las edades históricas de una ciudad mediterránea : Historia ilustrada de Melilla. Melilla : Ayuntamiento, 1991. 4º RESEÑA de : Carcaño Mas, Francisco. Melilla. Rifeñerías; Las Plazas Menores de África. Melilla : Ayuntamiento, 1991. 5º RESEÑA de : López-Casanova, Arcadio. Razón de Iniquidad. Melilla : Ayuntamiento-UNED, 1991