1,133 research outputs found

    Modified extended tanh-function method and nonlinear dynamics of microtubules

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    We here present a model of nonlinear dynamics of microtubules (MT) in the context of modified extended tanh-function (METHF) method. We rely on the ferroelectric model of MTs published earlier by Satari\'c et al [1] where the motion of MT subunits is reduced to a single longitudinal degree of freedom per dimer. It is shown that such nonlinear model can lead to existence of kink solitons moving along the MTs. An analytical solution of the basic equation, describing MT dynamics, was compared with the numerical one and a perfect agreement was demonstrated. It is now clearer how the values of the basic parameters of the model, proportional to viscosity and internal electric field, impact MT dynamics. Finally, we offer a possible scenario of how living cells utilize these kinks as signaling tools for regulation of cellular traffic as well as MT depolymerisation.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    The Agam People as shown in Kurunththokai

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    The Sangam literature, which is rich in literature and is ancient, is imaginative and has a linguistic personality. In the Sangam literature, the short songs which received the epithet "Good" are rich in concept and imagination. In this article, the life of the Agam men of the Sangam age referred to in these verses has been explained in this article from an aesthetic point of view. The feeling of love is essential to Agam’s life, and the way in which this feeling manifests itself in both the man and the woman is enjoyable. The man and woman's love for each other, their ability to express it, and their separation are all expressed in conjunction with nature. A number of short poems that reveal the lives of the people of the Sangam age who lived in harmony with nature through their statements are illustrated, and the concept and scenes in those songs are explained

    Culture in Mullaipaatu

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    Writer Thomas Carlyle notes that literature is born out of life, it reflects life and guides life. Researchers such as Rene welleck and Austen refer language as related to the imagination and the cultural treasury of a particular language-speaking people. A refinement that fits all such interpretations can be found in Sangam literature. This is because the Sangam literature is not a figment of imagination. The literary works of Sangam era are the true incidents that took place during that era. Many scholars have been and are still doing research from various angles about Sangam literature. These are repositories of ideas that stimulate new thinking time after time

    Cultural principles as expressed in the Murka Nayanar Puranam

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    Tamil language has a very ancient history among Indian languages. Literatures in the Tamil language are also excellent factors in making that history better. Due to the proliferation of devotional texts in Tamil, the Tamil language is known as the "Language of Devotion". Saiva and Vaishnavism can be traced back to antiquity through the proverb of Tolkappiyar. Shaiva religion were revived by the Pallavas and the Cholas in the sixth century AD. During the reign of Raja Raja Chola, Nambiyandar nambi compiled the Tirupatikas in the Thillai temple into ten editions. He also added his own songs to the eleven editions. Then he added the great legend of the sekkilar and made it twelve times. The native name of the sekkilar is Arunmozhithevar. This is the twelfth edition of "Periyapuranam" composed by him. The name he gave to this book was "Thiruthondar Puranam". The history of vegetarians is proudly called the Great Myth. The coffee tells the story of 63 Nayans with beauty and devotion. Literature in the classical Tamil language is a portrayal of human life. Literature is a good guide to a happy life. There are many rare ideas in the literature about living in that genre. In this age where writing and speaking about individual rights tends to dismantle all of the bundles of fruitful traditions, there is now an increasing need to talk and write a lot about the responsibilities of every human being. There is no point in talking about the rights of those who shirk responsibilities. The number of crimes is likely to decrease only if individual morality is maintained in the federation of society. The fact that theft cannot be eradicated unless the thief is looked after is a testament to the fact that most prisons and prisons will be redundant if everyone in the country is disciplined in their adoption. This article examines family culture thinking, which takes precedence over individual morals, through the myth of the Murkanayanar

    Existence results for impulsive neutral functional differential equations with state-dependent delay

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    In this article, we study the existence of mild solutions for a class of impulsive abstract partial neutral functional differential equations with state-dependent delay. The results are obtained by using Leray-Schauder Alternative fixed point theorem. Example is provided to illustrate the main result

    Power Efficient MAC Unit Based Digital PID Controllers

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    Proper closed loop has been an ever hot issue in the automotive industry. The industrial equipments governed by PID controllers have very simple control architecture and efficiency but still they find a trouble dueto large power consumption and slow mathematical computation. Many researchers have worked out and are trying to design a low power, less delay PID. This paper reviews three MAC architectures with array, booth and wallace tree multipliers incorporated in PID architecture. The simulations are done and the area, power, delay results are synthesized using Xilinx ISE. Comparisons are made between these three architectures in terms of power delay product and area delay product

    The Role of Associations in Vocabulary Acquisition: A Psycholinguistic Study on Indian ESL Learners

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    Learning English as a second language is an area of study which demands persistent research, probing and application of the findings. In India, English language is a part of everyday life, and the exposure to English vocabulary comes through a multitude of sources which include media, game applications and social networking among others. In many instances, even complicated and less frequent words are made familiar by these sources. However, the learners of ESL struggle for a good choice of words when they are in a situation to use the language. This has led the researcher to question how the process of vocabulary acquisition happens and how the acquired words are organised and stored. The current research is a psycholinguistic analysis of the way words are organised and associated with each other in the mental lexicon of the learners. The researcher attempts to study the role and impact of associations in vocabulary acquisition through an experimental study. The participants of the study are 120 Indian ESL learners enrolled for an undergraduate programme. They were tested with two methods of teaching vocabulary, namely the word definition method and semantic cluster method. The outcome of the study is discussed in the research paper.Вивчення англійської мови як другої мови є сферою дослідження, яка вимагає наполегливості, перевірки й прикладне застосування одержаних результатів. В Індії англійська мова є частиною повсякденного життя, тому частина англійської лексики має безліч джерел, які включають у себе засоби масової інформації, ігрові додатки та соціальні мережі. У багатьох випадках навіть складні та менш поширені слова стають загальновідомими завдяки вищезгаданим джерелам. Проте студенти, які вивчають англійську як другу мову стикаються з проблемою вибору правильної лексики під час конкретної мовленнєвої ситуації. Це зумовило мету цієї статті − з’ясувати, яким чином відбувається процес відбору лексики і як набуті слова організовуються та засвоюються. Це дослідження присвячене психолінгвістичному аналізу, а саме: як слова організовані й пов’язані одне з одним в ментальному лексиконі студентів. Автори роблять спробу вивчити роль і вплив асоціацій на формування словникового запасу шляхом експерименту. Учасниками дослідження були 120 індійських студентів бакалаврату, які вивчаютьанглійську як другу мову. Студентів тестували за допомогою двох методів викладання лексики, а саме методу визначення слова і методу семантичного кластера. Результати дослідження подано в цій науковій праці