1,428 research outputs found

    Apical extrusion of debris using reciprocating files and rotary instrumentation systems

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    Background: To compare the preparation time and amount of apically extruded debris after the  preparation of root canals in extracted human teeth using the reciprocating files and rotary nickel.titanium systems.Procedure: Sixty extracted human mandibular premolars were used. The root canals were instrumented using reciprocating (WaveOne, Reciproc, SafeSider) or rotary motion (Typhoon, ProTaper Universal,  Mtwo), and the debris produced was collected in glass vials. The remaining debris was assessed using a microbalance and statistically analyzed using the one.way ANOVA and Duncan multiple range tests at a significance level of P < 0.05. The time required to prepare the canals with different instruments was also recorded.Results: The Reciproc group produced significantly less debris when compared to the Typhoon group (P < 0.05), and instrumentation with the single.file systems was significantly faster than in the multi.file systems (P < 0.05). The WaveOne group extruded significantly more debris per unit of time than the other groups, with the exception of the Typhoon group (P < 0.05).Conclusion: According to our study, all systems caused apical debris extrusion. However, the Reciproc group was associated with less debris extrusion when compared to the other groups.Key words: Apical extrusion, endodontics, single file system

    Anatomy of parotid gland and its secretory ducts in sheep

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    Background: The parotid gland in sheep ends freely in front of the masseter muscle, and paracondylary section of occipital bone and extends deep until pterygoid extends of sphenoid bone and hyoid bone. The structure of salivary glands in mammals has been thoroughly studied using histological and sialographic method. This study aimed to reveal the detailed anatomic features and race-specific differences of the canal system of the parotid glands in Akkaraman sheep by using the corrosion cast technique. Materials and methods: Thirteen sheep parotid glands from 7 Akkaraman sheep were used in this study. Parotid glands were removed from their places with ducts. Measurements were made with a calliper from back to front, top to bottom and inside to outside. After dissection of the parotid glands, their volumes were measured according to the ‘Archimedes principle’. Also, 13 sheep parotid glands were examined using the polyester resin method. Results: In the present study, our average metric results were: length of parotid duct was 10.92 ± 1.027 cm, length of parotid gland was 5.87 ± 1.04 cm, volume of parotid gland was 12.50 ± 2.48 cm3, thickness of parotid gland was 0.75 ± ± 0.36 cm and width of parotid gland was 4.07 ± 0.43 cm. The average weight of the parotid gland of Akkaraman sheep was identified as 25.3 g. Accessory parotid gland was not encountered in the current study. Conclusions: It was observed that polyester entered into the parotid duct and filled up until the acinus and made both acinus and secretory ducts well-examined in this study. It was also observed that the parotid gland consisted of lobes and lobules. The average number of lobes was 12. The number of lobules in a lobe varied between 3 and 16, each lobe consisted of an average of 9 lobules. It was found that each lobe has its own lobar duct. Copyright © 2022 Via Medica

    Influencia de las interacciones del genotipo y ubicación sobre el aceite, los ácidos grasos y las propiedades agronómicas del maní

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    An enhanced adaptation to specific environmental conditions could provide higher seed quality and quantity from groundnuts. In this investigation, nine groundnut genotypes and two controls were evaluated for morphological and oil traits in two different Mediterranean locations. The traits of shelling percentage and pod yield indicated significant differences among the genotypes. The highest pod yield was observed for ACG 154 from the subsp. hypogaea var. hypogaea and ACG 107 from the subsp. fastigiata var. vulgaris in the locations of Adana and Antalya, respectively. The genotype ACG 154 also had about 60 g of 100-seed weight, which is desirable for commercial production as a Runner commercial type. Significant differences were recorded for oil yield, palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids in both locations among the genotypes studied. The groundnut genotypes were further evaluated with allele-specific PCR markers for possible SNP mutations in the ahFAD2A and ahFAD2B genes for high-oleic mutants. ACG 14, ACG 154 and ACG 156 had the mutant ahFAD2A allele, while no ahFAD2B allele mutation was found. The statistical model GGE bi-plot was used to identify the ideal and representative location for each genotype according to pod yield performance. The genotypes ACG 107 and ACG 116 presented the highest oil yield and were relatively stable across locations. Therefore, they should be evaluated as candidates for cultivar releases in the two studied climatic areas. In addition, the selected desirable genotypes in this study can be used as parents in hybridization programs to develop populations for future releases.El maní, teniendo una mejor adaptación a las condiciones ambientales específicas, podría proporcionar una mayor calidad y cantidad de semillas. En esta investigación, nueve genotipos de cacahuete y dos controles procedentes de dos lugares diferentes del Mediterráneo se evaluaron en relación a las características morfológicas y al aceite. Los rasgos de porcentajes de descascarillado y la producción de la vaina indicaron diferencias significativas entre genotipos así como del rendimiento de la vaina. El rendimiento de vaina más alto se observó en ACG 154 a partir de la subsp. hypogaea var. hypogaea y ACG 107 de subsp. fastigiata var. vulgaris en las ubicaciones de Adana y Antalya, respectivamente. El genotipo ACG 154 también tenía aproximadamente 60 por ciento en peso de semilla que es un valor deseable para la producción comercial un mercado tipo. Se registraron diferencias significativas para el rendimiento de aceite, para los ácidos palmítico, oleico y linoleico en ambos lugares entre los genotipos. Se evaluaron además, los marcadores de PCR específicos de alelo para posibles mutaciones de SNP en genes ahFAD2A y ahFAD2B para mutantes de alto contenido de ácido oleico. ACG 14, ACG 154 y ACG 156 tenían el alelo ahFAD2A mutante mientras que no había mutación del alelo ahFAD2B. El modelo estadístico GGE biplot se utilizó para identificar la ubicación ideal y representativa para cada genotipo en el rendimiento de la cápsula. Los genotipos, ACG 107 y ACG 116, tuvieron mayor rendimiento de aceite y eran relativamente estables en todas las ubicaciones, por lo que deberían evaluarse como candidatos para extender los cultivares en las dos áreas climáticas estudiadas. Además, los genotipos deseables seleccionados en este estudio se pueden utilizar como padres en programas de hibridación para desarrollar poblaciones para futuras liberaciones

    Estimation of nasal cavity and conchae volumes by stereological method

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    Background: Studies evaluating the mean volumes of nasal cavity and concha are very rare. Since there is little date on the mentioned topic, we aimed to carry out the presented study to obtain a volumetric index showing the relation between the nasal cavity and concha. Material and methods: The volumes of the nasal cavity and concha were measured in 30 males and 30 females (18&#8211;40 years old) on computed tomography images using stereological methods. Results: The mean volumes of nasal cavity, concha nasalis media, and concha nasalis inferior were 5.95 &#177; 0.10 cm3, 0.56 &#177; 0.22 cm3, and 1.45 &#177; 0.68 cm3; 7.01 &#177; 0.18 cm3, 0.67 &#177; 0.31 cm3 and 1.59 &#177; 0.98 cm3 in females and males, respectively. There were statistically significant differences in the volume of the nasal cavity and concha nasalis media (p < 0.05) between males and females, except for concha nasalis inferior (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Our results could provide volumetric indexes for the nasal cavity and concha, which could help the physician to manage surgical procedures related to the nasal cavity and concha

    Biochar for Climate Change Mitigation: Tracing the in-situ Priming Effect on a Forest Site

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    AbstractA significant amount of Carbon (C) on global soils consists of black carbon or charred organic matter. Biochar amendment in soils is therefore seen as a potential geoengineering method for climate change mitigation and adaptation. We tested the effects of biochar amendment (10 t.ha-1) on soil respiration trace a potential priming effect until 15 months after amendment. Our results indicate that after a short period of initially weak positive priming, there was no significant difference between control and biochar plots during the entire project duration. From a carbon sequestration point of view, it can be concluded, that biochar amendment leads to higher stable C stocks in the organic horizon

    Molecular diagnosis to identify new sources of resistance to sclerotinia blight in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    Sclerotinia blight, caused by soil-borne fungus Sclerotinia minor Jagger, is one of the destructive diseases in groundnut. Pathogen affected plants usually displays lesions, wilt and collapse which cause high yield losses. Traditional field screening is time and resources consuming. Molecular markers associated with resistance genes offer an alternative selection technique which is relatively easy, more definite and not influenced by environmental fluctuations. In the present investigation, a marker-assisted diagnosis was done to screen 256 diverse germplasm for the presence or absence of SSR markers reported resistance or susceptibility to sclerotinia blight. One hundred and forty two genotypes from different botanical varieties were recognized as new potential sources of resistance to sclerotinia blight for field evaluation. The banding pattern related to the disease resistance is observed at high frequency in the variety vulgaris (39.4 %) and less distributed in the varieties fastigiata (38.0 %) and hypogaea (19.7 %) among the resistant genotypes in the collection. These genotypes had same banding pattern as reported for resistance germplasm. This work reports the successful application of marker-assisted diagnosis as a tool to identify resistance to sclerotinia blight in diverse collections

    Identification of rust resistance in groundnut using a validated SSR marker

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    Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important crop cultivated in over 100 countries in the world. The rust disease of groundnut, caused by Puccinia arachidis Speg., can cause significant yield losses in tropical and subtropical areas. The disease affects not only seed yield but also fodder yield and quality. There are chemicals available to control rust; however, the development of resistant varieties is the most reasonable way to improve yield and quality, and to reduce the adverse effects of chemicals on the ecosystem. Characterization of germplasm diversity to identify resistant sources using traditional methods is a lengthy process and requires laborious field testing. Molecular marker-aided selection offers an alternative breeding method that is relatively easy, precise, and not affected by environmental fluctuation. In the present study, a validated SSR marker, GM1954, linked to the rust disease resistance gene was used for 256 groundnut genotypes to select rust resistance. This study reports the successful application of marker-assisted selection for further rust-resistant breeding programs in groundnut. Molecular analyses revealed that the banding pattern related to disease resistance was observed at high frequency in the variety hypogaea among the nine identified resistant genotypes in the collection. Approximately 3 % of the collection was selected for further field, greenhouse, and hybridization experiments

    Validation of field resistance to late leaf spot by using a molecular marker in groundnut

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    Groundnut or peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important oilseed crop which is valued as a rich source of high quality edible oil, protein, minerals and vitamins. It offers nutritional and economic benefits to the consumers and farmers, respectively. However there are many biotic and abiotic constraints to groundnut production in various eco-agricultural systems. The late leaf spot (LLS) is one of the most widespread and damaging foliar diseases of groundnut and it can reduce pod and fodder yields to an extent of over 50%, also affects adversely quality of seeds. Much of the global groundnut breeding efforts therefore have been directed to develop cultivars with high yields and also incorporating genes conferring resistance or tolerance to LLS disease. Integration of molecular marker aided selection with field based breeding is important to enhance the precision and speed of developing peanut cultivars with LLS resistance. In this perspective, many LLS resistance-related molecular markers have been developed to aid in the selection processes. The SSR marker, PM 384, is one of these markers and showed significant association with LLS resistance (Shoba et al. 2012, Euphytica, 188:265-272). The groundnut collection including 39 genotypes was employed for validating LLS resistance-linked marker (PM 384) and identifying resistant individuals. These genotypes were evaluated in the field with nine point disease scale to screen the genotypes for sources of resistance to LLS. Plants with a disease score of 1-3 and 6-9 were designated as being resistant and susceptible, respectively. After field evaluation, field scored genotypes were validated by LLS resistance using the linked marker, PM 384