62 research outputs found

    The European Green Deal and Public Procurement Law: Its extraterritorial reach beyond the EU’s borders

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    Public procurement takes centre stage in achieving the green objectives of the European Green Deal (EGD). The European Commission focuses on the need to put the purchasing power of public authorities, valued at 14–20% of the European Union (EU) GDP, to use for the achievement of green objectives when buying goods, services and works. Fighting climate change through procurement inevitably surpasses the natural borders of the EU. With the reforms of the EU procurement rules in 2014 and emphasized by the EGD, came the promise of extending the reach of these rules down supply chains across the globe, troubled with human rights violations and non-climate friendly production processes. The chapter investigates how the Green Deal is transforming the EU’s approach to public procurement. It explores the extraterritorial effects of public procurement under the Deal with reference to supply chains, the requirement of the link to the subject matter and the life cycle of a procurement beyond the EU, and the exclusion of economic operators and rejection of tenders due to failure to comply with environmental law. Finally, the chapter addresses the underlying issue of contract compliance, given that extraterritoriality represents an additional challenge to contract monitoring

    3. ve 4. Sınıf Türkçe Ders Kitaplarındaki Metinlerde Söz Dizimi

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    DergiPark: 335644trakyasobedDers kitabı,programda yer alan hedeflere yönelik konuların işlendiği; öğrencilere bilgi vebecerilerin kazandırılmasını amaçlayan temel kaynaklardan biridir. Türkçe derskitaplarında yer alan metinler; öğrencide estetik duygular uyandırmak,öğrencilere ana dili sevdirmek ve dil bilinci kazandırmak, dile ait kurallarıbenimsetmek ve bu kuralların kalıcı bir şekilde uygulanmasına yardımcı olmak,bilgi ve duygu bakımından öğrenciyi geliştirmek, ait oldukları kültüre vedeğerlere karşı ilgi uyandırmak, çeşitli mesajlar vererek onları eğitmekhususlarında büyük bir önem arz etmektedir; çünkü Türkçe derslerinde,metinlerden hareket ederek temel dil becerileri (okuma, yazma, konuşma,dinleme) kazandırılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, iki farklı yayın evi(Özgün Matbaa, Engin Yayıncılık) tarafından hazırlanan ve Milli EğitimBakanlığı, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu tarafından tavsiye edilen, ilköğretim 3. ve4. sınıf Türkçe ders kitaplarındaki üç ortak temaya (Birey ve Toplum, Atatürk,Değerlerimiz) ait metinleri, söz dizimi bakımından incelemektir. Dokümananalizi ile yapılan bu çalışmada, 3. ve 4. sınıf Türkçe ders kitaplarındakimetinlerde bulunan anlamlı birimler tespit edilmiş; elde edilen veriler nitelikve nicelik yönlerinden karşılaştırılmıştır

    Geochemistry of fluid inclusions in travertines from Western and Northern Turkey: inferences on the role of active faults in fluids circulation

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    The understanding of the relationship between the geochemistry of fluids circulating during travertine deposition and the presence of active faults is crucial for evaluating the seismogenetic potential of an area. Here we investigate travertines from Pamukkale and Reşadiye (Turkey), sited in seismic regions and next to thermal springs. These travertines formed ~24,500–50,000 (Pamukkale) and ~240–14,600 years (Reşadiye) BP. We characterize fluid inclusions (FIs) and studied concentration of H2O, CO2, O2 + N2, and 3He, 4He, 20Ne, and 40Ar, and bulk composition (trace elements and δ13C‐δ18O). FIs from both localities are mainly primary with low salinity and homogenization temperature around 136–140 °C. H2O is the major component followed by CO2, with the highest gas content measured in Pamukkale travertines. Concentrations of Ne‐Ar together with O2 + N2 indicate that travertines from both areas precipitated from atmosphere‐derived fluids. The 3He/4He is 0.5–1.3 Ra in Pamukkale and 0.9–4.4 Ra in Reşadiye. Samples with R/Ra > 1 are modified by cosmogenic 3He addition during exposure to cosmic rays. Excluding these data, FIs of Reşadiye are mostly atmosphere‐derived. This implies a shallow formation where the circulation was dominated by meteoric waters, which is consistent with their young age. Instead, FIs of Pamukkale show mixing of mantle‐, crustal‐, and atmosphere‐derived He, indicating that these travertines formed in lithospheric fractures. Based on the δ13CCO2 and δ18O of bulk rocks, we infer that travertines formed involving crustal‐ (mechanochemical rather than organic) and mantle‐derived CO2. Trace elements of Pamukkale and Reşadiye show comparable rare earth element patterns. We conclude that travertines formed in response of seismogenetic activity.Published5473-54982T. Deformazione crostale attiva7T. Variazioni delle caratteristiche crostali e precursori sismici6A. Geochimica per l'ambiente e geologia medicaJCR Journa

    Sustainability Clauses in ‘Public’ Contracts

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    SUSTAINABILITY CLAUSES IN ‘PUBLIC’ CONTRACTS European review of contract law (Rights reserved) (-) Sustainability Clauses in ‘Public’ Contracts / Uysal, Ezgi (CC BY) (-

    Consumer information sharing. Understanding psychological drivers of social transmission

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