299 research outputs found

    Communicating with VTS via VHF: an approach to teaching the essentials for successful communication in English based on the recommendations in the SMCP and proposed from the perspective of VTS

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    This session will present ideas of how to prepare future nautical officers for VHF communication with VTS or MRC Centres as part of the Maritime English curriculum. It will refer to the SMCP as the basis for clear and unambiguous communication between a vessel and a shore station. It will introduce the essential communicative situations together with ideas for selecting the key vocabulary, language structures and communication control devices. It will also present ideas for teaching the presented material. The focus will be on the perspective or expectations of a VTS Operator when called by a Master

    Can Darwinism be 'generalized' and of what use would this be?

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    It has been suggested that, by generalizing Darwinian principles, a common foundation can be derived for all scientific disciplines dealing with evolutionary processes, especially for evolutionary economics. In this paper we show, however, that the principles of such a Generalized Darwinism are not those that in the development of evolutionary biology have been crucial for distinguishing Darwinian from non-Darwinian approaches and, hence, cannot be considered genuinely Darwinian. Moreover, we wonder how Generalized Darwinism can be made fruitful for evolutionary economics given that its principles are but an abstract hull that does not suffice to explain actual evolutionary processes in the economy. To that end specific hypotheses are required which neither follow from, nor are necessarily compatible with, the suggested abstract principles. Accordingly, we find little evidence in the literature for the claim that Generalized Darwinism can enhance the explanatory power of an evolutionary approach to economics

    Wasserstoff: zentrales Element für den Industrieumbau

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    WASSERSTOFF: ZENTRALES ELEMENT FÜR DEN INDUSTRIEUMBAU Wasserstoff: zentrales Element für den Industrieumbau / Witt, Uwe (Rights reserved) ( -

    Klimapolitischer Rahmen für den Industrieumbau

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    KLIMAPOLITISCHER RAHMEN FÜR DEN INDUSTRIEUMBAU Klimapolitischer Rahmen für den Industrieumbau / Witt, Uwe (Rights reserved) ( -

    Introduction: Modeling, Learning and Processing of Text-Technological Data Structures

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    Researchers in many disciplines, sometimes working in close cooperation, have been concerned with modeling textual data in order to account for texts as the prime information unit of written communication. The list of disciplines includes computer science and linguistics as well as more specialized disciplines like computational linguistics and text technology. What many of these efforts have in common is the aim to model textual data by means of abstract data types or data structures that support at least the semi-automatic processing of texts in any area of written communication

    2010,07: Can Darwinism be "generalized" and of what use would this be?

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    It has been suggested that, by generalizing Darwinian principles, a common foundation can be derived for all scientific disciplines dealing with evolutionary processes, especially for evolutionary economics. In this paper we show, however, that the principles of such a “Generalized Darwinism” are not those that in the development of evolutionary biology have been crucial for distinguishing Darwinian from non-Darwinian approaches and, hence, cannot be considered genuinely Darwinian. Moreover, we wonder how “Generalized Darwinism” can be made fruitful for evolutionary economics given that its principles are but an abstract hull that does not suffice to explain actual evolutionary processes in the economy. To that end specific hypotheses are required which neither follow from, nor are necessarily compatible with, the suggested abstract principles. Accordingly, we find little evidence in the literature for the claim that Generalized Darwinism can enhance the explanatory power of an evolutionary approach to economics

    Datenbank Biomassepotenziale - Erstellung einer Datenbank zur Berechnung regionaler Biomassepotenziale aus dem landwirtschaftlichen Anbau und ausgewählten Reststoffen für den Non-Food-Bereich im Freistaat Sachsen bis zum Jahr 2020

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    Ziele des FuE-Vorhabens waren die Bereitstellung von Daten über die im Freistaat Sachsen bis 2020 regional tatsächlich verfügbaren Potenziale an Biomasse und die Gewinnung von mehr Sicherheit im Hinblick auf die Auswirkungen der Einflussfaktoren, denen diese Potenziale unterliegen. Dazu wurde eine Datenbank zur Berechnung der sächsischen Biomassepotenziale aus der Landwirtschaft und von ausgewählten Reststoffen für den Non-Food-Bereich erarbeitet. Diese ist durch folgende Punkte gekennzeichnet: - Durch die Berücksichtigung von Einflussfaktoren wie regional anzutreffende landwirtschaftliche Standorte, standortabhängige vom Nutzer festzulegende Fruchtfolgen, Ertragsentwicklung, Bevölkerungsentwicklung und verfügbare Ackerflächen werden differenzierte Daten berechnet. - Die Berechnungen können auf drei Ebenen erfolgen: für Sachsen, Regierungsbezirke und je Landkreis. - Es wurden zwei Beispielsszenarien berechnet, an Hand derer die Potenziale bei variierten Annahmen verdeutlicht werden. - Hinweise zur Arbeitsweise der Datenbank wurden in einem Handbuch zusammengestellt. Die Datenbank ermöglicht mit den flexiblen Eingabedaten die Berechnung konkreter regionalspezifischer Daten für das Potenzial aus landwirtschaftlicher Biomasse. Dies verbessert die Voraussetzungen für regionale Planungen von Vorhaben, die Biomasse als Rohstoff beanspruchen, erheblich

    Bilateral Peritoneal Flaps Reduce Incidence and Complications of Lymphoceles after Robotic Radical Prostatectomy with Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection-Results of the Prospective Randomized Multicenter Trial ProLy

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a surgically constructed bilateral peritoneal flap (PIF) as an adjunct to robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) and pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) on the incidence of lymphoceles. Materials and Methods: A total of 530 men with localized prostate cancer underwent a RARP with bilateral extended standardized PLND in a prospective randomized controlled trial. In group A, a PIF was created by suturing the margins of the bladder peritoneum to the ipsilateral endopelvic fascia at 2 points on each side. In group B, no PIF was created. The patients were followed 30 and 90 days after the surgery to assess the incidence, extent and treatment of lymphoceles. Results: Lymphoceles occurred in 22% of group A patients and 33% of group B patients (p=0.008). Symptomatic lymphoceles were observed in 3.3% of group A patients and 8.1% of group B patients (p=0.027). Lymphoceles requiring intervention occurred significantly less frequently in group A patients (1.3%) than in group B patients (6.8%, p=0.002). The median lymphocele size was 4.3 cm in group A and 5.0 cm in group B (p=0.055). No statistically significant differences were observed in minor or major complications unrelated to lymphocele, blood loss, or surgical time between groups A and B. Conclusions: Bilateral PIFs in conjunction with RARP and PLND significantly reduce the total incidence of lymphoceles, the frequency of symptomatic lymphoceles and the rate of associated secondary interventions

    Newly Developed CK1-Specific Inhibitors Show Specifically Stronger Effects on CK1 Mutants and Colon Cancer Cell Lines

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    Protein kinases of the CK1 family can be involved in numerous physiological and pathophysiological processes. Dysregulated expression and/or activity as well as mutation of CK1 isoforms have previously been linked to tumorigenesis. Among all neoplastic diseases, colon and rectal cancer (CRC) represent the fourth leading cause of cancer related deaths. Since mutations in CK1δ previously found in CRC patients exhibited increased oncogenic features, inhibition of CK1δ is supposed to have promising therapeutic potential for tumors, which present overexpression or mutations of this CK1 isoform. Therefore, it is important to develop new small molecule inhibitors exhibiting higher affinity toward CK1δ mutants. In the present study, we first characterized the kinetic properties of CK1δ mutants, which were detected in different tumor entities. Subsequently, we characterized the ability of several newly developed IWP-based inhibitors to inhibit wild type and CK1δ mutants and we furthermore analyzed their effects on growth inhibition of various cultured colon cancer cell lines. Our results indicate, that these compounds represent a promising base for the development of novel CRC therapy concepts

    Near-surface Heating of Young Rift Sediment Causes Mass Production and Discharge of Reactive Dissolved Organic Matter

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    Ocean margin sediments have been considered as important sources of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to the deep ocean, yet the contribution from advective settings has just started to be acknowledged. Here we present evidence showing that near-surface heating of sediment in the Guaymas Basin, a young extensional depression, causes mass production and discharge of reactive dissolved organic matter (DOM). In the sediment heated up to ~100 °C, we found unexpectedly low DOC concentrations in the pore waters, reflecting the combined effect of thermal desorption and advective fluid flow. Heating experiments suggested DOC production to be a rapid, abiotic process with the DOC concentration increasing exponentially with temperature. The high proportions of total hydrolyzable amino acids and presence of chemical species affiliated with activated hydrocarbons, carbohydrates and peptides indicate high reactivity of the DOM. Model simulation suggests that at the local scale, near-surface heating of sediment creates short and massive DOC discharge events that elevate the bottom-water DOC concentration. Because of the heterogeneous distribution of high heat flow areas, the expulsion of reactive DOM is spotty at any given time. We conclude that hydrothermal heating of young rift sediments alter deep-ocean budgets of bioavailable DOM, creating organic-rich habitats for benthic life