342 research outputs found

    What kind of employees become awarded as Employees of the Year in Finland?

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    Work is not simply about stress and fatigue; it can also be a great source of joy, satisfaction, and success. The aim of this research was to study the phenomenon of success at work: to identify of which elements success is constructed and what factors define the process of becoming a top worker. Finnish “Employees of the Year” (N = 24) were considered representative of successful workers because they have been awarded the title of “Employee of the Year” among and by their colleagues in different occupational fields. The focus of the research was on which factors participants named as sources of their success. On one hand, certain factors were identified that related to their own characteristics as workers and their way of working; on the other hand, some factors were related to how employees described satisfying work and well-functioning collaboration with colleagues. In the present article, the purpose is to focus on positive work experiences, such as experiencing joy from work and work engagement, and thus contribute to the discussion regarding the positive sides of work life today. In this research, success is defined as well-being at work rather than career-oriented behaviour. Positive psychology provides this interpretation of success at work.success at work, work engagement, joy of work, flow, positive psychology

    Parental LoveaIrreplaceable for Childrenas Well-being

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    Child rearing has become challenging during past years and great expectations are placed for parenthood Although the public upbringing has become professionalized and the day-care and school services are available in today s society parents have the main responsibility for rearing children How and into what should children be raised In this article good parenthood is paralleled with parental love As a result two valuable and demanding underlying contents of parental love are discussed in this article setting up safe boundaries and constructing good self-esteem as the core of good parenthood and parental love The perspective in this article is fundamentally positive parental love appreciates and cares about the child and does not abandon the child even when his her behavior causes disappointments and troubl

    PERMA-based Perspectives on Sports Designing New Ways to Support Well-being in Finnish Junior Ice Hockey Players

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    Ice hockey is a very popular hobby among Finnish boys However there are concerns over these young athletes well-being In this article we discuss the offerings of positive psychology to sports How to use positive and strength-based approaches to enhance well-being and joy of playing among junior ice hockey players We introduce our ideas based on the development work in collaboration with the Finnish Ice Hockey Association and our earlier research on the theme Martin Seligman s PERMA theory serves as the theoretical basis of our research According to the theory well-being is construct of five elements positive emotions engagement relationships meaning and accomplishment that we operationalize into practices to be used in junior ice hockey The theoretical review shows that operationalizing the PERMA theory offers a fruitful way of combining the scientific and theoretical expertise with the knowledge about ice hockey or any sports in practice Our goal is to achieve significant results and success stories that do not only tell about success in sports such as ice hockey but as positive development as players and persons in genera

    Ten Encounters between Students and a Special Education Teacher at a Finnish Hospital School - Outlining Hospital School Pedagogy

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    This article presents a description of a special education teacher s work and how it appears as student encounters during a month-long observation period at a hospital school The teacher s pedagogical skills are tested when she has to bend to many directions Every day is different students form an extremely heterogeneous group and every one of them has their special needs Teaching at a hospital school is special education at its best and work requires especial flexibility understanding acceptance and caring as well as endless trust in students development regardless of their most difficult conditions The article is based on Dr rel s long-term experience as a special education teacher at a hospital school and her researcher s diary of the everyday encounters in the teacher s work The month-long special observation period formed the data of this study The findings are here presented as ten examples of student encounters They are to illustrate the daily work at a hospital school and thus help to develop and support teacher training The fundamental purpose is to lay foundation to the development of hospital school pedagog

    Tendências significativas no desenvolvimento de programas de formação docente finlandeses (1860-2010)

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    The roots of teacher training in Finland extend to the 1860s. The evolution of teacher training was closely connected to the history of elementary education and changes in educational policy and the Finnish society. Recently, the Finnish educational system and its teacher education programs have fared extremely well in international comparisons. This raises a question concerning the kinds of initiatives and policies that this story has involved. This article will provide some answers, and it also discusses the trends and developmental aspirations that have molded the approaches to teacher training in this country. The article is based on Finnish research literature on teacher training and relevant contemporary developmental reports and laws. The main purpose is to provide a review of the historical development of Finnish teacher training—its significant achievements and the most crucial turning points—and then to discuss their contribution to the educational outcomes in the current system.Los orígenes de los programas de formación docente en Finlandia se extienden hasta 1860. La evolución de la formación del profesorado está estrechamente ligado a la historia de la educación primaria y los cambios en la política educativa y de la sociedad finlandesa. Recientemente, el sistema educativo finlandés y sus programas de formación docente han ido muy bien evaluados en las comparaciones internacionales. Esto plantea una cuestión relativa a los tipos de iniciativas y políticas involucradas en esos desarrollos. Este artículo proporciona algunas respuestas, y también analiza las tendencias y aspiraciones de desarrollo que han moldeado los enfoques de la formación del profesorado en este país. El artículo se basa en la los estudios de investigación finlandesa sobre la formación del profesorado, informes de desarrollo contemporáneos y las leyes relevantes. El objetivo principal es proporcionar una revisión de la evolución histórica de la formación del profesorado finlandés-sus logros significativos y los más importantes puntos de inflexión y, a continuación, hablar de su contribución a los resultados de el sistema actual de educación.As origens dos programas de formação de professores na Finlândia começam em 1860. A evolução da formação de professores está intimamente ligada à história do ensino primário e as mudanças na política educacional e da sociedade finlandesa. Recentemente, o sistema de ensino finlandês e programas de formação de professores têm sido avaliadas muito bem em comparações internacionais. Isso coloca a questão sobre os tipos de iniciativas e políticas envolvidas nesses acontecimentos. Este artigo fornece algumas respostas, e também discute as tendências e as aspirações de desenvolvimento que configuram a formação de professores no país. O artigo é baseado em pesquisas, relatórios de desenvolvimento dos professores finlandeses, e as leis contemporâneos e relevantes. O principal objetivo é fornecer uma revisão do desenvolvimento histórico do professorado finlandês,, suas realizações significativas e os pontos de viragem mais importantes e, em seguida, discutir a sua contribuição para os resultados do sistema de ensino atual

    What kind of employees become awarded as employees of the year in Finland?

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    Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies,6,IET, pp.53-73Work is not simply about stress and fatigue; it can also be a great source of joy, satisfaction, and success. The aim of this research was to study the phenomenon of success at work: to identify of which elements success is constructed and what factors define the process of becoming a top worker. Finnish “Employees of the Year” (N = 24) were considered representative of successful workers because they have been awarded the title of “Employee of the Year” among and by their colleagues in different occupational fields. The focus of the research was on which factors participants named as sources of their success. On one hand, certain factors were identified that related to their own characteristics as workers and their way of working; on the other hand, some factors were related to how employees described satisfying work and well-functioning collaboration with colleagues. In the present article, the purpose is to focus on positive work experiences, such as experiencing joy from work and work engagement, and thus contribute to the discussion regarding the positive sides of work life today. In this research, success is defined as well-being at work rather than career-oriented behaviour. Positive psychology provides this interpretation of success at work

    Students’ perceptions of factors slowing down their study progress:the case of University of Lapland

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    Fast graduation, smooth studies, and fluent study progress are the goals of today’s university education. How do students themselves perceive their study processes and what do they think about the factors hindering them from succeeding? The purpose of this research was to find out from the first-year-students of one Finnish university their experiences and opinions. The research investigated what the most difficult issues the students have faced during their first year of university studies have been and what factors have hindered their study progress according to their own perceptions. The students (N=186) answered to an internet-based open-ended questionnaire. The data were analysed in a qualitative data-based manner which resulted in seven most frequently mentioned hindrances in the questionnaire data. The main hindrances were deficiencies in study skills, difficulties in adjustment to academic studies, unclear directions in studies, difficulties in making study plans and scheduling, lack of guidance in studies and difficulties in finding help, lack of community, and overlapping courses and busy study periods. Based on the findings, it is possible to pay attention to the difficulties mentioned by students
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