73 research outputs found

    Attitudinal orientation of first level managers for improvement of municipal service delivery: Experience of training intervention in Kolkata

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    This paper discusses a program of attitudinal orientation courses provided for functionaries of a large municipal corporation in India. Almost 450 Assistant Managers from the Kolkata Municipal Corporation took part in the training, which was held at the Administrative Training Institute (ATI) of the Government of West Bengal, India.Under the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, Indian Municipalities/Corporations (Urban Local Bodies) are empowered and entrusted to perform planning, development and governance for the city/ town and to provide services to the citizens. The change in outlook towards the local government reflected in the Act has highlighted the need for greater awareness and a better attitude amongst municipal staff as well as elected representatives towards service delivery. Good governance can be achieved through the overall performance of officials of an organization, provided they possess the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies. For historical reasons, knowledge, skills and attitudes amongst officials of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in India have been traditionally of a low standard. Willingness to perform better in the role of municipal service delivery is not common. Therein lies the need for training for improvement in service delivery, especially for organizations like large municipal corporations and municipalities

    Trianthema portulacastrum L.: Traditional medicine in healthcare and biology

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    Medicinal plants are the major folk and traditional medicine for the prevention of diseases worldwide. Trianthema portulacastrum L. (family: Aizoaceae), a small perennial weed, found in the America, Africa, India, and other regions of the world, and are extensively used not only as medicine but also as vegetable for its various health benefits. Phytochemical analysis of T. portulacastrum reveals the presence of alkaloids, phytosterols, terpenoids, saponins, flavonoids and phenolic compounds. In vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated its pharmacological and biological activities. Different parts of T. portulacastrum L. are conventionally being used as analgesic, anti-pyretic, lipid lowering and microbicide agent; and protect liver and kidney from carcinogen, inflammation and oxidant chemicals

    Trianthema portulacastrum L.: Traditional medicine in healthcare and biology

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    127-145Medicinal plants are the major folk and traditional medicine for the prevention of diseases worldwide. Trianthema portulacastrum L. (family: Aizoaceae), a small perennial weed, found in the America, Africa, India, and other regions of the world, and are extensively used not only as medicine but also as vegetable for its various health benefits. Phytochemical analysis of T. portulacastrum reveals the presence of alkaloids, phytosterols, terpenoids, saponins, flavonoids and phenolic compounds. In vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated its pharmacological and biological activities. Different parts of T. portulacastrum L. are conventionally being used as analgesic, anti-pyretic, lipid lowering and microbicide agent; and protect liver and kidney from carcinogen, inflammation and oxidant chemicals

    Pattern of adverse drug reactions reported at a tertiary health care teaching hospital of Tripura: a retrospective study

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    Background: ADR monitoring and reporting activity is in its infancy in India. India rates below 1% in pharmacovigilance as against the world rate of 5%. India is the fourth largest producer of pharmaceuticals in the world. So there is an immense need to improve the pharmacovigilance system to protect the Indian population. This study is aimed to identify ADRs and assess their pattern.Methods: The reports of ADRs were recorded as per the standard guidelines fixed by pharmacovigilance programme of India (PvPI). Naranjo ADR probability scale was used to assess the causality of suspected ADRs. Severity of ADRs was identified using modified hartwig's criteria. Types of ADRs were identified using Rawlins and Thompson classification.Results: A total 266 ADRs were reported from 190 patients. Majority of the ADRs were type A reactions. Highest incidence (78.95%) of ADRs was observed between 12-59 years of age. 56.84% of patients were male and 43.16% were female. Majority of the patients were suffering from single disease and receiving less than six medications. In the assessment of severity mild, moderate and severe ADRs were 57.89%, 35.26% and 6.84% respectively. In causality assessment 3.16% cases were unlikely, 57.37% cases were possible, 38.95% cases were probable and 0.52% cases were certain.Conclusions: The present study shows ADRs are commonly encountered at this tertiary health care set up. Many ADRs are life threatening type B reactions, but the higher incidence of type A reactions means that these can be avoided

    Machine Learning-based Linear regression way to deal with making data science model for checking the sufficiency of night curfew in Maharashtra, India

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    The birthplace of the novel Covid-19 sickness or COVID-19 began its spread around Wuhan city, China. The spread of this novel infection sickness began toward the start of December 2019. The Covid-19 illness spreads from one individual to another through hacking, sniffling, etc. To stop the spreading of the novel Covid-19 infection the distinctive nation has presented diverse strategies. Some regularly utilized methods are lockdown, night curfew, etc. The fundamental intention of the systems was to stop the social events and leaving homes without serious issues. Utilizing a diverse system Covid-19 first stage can address for saving individuals. Presently the second influx of this novel Covid illness has begun its top from the mid of April-May. The second convergence of this novel Covid disorder flooded all through the world and in India too. To stop the spread of this novel Covid sickness India's richest state Maharashtra government constrained the decision of night curfew. In this paper, we are taking as a relevant examination the night curfew on a schedule of Maharashtra. Here, we study that this system may or may not be able to stop the spread of pandemics. We are using the Machine learning(ML) approach to managing regulate study this case. ML has various systems yet among all of those here we use Linear Regression for the current circumstance. The reproduced insight that readies the plan orchestrated to learn with no other person. Linear Regression is the affirmed strategy for looking over the connection between two sections. Between the two segments, one is astute and another is a seen variable

    Self-medication of sleeping pills among MBBS students in a medical college of West Bengal, India

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    Background: Psychological stress, anxiety, depression and sleep disturbance are highly prevalent in medical students and therefore they are at higher risk of using sleeping pills defined as any pharmaceutical preparation inducing sleep. There is currently paucity in data describing the prevalence of sleeping pill use among medical students in India.Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of sleeping pill use among medical students in Burdwan Medical College (BMC).Methods: A cross sectional study was done by anonymous questionnaires from MBBS students enrolled at BMC. Questionnaire consisted of social and demographic variable and use of sleeping pills, tobacco and alcohol since enrollment. Collected data were analyzed by Athen's insomnia scale and DASS-21.Results: With response rate72.2% (397 out of 550) and of 397 respondants (1st yr-97+2nd yr-90+3rd yr part I-114+3rd yr part II-96), 6.3% reported use of sleeping pill at some time since enrollment. Athen's insomnia scales showed 27% poor sleepers. According to DASS-21, 44% respondents were depressive, 61.96% anxious, and 31.73% stressed. Insomnia were found to significantly (p value <0.0001) associated with sleeping pill use. Majority (96%) of sleeping pill uses were self-medicated.Conclusions: Tendency to use sleeping pill is very less (majority self-medicated), though a substantial proportion of medical undergraduate students were found to be depressed, anxious, stressed revealing a neglected area of students' psychology requiring urgent attention

    Evaluation of the short-term outcome of unilateral urethral mobilization for the management of bulbar urethral stricture

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    Background: In modern urology, successful male urethral reconstruction poses a continuing challenge.Methods: It was a quasi-experimental study conducted in the department of urology, Dhaka medical college hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh between January 2010 to December 2011. 35 patients having bulbar urethral strictures admitted in the department were study participants. All the participants underwent unilateral urethral mobilization, for buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty and followed up at least six months. RGU and MCU was done when peak flow was 3 cm among 69% (n=24) patients. As the immediate postoperative outcome among the participants, we found the mean peak urinary flow rate (Qmax), 15.3±1.2 and voided urine volume (ml), 328.8±50. Finally, as the postoperative outcome after 6 months among the participants, we found the mean peak urinary flow rate (Qmax), 24.2±2.9; voided urine volume (ml), 330.8±50.1 and PVR (ml), 11.6±3.3. In this study, some potential complications were bleeding and wound infection which were found among 11.43% and 17.14% patients respectively. Conclusions: Considering the satisfactory outcomes and lower complications unilateral urethral mobilization procedure can be considered as an effective treatment method for the management of bulbar urethral stricture. 


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    Background: Neonatal sepsis is the most common cause of neonatal deaths followed by extreme prematurity and birth asphyxia. In our hospital settings, a case of septicemia is treated with aminoglycosides (AG) combined with third generation cephalosporins. This is the standard guidelines of treatment of septicaemia.Though the duration of therapy should be 5-7days for most probable sepsis and 14 days for culture positive cases but as the cost of therapy is high, and the laboratory procedures for monitoring such duration of therapy is not possible in our hospital , short duration of 5-day therapy is practiced. Among the AGs, amikacin being extensively studied highly preferred agent because of its broadest spectrum, resistance to inactivating enzymes , least lysosomal damage, better tolerability profile and also low cost of therapy. The present piece of work aims at assessing any change in the renal profile of the babies being treated with 5-day amikacin therapy. Materials and methods: Serum Creatinine,urea,potassium and 24 hours urinary Creatinine clearance were estimated on day 1(before initiation of therapy)and on day 3, day 5 of the septicemic neonates.These parameters were selected to assess the status of renal function of the affected neonates. Results and conclusion :There was no significant changes in renal function with the regimen