27 research outputs found

    Genome-wide association mapping indicates quantitative genetic control of spot blotch resistance in bread wheat and the favorable effects of some spot blotch loci on grain yield

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    Spot blotch caused by the fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana poses a serious threat to bread wheat production in warm and humid wheat-growing regions of the world. Hence, the major objective of this study was to identify consistent genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) markers associated with spot blotch resistance using genome-wide association mapping on a large set of 6,736 advanced bread wheat breeding lines from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. These lines were phenotyped as seven panels at Agua Fria, Mexico between the 2013–2014 and 2019–2020 crop cycles. We identified 214 significant spot blotch associated GBS markers in all the panels, among which only 96 were significant in more than one panel, indicating a strong environmental effect on the trait and highlights the need for multiple phenotypic evaluations to identify lines with stable spot blotch resistance. The 96 consistent GBS markers were on chromosomes 1A, 1B, 1D, 2A, 3B, 4A, 5B, 5D, 6B, 7A, 7B, and 7D, including markers possibly linked to the Lr46, Sb1, Sb2 and Sb3 genes. We also report the association of the 2NS translocation from Aegilops ventricosa with spot blotch resistance in some environments. Moreover, the spot blotch favorable alleles at the 2NS translocation and two markers on chromosome 3BS (3B_2280114 and 3B_5601689) were associated with increased grain yield evaluated at several environments in Mexico and India, implying that selection for favorable alleles at these loci could enable simultaneous improvement for high grain yield and spot blotch resistance. Furthermore, a significant relationship between the percentage of favorable alleles in the lines and their spot blotch response was observed, which taken together with the multiple minor effect loci identified to be associated with spot blotch in this study, indicate quantitative genetic control of resistance. Overall, the results presented here have extended our knowledge on the genetic basis of spot blotch resistance in bread wheat and further efforts to improve genetic resistance to the disease are needed for reducing current and future losses under climate change

    Pilot Agent-Driven Wireless Acoustic Sensor Network for Uninterrupted Data Transmission

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    Wireless acoustic sensor networks (WASN) usually demand uninterrupted and reliable data transmissions and an efficient path from the source nodes to the destination nodes, thus ensuring reliable delivery of sensitive or critical data with the use of multipath routing protocols. This paper presents a novel agent-driven WASN relying on a set of static and mobile agents. In the proposed technique, the location address is functioned into the operating node and the destination node. Calculations of the midpoint between the operating and the destination nodes are followed by identifying the shortest path based on a reference axis, using a mobile agent and a location address. Such an approach aims to ensure maximum utilization of the communicating paths. Based on the information concerning partial topology of the network, the destination node computes the weight factor and multiple paths using node distances, energy ratios and efficiencies of specific links. Then, the destination node selects the appropriate path from the multiple paths available, to transmit the data. This article also analyzes the performance of the proposed system with various parameters taken into consideration and shows its efficiency in comparison to other existing techniques

    Codon pair ratio

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    The pathway/system -wise codon pair ratio data for all the species generated using Anaconda

    Codon Count

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    The total codon counts for each of the 71 organsim per pathway

    Data from: Deconstruction of archaeal genome depict strategic consensus in core pathways coding sequence assembly

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    A comprehensive in silico analysis of 71 species representing the different taxonomic classes and physiological genre of the domain Archaea was performed. These organisms differed in their physiological attributes, particularly oxygen tolerance and energy metabolism. We explored the diversity and similarity in the codon usage pattern in the genes and genomes of these organisms, emphasizing on their core cellular pathways. Our thrust was to figure out whether there is any underlying similarity in the design of core pathways within these organisms. Analyses of codon utilization pattern, construction of hierarchical linear models of codon usage, expression pattern and codon pair preference pointed to the fact that, in the archaea there is a trend towards biased use of synonymous codons in the core cellular pathways and the Nc-plots appeared to display the physiological variations present within the different species. Our analyses revealed that aerobic species of archaea possessed a larger degree of freedom in regulating expression levels than could be accounted for by codon usage bias alone. This feature might be a consequence of their enhanced metabolic activities as a result of their adaptation to the relatively O2-rich environment. Species of archaea, which are related from the taxonomical viewpoint, were found to have striking similarities in their ORF structuring pattern. In the anaerobic species of archaea, codon bias was found to be a major determinant of gene expression. We have also detected a significant difference in the codon pair usage pattern between the whole genome and the genes related to vital cellular pathways, and it was not only species-specific but pathway specific too. This hints towards the structuring of ORFs with better decoding accuracy during translation. Finally, a codon-pathway interaction in shaping the codon design of pathways was observed where the transcription pathway exhibited a significantly different coding frequency signature

    All 71 genomes 5 pathways

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    This archive contains the different codon usage indices value for all the 71 species calculated separately for each of the five pathway systems and curated individually

    Achieving lossless compression of audio by encoding its constituted components (LCAEC)

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