1,274 research outputs found

    Induction of inflorescence by CCC application on primary shoots of grapevines

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    Repeated CCC application at 500 ppm under the conditions of extended lang days and lower temperature of about 20 °C specifically induced inflorescences in place of tendrils on extending primary shoots of young graftings or cuttings of Muscat of Alexandria grapes.Inflorescence formation in the winter buds was much greater at 30 °C than at 20 °C along the whole shoot. CCC application increased inflorescence formation remarkably at either temperature, the effect being more pronounced at 20 °C.Die Induktion von Infloreszenzen durch Behandlung der Haupttriebe von Reben mit CCCJunge Pfropfreben oder Stecklinge der Sorte Muskat von Alexandria, deren Haupttriebe sich im Streekungswachstum befanden, wurden wiederholt mit 500 ppm CCC behandelt. Hierdurch wurden im ausgedehnten Langtag und in einem niedrigeren Temperaturbereich (ca. 20 °C) anstelle von Ranken speziell Infloreszenzen induziert. LĂ€ngs des ganzen Triebes wurden in den Winterknospen bei 30 °C (ohne CCC-Behandlung) viel mehr Infloreszenzen angelegt als bei 20 °C. Durch CCC wurde die Infloreszenzbildung in beiden Temperaturbereichen betrĂ€chtlich gefördert, wobei fĂŒr 20 °C eine auffĂ€lligere Wirkung festzustellen war

    Effect of abscisic acid and defoliation on anthocyanin accumulation in Kyoho grapes (Vitis vinifera L. x V. labruscana BAILEY)

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    In Kyoho grapes, ABA treatment at 1000 ppm in the beginning of ripening enhanced anthocyanin accumulation in the skin without any effect on the contents of soluble solids and titratable acids in the juice.By defoliation at veraison, anthocyanin synthesis was completely inhibited, and the soluble solids content in the juice and sugar levels in the skin became much less than those of the control. Furthermore, endogenous ABA levels in the skin and flesh did not increase throughout ripening period.On such defoliated vines, the berries recovered anthocyanin accumulation by ABA application.From these results, it will be assumed that ABA which accumulates in the skin is one of the main factors involved in the anthocyanin synthesis.Der Einfluß von AbscisinsĂ€ure und EntblĂ€tterung auf die Anthocyanakkumulation in Trauben der Rebsorte Kyoho (Vitis vinifera L. x V. labruscana BAILEY)Wurden Kyoho-Trauben zu Beginn der Beerenreife mit 1 000 ppm ABS behandelt, so war in den BeerenhĂ€uten verstĂ€rkt Anthocyan angereichert, ohne daß Mostgewicht und tritierbare SĂ€ure des Beerensaftes irgendwie beeinflußt waren. Durch EntblĂ€tterung der Reben zur Zeit des Weichwerdens der Beeren wurde die Anthocyansynthese vollkommen unterdrĂŒckt, und das Mostgewicht des Beerensaftes wie auch die Zuckerkonzentration der Beerenhaut waren gegenĂŒber der Kontrolle bedeutend verringert. Ferner nahm die Konzentration der endogenen ABS in Beerenhaut und -fleisch wĂ€hrend der ganzen Reifeperiode nicht zu.Bei den entblĂ€tterten Reben setzte nach der Applikation von ABS die Anthocyanakkumulation in den Beeren wieder ein.Aus den vorliegenden Ergebnissen wird gefolgert, daß die Anreicherung von ABS in der Beerenhaut einer der Hauptfaktoren ist, die an der Anthocyansynthese beteiligt sind


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    The applicability of the immersed boundary (IB) method, which is one of direct numerical simulations (DNS) for multiphase flow analyses, has been examined to simulate a fluidized bed. The volumetric-force type IB method developed by Kajishima et al. (2001) has been applied in the present work. While particle-fluid interaction force is calculated with the surface integral of fluid stress at the interface between particle and fluid in the standard IB method, the volume integral of interaction force is used in the volumetric-force type IB method. In order to validate the present simulation code, drag force and lift force firstly were calculated with IB method. Then calculated drag coefficients were compared with values estimated with Schiller-Nauman and Ergun equations, while calculated lift coefficients were compared with the previous simulated results. The difference of drag was within approximately 1% except in the range of low Reynolds number. Thus, the accuracy of the present simulation code was confirmed. Next, simulation of fluidized bed was carried out. Since DNS requires a large computer capacity, only 400 particles were used. The particle is 1.0mm in diameter and 2650kg/m3 in density. From the simulated results, concentrated upward stream lines from the bottom wall were observed in some regions. This inhomogeneous flow would be attributed to particulate structure

    Ti–Pd Alloys as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Hydrogen Autotransfer Reaction and Catalytic Improvement by Hydrogenation Effects

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    Ti−Pd alloys were investigated as heterogeneous catalysts for hydrogen autotransfer reactions. This is the first reported study of alloys as catalysts for hydrogen‐borrowing reactions using alcohols. We improved the catalytic activities of alloys by increasing their specific surface areas via a hydrogenation−powdering process. The reactivities and selectivities of hydrogenated Ti−Pd alloys [Ti−Pd (Hy) ] were higher than those of non‐hydrogenated alloy catalysts in N‐alkylation by hydrogen autotransfer using alcohols. A plausible catalytic cycle is proposed based on control studies and deuterium labelling experiments

    Quasicontinuum Îł\gamma-decay of 91,92^{91,92}Zr: benchmarking indirect (n,Îłn,\gamma) cross section measurements for the ss-process

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    Nuclear level densities (NLDs) and Îł\gamma-ray strength functions (Îł\gammaSFs) have been extracted from particle-Îł\gamma coincidences of the 92^{92}Zr(p,pâ€ČÎłp,p' \gamma)92^{92}Zr and 92^{92}Zr(p,dÎłp,d \gamma)91^{91}Zr reactions using the Oslo method. The new 91,92^{91,92}Zr Îł\gammaSF data, combined with photonuclear cross sections, cover the whole energy range from Eγ≈1.5E_{\gamma} \approx 1.5~MeV up to the giant dipole resonance at Eγ≈17E_{\gamma} \approx 17~MeV. The wide-range Îł\gammaSF data display structures at Eγ≈9.5E_{\gamma} \approx 9.5~MeV, compatible with a superposition of the spin-flip M1M1 resonance and a pygmy E1E1 resonance. Furthermore, the Îł\gammaSF shows a minimum at Eγ≈2−3E_{\gamma} \approx 2-3~MeV and an increase at lower Îł\gamma-ray energies. The experimentally constrained NLDs and Îł\gammaSFs are shown to reproduce known (n,Îłn, \gamma) and Maxwellian-averaged cross sections for 91,92^{91,92}Zr using the {\sf TALYS} reaction code, thus serving as a benchmark for this indirect method of estimating (n,Îłn, \gamma) cross sections for Zr isotopes.Comment: 10 pages and 9 figure

    Predicted cross sections for photon-induced particle emission

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    Cross sections for the photon-induced particle-emission reactions (gamma,n), (gamma,p), and (gamma,alpha) are given for all natural isotopes from Ti to Bi. The target nuclei are assumed to be in their ground states, except for 180Ta which is naturally occurring as the isomer 180mTa. The cross sections are calculated in a statistical model (Hauser-Feshbach) approach and covering an energy range from threshold up to 7.35 MeV above the threshold (14.7 MeV above threshold for (gamma,alpha) reactions). The results are intended to aid conception and analysis of experiments which can also be used to test the methods involved in predicting astrophysical reaction rates for nucleosynthesis.Comment: 74 pages (including three long tables), accepted for publication in Atomic Data Nuclear Data Tables, corrected header of Table

    Astrophysical reaction rate for α(αn,γ)\alpha(\alpha n,\gamma)9^{9}Be by photodisintegration

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    We study the astrophysical reaction rate for the formation of 9^{9}Be through the three body reaction α(αn,Îł)\alpha(\alpha n,\gamma). This reaction is one of the key reactions which could bridge the mass gap at A = 8 nuclear systems to produce intermediate-to-heavy mass elements in alpha- and neutron-rich environments such as r-process nucleosynthesis in supernova explosions, s-process nucleosynthesis in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, and primordial nucleosynthesis in baryon inhomogeneous cosmological models. To calculate the thermonuclear reaction rate in a wide range of temperatures, we numerically integrate the thermal average of cross sections assuming a two-steps formation through a metastable 8^{8}Be. Off-resonant and on-resonant contributions from the ground state in 8^{8}Be are taken into account. As input cross section, we adopt the latest experimental data by photodisintegration of 9^{9}Be with laser-electron photon beams, which covers all relevant resonances in 9^{9}Be. We provide the reaction rate for α(αn,Îł)9\alpha(\alpha n,\gamma)^{9}Be in the temperature range from T9_{9}=10−3^{-3} to T9_{9}=101^{1} both in the tabular form and in the analytical form. The calculated reaction rate is compared with the reaction rates of the CF88 and the NACRE compilations. The CF88 rate is valid at T9>0.028T_{9} > 0.028 due to lack of the off-resonant contribution. The CF88 rate differs from the present rate by a factor of two in a temperature range T9≄0.1T_{9} \geq 0.1. The NACRE rate, which adopted different sources of experimental information on resonance states in 9^{9}Be, is 4--12 times larger than the present rate at T9≀0.028T_{9} \leq 0.028, but is consistent with the present rate to within ±20\pm 20 % at T9≄0.1T_{9} \geq 0.1.Comment: 32 pages (incl 6 figures), Nucl. Phys. in pres
