93 research outputs found

    The Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Inhibitor Gefitinib Reduces but Does Not Prevent Tumorigenesis in Chemical and Hormonal Induced Hepatocarcinogenesis Rat Models

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    Activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling pathway promotes the development of hepatocellular adenoma (HCA) and carcinoma (HCC). The selective EGFR inhibitor Gefitinib was found to prevent hepatocarcinogenesis in rat cirrhotic livers. Thus, Gefitinib might reduce progression of pre-neoplastic liver lesions to HCC. In short-and long-term experiments, administration of N-Nitrosomorpholine (NNM) or intrahepatic transplantation of pancreatic islets in diabetic (PTx), thyroid follicles in thyroidectomized (TTx) and ovarian fragments in ovariectomized (OTx) rats was conducted for the induction of foci of altered hepatocytes (FAH). Gefitinib was administered for two weeks (20 mg/kg) or three and nine months (10 mg/kg). In NNM-treated rats, Gefitinib administration decreased the amount of FAH when compared to controls. The amount of HCA and HCC was decreased, but development was not prevented. Upon all transplantation models, proliferative activity of FAH was lower after administration of Gefitinib in short-term experiments. Nevertheless, the burden of HCA and HCC was not changed in later stages. Thus, EGFR inhibition by Gefitinib diminishes chemical and hormonal also induced hepatocarcinogenesis in the initiation stage in the non-cirrhotic liver. However, progression to malignant hepatocellular tumors was not prevented, indicating only a limited relevance of the EGFR signaling cascade in later stages of hepatocarcinogenesis

    Combined treatment with MEK and mTOR inhibitors is effective in vitro and in vivo models of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver cancer histotype, characterized by high biological aggressiveness and scarce treatment options. Recently, we have established a clinically relevant murine HCC model by co-expressing activated forms of v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog (AKT) and oncogene c-mesenchymal-epithelial transition (c-Met) proto-oncogenes in the mouse liver via hydrodynamic tail vein injection (AKT/c-MET mice). Tumor cells from these mice demonstrated high activity of the AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and Ras/Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascades, two pathways frequently co-induced in human HCC. Methods: Here, we investigated the therapeutic efficacy of sorafenib, regorafenib, the MEK inhibitor PD901 as well as the pan-mTOR inhibitor MLN0128 in the AKT/c-Met preclinical HCC model. Results: In these mice, neither sorafenib nor regorafenib demonstrated any efficacy. In contrast, administration of PD901 inhibited cell cycle progression of HCC cells in vitro. Combined PD901 and MLN0128 administration resulted in a pronounced growth constraint of HCC cell lines. In vivo, treatment with PD901 or MLN0128 alone moderately slowed HCC growth in AKT/c-MET mice. Importantly, the simultaneous administration of the two drugs led to a stable disease with limited tumor progression in mice. Mechanistically, combined mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MEK) and mTOR inhibition resulted in a stronger cell cycle inhibition and growth arrest both in vitro and in vivo. Conclusions: Our study indicates that combination of MEK and mTOR inhibitors might represent an effective therapeutic approach against human HCC

    Inhibition of MELK Protooncogene as an Innovative Treatment for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma

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    Background and Objectives: Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA) is a pernicious tumor characterized by a dismal outcome and scarce therapeutic options. To substantially improve the prognosis of iCCA patients, a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms responsible for development and progression of this disease is imperative. In the present study, we aimed at elucidating the role of the maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) protooncogene in iCCA. Materials and Methods: We analyzed the expression of MELK and two putative targets, Forkhead Box M1 (FOXM1) and Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 (EZH2), in a collection of human iCCA by real-time RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC). The effects on iCCA growth of both the multi-kinase inhibitor OTSSP167 and specific small-interfering RNA (siRNA) against MELK were investigated in iCCA cell lines. Results: Expression of MELK was significantly higher in tumors than in corresponding non-neoplastic liver counterparts, with highest levels of MELK being associated with patients' shorter survival length. In vitro, OTSSP167 suppressed the growth of iCCA cell lines in a dose-dependent manner by reducing proliferation and inducing apoptosis. These effects were amplified when OTSSP167 administration was coupled to the DNA-damaging agent doxorubicin. Similar results, but less remarkable, were obtained when MELK was silenced by specific siRNA in the same cells. At the molecular level, siRNA against MELK triggered downregulation of MELK and its targets. Finally, we found that MELK is a downstream target of the E2F1 transcription factor. Conclusion: Our results indicate that MELK is ubiquitously overexpressed in iCCA, where it may represent a prognostic indicator and a therapeutic target. In particular, the combination of OTSSP167 (or other, more specific MELK inhibitors) with DNA-damaging agents might be a potentially effective therapy for human iCCA

    Preparation of A Spaceflight: Apoptosis Search in Sutured Wound Healing Models

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    To prepare the ESA (European Space Agency) spaceflight project "Wound healing and Sutures in Unloading Conditions", we studied mechanisms of apoptosis in wound healing models based on ex vivo skin tissue cultures, kept for 10 days alive in serum-free DMEM/F12 medium supplemented with bovine serum albumin, hydrocortisone, insulin, ascorbic acid and antibiotics at 32 degrees C. The overall goal is to test: (i) the viability of tissue specimens; (ii) the gene expression of activators and inhibitors of apoptosis and extracellular matrix components in wound and suture models; and (iii) to design analytical protocols for future tissue specimens after post-spaceflight download. Hematoxylin-Eosin and Elastica-van-Gieson staining showed a normal skin histology with no signs of necrosis in controls and showed a normal wound suture. TdT-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling for detecting DNA fragmentation revealed no significant apoptosis. No activation of caspase-3 protein was detectable. FASL, FADD, CASP3, CASP8, CASP10, BAX, BCL2, CYC1, APAF1, LAMA3 and SPP1 mRNAs were not altered in epidermis and dermis samples with and without a wound compared to 0 day samples (specimens investigated directly post-surgery). BIRC5, CASP9, and FN1 mRNAs were downregulated in epidermis/dermis samples with and/or without a wound compared to 0 day samples. BIRC2, BIRC3 were upregulated in 10 day wound samples compared to 0 day samples in epidermis/dermis. RELA/FAS mRNAs were elevated in 10 day wound and no wound samples compared to 0 day samples in dermis. In conclusion, we demonstrate that it is possible to maintain live skin tissue cultures for 10 days. The viability analysis showed no significant signs of cell death in wound and suture models. The gene expression analysis demonstrated the interplay of activators and inhibitors of apoptosis and extracellular matrix components, thereby describing important features in ex vivo sutured wound healing models. Collectively, the performed methods defining analytical protocols proved to be applicable for post-flight analyzes of tissue specimens after sample return

    Nipple Discharge: Role of Ductoscopy in Comparison with Standard Diagnostic Tests

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    Background: This study aims to assess the role of ductoscopy for detecting intraductal anomalies in patients with nipple discharge in comparison to conventional tests and to find an effective combination of both approaches. Materials and Methods: Prior to duct excision, ductoscopy was performed in 97 women. Histologic and all other diagnostic results were compared. Sensitivity, specificity, and efficiency were calculated for all methods. These parameters were also calculated for all possible test combinations in 12 patients who had completed all tests. Results: Breast sonography reached the highest sensitivity (64.1%) and efficiency (64%); mammography had the highest specificity (100%). The sensitivity of ductoscopy was 53.2%, its specificity 60%, and its efficiency 55.1%. Among combinations of all methods, the combination ductoscopy + galactography was the most sensitive (80%). Mammography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ductoscopy were each 100% specific. Ductoscopy was the most efficient (75%) single method. Conclusion: Ductoscopy is a valuable test for diagnosing intraductal lesions in patients with nipple discharge. It is more efficient than conventional tests in patients undergoing all tests

    The impact of histological annotations for accurate tissue classification using mass spectrometry imaging

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    Knowing the precise location of analytes in the tissue has the potential to provide information about the organs’ function and predict its behavior. It is especially powerful when used in diagnosis and prognosis prediction of pathologies, such as cancer. Spatial proteomics, in particular mass spectrometry imaging, together with machine learning approaches, has been proven to be a very helpful tool in answering some histopathology conundrums. To gain accurate information about the tissue, there is a need to build robust classification models. We have investigated the impact of histological annotation on the classification accuracy of different tumor tissues. Intrinsic tissue heterogeneity directly impacts the efficacy of the annotations, having a more pronounced effect on more heterogeneous tissues, as pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, where the impact is over 20% in accuracy. On the other hand, in more homogeneous samples, such as kidney tumors, histological annotations have a slenderer impact on the classification accuracy

    Leitsymptom Hämatemesis

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    Eine 62-jährige Patientin wurde notfallmäßig bei Hämatemesis, arterieller Hypotonie, Anämie und hämodynamischer Instabilität auf unsere Intensivstation aufgenommen. Bekannt war eine AL-Amyloidose mit kardialer Beteiligung und Omentuminfiltration. Im Rahmen dieser erhielt die Patientin 6 Tage vor dem Ereignis den zweiten Zyklus Chemotherapie mit Daratumumab und Cyclophosphamid, Bortezomib und Dexamethason. In der Medikation fanden sich Acetylsalicylsäure (ASS) und Apixaban bei Zustand nach akuter Beinischämie links. In der Notaufnahme trat eine weitere akute Hämatemesisepisode mit einem konsekutiven Hämoglobinabfall auf. Zur hämodynamischen Stabilisierung und zur notfallmäßigen endoskopischen Untersuchung und Blutstillung erfolgte die Verlegung auf unsere Intensivstation

    Clinical, Endoscopic, and Histopathologic Observations in Gastrointestinal Amyloidosis

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    Background and Aims: Amyloidosis is a group of systemic disorders caused by extracellular deposition of misfolded serum proteins. Gastrointestinal (GI) involvement is associated with a higher risk of GI bleeding, especially if mucosal lesions are present. Our study aims to evaluate the frequency of GI manifestations in patients with amyloidosis, to clinically characterize these patients and to describe the endoscopic and histopathologic findings in GI amyloidosis. Methods: A retrospective, single-center study of all patients admitted with amyloidosis and GI manifestations was conducted at a German University Hospital between July 2003 and June 2023. Clinical, endoscopic, and histopathological data was retrieved from medical records. Results: Between July 2003 and June 2023, 63 patients with different types of amyloidosis were included into the study. Twenty-three (36,5%) were diagnosed with GI involvement of amyloidosis (60.9% male, median age 62 ± 18.28 years). The distribution of the types of amyloidosis were amyloid light chain (AL) at 52.5%, transthyretin (ATTR) at 21.7%, amyloid A (AA) at 13.0%, and unknown at 18%. Initial GI symptoms were present in 78.3% of the patients and included mainly diarrhea (34.8%), and abdominal pain (30.4%) Affected GI organs were primarily the colon (60,8%) and the stomach (39.1%). Endoscopic findings were ulcerations (47.8%), mucosal inflammation (43.5%), polyps (26.1%), erosions (13.0%), vascular malformation, polypoid protrusion, submucosal hematoma, erythema, metaplasia, and diverticulum. Histopathological findings included vascular wall thickening, (peri-)vascular and interstitial amyloid deposition. Gastrointestinal bleeding occurred in 39.1% of the patients. The mortality rate 5 years after diagnosis was 47.8%. Conclusions: Gastrointestinal amyloidosis can present with multiple symptoms and endoscopic findings, rendering diagnosis a challenge. Of clinical relevance, GI bleeding was a frequent event in our patient cohort. Therefore, clinicians must be aware of GI bleeding as a manifestation of amyloidosis and definite diagnosis should be achieved based on biopsy results

    The Janthinobacterium sp. HH01 genome encodes a homologue of the V. cholerae CqsA and L. pneumophila LqsA autoinducer synthases

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    Janthinobacteria commonly form biofilms on eukaryotic hosts and are known to synthesize antibacterial and antifungal compounds. Janthinobacterium sp. HH01 was recently isolated from an aquatic environment and its genome sequence was established. The genome consists of a single chromosome and reveals a size of 7.10 Mb, being the largest janthinobacterial genome so far known. Approximately 80% of the 5,980 coding sequences (CDSs) present in the HH01 genome could be assigned putative functions. The genome encodes a wealth of secretory functions and several large clusters for polyketide biosynthesis. HH01 also encodes a remarkable number of proteins involved in resistance to drugs or heavy metals. Interestingly, the genome of HH01 apparently lacks the N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL)-dependent signaling system and the AI-2-dependent quorum sensing regulatory circuit. Instead it encodes a homologue of the Legionella- and Vibrio-like autoinducer (lqsA/cqsA) synthase gene which we designated jqsA. The jqsA gene is linked to a cognate sensor kinase (jqsS) which is flanked by the response regulator jqsR. Here we show that a jqsA deletion has strong impact on the violacein biosynthesis in Janthinobacterium sp. HH01 and that a jqsA deletion mutant can be functionally complemented with the V. cholerae cqsA and the L. pneumophila lqsA genes
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