22 research outputs found


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    Background : Fluphenazine decanoate is an anti psychotic group prescribed for typical schizophrenic for the long time usage. It can increased oxidative stress. Catalase is an enzyme that can be used as a marker for oxidative stress, can be seen from histopathology hepar cells ranged from mild damage to cell death. The research seeking damage of histopathology hepar cells and the enzyme catalase after induced by fluphenazine decanoate. Aims : To know the damage of histopathology hepar and enzyme catalase levels of wistar rat induced by fluphenazine decanoate. Methods : This experimental research used post test only control group design. 15 of male wistar rats divided randomly into 3 group, namely the control group (K) which is given with the standard diet and the injection of sesame oil, and the group treatment I (P1) is given with fluphenazine decanoate 1 mg/kgBB, whereas the group treatment II (P2) is given with fluphenazine decanoate 2 mg/kgBB. In the day of 28, rats were terminated and the hepar were taken to be made extracts for the measurement of levels of catalase and to be made histopathological slides. Results : The highest level of catalase with percentage of 62.5 and the worst histophatology damage with histopathology score of 2.5 found in the group with induced by 2 mg/kgBB dose of fluphenazine decanoate. There is a difference of the levels of catalase between control group and PI group eventhough not significantly, while the other groups showed a significant relationships. Conclusion : There is the damage of histopathology hepar on hepatic cell (as seen on hystopathological slides) and the increased levels of the enzyme catalase on wistar rats induced by 2 mg dose of fluphenazine decanoate. Keywords: Fluphenazine decanoate, anti-hepatotoxic, damage histopathology hepar, enzyme catalas

    PENGARUH PEMBERIAN EKSTRAK KAYU MANIS (Cinnamomum burmani) TERHADAP HITUNG JENIS LEUKOSIT DARAH TEPI : Studi eksperimental pada tikus wistar yang dipapar Staphylococcus aureus

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    Latar belakangCinnamomum burmanii merupakan tanaman yang diketahui memililki bermacam potensi termasuk sebagai imunostimulan. Leukosit berperan penting dalam pertahanan tubuh untuk melawan zat asing yang masuk kedalam tubuh. Pengamatan hitung jenis leukosit dapat menunjukkan respon imun tubuh saat terjadinya infeksi. Tujuanmembuktikan adanya perbedaan persentasehitung jenis darah tepi tikus wistar jantan yang diinduksi Staphylococcus aureus dengan pemberian ekstrak kayu manis (Cinnamonum burmanii). Metode Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan post-test only control group design. Sejumlah 25 ekor tikus dibagi ke dalam 5 kelompok secara acak, yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif (K1) diberi diet standar, kelompok kontrol positif (K2) diberi diet standar dan obat imunostimulan (levamisol), kelompok perlakuan 1 (P1) diberi diet standar dan ekstrak C. burmanii 100 mg/kgBB, kelompok perlakuan 2 (P2) diberi diet standar dan ekstrak C. burmanii 200 mg/kgBB, dan kelompok perlakuan 3 (P3) diberi diet standar dan ekstrak C. burmanii 400 mg/kgBB selama 7 hari. Pada hari ke-8, dilakukan injeksi suspensi S. aureus 108 secara intraperitoneal sebanyak 0,2 mL/tikus. Hari ke-9 dilakukan pengambilan sample darah tepi melalui intrakardiak, dilakukan pembuatan preparat apus darah tepi, kemudian preparat dibaca dibawah mikroskop. Hasil Pemberian C. Burmanii dosis 100 mg/kgBB memiliki hitung jenis neutrofil segmen yang lebih tinggi dan hitung jenis limfosit paling rendah. Kelompok P1 pada kedua variabel menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna dibandingkan dengan seluruh kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol. Pemberian C. burmaniidosis 200 mg/kgBB dan 400 mg/kgBB memiliki hitung jenis limfosit yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan seluruh kelompok namun tidak bermakna. Kesimpulan Terdapat perbedaan persentase hitung jenis leukosit yang bermakna pada kelompok tikus wistar yang mendapatkan pemberian ekstrak kulit kayu manis Cinnamomum burmanii. Kata Kunci: C. burmanii, hitung jenis leukosit, imunostimula

    Effect of Mangosteen Peel Extract on SGOT and SGPT in Rats Fed Reused Cooking Oil

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    Background: Free radicals that enter the body due to consumption of reused cooking oil can cause liver cell damage. Mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana L) is known to contain mangostin as an ntioxidant. However, it is not known whether it can repair liver damage.Objective: To deter mine the ef fect of mangosteen peel extract on the levels of SGOT and SGPT of Wistar rats fed with reused cooking oil.the ef fect of mangosteen peel extract on the levels of SGOT and SGPT of Wistar rats fed with reused cooking oil.Methods: This study was a tr ue experimental study with post-test only controlled group design. Twenty four male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups randomly. The CN-G group was given the standard diet, the MJ-G group was given a standard diet and cooking oil, the MJM- 400 group was given standard diet, reused cooking oil, and mangosteen peel extract at a dose of 400 mg/KgBW, and the MJM-800 group was fed with a standard, reused cooking oil, and mangosteen peel extract at 800mg/KgBW. The treatment was car ried out for 28 days, and then continued with examination of reused cooking oil, and mangosteen peel extract at 800mg/KgBW. The treatment was car ried out for 28 days, and then continued with examination of SGOT and SGPT levels using the Inter national Federation of Clinical Chemistr y (IFCC) method without Pyridoxal Phosphate 37ºC.Results: Kr uskal Walis test showed that SGOT and SGPT levels showed no signif icant dif ferences between groups (p = 0.197 and 0.063, respectively).Conclusion: administration of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) peel extract did not af fect SGOT levels, even tended to increase SGPT levels in ratsinduced by cooking oil.Background: Free radicals that enter the body due to consumption of reused cooking oil can cause liver cell damage. Mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana L) is known to contain mangostin as an antioxidant. However, it is not known whether it can repair liver damage.Objective: To determine the effect of mangosteen peel extract on the levels of SGOT and SGPT of Wistar rats fed with reused cooking oil.Methods: This study was a true experimental study with post-test only controlled group design. Twenty four male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups randomly. The CN-G group was given the standard diet, the MJ-G group was given a standard diet and cooking oil, the MJM-400 group was given standard diet, reused cooking oil, and mangosteen peel extract at a dose of 400 mg/KgBW, and the MJM-800 group was fed with a standard, reused cooking oil, and mangosteen peel extract at 800mg/KgBW. The treatment was carried out for 28 days, and then continued with examination of SGOT and SGPT levels using the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) method without Pyridoxal Phosphate 37⁰C.Results: Kruskal Walis test showed that SGOT and SGPT levels showed no significant differences between groups (p = 0.197 and 0.063, respectively).Conclusion: administration of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) peel extract did not affect SGOT levels, even tended to increase SGPT levels in rats induced by cooking oil.

    Acute Toxicity Test of Soursop Leaves (Annona muricata) on Liver and Kidney of Switzerland Mice

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    Introduction: The soursoup leaves extract (Annona muricata) has widely been used as traditional medicine for cancer. No studies have been conduct to investigate the safety of the extract. Objectives: The purpose of the study was to investigate the acute oral toxicity test of soursoup leaves extract (Annona muricata) on Swiss mice’s liver and kidney.Methods: Twenty four mice were divided into 4 groups. Group I was control group, while group II-IV was given soursoup leaves extract as single dose orally via sonde. The mice were obsereved until day 7 to determine the LD50 and at the end were terminated to collect the liver and kidney. The organs later were made into histopathology slides. The slides read with light microscope. The data analyzed with ANOVA and was considered significant at p<0.05.Results: All mice were alive during the 7 days observation and no mice showing the toxic spectrum after the dosing. Microscopically, no damage on the liver and kidney organ among the groups.Conclusion: The LD50 of soursoup leaves extract is more than 2000 mg/kgBW. This result indicate that the extract is practically non toxic and do not damage the liver and kidney


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    Background : Fluphenazine decanoate is antipsychotics usually used in long period. Long term antipsychotics treatement resulted in a decrease of the antioxidant defense levels. The mangosteen rind extract has potency as an antioxidant. In the presence of mangosteen rind extract, it will decline in the process of the ROS formation resulted in decreased of oxidative stress. Catalase enzyme was used to know the level of oxidative stress on rats which exposure by fluphenazin decanoate and given mangosteen rind extract. Aim : To analyze the effect of Garcinia mangostana rind extract on rat liver catalase enzym which exposed by fluphenazine decanoate Methods : This was an experimental research which used post test only controlled group design. Sample of this research was 24 rats divided randomly into 4 groups. Negative control group (K0) injected with sesame oil intramuscular, positive control group (K1) given mangosteen rind extract 600 mg/kgBW, P1 injected with fluphenazine decanoate intramuscular, at last P2 injected with fluphenazine decanoate and given mangosteen rind extract. The treatement was done for 28 days and proceed with catalase levels measurement. Statistical test used one way ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni Result : By using one way ANOVA, there was significant differences among groups K0 and K1, K0 and P2, as well as the K1 and P1. Whereas among K0 and K1; P1 and P2; and P1 and P2, there was no statistically significant diffenrences. Conclusion : mangosteen rind extract increased hepatic catalase level of rats which exposed with fluphenazine decanoate. Key word: Fluphenazine decanoate, Garcinia mangostana rind extract, catalase enzyme

    The Effect of Green Tea Leaf Extract on Spatial Memory Function and Superoxyde Dismutase Enzyme Activity in Mice with D-galactose Induced Dimentia

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    Background: Oxidative stress and inflammation play an important role in pathogenesis of brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer. Green tea has been shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and neuroprotective activity.Objectives: to determine the effect of green tea extract on spatial memory function and superoxide dismutase enzyme activity in mice with D-galactose induced dementiaMethods: An experimental study using "post test only control group design". Twenty male BALB/c Mice aged 6-8 weeks were divided into 4 groups. Negative control group (NG) was induced by subcutaneous injection of D-galactose (150 mg/kg BW) once daily for 6 weeks. GT-90, GT-270, GT-540 were induced by D-galactose and orally administered with 90, 270, and 540 mg/kg BW of green tea extract once daily for 6 weeks. The spatial memory functions were assessed using Morris water maze and SOD enzyme activities were evaluated using ELISA. One-way Anova and Kruskal-Wallis were used for statistical analysis. Results: mean percentage of latency time in the GT-90 (35.29 (SD= 2.69)%), GT-270 (35.28 (SD= 2.62)%), and GT-540 (35.62 (SD=5.05)%) were significantly higher compared to that of NG (20.38 (SD = 3.21)%), p <0.05). SOD enzyme activity in the GT-270 (0.78 (SD = 0.07) U/ml) was significantly higher compared to that of NG (0.51 (SD = 0.01) U ml), p= 0.004).Conclusion: Green tea extract may improve spatial memory function and the activity of superoxide dismutase enzyme in mice with D-galactose induced dementia.Introduction: Oxidative stress and inflammation play an important role in pathogenesis of brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer. Green tea has been shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and neuroprotective activity.Objective: to determine the effect of green tea extract on spatial memory function and superoxide dismutase enzyme activity in mice with D-galactose induced dementia.Methods: An experimental study using “post test only control group design”. Twenty male BALB/c Mice aged 6-8 weeks were divided into 4 groups. Negative control group (NG) was induced by subcutaneous injection of D-galactose (150 mg/kg BW) once daily for 6 weeks. GT-90, GT-270, GT-540 were induced by D-galactose and orally administered with 90, 270, and 540 mg/kg BW of green tea extract once daily for 6 weeks. The spatial memory functions were assessed using Morris water maze and SOD enzyme activities were evaluated using ELISA. One-way Anova and Kruskal-Wallis were used for statistical analysis.Results: mean percentage of latency time in the GT-90 (35.29 (SD= 2.69)%), GT-270 (35.28 (SD= 2.62)%), and GT-540 (35.62 (SD=5.05)%) were significantly higher compared to that of NG (20.38 (SD = 3.21)%), p <0.05). SOD enzyme activity in the GT-270 (0.78 (SD = 0.07) U/ml) was significantly higher compared to that of NG (0.51 (SD = 0.01) U ml), p= 0.004).Conclusion: Green tea extract may improve spatial memory function and the activity of superoxide dismutase enzyme in mice with D-galactose induced dementia

    The Immunomodulatory Effect of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Burmanii) Bark Extract On the C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Level, Leukocyte Count and Leukocyte Type Count of Wistar Rats Exposed to Staphylococcus Aureus

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    Introduction: Bacterial infection induces inflammation in human body. This process produceshumoral and cellular immune responses. Cinnamomum burmaniigrows very vast in Indonesia and contains cinnamaldehyde known to have an anti-inflammatory effect.Objective: To prove the effect of C. burmanii bark extract on CRP level, leukocyte count and differential blood count.Methods: Aposttest-only controlled group design with 25 Wistar Rats divided into 5 groups was employed. The CN-G group was giventhe standard feed, the CP-G group was given the standard feed and levamisole 2.5 mg/KgBW, while the CBE-100, CBE-200, and CBE-400 groups were respectively given the standard feed and cinnamon bark extract 100 mg/kgBW, 200 mg/KgBW and 400 mg/KgBW. The treatmentswereconducted for 7 consecutive days.On day 8, all rats were injected with the suspense of S. aureus intraperitoneally. The blood wasthen drawn on day 9, followed with CRP level measurement using the ELISA method. The total leukocyte count and differential blood count weremanually measured.Results: There is no significant difference in the value of CRP level (One Way ANOVA; p = 0.749) with the total counts of leukocytes(p=0.685), monocytes (p=0.769), and eosinophil(p=0.123) between groups. The neutrophils and lymphocytes of CBE-100 group aresignificantly differentfrom the other groups.Conclusion: C. burmanii extract has a potential benefit as immunomodulator.

    The effect of chronic usage of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Blocking Agents on Incidence of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy in patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Renal Insufficiency. A Restropesctive Cohort Study

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    Background: This study was to investigate the effect of long term use of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System(RAAS) blocking agents on the incidence of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy(CIN) on patients with Diabetes Mellitus(DM) and renal insufficiency underwent Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). Methods:A total 281 of&nbsp; subjects were included in this study and divided into two groups based on prior use of RAAS blocking agents (RAAS +, n = 146; RAAS -, n = 135). CIN was defined as an increase of ≥25% in creatinin over baseline value 48-72 hours after PCI. Result: Total incidence of CIN was 14,95%. There was no difference in the incidence of CIN between 2 study groups (p = 0,952) and relatif risk for CIN was 1,02. Left Ventricular ejection Fraction (LVEF) ≤ 40 % (OR 2,300; 95% CI 1,028 – 5,143; p = 0,043), anemia (OR 2,628; 95% CI 1,274 – 5,422; p = 0,009) and Glomerular Filtration rate (GFR) pre PCI ≤ 60 mL/menit (OR 2,782; 95% CI 1,293 – 5,987; p = 0,009) were important predictors of CIN. Conclusion: Long term use of RAAS blocking agents do not&nbsp; increase the incidence of CIN on patients with DM and renal insufficiency underwent PCI


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    Latar Belakang: Salah satu diet tinggi lemak trans yang banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat adalah makanan yang digoreng menggunakan minyak jelantah. Radikal bebas yang masuk ke dalam tubuh akibat konsumsi minyak jelantah dapat menyebabkan kerusakan dan kematian sel hepar. Untuk mengurangi radikal bebas dalam tubuh yang berlebih diperlukan antioksidan eksogen. Ekstrak kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L) diketahui merupakan sumber antioksidan. Namun demikian, efeknya terhadap hepar masih perlu digali. Tujuan: Membuktikan pengaruh pemberian ekstrak kulit manggis terhadap kadar SGOT dan SGPT tikus Wistar setelah pemberian minyak jelantah. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian true experimental dengan desain post test only controlled group design. Sampel adalah 24 ekor tikus Wistar jantan dibagi secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok dengan menggunakan metode random sampling allocation. Kelompok K diberi pakan standar, kelompok P1 diberi pakan standar dan minyak jelantah, kelompok P2 diberi pakan standar, minyak jelantah, dan ekstrak kulit manggis dosis 400mg/KgBB, dan kelompok P3 diberi pakan standar, minyak jelantah, dan ekstrak kulit manggis dosis 800mg/KgBB. Perlakuan dilakukan selama 28 hari dan dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan kadar SGOT dan SGPT. Hasil:. Hasil uji One Way ANOVA kadar SGOT menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan yang bermakna antar kelompok, dengan nilai p=0,158 (p>0,05). Demikian pula pada SGPT, tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antar kelompok, dengan nilai p=0,063 (p>0,05). Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna dari pemberian ekstrak kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L) terhadap kadar SGOT dan SGPT tikus yang diinduksi minyak jelantah. Kata Kunci: Minyak jelantah, ekstrak kulit manggis, kadar SGOT, kadar SGP


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    Latar belakang: Prevalensi konsumsi alkohol dan soft drink di Indonesia melonjak tinggi. Konsumsi alkohol dan soft drink jenis cola dapat merusak sfingter dan menyebabkan iritasi pada mukosa esofagus. Kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) merupakan tanaman buah tropis yang mudah dijumpai. Daun kersen mengandung senyawa antioksidan flavonoid yang efektif menghambat mediator inflamasi, sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya kerusakan jaringan dan mengurangi efek buruk etanol dan soft drink terhadap esofagus. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun kersen (Muntingia calabura L) terhadap integritas mukosa esofagus tikus wistar yang diinduksi etanol dan soft drink. Metode: Penelitian quasi experimental dengan metode “post test only control group design” menggunakan 26 tikus wistar jantan yang terbagi menjadi 4 kelompok, yaitu K1 diinduksi etanol 40% 1,8 ml/hari, K2 diinduksi soft drink 50 ml/hari, P1 diberikan ekstrak daun kersen 500 mg/kgBB kemudian etanol 40%, P2 diberi ekstrak daun kersen 500 mg/kgBB kemudian soft drink 50 ml/hari. Perlakuan selama 30 hari, lalu tikus diterminasi dan dilakukan pengamatan mikroskopis dengan kriteria Barthel-Manja. Hasil: Kelompok K1 dan K2 menunjukkan kerusakan pada mukosa esofagus. Sedangkan kelompok P1 dan P2 terdapat perbaikan yang bermakna. Terdapat perbedaan signifikan integritas mukosa esofagus antara kelompok K1 dengan kelompok P1 (p=0,000) dan antara kelompok K2 dengan kelompok P2 (p=0,000). Perbedaan yang tidak signifikan terdapat antara kelompok K1 dengan kelompok K2 (p=0,061) dan kelompok P1 dengan kelompok P2 (p = 0,045). Kesimpulan: Pemberian ekstrak daun kersen 500 mg/kgBB memberikan perbaikan yang bermakna terhadap integritas mukosa esofagus tikus wistar yang diinduksi etanol dan soft drink. Kata kunci: Etanol, soft drink, integritas mukosa esofagus