376 research outputs found

    Airborne lidar/radiometric measurements of cirrus cloud parameters and their application to LOWTRAN radiance evaluations

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    SRI has assembled an airborne lidar/radiometric instrumentation suite for mapping cirrus cloud distribution and analyzing cirrus cloud optical properties. Operation of upward viewing infrared radiometers from an airborne platform provides the optimum method of measuring high altitude cold cloud radiative properties with minimum interference from the thermal emission by the earth's surface and lower atmospheric components. Airborne installed sensors can also operate over large regional areas including water, urban, and mountain surfaces and above lower atmospheric convective clouds and haze layers. Currently available sensors installed on the SRI Queen Air aircraft are illustrated. Lidar and radiometric data records are processed for real time viewing on a color video screen. A cirrus cloud data example is presented as a black and white reproduction of a color display of data at the aircraft altitude of 12,000 ft, the 8 to 14 micron atmospheric radiation background was equivalent to a blackbody temperature of about -60 C and, therefore, the radiometer did not respond strongly to low density cirrus cloud concentrations detected by the lidar. Cloud blackbody temperatures (observed by radiometer) are shown plotted against midcloud temperatures (derived from lidar observed cloud heights and supporting temperature profiles) for data collected on 30 June and 28 July

    Transcriptional profiling of the porcine response of Salmonella infection

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    The host response to infection is pathogen-specific, thereby providing potential targets for diagnostic assays, therapeutic treatments and disease interventions. Furthermore, the host response involves differential expression of host-specific genes. To identify and characterize alterations in the porcine transcriptome in response to Salmonella, functional genomic analyses were performed on swine mesenteric lymph nodes following experimental inoculation of pigs with the host-adapted (Choleraesuis) and generalist (Typhimurium) serovars of Salmonella enterica. Suppression subtractive hybridization and real-time PCR revealed unique differences in the transcriptional profiles of swine in response to S. Choleraesuis and S. Typhimurium as well as alterations in the pig transcriptome over a time course of infection, spanning from the acute (8 h) to the chronic (21 d) stages. Investigations revealed altered expression of genes involved in cytoskeleton regulation and rearrangement, heat shock response, chaperoning and apoptosis in swine infected with the two Salmonella serovars. In general, S. Choleraesuis infection in swine triggered a more intense up-regulation of these genes, while infection with S. Typhimurium resulted in only a transient up-regulation or no change in gene expression. Additional transcriptional analysis of immune-related genes by real-time PCR revealed a strong Th1 response and increased expression of genes involved in inflammation and innate immunity in pigs inoculated with S. Choleraesuis. The pigs inoculated with S. Typhimurium exhibited a repression of innate and inflammatory response gene expression and only a transitory induction of the Th1 response. These investigations suggest that S. Typhimurium may down-regulate swine immune responses, potentially evading aspects of the host immune system and progressing into a carrier state in the animal

    Effects of patterned sensory enhancement on hemiparetic upper limb kinematics, The

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    2012 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Loss of motor capabilities following a stroke can have a significant effect on a stroke survivor's quality of life, and the lack of conclusively effective therapeutic interventions often make it difficult to determine an effective treatment plan. Several empirical studies have found Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT) successful in producing more efficient muscular movements post-stroke (Malcolm, Massie, & Thaut, 2009; Thaut, Schleiffers, & Davis, 1991; Thaut, Kenyon, Hurt, McIntosh, & Hoemberg, 2002; Thaut et al., 2007; Yoo, 2009). The purpose of this pilot study was to assess the effect Patterned Sensory Enhancement (PSE), an NMT technique, had on movement in hemiparetic upper limbs of stroke survivors. Three subjects participated in two counterbalanced experimental trials in which a repetitive reaching movement was evaluated with (1) auditory rhythmic cueing and (2) with combined temporal, force and spatial auditory cueing (PSE). Target contact accuracy and mid-arc variability were statistically analyzed between the three trials (un-cued control, rhythm only, and PSE). Repeated measures ANOVA revealed a decrease in mid-arc variability in the PSE trial, but not at a statistically significant level. No further statistically significant results were discovered in this pilot study, however, more conclusive results may be observed in future studies adhering to the suggested revisions

    The Best Interests of Indian Children in Minnesota

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    Purification And Enzymatic Properties Of Heat Stable Phospholipase A

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    Analyzing factors involved in genetic variation of porcine response to Salmonella

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    Asymptomatic Salmonella-carrier pigs present a major problem in pre-harvest food safety, with a recent survey indicating \u3e50% of swine herds in the U.S. have Salmonella-positive animals. Salmonella can be shed from colonized swine and contaminate a) neighboring pigs; b) slaughter plants and pork products; c) edible crops when swine manure is used as a fertilizer; and d) water supplies if manure used as crop fertilizer runs off into streams and waterways. A potentially powerful method of addressing pre-harvest food safety at the farm level is through genetic improvement of disease resistance in animals. The purpose of the research presented in this dissertation was to contribute to the understanding of factors underlying disease resistance in swine by investigating genetic variation associated with swine response to Salmonella. The main objectives of the research were: 1) using integrated global gene expression and bioinformatics analysis approach to discover candidate genes with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that can be associated with Salmonella-related phenotypes and potentially affect Salmonella shedding and/or the carrier status in swine; 2) analyzing expression of a set of genes regulated by IFN-gamma, a cytokine whose serum levels are correlated with Salmonella shedding in swine, to determine potential biomarkers for assessing the quality of swine immune response that could be used to predict the shedding status of swine. To identify SNPs in functional candidate genes to test for associations with swine response to Salmonella, integrative gene selection approach was employed. Recent global gene expression analysis of the porcine response to Salmonella combined with literature information on important candidate genes as well as sequence alignment-based predictions of SNPs resulted in successful identification of SNPs in functional candidate genes. The selected SNPs were genotyped by Sequenom technology using four porcine populations that total 750 swine. Genotyping and statistical association analysis resulted in discovery of several novel SNPs in 12 functional candidate genes associated with Salmonella-related phenotypes, such as tissue colonization and/or fecal Salmonella shedding. The associated SNPs were identified in such genes as: TAP1, GNG3, CCR1, CD163, AMT, ACP2, VCL, CCT7, HP, EMP1, NCF2 and PGD. Thus, the SNPs analysis study suggest several potential candidate genes to be further evaluated as markers for selection of swine with improved immune function and reduced Salmonella shedding. Additionally, the novel genetic associations provide useful information for the pig industry regarding strategies for selecting swine with improved disease resistance. One of the major immune response mediators, IFN-gamma, has been shown to be important in swine response to Salmonella by transcriptomic and pathway analysis. Thus, this research focused on a postulated role of IFN-gamma-regulated genes in the differential swine response to Salmonella. Whole blood transcriptome analysis revealed many differentially expressed genes between pigs classified as persistent (PS) or low (LS) Salmonella shedders. Pathway analysis of differentially expressed genes showed that IFN-gamma-responsive genes represent the largest response network in the PS pigs. Using gene expression data and literature evidence, 15 candidate genes representing different aspects of the IFN-gamma-regulated response were selected. qPCR analysis confirmed in vivo patterns of the 15 genes. Further investigations verified that differential patterns observed in vivo in PS and LS pigs could be recapitulated in vitro. Whole blood from 3 healthy pigs was stimulated in vitro with 1, 10 or 100 ng/ml IFN-gamma with or without S. Typhimurium endotoxin (STE). The qPCR analysis revealed that the in vitro response to IFN-gamma alone for five genes (CXCL10, IL10, MMP8, PSMB9, TMEM176) was dose-dependent. Simultaneous stimulation of whole blood with STE and IFN-gamma induced IFN-gamma dose-dependent expression for these genes plus CASP4, CYBA, IRF1, JAK2, NCF1, SOD2, and TAP1. Cluster analysis revealed that in vivo gene expression patterns across all genes in PS swine clustered most closely with patterns in whole blood stimulated with the two highest IFN-gamma levels plus STE. This research indicates that quantitative differences in IFN-gamma levels explains the expression of most tested genes, and that the IFN-gamma regulon is a source of genes whose expression levels two days post-infection can predict shedding outcomes. Such genes can now be further evaluated as candidates for development of predictive assays for shedding outcome in swine. In general, the research presented in this dissertation contributed new information for better understanding of swine genetic variation in response to Salmonella. Several novel SNPs in functional candidate genes were described that could be further analyzed as biomarkers for selection of swine with improved immune responses. Furthermore, several clusters of IFN-gamma-regulated genes suggest that expression analysis of the specific set of biomarkers could be useful for developing in vitro tests for prediction of swine Salmonella shedding phenotypes. IFNgamma-regulated genes are good candidates for further analysis of potential classifier sets to better understand and confirm the ability of small sets of genes to classify swine according to Salmonella shedding phenotypes and to develop predictive screening assays for swine with improved immune function and reduced bacterial shedding

    AnalisisKomparatifTingkat Kualitas Layanan dan Kepercayaan Konsumen terhadap KepuasanKonsumen (Studi Kasus Jasa Pengiriman Barang di J&T Express dan JNE di Surabaya)

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    Abstract The reserach method used is quantitative research with comparative types. Comparative research is research that is used to compare two or more groups of a particular variable. By using a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. This study aims to determine differences in service quality and consumer trust in consumer satisfaction at J&T Express and JNE. The population in this study are all consumer who use J&T Express and JNE shipping services. The sample in this study was that consumers in J&T Express and JNE totaled 100 people, divided into two groups, namely J&T Express 50 respondents and JNE 50 respondents.The results showed that there were differences in service quality and consumer trust in consumer satisfaction at J&T Express and JNE. On the variable service quality get positive and significant results so that there are differences. In the variable consumer trust gets positive and significant results so that there are differences. On the variable consumer satisfaction gets positive and significant results. Keywords : comparativeanalysis,service quality, J&T Express,consumer trust,JN

    Pengaruh Brand Image dan Sales Promotion terhadap Keputusan Pembelian menggunakan Aplikasi OVO Di Royal Plaza Surabaya

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    The rapid development of the world of information and communication technology increases competition in the business world. Currently with technology digital server-based payment system offered by fintech, users can transact directly with their business partners. Only by making digital payment transactions via smartphone. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Brand Image and Sales Promotion on purchasing decisions using OVO applications at Royal Plaza Surabaya. This study uses quantitative methods and sampling techniques conducted through purposive sampling with 100 respondents. The results of this study indicate that 1) Brand Image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions using OVO at Royal Plaza Surabaya; 2) Sales Promotion has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions using OVO at Royal Plaza Surabaya; 3) Brand Image and Sales Promotion simultaneously have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions using OVO at Royal Plaza Surabaya.Keywords: Brand Image, Sales Promotion, Purchasing Decision

    DC-8 scanning lidar characterization of aircraft contrails and cirrus clouds

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    A Subsonic Assessment (SASS) element of the overall Atmospheric Effects of Aviation Project (AEAP) was initiated by NASA to assess the atmospheric impact of subsonic aircraft. SRI was awarded a project to develop and test a scanning backscatter lidar for installation on the NASA DC-8 (year 1), participate in the Subsonic Aircraft: Contrail and Cloud Effects Special Study (SUCCESS) field program (year 2), and conduct a comprehensive analysis of field data (year 3). A scanning mirror pod attached to the DC-8 aircraft provides for scanning lidar observations ahead of the DC-8 and fixed-angle upward or downward observations. The lidar system installed within the DC-8 transmits 275 MJ at 1.06 gm wavelength or about 130 mJ at 1.06 and 0.53 gm simultaneously. Range-resolved aerosol backscatter is displayed in real time in terms of cloud/contrail spatial distributions. The objectives of the project are to map contrail/cloud vertical distributions ahead of DC-8; provide DC-8 guidance into enhanced scattering layers; document DC-8 flight path intersection of contrail and cloud geometries (in-situ measurement positions relative to cloud/contrail shape and an extension of in-situ measurements into the vertical -- integrated contrail/cloud properties); analyze contrail/cloud radiative properties with LIRAD (combined lidar and radiometry) technique; evaluate mean particle sizes of aircraft emissions from two-wavelength observations; study contrail/cloud interactions, diffusion, and mass decay/growth; and make observations in the near-field of aircraft engine emissions. The scanning mirror pod may also provide a scanning capability for other remote sensing instruments

    Metode muhasabah dalam mengatasi kecemasan mahasiswa tingkat akhir : studi kasus pada mahasiswa Tasawuf dan Psikoterapi Angkatan 2015 UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

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    Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan telah dilakukan upaya yang dilakukan oleh peeliti dalam mengatasi kecemasan pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir dalam hal ini salah satunya dengan dilakukan metode muhasabah Dengan adanya kontrol diri (muhasabah) ini diharapkan para mahasiswa tingkat akhir bisa mengatasi kecemasan pada dirinya, sehingga mereka bisa mengatasi permasalahan dalam perkulian tingkat akhir . Karena pada dasarnya kontrol diri ini sangat penting dalam kehidupan. Tujuan peneliti ini adalah; a) Mengetahui tingkat kecemasan mahasiswa tingkat akhir jurusan Tasawuf Psikoterapi b) Mengetahui kondisi fisik dan psikis mahasiswa tingkat akhir pada jurusan Tasawuf Psikoterapi Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif analitis. Metode deskriptif analitis merupakan suatu bentuk penelitian yang ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan fenomena – fenomena yang ada, baik fenomena alamiah maupun fenomena buatan manusia. Dalam penelitian ini metode deskriptif digunakan untuk menggambarkan metode muhasabah serta kecemasan pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir jurusan Tasawuf Psikoterapi di UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Hasil penelitian, menunjukkan : 1) banyaknya penyebab kecemasan yang terjadi pada mahasiswa yang berpengaruh pada fisik maupun mental mahasiswa seperti gemetaran, tangan terasa dingin, kerigetan becucuran,nafas memburuk,ketakutan, dan susah bekonsetrasi. 2) Kegiatan muhasabah diri berupa terapi yang dimulai dari menghisab diri,berdoa,dan bertobat,serta diiringi dengan meningkatkan ketakwaan pada Allah Berdasarkan temuan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode muhasabah dalam mengatasi kecemasan mahasiswa tingkat berjalan dengan baik sehingga berpengaruh baik pula terhadap mahasiswa tingkat akhir yang mengalami kecemasa
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