167 research outputs found

    The role of socio–economic factors in education status of vamaradchchy division

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    In today’s world education helps man to live properly. In this respect, at present stage Third World Countries play an important role in the development of education. To suit this trend literacy development of Sri Lanka helps to provide free education. Even it is so, socio – economic factors gain importance in the decline of education level. In Asia, Sri Lanka is in the high rank in literacy (92.5%). It becomes important to carry out educational level research in the Vadamaradchchcy division which is in Jaffna district. The effort of the researcher is viewed as conducive to socio- economic factors, it helps to education and to the development of the region as well. Future education restructuring is indispensable considering the past education level. The research conducted in this respect would be very useful. In this way the, relationship was found out with the help of statistical methods. There is a negative relationship found between the level of education of parents, irregular attendance, socio – economic environment the number of children and educational achievement. In the education level of the school children of the research area is to identify on what extend and what type of influence are exerted by socio – economic factors also analyzed in this research. The schools in Karaveddy, Pointpedro, and Marujankeny in the Vadamaradchchy division were taken for research. 226 students from two developed schools and tow les developed school were subjected for this research and the role of socio – economic factors also analysed. This socio – economic factors such as school attendance, educational level of parent, their interests, displacement, education facilities, private education facilities, addiction to liquor of father, Family and socio economic levels, living environment, number of children in the family also influence the education level. The result for obtained considering the above hypothesis. In this respect socio –economic factors are found to have significant influence in the educational level of students in the research area

    Marketing of subsidiary food items produced in Batticaloa district

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    Batticaloa District includes 14 Divisional secretariat Divisions. Out of these Divisions, Manmunai South Eruvil pattu division consists of 80% of the producers of subsidiary food items. They are engaged in producing various vegetables such as brinjals, long beans, ladies’ finger, and bitter gourd, for their livelihood. The production of these subsidiary food items play an important role in the economy of the people in this division. But, most of the producers of subsidiary food items experience heavy losses due to the problems occurring in marketing. The main aim of this research is to find out the problems faced by the producers of subsidiary food items in marketing in Batticaloa district. This research is carried out using product’s price fluctuation, intermediaries’ influence, varied nature of products, availabilityof marketing instructions and transport facilities as main variables. The hypothesis of this research is that “their is no major change in the demand and supply of subsidiary food items produced in the above district” In this research ,primary data and secondary data have been used. 150 famers were selected as samples at random and Questionnaires were issued to them Villages such as Cheddipalayam, Mangkadu, Thettathivu, Kaluthavalai, and Kaluvanchikudi,which engage in the production of subsidiary food items in Batticaloa district were selected and the samples taken at random. The data gathered were subjected to analysis through SPSS and Ms Excel-2007 and the inter standard deviation are expressed through charts and figures. On the basis of this research, considerable number of producers of subsidiary food items said that they face Marketing problems and due to this their income has been decreasing .It has been found that farmers in Batticaloa has been facing marketing problems because of price fluctuations that occur often ,lack of storage facilities, Varied nature of changing products, increased presence of intermediaries, and the local competition that results, non availability of business suggestions at the needed time

    The role of non-govermental organizations in the development of Thiruvaiyaru village

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    The research named ―The role of Non- Governmental organizations in the development of Thiruvaiyaru village‖ is mainly centered on Thiruvaiyaru village in kilinochchi District. This is selected as the research area as this region is differentiated from other regions due to the displacement after the war in 2009which lasted for 30 years and resettlement that followed and also because this region is in need of much development. The primary aim of this research is to find out the way in which Non- Governmental Organizations contribute to improve the development of the research area, socially and economically. The special aim of the research are to find out the destructions that happened in this region during the last 20 years, Identity the problem faced by this region regarding development, Identity the activities of Non- Governmental Organizations in the development of this region and tell how these activities should be in future. And also to tell what activity should be carried out in order to improve the development of this region and to tell the feasibilities for same. The direct relationship between the economic development of the research area and the activities of Non- Governmental Organizations is the hypothesis of the research. The social development of the research area has improved due to the activities of Non- Governmental Organizations. In the rural development of the research area the activities of Non- Governmental Organizations have caused a favorable impact. The conclusions of the research area, Non- Governmental Organizations provided 65% of the contribution to the economic development of the village, they provide 48% of the contribution to the social development of the village. In rural development both economic and social development are included the activities of Non- Governmental Organizations provide 61% of the contribution towards rural development

    A special analysis with special reference the main market of Kilinochchi District

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    This research named ―Marketing of fish and the influence of intermediaries‖ has been carried out with special reference to the main market of Kilinochchi District. When marketing of fish is done much interference of intermediaries is found. The main aim of this research is to find out the influence of intermediaries in marketing of fish. The ancillary aims are to identify the roles of the consumers and producer in marketing of fish. The hypothesis are to identify the relation between intermediaries and producers, intermediaries and consumers producers and consumers in marketing of fish. Accordingly, the correlation between the intermediaries and producers is found to be 0.75 and this becomes the conclusion of the research. Here, a very close relationship between these two variables could be observed. That is, when the producers increase the price of fish, it could be observed that the intermediaries too increase their commission. A positive correlation existing between producer‘s price and intermediaries‘ price could be observed. In marketing of fish the correlation between intermediaries and consumers is found to be 0.54. Here, a very close relationship between these two variables could be observed. That is, when consumers increase the price of fish, it could be observed that the intermediaries too increase the commission. A positive correlation could be observed between intermediaries‘ commission and producers‘ price. That is, when the demand for fish in the market gradually increases it could be observed that the commission for intermediaries too increases gradually. In marketing, it is the intermediaries who gain match influence between producers and consumers. Even it the production price of the producer is found to be low or high, consumers‘ tendency to reduce the price is not found. The intermediaries who get the fish at a reduced price, when giving to consumers, sell at a higher price. Hence, the relationship between the producer and the consumer is found to be very low

    Domain formation of modulation instability in spin-orbit-Rabi coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equation with cubic-quintic interactions

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    The effect of two- and three-body interactions on the modulation instability (MI) domain formation of a spin-orbit (SO) and Rabi-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate is studied within a quasi-one-dimensional model. To this aim, we perform numerical and analytical investigations of the associated dispersion relations derived from the corresponding coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The interplay between the linear (SO and Rabi) couplings with the nonlinear cubic-quintic interactions are explored in the mixture, considering miscible and immiscible configurations, with a focus on the impact in the analysis of experimental realizations with general binary coupled systems, in which nonlinear interactions can be widely varied together with linear couplings.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Comprehensive review of various corrosion behaviours on 316 stainless steel

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    Corrosion is a destructive process that converts the pure metal into a chemically stabled form by hydroxide or sulphide and it is a slow process of destruction on the material by the chemical or electrochemical reaction in the environmental space. This kind of destruction has been typically produced from oxides or salt content on the material and it results in distinctive orange coloration. The classifications of corrosion act on atmospheric air and liquids as well as on contact of two solids. To resist the corrosion rate, stainless steel 316 has been chosen because of the presence of 2-3% molybdenum content and the presence of molybdenum plays a vital role in corrosion resistance. In this study, literature related to various works has been reviewed to explain the corrosion behaviour on cavitation, crevice, electrochemical, erosion, fatigue, galvanic, uniform, pitting, and stress corrosion which act on 316 stainless steel. In the present work, several coating processes and the additives, that have been added to SS 316 to enhance the outcomes according to various corrosion causes, are discussed

    Unusual localization of parathyroid gland inferior to the thyroid gland, absence of the isthmus of thyroid gland and intra thyroid thymic tissue - A case report

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    Case report: Ectopic parathyroid glands are not rare and can be seen anywhere between mandibular angle and mediastinum. Absent of isthmus of thyroid was noted in a 36 year Sri Lankan male at postmortem. Lobes of thyroid were connected only by pretracheal fascia. The length of right lobe was 4.7cm and left was 4.8cm. Superior parathyroid glands (SPGs) were normal in position, left near cricothyroid junction and right just above first tracheal ring. The right inferior parathyroid gland (IPG) (8mm), tan yellow in color was observed just below lower pole of thyroid on anterior surface and extracapsular in position. Left IPG(1cm), brownish red color glandular tissue was situated at lower pole posterolateral and intracapsular in position. Histology revealed normal right IPG tissue and on left side thymic tissue with Hassall’s corpuscle present within thyroid capsule. Presence of ectopic thymic tissue within thyroid has been documented in children younger than 10 years. Agenesis of isthmus of thyroid may be due to a high division of thyroglossal duct. Thymus develops primarily from ventral and IPG from dorsal wing of third branchial pouch.Discussion: Occasionally thymus and parathyroids can be present in ectopic sites. Ectopic thymic tissue can be present in thyroid and be asymptomatic. Anatomical and clinical significance of absence of thyroid isthmus and ectopic sites of parathyroids is important for surgeons operating on the thyroid gland. Present case report is an attempt to highlight such.

    Electrical Discharge Machining of Al (6351)-5% SiC-10% B 4

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    The goal of the present experimental work is to optimize the electrical discharge machining (EDM) parameters of aluminum alloy (Al 6351) matrix reinforced with 5 wt.% silicon carbide (SiC) and 10 wt.% boron carbide (B4C) particles fabricated through the stir casting route. Multiresponse optimization was carried out through grey relational analysis (GRA) with an objective to minimize the machining characteristics, namely electrode wear ratio (EWR), surface roughness (SR) and power consumption (PC). The optimal combination of input parameters is identified, which shows the significant enhancement in process characteristics. Contributions of each machining parameter to the responses are calculated using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result shows that the pulse current contributes more (83.94%) to affecting the combined output responses

    Divacancy superstructures in thermoelectric calcium-doped sodium cobaltate

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    We have grown single crystals of Nax_xCay_yCoO2_2 and determined their superstructures as a function of composition using neutron and x-ray diffraction. Inclusion of Ca2+^{2+} stabilises a single superstructure across a wide range of temperatures and concentrations. The superstructure in the Na+^+ layers is based on arrays of divacancy clusters with Ca2+^{2+} ions occupying the central site, and it has an ideal concentration Na4/7_{4/7}Ca1/7_{1/7}CoO2_2. Previous measurements of the thermoelectric properties on this system are discussed in light of this superstructure. Na4/7_{4/7}Ca1/7_{1/7}CoO2_2 corresponds to the maximum in thermoelectric performance of this system.Comment: Produced using Revtex 4.1 and pdflatex. 7 Pages, 6 figure