250 research outputs found

    Statistical Curve Analysis: Developing Methods and Expanding Knowledge in Health

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    The analysis of curves can be claimed to be the core of most scientific ventures. In this dissertation, we focus on the statistical aspect of this type of analysis. Here, the curves originate from health and food-related areas and include improvements in blood glucose measurements, classification of moles, measurements of parameters during liver transplants in pigs, and data from the monitoring of the quality of fish. More specifically, the statistical curve analysis consists of several perspectives were all have some kind of in- trinsic comparison effort. However, the main approaches in these studies are related to regression and the problem of finding suitable critical regions. The regression part consists of robust nonlinear regression and linear mixed models while the critical regions are found through classification and hypothesis testing in scale-space. By improving the critical decision boundaries through e.g. the Bonferroni correction of scale-space maps in Paper I, and developing features to improve decisions regarding the classification of moles in Paper II, we were able to obtain high sensitivity and specificity in the developed systems. Re- gression was an integral part of the classification effort in Paper II, the improvement of blood glucose measurements in Paper III, and the statistical analysis of parameters measured during liver transplantation in pigs in Paper IV. Paper I is focused on maximizing sensitivity and specificity when detecting a significant change in the data. Here as in Paper II hyperspectral images are the source of data. The developed method produces a scale-space, where significant changes can be detected. Paper II aims to maximize sensitivity, specificity, and precision in the classification of moles. This is accomplished through curves from subimages obtained from each channel of the hyperspectral images. These curves show characteristic features from three important classes of moles. By using these features through the regression of these curves, we accomplish high sensitivity, specificity, and precision in the classification pursuit. In Paper III, we introduce a novel method for improving blood glucose estimation from continuous glucose measurements by using deconvolution. First, regression is used to estimate the parameters in the convolution kernel. Thereafter this response function was deconvolved through regression. In this way, we can estimate blood glucose from subcutaneous measurements. This gives a new method for controlling blood glucose levels which is of great importance for type 1 diabetes patients during and after exercise to avoid hypoglycemia. Testing two different methods in liver transplantation of pigs, where the statistical analysis of curves was done through the application of linear mixed models, is the focus of Paper IV. An important output of this work is that the two treatments can be statistically distinguished through the use of linear mixed models

    Smart Mobilities: A Gendered Perspective

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    The Dynamics Of Social Exclusion: Some Insights From Norway

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    In this paper we explore the interface between the theme of transport & social exclusion and resource allocation within a household. We analyse the consequences high priced driving license within the domain of family structure, gender and the integration of non-western immigrants in Norway. We pose driving license as a skill which has implications for the family as a whole. Further we analyse how decision making within a family and the tenets of social exclusion are therefore affected both by the availability of public transport and price of procuring a driving license in the Norwegian context.Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne

    The Dynamics Of Social Exclusion: Some Insights From Norway

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    In this paper we explore the interface between the theme of transport & social exclusion and resource allocation within a household. We analyse the consequences high priced driving license within the domain of family structure, gender and the integration of non-western immigrants in Norway. We pose driving license as a skill which has implications for the family as a whole. Further we analyse how decision making within a family and the tenets of social exclusion are therefore affected both by the availability of public transport and price of procuring a driving license in the Norwegian context.Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne

    "Det er sÄ vanskelig Ä begynne Ä skrive!" En kvalitativ studie av oppstarten av en skriveoppgave med bruk av noen fÞrskrivingsaktiviteter pÄ ungdomstrinnet.

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    Sammendrag Dette masterprosjektet er en kvalitativ studie av fÞrskriving og hva som kan vÊre med pÄ Ä sette elever i stand til Ä skrive. Problemstillingen jeg har jobbet etter har vÊrt: PÄ hvilke mÄter fremmer fÞrskrivingsaktiviteter skriving hos elever i en ungdomsskoleklasse? For Ä finne svaret pÄ problemstillingen har jeg ogsÄ hatt tre forskningsspÞrsmÄl: 1. PÄ hvilke mÄter kommer idemyldring og eksempeltekst til syne i elevenes tekster? 2. Hvilken opplevelse har elevene av Ä jobbe med fÞrskrivingsaktiviteter? For Ä finne svar pÄ disse to forskningsspÞrsmÄlene har jeg gjennomfÞrt et skriveprosjekt, og deretter brukt et utvalg elevtekster som empirisk materiale. I etterkant av skriveprosjektet intervjuet jeg en gruppe elever. I tillegg syntes jeg det var interessant Ä ha et tredje forskningsspÞrsmÄl: 3. PÄ hvilken mÄte samsvarer funnene i elevtekstene med funnene i intervjuet? Jeg gjennomfÞrte skriveprosjektet i en ungdomsskoleklasse i mars. Funnene i mitt prosjekt er blant annet at elevene finner det nyttig Ä jobbe med bÄde idemyldring og eksempeltekst. I intervjuet kan det synes som at elevene ikke vektlegger gjennomgang av eksempeltekst som spesielt viktig, men mine funn viser at det er tydelige spor av eksempelteksten i flere av elevtekstene. Det kan derfor virke som de bruker teksten som et stÞttede stillas, og at de lÄner fra eksempelteksten bÄde innholdsmessig og i struktur og oppbygging av egen tekst. Jeg mener derfor at fÞrskrivingsaktivitetene fremmer skriving ved at elevene fÄr ideer, og har en tekst som kan gi dem stÞtte bÄde nÄr det gjelder hva de kan skrive, og hvordan de kan skrive egen tekst. Teorien jeg har brukt handler om eksplisitt skriveopplÊring, eksempeltekster som stillaser for elevenes tekstskaping og intertekstualitet i form av Ä lÄne tekstelementer fra en eksempeltekst. Mitt bidrag til forskningsfeltet er at Ä bruke eksplisitt skriveopplÊring og gi elevene tydelige tekstlige modeller fremmer skriving hos elever. Likevel er det slik at ikke alle elevene i dette skriveprosjektet klarte Ä produsere en tekst, slik at videre studier kan gjÞres for Ä finne ut mer av hva som skal til for at alle elever klarer Ä skrive

    Poleward transport of Eg5 by dynein–dynactin in Xenopus laevis egg extract spindles

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    Molecular motors are required for spindle assembly and maintenance during cell division. How motors move and interact inside spindles is unknown. Using photoactivation and photobleaching, we measure mitotic motor movement inside a dynamic spindle. We find that dynein–dynactin transports the essential motor Eg5 toward the spindle poles in Xenopus laevis egg extract spindles, revealing a direct interplay between two motors of opposite directionality. This transport occurs throughout the spindle except at the very spindle center and at the spindle poles, where Eg5 remains stationary. The variation of Eg5 dynamics with its position in the spindle is indicative of position-dependent functions of this motor protein. Our results suggest that Eg5 drives microtubule flux by antiparallel microtubule sliding in the spindle center, whereas the dynein-dependent concentration of Eg5 outside the spindle center could contribute to parallel microtubule cross-linking. These results emphasize the importance of spatially differentiated functions of motor proteins and contribute to our understanding of spindle organization

    Introduction : Migration, Death and Mobilities

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    In contrast to the liveliness conjured by the terms ‘migration’ and ‘mobilities’, death is associated with stillness and immobility. Yet, just as the animated experience of migration and mobilities can be characterised by hiatus, waiting and even death, so too death and funerary-mourning rituals prompt a variety of mobile practices. For example, the dying may travel between home and other places of care; the dead body is typically moved between the place of death and sites of funerary care and rituals; the corpse or cremated remains may be transported over long distances for final disposition; in many beliefs the spiritual journey of the deceased continues after death; and mourners variously travel, process and perform religious or secular rites at the time of death and subsequent cyclical acts of remembrance, depending on customs. Therefore, mobilities are inherently interwoven with death and mourning practices. Further, as the quote above indicates, these already mobile funerary practices are additionally inflected by the mobilities of migration and can change with time, place and circumstances, including the relative inclusiveness of local cemetery-crematorium services. This volume brings lived migrant mobilities and immobilities into dialogue with the less familiar mobilities and immobilities associated with death, death rituals and the remains of the dead

    Disrespectful or socially acceptable?-A nordic case study of cemeteries as recreational landscapes

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    Across Scandinavia, we witness an increased interest in making provisions for urban cemeteries to evolve as recreational landscapes. However, this development comes with its own set of challenges when uniting its pri-mary function as a place for disposal of human remains with active and passive urban recreation. In this paper, we explore varying perspectives on recreational use of cemeteries to give a nuanced picture of the possibilities and limitations for recreation at cemeteries in a multicultural society, most often positioned within a context of densifying urban areas. The empirical data consists of interviews with cemetery users (N = 24) from various faiths and belief systems in three towns in Norway and Sweden. Findings reveal that passive recreational ac-tivities like strolling, having a cup of coffee on a bench in the cemetery etc. are in general perceived as acceptable behaviour. However, opinions differ on 'active' undertakings like running, biking and walking a dog. How people perceive or use cemeteries is partly dependent on beliefs and cultural traditions, but other factors such as the purpose of using the cemetery for recreation and the type or character of the cemetery also impact the extent to which activities are perceived as appropriate or not. Respect and intensity are two key aspects that emerged in our analysis. The study concludes that the existing peaceful atmosphere at cemeteries should be preserved and nurtured. With correct design and zoning, some recreational activities can be integrated at cemeteries, benefiting both mourners and recreational visitors

    An analysis of grid rent as an incentive for investments in solar and battery systems : a study based on an investment at the new hospital of Innlandet

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    For Ä nÄ det ambisiÞse klimamÄlet om minst 50% reduksjon i utslipp innen 2030 har det vÊrt bred oppslutning om en rekke elektrifiseringstiltak i Norge. Som en konsekvens Þker belastningen pÄ kraftnettet, og dagens prognoser tilsier at det vil fÞre til store investeringer. For Ä redusere behovet for investeringer blir dermed effektbasert nettleie innfÞrt nasjonalt som insentiv for Þkt sluttbrukerfleksibilitet. Videre blir solkraft blir ansett som en del av tilretteleggingen for elektrifiseringen av Norge, med like stor forventet Þkning i kapasitet som vannkraft frem til 2040. I denne oppgaven har ulike scenarioer blitt lagt til grunn for Ä forstÄ hvordan ulike nettleiemodeller insentiverer til investeringer i sol- og batterisystemer. Totalt blir det utfÞrt 6 simuleringer ved Ä benytte programvaren System Advisor Model (SAM). Simuleringene blir utfÞrt pÄ tre ulike laster, hvor to laster er estimert forbruk ved det nye sykehuset i Innlandet. Videre representerer tre simuleringer et batterisystem og tre representerer et PV-system. Nettleien blir estimert ved bruk av fire generaliserte nettleiemodeller utarbeidet av Reguleringsmyndigheten for energi (NVE RME), og insentivet til investering i PV- og batterisystemer blir vurdert etter avkastning per investerte krone fra en besparelse pÄ nettleie. Alle modeller som priser effektuttak ga i gjennomsnitt redusert insentiv til investering i et PV-system sammenlignet med en nettleiemodell som baserer seg pÄ mengden konsumert energi. Av modellene som priser effektuttak gir Sikringsdifferensiert nettleie minst insentiv til investering, da kunden ikke er sikret produksjon fra PV-systemet i timen med hÞyest effektuttak i lÞpet av Äret. Dermed kan sikringstÞrrelsen heller ikke reduseres. Nettleiemodellen Abonnert effekt ga samlet sett stÞrst insentiv til investering i PV-systemer, og favoriserer systemer hvor PV-produksjonen sammefaller best med effektuttaket i topplasttimene. UtvalgstÞrrelsen som ble brukt i analysen var noe redusert, og resultatene mÄ sees i lys av dette. For batterisystemer ga modellen MÄlt effekt samlet sett stÞrst insentiv til investering. Differansen i insentiv mellom modellene var relativt liten dersom en vurderer det gjennomsnittlige insentivet. I alle tilfeller var avkastningen stÞrst for batteriet som ble simulert pÄ lasten med stÞrst timesvariasjon. Det ble kun anvendt én styringsalgoritme for batteriet, noe som ga en skjevhet i resultatene. I denne beregningen ga ingen av nettleiemodellene et stort nok insentiv til at investeringer i batterier vil vÊre lÞnnsomt dersom kontantstrÞmmen skal dannes ut i fra en besparelse pÄ nettleien. I det store bildet er tendensen at dersom nettleien defineres etter effektuttak vil batterier i gjennomsnitt fÄ et stÞrre insentiv en PV-systemer. Hvilken teknologi som fÄr stÞrst insentiv varierer ut ifra kombinasjonen av anvendelsesomrÄde og valgt nettleiemodell.In order to achieve the ambitious climate target of at least a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030, there has been broad support for electrification measures in Norway. As a consequence, the load on the power grid is increasing, and current forecasts indicate that it will lead to large investments. In order to reduce the need for investments, effect-based grid rent is thus introduced nationally as an incentive for increased end-user flexibility. Furthermore, solar power is considered key to facilitate for the electrification of Norway, with equal expected increase in capacity as hydropower until 2040. In this thesis a simulations have been conducted to understand how different grid rent models incentivize investments in solar and battery systems. A total of six simulations were performed using System Advisor Model (SAM). The simulations were performed on three different loads, where two loads are estimated for the new hospital of Innlandet. Further, three simulations represent a battery system and three represent a PV system. Thereafter, the grid rent is estimated using four generalized grid rent models established by the Energy Regulatory Authority (NVE RME). The incentive to invest in PV and battery systems is assessed based on to the return on invested capital due to savings on grid rent.M-I
