8 research outputs found

    PERAN GURU DALAM MENINGKATKAN DISIPLIN DAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DI SEKOLAH DASAR (Penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif pada Siswa Kelas III di SDIT Al-Fidaa, Tambun Selatan, Kabupaten Bekasi)

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    Disiplin adalah salah satu perilaku yang siswa miliki dalam mematuhi peraturan yang ada sehingga dapat menciptakan kepatuhan di kehidupannya. Siswa yang berdisiplin tinggi akan mendapatkan hasil belajar yang tinggi juga, sebaliknya disiplin rendah akan menghambat hasil belajar siswa. Disamping itu guru mempunyai peran yang penting untuk meningkatkan disiplin dan hasil belajar siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan peran guru dalam meningkatkan disiplin dan hasil belajar siswa kelas III di SDIT Al-Fidaa, mendeskripsikan disiplin dan hasil belajar siswa kelas III di SDIT Al-Fidaa, dan mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi disiplin dan solusi untuk meningkatkan disiplin dalam menunjang hasil belajar siswa kelas III di SDIT Al-Fidaa. Penelitian ini memakai metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Partisipan dan tempat penelitian ini adalah guru kelas III, siswa kelas III, kepala sekolah, dan waka kurikulum berlokasi di SDIT Al-Fidaa. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa guru kelas III sudah memiliki dan melaksanakan perannya dalam meningkatkan disiplin dan hasil belajar siswa dengan baik. Disiplin dan hasil belajar siswa kelas III sudah cukup memiliki dan menerapkan disiplin dan hasil belajar dengan baik, walaupun masih ada beberapa siswa yang harus selalu diingatkan. Faktor yang mempengaruhi disiplin dalam menunjang hasil belajar siswa berupa kesadaran diri, mengikuti dan mentaati tata tertib, pembiasaan, hukuman, memberi contoh atau teladan, lingkungan yang disiplin, dan konsisten dalam disiplin. Adapun solusi untuk meningkatkan disiplin dalam menunjang hasil belajar siswa kelas III adalah pemberian hukuman, nasihat, dan komunikasi dengan orang tua atau wali siswa. ----- Discipline is one of the behaviors that students have in complying with existing rules so as to create compliance in their lives. Students who have high discipline will get high learning outcomes as well, otherwise low discipline will hinder student learning outcomes. Besides that, teachers have an important role to improve discipline and student learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to describe the teacher's role in improving discipline and student learning outcomes in class III at SDIT Al-Fidaa, to describe the discipline and learning outcomes of class III students at SDIT Al-Fidaa, and to find out the factors that influence discipline and solutions to improve discipline in supporting results. learning class III students at SDIT Al-Fidaa. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a type of field research. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation study. The participants and the place of this research were class III teachers, class III students, school principals, and curriculum assistants located at SDIT Al-Fidaa. The results of the study concluded that class III teachers already have and carry out their role in improving discipline and student learning outcomes well. Discipline and learning outcomes of class III students have enough and apply discipline and learning outcomes well, although there are still some students who must always be reminded. Factors that influence discipline in supporting student learning outcomes are self-awareness, following and obeying rules, habituation, punishment, giving examples or role models, a disciplined environment, and being consistent in discipline. The solutions to improve discipline in supporting class III student learning outcomes are punishment, advice, and communication with parents or guardians of students


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    Discipline is one of the behaviors that students have in complying with existing rules so as to create compliance in their lives. Students who have high discipline will get high learning outcomes as well, otherwise low discipline will hinder student learning outcomes. Besides that, teachers have an important role to improve discipline and student learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to describe the teacher's role in improving discipline and student learning outcomes, to describe discipline and student learning outcomes, and to find out the factors that influence discipline and solutions to improve discipline in supporting student learning outcomes. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a type of field research. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The participants and the place of this research were class III teachers, class III students, school principals, and curriculum assistants located at SDIT Al-Fidaa. The results of the study concluded that class III teachers already have and carry out their role in improving discipline and student learning outcomes well. Discipline and learning outcomes of class III students have enough and apply discipline and learning outcomes well, although there are still some students who must always be reminded. Factors that influence discipline in supporting student learning outcomes are self-awareness, following and obeying rules, habituation, punishment, giving examples or role models, a disciplined environment, and being consistent in discipline. The solutions to improve discipline in supporting class III student learning outcomes are punishment, advice, and communication with parents or guardians of students.


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    Discipline is one of the behaviors that students have in complying with existing rules so as to create compliance in their lives. Students who have high discipline will get high learning outcomes as well, otherwise low discipline will hinder student learning outcomes. Besides that, teachers have an important role to improve discipline and student learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to describe the teacher's role in improving discipline and student learning outcomes, to describe discipline and student learning outcomes, and to find out the factors that influence discipline and solutions to improve discipline in supporting student learning outcomes. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a type of field research. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The participants and the place of this research were class III teachers, class III students, school principals, and curriculum assistants located at SDIT Al-Fidaa. The results of the study concluded that class III teachers already have and carry out their role in improving discipline and student learning outcomes well. Discipline and learning outcomes of class III students have enough and apply discipline and learning outcomes well, although there are still some students who must always be reminded. Factors that influence discipline in supporting student learning outcomes are self-awareness, following and obeying rules, habituation, punishment, giving examples or role models, a disciplined environment, and being consistent in discipline. The solutions to improve discipline in supporting class III student learning outcomes are punishment, advice, and communication with parents or guardians of students.


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    Shalat terutama shalat fardhu adalah salah satu bentuk dan kewajiban yang diperintahkan oleh Allah SWT kepada umatnya yaitu agama Islam. Selain itu, shalat juga tidak menjadi keharusan, tetapi gerakan-gerakan shalat mempunyai banyak fungsi dalam kesegaran tubuh. Berlandaskan dasar yang tertera, penulis melaksanakan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode kajian literatur. Pada artikel ini penulis menerapkan Landasan Teori yang mengumpulkan proporsi umum yang saling berkaitan dan digunakan untuk menjelaskan hubungan yang timbul antara beberapa variabel, proporsi adalah pernyataan yang berhubungan antara konsep-konsep yang ada, yaitu dengan cara meneliti dan memahami buku-buku, penelitian terdahulu, jurnal, dokumen atau sumber tertulis lainnya yang relevan dan mendukung pemikiran pembahasan mengenai “Pandangan SAINS terhadap Shalat untuk Kesehatan”