285 research outputs found

    Peranan Pendidikan Tinggi Di Masyarakat Dalam Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Dan Langkah Yang Harus Dilaksanakan Dalam Mengantisipasi Perubahan Masyarakat Masa Depan

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    Budaya perguruan tinggi didasarkan pada keterbukaan, maka dunia Akademika ada kebebasan dan keterbukaan sehingga Perguruan Tin ggi merupakan sumber ide bagi peningkatan hidup dan makna kehidupan manusia. Sebuah Perguruan Tinggi dapat berfungsi sebagai unsur pembangunan dengan berpijak pada budaya keterbukaan kampus, dan hal ini dapat ditingkatkan apabila syarat suatu perguruan tinggi sudah dipenuhi antara lain; prasarana kampus yang memadai, peralatan laboratorium, perpustakaan yang berfungsi dan Dosen yang mempunyai dedikasi dengan kemampuan profesional yang tinggi serta kwalifikasi yang memadai. Budaya kampus yang terbuka menuntu t kemampuan yang berfungsi sebagai proses globalisasi kehidupan manusia serta demokratisasi kehidupan dewasa ini. Daya dukung perguruan tinggi bagi pembangunan yang akan datang ditentukan oleh kemampun lembaga itu untuk memberi jawaban yang tepat terhadap fakta sosial masyarakat industri masa depan. Kata Kunci : Dunia akademika, proses globalisas

    Analisa Batuan Alterasi Panas Bumi Arjuno-welirang Berdasarkan Sifat Mineraloginya

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    This research has been conducted on the geothermal area of Arjuno-Welirang, the with aim to know the alteration of rocks based on their mineralogical properties. The method used is X-ray Diffraction by using Shimadzu X-ray Diffraction technique, Co-Kɒ radiation (ɒ = 1.54060 Å). Mineral phase obtained from Padusan rock samples are 9 minerals ie Aragonite and followed by other minor phases. Then on Cangar rock samples, there are 7 mineral phases with core minerals, ie Silicon Oxide and followed by phase of other minerals

    Effect Of Different Techniques Of Acidification By Sauerkraut Extracts To Physical Performance Of Acidified Fish Meal

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    Abstract Research to obseme effect of diferent techniques o/ acidification by sauerkraut extracts to physicorganoleptically performance of acidified fish meal has been conducted in the Laboratory of Feed Technologt Faculty of Animal Science Diponegoro University. Extract of Sauerkraut is made by fermenting wastes of vegetable market (LPS) for 6 days, which is Etarting by molasses. Acidification of Wish by extract solution of LPS was conduct by dipping/or 0, 4 and 8 hours, and dippingfollowed by ensilingfor l0 days. Changes in pH, odor, color, texture and moisture content of acidified fish meal is parameters obsemed. Results of research indicate that the extract LPS can be used in the acidification of "Ikan rucah" by providing the value of pH j,4-4,9. Value of pH decreased with the soaking time, pH of fish in the form of post-acidification for 0, 4 and 8 hours, and soahngfollowed ensiling is 3,8; 4,0; 4.0 and 9.8. Acidified fish meal product of soaking 0 and 4 hours are characterized by typical smell ofextracl LPS, with a rather bright reddish color.  While soaking in 8 hours of extract of LPS provide typical smell of extract a bit Jlshy, with garnet color, and the Fish that was soakedfollowed by fermentationfor l0 days the smell is Fleshy fish with the color dark brown. The texture of the fish soaked Intact and slightly chewy, while the texture of fish that fermented to be soggt such as porridge. After drying the fish meal is made with lechniques of dipping smelly of fish meal and slightly sour smell, wilh light brown to brown color, while fish meal made withfermentation smell a bit rotten v,ith black brown color. Content of Moisture offish meal decreased in line with the time of soaking. It can be concluded that physical- organoleptically performance of Jish meal made with the dipping technique is better than that was made with ensiling. Keywords: acidifiedfish meal, dipping, ensiling, extracts Sauerkrau

    Kajian Pengembangan Kapal Wisata Berbasis Energi Alternatif: Kombinasi Layar Dan Panel Surya

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    Potensi energi alternatif yaitu angin dan matahari dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal untuk membantu energi kapal wisata di Madura. Desain lambung yang digunakan adalah tipe monohull dan katamaran pada displasemen yang sama sebesar 6 ton, didapatkan besaran hambatan dengan menggunakan analisa numerik CFD yang diperlukan untuk menghitung kebutuhan daya terhadap kecepatan relatif kapal. Penyelidikan secara numerik dimulai dengan Pre-processing yang meliputi pembuatan geometri benda, dan meshing. tahap pemilihan solver yang meliputi pemilihan boundary-condition, pemilihan model laminar maupun turbulensi aliran, pemilihan jenis fluida dan struktur, dan pemilihan solving-equation bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data gaya-gaya hidrodinamika dan efeknya terhadap lambung kapal maupun layar pada saat menerima aliran fluida. Gaya yang dihasilkan oleh layar dengan bentuk segitiga dengan ukuran lebar sebesar 3 meter dan tinggi sebesar 4 meter, sebesar 0.812 kN. Luasan panel surya yang tersedia untuk kapal monohull sebesar 24m2 mampu memberikan konstribusi power sebesar 3.42 kW, sedangkan untuk tipe katamaran sebesar 54m2 mampu memberikan konstribusi power sebesar 7.7 kW. Kapal monohull dengan L = 12 m, B = 2.4 m, T = 1 m, menggunakan layar dan panel surya memberikan konstribusi kecepatan kapal sebesar 6 knot, sedangkan untuk kapal katamaran dengan ukuran utama L = 12 m , B = 6 m, T = 0.55 m, menggunakan layar dan panel surya memberikan konstribusi kecepatan kapal sebesar 8 knot

    pH, Total Bacteria and Total Fungi Litter Fermentation at Different Ripening Durations

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    This study aims to examine the effect of fermentation time on pH levels, total bacteria and total fungi litter chicken fermented. The research method was carried out by collecting various chicken litters from 16 closed house cages in Semarang City, Demak Regency and Kendal Regency, then combined and fermented. The study used a completely randomized design in the direction of 4 treatments and 4 replications, the treatments were T0 = 0 week litter curing; T1 = 3 weeks litter curing; T2 = 6 weeks of litter curing; T3 = 9 weeks litter curing. The parameters observed were pH value, total bacteria and total litter fungi in broiler chickens. The results showed that there was a significant effect (P 0.05) on all treatments. The conclusion of this research is the best chicken litter fermentation at 6 weeks duration of ripening. Produce a total of bacteria and fungi as much as 0.25 x 103 CFU/g and indicated that they were not pathogenic bacteria and fungi

    Pengaruh Keragaman Produk Dan Kualitas Pelayananterhadap Keputusan Pembelian Ulangmelalui Kepuasan Konsumen Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Konsumen Gelael Mall Ciputra Semarang)

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    Growth retail business a rapid progress in a few years make competition is tight. Consumer behavior in a shop at a outlet influenced by several factors of them are the diversity products and the quality of services. Supermaket Gelael Mall Ciputra Semarang is one of the supermarkets known in Semarang city. Problems in this research s a reduction turnover income Supermarkets Gelael Ciputra Semarang in 2015, impact on the number of monthly transactions in the growth supermarkets other Semarang city.This study aims to to find out whether is the products diversity and quality service of the decision the purchase repeated through customer satisfaction on the consumer Supermarkets Gelael Ciputra Semarang. Data collection techniques used the interview and questionnaires , while the sample techniques used non probability of sampling with 100 the total sample. Data in analysis with system validity test, reliability test , the coefficients determination test, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test and f test , sobel test and path analysis. Analysis of data done quantitatively on the SPSS program version 19.0.The result showed that diversity of products and quality of services have a positive influence and significant of the decision re purchase through customer satisfaction. This can be seen from the results of the simple analysis linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test , f test, the coefficients determination test , sobel test and path analysis. Customer satisfaction as variable intervening mediate between the diversity of the decision to buy them are full mediation As well as customer satisfaction as variable intervening mediate between product diversity of the decision repeated purchases that is both partial mediation. Of the result of this research,Companies should improve the diversity of products and services to consumer to the customer satisfaction and will may make it a cause loyal to buy replenished so it the sale of company can increase


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    Purpose: This study analyses the influence of Workplace Incivility, Perceived Supervisor Support, Job Satisfaction on Organizational Identification and its implications for Employee Performance and Turnover Intention.   Theoretical Framework: Workplace incivility is related to a range of work attitudes, stress indicators, and behaviours, both for the person experiencing incivility as well as for those engaging in uncivilised behaviour. The incivility experienced is closely associated with low job satisfaction and sub-optimal employee performance, high levels of stress and burnout, and a strong desire to leave the job. Perceived supervisor support refers to the perception among employees of how much their supervisors value their contributions and care about their well-being.   Design/Methodology/Approach: Determination of the sample using purposive sampling method involving employees who work in the renewable energy industry in Jakarta as many as 210 respondents. Analysis tool is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS version 22.0.   Findings: It was found that Workplace Incivility does not affect Organizational Identification but, Perceived Supervisor Support and Job Satisfaction have an influence on Organizational Identification. The implication of Organizational Identification has an influence on Employee Performance and Turnover Intention, but Employee Performance does not affect the Turnover Intention of employees working in renewable energy in Jakarta.   Research, Practical & Social Implications: From the results of this study, management can get used to the culture that superiors should pay more attention to the performance of employees. In addition, management can consider that employees are part of the company, with this, employees will be more confident in their identity in the company which will increase Organizational Identification. High Organizational Identification is proven to improve Employee Performance and reduce Turnover Intention of employees.   Originality/Value: The addition of turnover intention variables is the difference between this research and the previous one. The research was conducted in renewable  energy company in Jakarta, Indonesia. This is the uniqueness and originality of this research.Objetivo: Este estudo analisa a influência da Incivilidade no Local de Trabalho, do Apoio Apercebido do Supervisor, da Satisfação no Trabalho na Identificação Organizacional e as suas implicações no Desempenho dos Colaboradores e na Intenção de Turnover. Enquadramento teórico: A incivilidade no local de trabalho está relacionada com uma série de atitudes no trabalho, indicadores de stress e comportamentos, tanto para a pessoa que sofre a incivilidade como para aqueles que se envolvem em comportamentos incivilizados. A incivilidade experimentada está estreitamente associada a uma baixa satisfação no trabalho e a um desempenho abaixo do ideal por parte dos trabalhadores, a elevados níveis de stress e de esgotamento e a um forte desejo de abandonar o emprego. A perceção do apoio do supervisor refere-se à perceção que os trabalhadores têm de quanto os seus supervisores valorizam as suas contribuições e se preocupam com o seu bem-estar. Conceção/Metodologia/Abordagem: Determinação da amostra utilizando o método de amostragem intencional, envolvendo empregados que trabalham na indústria das energias renováveis em Jacarta, num total de 210 inquiridos. A ferramenta de análise é a Modelação de Equações Estruturais (SEM) utilizando o AMOS versão 22.0. Conclusões: Verificou-se que a Incivilidade no Local de Trabalho não afecta a Identificação Organizacional, mas que o Apoio Percebido do Supervisor e a Satisfação no Trabalho têm influência na Identificação Organizacional. A implicação da Identificação Organizacional tem influência no Desempenho dos Funcionários e na Intenção de Rotatividade, mas o Desempenho dos Funcionários não afecta a Intenção de Rotatividade dos funcionários que trabalham na área das energias renováveis em Jacarta. Implicações para a investigação, práticas e sociais: A partir dos resultados deste estudo, a gerência pode se acostumar com a cultura de que os superiores devem dar mais atenção ao desempenho dos funcionários. Para além disso, a gestão pode considerar que os empregados fazem parte da empresa, com isto, os empregados estarão mais confiantes na sua identidade na empresa, o que aumentará a Identificação Organizacional. Está provado que uma elevada Identificação Organizacional melhora o Desempenho dos Colaboradores e reduz a Intenção de Turnover dos colaboradores. Originalidade/Valor: A adição de variáveis de intenção de rotação é a diferença entre este estudo e o anterior. A investigação foi realizada numa nova empresa de energia em Jacarta, na Indonésia. Esta é a singularidade e a originalidade desta investigação.   Palavras-chave: Incivilidade no local de trabalho, Apoio percebido do supervisor, Satisfação no trabalho, Identificação organizacional, Desempenho do trabalhador, Intenção de rotatividade.Propósito: Este estudio analiza la influencia de la Incivilidad en el Lugar de Trabajo, el Apoyo Percibido del Supervisor, la Satisfacción Laboral en la Identificación Organizacional y sus implicaciones en el Desempeño del Empleado y la Intención de Rotación. Marco teórico: La incivilidad en el lugar de trabajo está relacionada con una serie de actitudes laborales, indicadores de estrés y comportamientos, tanto para la persona que experimenta la incivilidad como para quienes participan en el comportamiento incívico. La incivilidad experimentada está estrechamente asociada con una baja satisfacción laboral y un rendimiento inferior al óptimo de los empleados, altos niveles de estrés y agotamiento, y un fuerte deseo de abandonar el trabajo. El apoyo percibido del supervisor se refiere a la percepción entre los empleados de hasta qué punto sus supervisores valoran sus contribuciones y se preocupan por su bienestar. Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque: Determinación de la muestra mediante un método de muestreo intencional en el que participaron empleados que trabajan en el sector de las energías renovables en Yakarta, hasta un total de 210 encuestados. La herramienta de análisis es el Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales (SEM) utilizando AMOS versión 22.0. Resultados: Se constató que la incivilidad en el lugar de trabajo no afecta a la identificación organizativa, pero el apoyo percibido del supervisor y la satisfacción en el trabajo influyen en la identificación organizativa. La implicación de la identificación organizativa influye en el rendimiento de los empleados y en la intención de cambiar de empresa, pero el rendimiento de los empleados no afecta a la intención de cambiar de empresa de los empleados que trabajan en el sector de las energías renovables en Yakarta. Investigación, implicaciones prácticas y sociales: A partir de los resultados de este estudio, la dirección puede acostumbrarse a la cultura de que los superiores deben prestar más atención al rendimiento de los empleados. Además, la dirección puede considerar que los empleados forman parte de la empresa, con lo que los empleados tendrán más confianza en su identidad en la empresa, lo que aumentará la Identificación Organizativa. Está demostrado que una alta identificación organizativa mejora el rendimiento de los empleados y reduce su intención de cambiar de empresa. Originalidad/Valor: La adición de variables de intención de rotación es la diferencia entre esta investigación y la anterior. La investigación se llevó a cabo en una nueva empresa energética de Yakarta (Indonesia). Esta es la singularidad y originalidad de esta investigación

    Penentuan Prioritas Pembangunan melalui Analisis Sektor-Sektor Potensial di Kabupaten Gianyar

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    The potential of the area in order to regional development needs to recognize the potential to be effective and efficient regional planning. The purpose of supporting a research done is to analyze the sector that has the potential to be developed in Gianyar and Knowing and analyze whether potential sector development priorities right in Gianyar. This research was conducted in Gianyar which data were taken in the Central Bureau of Statistics. In this study use four tools of analysis, engineering analysis Location Quotient (LQ), Analysis of Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), the growth rate model analysis, overlay analysis and in qualitative analysis. From this research in priority sectors get that result of major developed in Gianyar is a provider of accommodation and eating and drinking, the real estate sector, and health services. Economic sectors in Gianyar that are developed, managed and[1] handled more leverage so as to produce a sector that could be a priority as well as the maximum added value later. *) E-mail: [email protected]

    Transformasi Struktur Ekonomi dan Sektor Unggulan di Kabupaten Buleleng Periode 2008-2013

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    The impact of development of a region, such as the changes in what sectors increases or decreases, the knowledge of which is important in the development of a region. High structural change and sectoral levels, are related to the process of economic growth. This study aims to analyze the economic structure and economic growth in Buleleng. The analytical tool used is LQ along with the shift share, and DLQ. This study used secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). Results of LQ are four sectors that constitute the base sectors namely, agriculture, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and services. Shift share analysis results of employment shows that the services sector absorbs the most labor followed by the construction sector, PHR sector, while the agricultural sector showed a decrease in employment. Shift share analysis results for the GDP contribution of the sector number shift share analysis PHR gives the largest contribution in Buleleng followed by the services sector, followed by agriculture sector

    Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional, dan Professional Commitment sebagai Prediktor Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan

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    Business competition, especially in the services sector, pushed the company or organization to optimize its resources. The purpose of this study wanted to know the effect of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), transformational leadership and professional commitment to job satisfaction of employees in Tuban Terminal CV Karya. This sample of 61 of the number of employees through proportionate random sampling method. Technical analysis is used multiple linear regression. It was found that organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), transformational leadership and professional commitment influence have positively and significantly on employee job satisfaction