26 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Fisika dengan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) Menggunakan Metode Proyek dan Inkuiri Terbimbing Ditinjau dari Kreativitas dan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa (Studi Kasus pada Pembelajaran Fisika Materi Fluida Statis Kelas XII Semester 2 di SMA Negeri 1 Papar Kediri Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012)

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    ABSTRACT A research that aims to determine the differences in learning achievements between students who are taught by PBL with guided-inquiry method and project method, creativity, and science process skills, and it’s interactions. Research was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Papar Kediri with topic static fluid class XI IA semester 2 in academic year 2011/2012. The population of reasearch are all students of class XI IA and samples of 2 classes were taken with random cluster sampling method. Test of the hypothesis using three-way ANOVA to study cognitive and psychomotor learning achievements. For the affective learning achievement, the hypothesis was tested by Kruskal-Wallis one way ANOVA because the data are not normally distributed. According analyzed results, obtained: there are differences in students cognitive achievement with guided inquiry and project methods; there are differences in affective student achievement with high and low creativity; there are differences in cognitive, psychomotor, and affective student achievement with high and low science process skills; there are interactions between learning methods and creativity with affective achievement; there are interactions between learning methods and creativity with psychomotor and affective achievement; there are interaction between creativity and science process skills with affective achievement; and there are interactions between learning methods, creativity, and science process skills with cognitive and affective achievement. Keywords: guided-inquiry method, project method, creativity, science process skills. perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id commit t

    Peningkatan Pemahaman Materi Kuantisasi Besaran Fisis pada Calon Guru Fisika menggunakan Metode Diskusi Kelas dan Scaffolding

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    Physical quantities quantization is an essential subject in Quantum Physics. The topic used as a bridge and a starting point of the revolution of physical thinking into the real Quantum Physics. This study aims to determine the application of discussion methods to enhance the learning outcomes of physics education students on the topic of quantization of physical quantities. This research conducted at the Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya on the subject of Quantum Physics. This research is a Classroom Action Research with research object is students of Physics Education B 2012 and students who programmed Quantum Physics course in academic year 2014/2015. The study conducted with two cycles. In the first cycle, the learning outcomes are 63.6%. The cycle is continued until the learning outcomes more than 75%, that is, in the second cycle is 79.4%. The main difference between cycle 1 and cycle 2 is the presence of scaffolding by lecturers in the second cycle. Scaffolding was given in the form of helping questions so that the students can explain the concept of the material being taught and the discussion process can run better. Kuantisasi besaran fisis merupakan materi penting dalam Fisika kuantum. Topiknya merupakan jembatan dan titik awal revolusi pemikiran Fisis dikenalnya Fisika Kuantum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan metode diskusi untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa pendidikan fisika pada materi kuantisasi besaran fisis. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jurusan Fisika Universitas Negeri Surabaya pada matakuliah Fisika Kuantum khususnya materi Kuantisasi Besaran Fisis. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan obyek penelitian mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika B 2012 dan/atau mahasiswa yang memprogam matakuliah Fisika Kuantum pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 2 siklus. Pada siklus pertama, hasil belajar mahasiswa sebesar 63,6%. Siklus dilanjutkan hingga hasil belajar mahasiswa lebih dari 75% yakni pada siklus kedua sebesar 79,4%. Perbedaan utama dari siklus 1 dan siklus 2 adalah adanya scaffolding oleh dosen di siklus kedua. Scaffolding yang diberikan berupa pertanyaan-pertanyaan bantuan agar mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep materi yang diajarkan dan proses diskusi dapat berjalan dengan lebih baik


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    This research’s aim are to determine energy spectra and wave function of Schrodinger Equation in D-Dimensions for non central shape invariant potentials, that is, Scarf hyperbolic plus non central Poschl-Teller potential and Scarf trigonometric plus non central Rosen-Morse potential with Nikivarof-Uvarov method. Nikivarof-Uvarov method are the method for solving a second order of differential equation which transform that equation into hypergeometric equation using a correct subtitution of variable. Research was done through a literature studies to solve the Schrodinger equation D-Dimensions analitically for Scarf hyperbolic plus non central Poschl- Teller potential and Scarf trigonometric plus non central Rosen-Morse potential. Energy spectra and wave function obtained by Nikivarof-Uvarov method. After obtaining energy levels and compared with the other methods in the special conditions, the wave function can be obtained by Nikivarof-Uvarov method. Energy spectra of the Scarf hyperbolic plus non-central Poschl Teller potential and Scarf trigonometric plus non-central Rosen Morse potential on DDimensions which obtained by Nikiforov-Uvarof methods have a results consistently with previous research on special condition. Energy spectra and wave functions of both combination of potentials are determined approximately for the value of orbital quantum number l ≠ 0. Keywords: Schrodinger Equation in D-Dimensions, Non Central Shape Invariant Potentials, and Nikivarof-Uvarov Method


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    Abstrak Gempabumi yang terjadi di Lombok pada 19 Agustus 2018 berkekuatan Mw 6,9 merupakan gempa mainshock kedua sebagai akibat dari rangkaian gempabumi Lombok pada Juli – Agustus 2018. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti karakteristik rupture gempabumi di Lombok Timur Mw 6,9 yang terjadi pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2018 dari hasil pencitraan arah, kecepatan, durasi, dan panjang rupture gempabumi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik pemrosesan array teleseismik menggunakan metode Multiple Signal Back-Projection (MUSICBP) dalam software MATLAB. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari data seismogram teleseismik dengan 54 stasiun-stasiun seismik array AU (Australia) berformat .SAC dari repositori IRIS Wilber 3. Data tersebut diolah dengan menggunakan program MUSICBP serta dilakukan filter bandpass dengan rentang frekuensi 0,05 – 0,25 Hz melalui proses cross correlation. Hasil keluaran yang diperoleh berupa plot durasi, arah, dan panjang rupture gempa dari MUSICBP serta nilai kemiringan grafik untuk menentukan kecepatan dari rupture gempa dari hasil regresi linear. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pencitraan rupture menggunakan metode MUSICBP adalah sesuai yang divalidasi dengan lokasi gempa susulan-gempa susulan (aftershock) yang terjadi di zona segmentasi rupture tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan, pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakteristik rupture yang terjadi pada gempabumi di Lombok Timur Mw 6,9 tanggal 19 Agustus 2018 adalah arah rupture merambat ke arah Timur secara unilateral sepanjang ~25 km berdurasi 25 s dengan kecepatan rupture 1,74 km/s yang termasuk dalam rentang kecepatan rendah. Hasil dari pencitraan rupture menunjukkan gempabumi yang terjadi di Lombok Timur pada 19 Agustus 2018 tersebut disebabkan oleh aktivitas Flores back arc thrust di wilayah Pulau Lombok bagian Utara dengan arah rupture merambat menuju ke arah Timur (eastward) dengan mekanisme tipe sesar naik (thrust fault).   Kata Kunci: Rupture Gempa, Back Projection, Gempa Teleseismik, Sesar Flores Back-Arc.     Abstract The earthquake that occurred in Lombok on August 19, 2018, with a magnitude of Mw 6.9 was the second mainshock earthquake as a result of the Lombok earthquake series in July – August 2018. This study aims to examine the characteristics of the earthquake rupture in East Lombok Mw 6.9 which occurred on 19 August 2018 from the results of imaging the direction, speed, duration, and length of earthquake rupture. The method used in this research is a teleseismic array processing technique using the Multiple Signal Back-Projection (MUSICBP) method in MATLAB software. The data used is secondary data from teleseismic seismogram data with 54 AU (Australia) seismic array stations in .SAC format from the IRIS Wilber 3 repository. The data was processed using the MUSICBP program and a bandpass filter was performed with a frequency range of 0.05 – 0.25 Hz through the cross-correlation process. The outputs obtained are plots of duration, direction, and length of earthquake rupture from MUSICBP and the slope value of the graph to determine the velocity of earthquake rupture from linear regression results. This study indicates that the rupture imaging using the MUSICBP method is appropriate which is validated by the location of the aftershocks that occur in the rupture segmentation zone. Based on the results and discussion, in this study, it can be concluded that the characteristics of the rupture that occurred in the earthquake in East Lombok Mw 6.9 on 19 August 2018 were the direction of the rupture spreading towards the East unilaterally along ~25 km with a duration of 25 s with a rupture speed of 1.74 km/s which is included in the low-speed range. The results of the rupture imaging show that the earthquake that occurred in East Lombok on August 19, 2018, was caused by the activity of Flores back arc thrust in the northern part of Lombok Island with the direction of the rupture spreading towards the East (eastward) with a thrust fault type mechanism.   Keywords: Earthquake Rupture, Back Projection, Teleseismic Earthquake, Flores Back-Arc Thrust

    Development of Wee Gemas Learning Media Based on Student Learning Styles for Physics Subjects

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    Wee Gemas (Golden Generation Educational Website) is a learning media in the form of web-based teaching materials that are integrated with student learning styles. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Wee Gemas in learning physics in high school. It is expected to be able to support student learning independently in understanding Physics learning can make students more independent in understanding Physics lessons. The method used is R&D development, which consists of several stages, namely potential and problems, information gathering, product design, design validation, design improvement, first product testing, product revision, and second product testing. The results of media validation on aspects of learning, material, and media each obtained a validity percentage of 97.27%; 87.5%; and 94.77%. In trials that were tested in small groups obtained very good results in their category. In the final pre-test and post-test involving 32 students of SMA Hangtuah Sidoarjo with the enough effective category. It can conclude that Wee Gemas learning media is said to be feasible with the predicate very good and useful for use, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic where students must learn from home. Access to learning resources that are following student learning styles is very much needed by students when teachers are not fully able to explain the physics learning during online meetings with students.     Keywords: Students; Website; Learning style; Learning media.     Wee Gemas (Situs Edukasi Generasi Emas) merupakan media pembelajaran berupa bahan ajar berbasis web yang terintegrasi dengan gaya belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan Wee Gemas dalam pembelajaran fisika di SMA. Diharapkan dapat mendukung pembelajaran siswa secara mandiri dalam memahami pembelajaran Fisika dapat menjadikan siswa lebih mandiri dalam memahami pelajaran Fisika. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengembangan R&D, yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan informasi, desain produk, validasi desain, perbaikan desain, pengujian produk pertama, revisi produk, dan pengujian produk kedua. Hasil validasi media pada aspek pembelajaran, materi, dan media masing-masing diperoleh persentase validitas sebesar 97,27%; 87,5%; dan 94,77%. Pada uji coba yang diujikan pada kelompok kecil diperoleh hasil yang sangat baik dalam kategorinya. Pada pre-test dan post-test akhir melibatkan 32 siswa SMA Hangtuah Sidoarjo dengan kategori cukup efektif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran Wee Gemas dikatakan layak dengan predikat sangat baik dan bermanfaat untuk digunakan terutama pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dimana siswa harus belajar dari rumah. Akses sumber belajar yang mengikuti gaya belajar siswa sangat dibutuhkan oleh siswa ketika guru tidak sepenuhnya mampu menjelaskan pembelajaran fisika pada saat pertemuan online dengan siswa. Kata kunci: Mahasiswa; Situs web; Gaya belajar; media pembelajaran.   &nbsp

    Analisis Kemampuan Mind Map Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas pada Mata Pelajaran Fisika di Surabaya

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    Mind Map is a method or way of taking notes creatively by utilizing the work of the two brains as outlined on paper in the form of pictures, symbols, writing and colors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of Mind Maps in student learning activities in physics subjects and to find out students' abilities in making Mind Maps. This research is included in descriptive qualitative research using questionnaires and interviews as well as the results of high school students' Mind Map products. The number of respondents was 243 students from SMA Negeri 11 Surabaya, SMA Negeri 12 Surabaya, SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya and SMA Wijaya Putra Surabaya. As for the Mind Map product, the researchers collected 123 Mind Maps. The results showed that 93.8% of students knew and understood the Mind Map and 60.5% answered that they never made a Mind Map in physics lessons. It was found that students' mistakes in making Mind Maps were that students still ignored the Mind Map format in the categories of images, colors and branches. So it can be concluded that the use of Mind Maps in student learning activities in physics subjects is still lacking or rarely used and the ability of students' Mind Maps is included in the good category but there are still errors or inappropriate formats in making the Mind Map

    Bibliometric Analysis: Research Trends of Raspberry Pi-Based Egg Incubators in the Last Ten Years (2013-2022)

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    Technological developments that continue to increase provide an impetus for scientists to conduct research,  One of them is the field of animal husbandry and instrumentation by making Raspberry Pi-based egg incubators. A device that replicates an incubator by keeping eggs at the right humidity uses a Raspberry Pi microcontroller to incubate the eggs. This research objective is to find out how far the development of the number of international publications using the Google Scholar database and to find out the development map of international research publications based on keywords. Data collection by searching Google Scholar with the keywords "Egg Incubator Raspberry pi", "Egg Incubator IoT" in 2013–2022. Trends in the development of international publications analyzed using software in the form of VOSviewer. From the bibliometric analysis carried out, it was found that the system, egg incubator, Raspberry pi, and IoT continues to dominate research on "Egg incubator Raspberry pi". The research will focus on controlling temperature and humidity which is systematized by IoT-based Android to save time, effort and cost. The research results obtained by Bibliometric analysis are not too dominant so that there is still an opportunity to continue research in literature review and become future innovations

    Project-based inquiry-science: An innovative learning for thinking, teaching and assessing science-physics

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    Project-based Inquiry Science (PjBI-Science) is one of the embodiments of innovative learning designed for students to have abilities like scientists and to experience various investigative methodologies, which include experimentation, modelling, simulation, and data analysis in the fields of earth science, life science, and physical sciences. Not only beneficial for students, but PjBI-Science also facilitates teachers to be able to design detailed learning processes and conduct assessments according to students' thinking skills and abilities, both individually and in groups. This study aims to identify the characteristics and find the benefits of implementing PjBI-Science learning. The research method used is a systematic review with a meta-aggregation method that summarizes the results of research related to PjBI-Science qualitatively. Based on the literature review results to identify the characteristics of the implementation of PjBi-Science, conclusions were obtained regarding the benefits of implementing learning. For students, it can improve the quality of abilities in the natural science field and accommodate the learning needs to optimize thinking skills, while for teachers, it can holistically provide alternative teaching styles in an innovative way and conduct an effective assessment of the activities and cognitive abilities of students

    Research Trend of Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) in Physics Learning Through Bibliometric Analysis in 2011-2020 using Scopus Database and the Contribution of Indonesia

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    Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) are controversial topics that have a scientific basis and important to society. This study aims to analyze the trends of SSI research publications from 2011-2020, visualize SSI research trends and how Indonesian researchers contribute to SSI research. This study was conducted on April 18, 2021, using bibliometric analysis. Data obtained is 225 data and taken by using Scopus database with "socio-scientific issues in physics" as the keyword from 2011 until 2020. After that, the data mapping was carried out using VOS Viewer software. Based on the result research, it can be concluded that the most topic in SSI research is related to scientific literacy, argumentation, and global warming. The visualization result shows that SSI has many effects on science learning, especially to improve argumentation skills. From 35 countries, Indonesia became the largest contribution research documents in SSI by placing two representative institutions: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Indonesia also contributed the most prolific SSI writer, Widodo became the most prolific writer

    The Trend of Physics Education Research During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Currently, physics education is a science that is still considered abstract by many students and the public. Thus, there is a need for information on the current trends in physics education to adapt to the current situation. Based on the Scopus, the research objective is to explore the ongoing trends in the last ten years and during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is a bibliometric and bibliometric analysis. The findings show that research related to physics education is dominated by the most developed during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020 – 2021) countries Indonesia. Meanwhile, the Journal of Physics Conference Series is the journal that publishes the most publications (Scopus) related to physics education, followed by the AIP Conference Proceeding. Research implication to research, librarian, and policy maker (1) Research and development need to be carried out in-depth related to the growing trend of physics education so that it can be published in Scopus. (2) Cooperation and collaboration between other universities to increase publications at the international level. (3) The need for continuous research to follow current trends