59 research outputs found

    On the key expansion of D(n, K)-based cryptographical algorithm

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    The family of algebraic graphs D(n, K) defined over finite commutative ring K have been used in different cryptographical algorithms (private and public keys, key exchange protocols). The encryption maps correspond to special walks on this graph. We expand the class of encryption maps via the use of edge transitive automorphism group G(n, K) of D(n, K). The graph D(n, K) and related directed graphs are disconnected. So private keys corresponding to walks preserve each connected component. The group G(n, K) of transformations generated by an expanded set of encryption maps acts transitively on the plainspace. Thus we have a great difference with block ciphers, any plaintexts can be transformed to an arbitrarily chosen ciphertex by an encryption map. The plainspace for the D(n, K) graph based encryption is a free module P over the ring K. The group G(n, K) is a subgroup of Cremona group of all polynomial automorphisms. The maximal degree for a polynomial from G(n, K) is 3. We discuss the Diffie-Hellman algorithm based on the discrete logarithm problem for the group τ-1Gτ, where τ is invertible affine transformation of free module P i.e. polynomial automorphism of degree 1. We consider some relations for the discrete logarithm problem for G(n, K) and public key algorithm based on the D(n, K) graphs

    Application of Born series for modeling of Mie-resonant nanostructures

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    Born series formalism is a widely-used approach to solve a scattering problem in quantum mechanics and optics, including a problem of electromagnetic scattering on the ensembles of Mie-resonant nanoparticles. In the latter case, the Born series formalism can be used when the electromagnetic coupling between nanoparticles is weak. This can be violated near the multipole Mie-resonance of the nanoparticle. In this work, we analyze the applicability of the Born series approach for modeling the resonant optical response of Mie-nanoparticle ensembles and formulate quantitative criteria of Born series convergence and, subsequently, the applicability of this approach

    Light focusing by silicon nanosphere structures under conditions of magnetic dipole and quadrupole resonances

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    Metalens is a planar device for light focusing. In this work, we design and optimize c-Si nanosphere metalenses working on the magnetic dipole and quadrupole resonances of the c-Si nanoparticle. Resonant optical response of c-Si nanostructures is simulated by the multipole decomposition method along with the zero-order Born approximation. Limitations of this approach are investigated. The obtained results of optimization are verified by simulation via the T-matrix method

    Peraturan Bersama Menteri Agama dan Menteri dalam Negeri Nomor 08 dan 09 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pendirian Rumah Ibadat (Kajian dalam Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia )

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    Pundamental 1945 Constitution as the rule has been set explicitly for religious freedom in the run by followers, who belong to one human rights has, but in reality the persecution of religious life and often inevitable. Between religious persecution can come from various directions such as harassing each other, mutual intimidate(violence) and that most often occurs between religious persecution that is prihal establishment synagogue. Therefore, in terms of the establishment of the synagogue there must be government intervention to regulate it, if in this case given the freedom and without any clear rules, the sectarian conflict will not be able to avoid. One step from the government to avoid conflict in the establishment of the synagogue is to be issued the Joint Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs and the Minister of Home Affairs Number 08 and Number 09 Year 2006 About the Construction of Houses of Worship that aims to create harmony and peace between religious and have certainty Strong law

    Влияние преобразователей частоты на изоляцию силовых кабелей нефтедобывающих станций

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    The paper considers consequences of negative frequency converter influence on insulation of  power supply cables used for submersible installations of electric-centrifugal pumps at oil-producing stations. The possible approaches to the solution of the problem are proposed on the basis of a harmonic analysis of actually measured voltages and currents in a cable.  Рассмотрены последствия негативного влияния преобразователей частоты на изоляцию силовых кабелей, питающих погружные установки электроцентробежных насосов нефтедобывающих станций. На основе гармонического анализа реально измеренных напряжений и токов в кабеле предложены возможные пути для решения этой проблемы

    Results of long-term biological monitoring of pacific salmons in the hatcheries of Kamchatsky Krai

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    The following biological problems of the pacific salmons cultivation in Kamchatka are considered on the base of long-term monitoring data (2001-2013): 1) dynamics of cultivated salmons abundance in the water bodies of salmon hatcheries; 2) salmon otolith marking; 3) biological state of salmon juveniles and adults; 4) epizooty in hatcheries; 5) assessment of hatcheries effectiveness and prospects of salmon cultivation in Kamchatka. Four pacific salmon species are cultivated in Kamchatka: chum salmon (~ 60-70 %), sockeye salmon (~ 25-30 %), chinook salmon (~ 2-3 %), and coho salmon (~ 2-3 %). Their total annual release from Kamchatka hatcheries is estimated as approximately 36 million juveniles on average for the period 2001-2013. Mean contribution of chinook, sockeye and coho salmons cultivated in Kamchatka to the total release of these species from all Far-Eastern hatcheries is 100 %, 95 % and 35 %, respectively, but the contribution of chum salmon does not exceed 3-5 % of its total release. Total annual return of the salmons to Kamchatka hatcheries is about 38,000 on average, so the coefficients of return are usually < 1 % that means rather poor effectiveness of the hatcheries. The highest coefficient of return (2.1 %) is reached in Malkinsky hatchery that uses local geo-thermal water for rearing of salmon juveniles. To enhance the returns, illegal fishing (poaching) should be limited as much as possible and technologies of rearing have to be enhanced. Besides, the process of otoliths marking for cultivated juveniles in hatcheries has to be strictly controlled by technical standards for better evaluation of their contribution to commercial stocks. Promising ways of salmon fishery industry development in Kamchatka are ranching, supporting of wild salmon reproduction, and regulation of traditional fishery. All these measures should minimize effects of hatchery cultivation on structure of the stocks of pacific salmons. Health surveillance for hatchery-reared juveniles has to prevent and/or reduce their mortality in case of infectious, parasitical, alimentary and others diseases

    Формирование трубчатых оксидов алюминия локальным электрохимическим анодированием в органических электролитах и их антиотражающие свойства

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    Research has been carried out on the formation of tubular aluminum oxides by local electrochemical anodization in aqueous solutions of organic acids such as formic, citric, tartaric, malic and others. Self-ordered nanostructures formed this way can be used in the manufacture of various optical devices. Tubular aluminum oxides formed by local electrochemical anodization in organic acids have a high concentration of anionic complexes containing carbon atoms over 10 at.%. Studies of reflection spectra showed effective anti-reflection properties of films with a specular reflection coefficient of 0.7–1.4 %.Выполнены исследования по формированию трубчатых оксидов алюминия локальным электрохимическим анодированием в водных растворах органических кислот, таких как муравьиная, лимонная, винная, яблочная и др. Формируемые подобным образом самоупорядоченные наноструктуры могут быть использованы при изготовлении различных оптических устройств. Трубчатые оксиды алюминия, сформированные локальным электрохимическим анодированием в органических кислотах, имеют высокую концентрацию анионных комплексов, содержащих более 10 ат.% атомов углерода. Исследования спектров отражения показали эффективные антиотражающие свойства пленок с коэффициентом зеркального отражения 0,7–1,4 %

    Комплексообразование в системе Ni2+–H2Cys –H2O

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    Потенциометрическим титрованием и спектрофотометрическим методом изучено комплексообразование в системе Ni (II)-цистеи