299 research outputs found
U-Pb detrital zircon ages used to infer provenance and tectonic setting of Late Triassic- Miocene sandstones related to the Tethyan development of Cyprus
Figure S1: Histograms show U–Pb analytical zircon data for analysed sandstones from Cyprus. Two main age populations (Ediacaran-Cryogenian, Tonian-Stenian; highlighted with dotted shading) are identified in the sandstones analysed (see text for discussion). Histograms of each sample analysed in this study are shown in Figs. 9–12. Peak ages for the Paleozoic and younger zircons are given as specific numbers besides the columns. Only grains with 90–110% concordance are included. n=number of grains analysed
Overyan siklustaki hormonal değişimin periferik sinir iletim çalışmalarına etkisi
Düzenli adet gören kadınlarda, bir overyan siklus boyunca farklı östrojen ve progesteron seviyeleri ile periferik sinir iletim hızlarının ve geç yanıtların nasıl etkilendiğinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.
Çalışmaya düzenli menstruel siklusa sahip 40 gönüllü sağlıklı kadın alındı. Sinir iletim çalışmaları ve geç yanıtlar, siklusun östrojen seviyesinin yüksek olduğu geç foliküler, progesteron seviyesinin yüksek olduğu mid luteal ve her iki hormonun da düşük seviyede olduğu erken luteal fazlarında ve deneklerin dominant ekstremitelerde çalışıldı. Tüm olgularda median, ulnar, tibial ve peroneal motor sinir iletim çalışmaları ile median, ulnar, radial, sural duyu, median mikst duyu sinir iletim çalışmaları, F dalgası latansı ve gastrosoleus kasından tibial sinir için H refleksi bakıldı.
Çalışma sonucunda median sinir motor iletim hızının geç foliküler dönemde erken foliküler döneme göre azaldığı ve bu azalmanın istatiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu bulundu (p= 0,03). Overyan siklusun farklı fazlarında, median motor sinir iletim hızı hariç çalışılan diğer motor, duyu ve mikst sinir iletim hızları, F dalgası latansları, distal ve proksimal motor latansları, distal duyu latansları, BKAP ve BSAP amplitüdleri ve H refleksleri arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmadı. Bu bulgu, median sinirin duyu iletimlerinin diğer parametrelerinde istatiksel anlamlı fark saptanamamasından dolayı rastlantısal bulgu olarak yorumlandı.
Birçok çalışmada östrojen ve progesteronun, santral sinir sistemine ve vücut elektolit metabolizmasına etkileri gösterilmiştir. Ancak bizim çalışmamıza göre periferik sinir iletim çalışmaları ve geç yanıtlar, overyan siklusun farklı hormonal özellik gösterdiği fazlarından etkilenmiyor gözükmektedir.
We aimed to investigate the influence of different levels of estrogen and progesteron during an ovarian cycle on peripheral nerve conduction studies and late responses, in women with regular menstrual cycle.
Forty healthy volunteer women with regular menstrual cycle were included in the study. Nerve conduction studies and late responses were studied at dominant extremities during high levels of estrogen in late follicular phase, high levels of progesteron in mid luteal phase and low levels of both hormones in early follicular phase of overian cycle. Motor nerve conduction studies of median, ulnar, tibial, peroneal nerves, F wave latency, sensory nerve conduction studies of median, ulnar, radial, sural nerves, median mixed nerve condution studies and H reflexes of gastrosoleus muscle for tibial nerve were studied.
In our study, there was a statistically significant difference in the median motor nerve velocities between early follicular phase and late follicular phase of the ovarian cycle (p= 0,03). There was no statistically significant difference in motor, sensory and mixed nerve conduction velocities, distal and proximal motor latencies, distal sensory latencies and CMAP and SNAP amplitudes, F wave latencies and H reflexes between phases of overian cycle, except a relatively slower median motor nerve condution velocity in late follicular phase than early follicular phase. However, this result was interpretated as an incidental finding since there was no significant difference in median nerve sensory conduction studies between three measures.
The effects of estrogen and progesteron on central nervous system and electrolyte metabolism was shown in many studies. In conclusion, peripheral nerve conduction studies and late responses seem to be unaffected by hormonal differences during an ovarian cycle
Effect of estrogen and progesterone on nerve conduction studies during ovarian cycle
Objectives: This study aims to investigate the effects of estrogen and progesterone on nerve conduction studies (NCSs) in three different hormonal phases of the ovarian cycle. Patients and methods: Between April 2008 and July 2008, a total of 40 healthy volunteer women (mean age: 24.1 +/- 5.1 years; range 21 to 43 years) with regular menstrual cycles were included in this prospective study. The participants were regularly menstruating for at least one year, without any hormonal disease and without taking any medication that could lead to hormonal dysregulation. Motor and sensory conduction velocities, amplitudes, and distal latencies were analyzed at the dominant extremities within the early follicular phase (EFP), late follicular phase (LFP), and the midluteal phase (MLP). Results: Except for the median nerve motor conduction velocity (MCV), there were no statistically significant differences between the peripheral NCS results in the three ovarian cycle phases (p=0.033). After adjusting for multiple comparisons, a significant difference was found between the EFP and LFP (p=0.004). Conclusion: Our study results showed that only median nerve MCV was affected in the menstrual cycle. However, this would be an incidental finding, or an increased sensibility of the median nerve motor fibers to ovarian steroids by an unknown mechanism. Further studies are warranted
Late Palaeozoic extensional volcanism along the northern margin of Gondwana in southern Turkey: implications for Palaeotethyan development
The Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic Tethyan development of the Eastern Mediterranean region remains debatable, especially in Turkey, where alternative northward and southward subduction hypotheses are proposed. Relevant to this debate, new whole-rock geochemical data are provided here for early Carboniferous (Late Tournaisian-Late Visean; c. 340-350 Ma) tuffaceous sedimentary rocks within the cataloturan thrust sheet (Aladag nappe), eastern Taurides. The tuffs accumulated from evolved alkaline volcanism, variably mixed with terrigenous and radiolarian-rich sediments. In addition, Late Palaeozoic meta-volcanic rocks, c. 150 km farther NE, within the Binboga (= Malatya) metamorphics (a low-grade high-pressure unit), are indicative of a within-plate setting. An impersistent geochemical subduction signature in these volcanics may represent an inherited, rather than contemporaneous, subduction influence, mainly because of the absence of a continental margin arc or of arc-derived tuff. Both the Binboga metamorphics and the cataloturan thrust sheet (Aladag nappe) restore generally to the north of the relatively autochthonous Tauride carbonate platform (Geyik Dag), within the carbonate platform bordering north-Gondwana. The cataloturan thrust sheet is interpreted, specifically, as a c. E-W, deep-water, volcanically active rift that progressively infilled. Regional geological evidence suggests that melange units (Konya Complex, Afyon zone), Teke Dere unit, Lycian nappes), and Chios-Karaburun melange, E Aegean) accreted to the north-Gondwana continental margin during the late Carboniferous; this was coupled with localised calc-alkaline granitic magmatism (Afyon zone of Anatolide crustal block). We propose an interpretation in which Late Devonian-Carboniferous alkaline intra-plate volcanism relates to extension/rifting along the north-Gondwana margin. In contrast, the melange accretion and granitic magmatism could relate to short-lived late Carboniferous southward subduction that accompanied the diachronous closure of Palaeotethys
Changes in wood properties of chestnut wood structural elements with natural aging
Knowing the effects of natural aging on wood properties is important both for the conservation of historical wooden material and for reuse of aged wood. The aim of this study was to investigate the wood properties
of old wooden elements not impregnated with any protective chemicals and taken from different parts of
Zeytinlik houses in Giresun, Turkey. Test samples were prepared from old wooden elements and freshly cut
chestnut timber. The anatomical, chemical, physical and mechanical properties were determined according to
standard procedure, and the results were compared with those of recent wood specimen. As a result of the anatomical identification, it was determined that the wooden elements used in traditional Zeytinlik houses belong
to species of Anatolian chestnut (Castanea sativa), and after an average service life of 88, 113 and 120 years,
there was no change in the anatomical structure of the old wooden elements. Fourier transform infrared band
characterization of old wood specimens revealed that hemicelluloses degraded and lignin structure changed on
the surface of almost all specimens. Especially, the wood density values of the facade elements were smaller
than that of recent wood specimen. Except for the modulus of rupture of window sill and rafter, all mechanical
properties were significantly greater compared with those of recent wood specimen. The results of this research
showed that old wood not damaged by fungi and insects could be evaluated for reuse
Investigation of the Impact of the Pandemic on European Airports with Data Envelopment Analysis
Air transport industry is growing rapidly in all around the world. It is especially important that busy airports operate effectively and efficiently. Therefore, measuring airports' efficiency and performance is essential for planning, expansion, and improving the services provided. The Covid-19 pandemic has also negatively affected the air transport industry, especially airports. The aim of this study is to investigate the efficiency of airports in Europe before and after the pandemic using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Therefore, a comparison of the efficiency of airports for the period before and after the pandemic was made using aviation data for the period between 2019 and 2021. In this context, “number of runways”, “parking capacity”, “distance of the airport to the city center” and “number of aircraft stands” were used as input, and “number of passengers" was used as output. Results reveal that the efficiency values of all airports have decreased significantly compared to values before the pandemi
In vitro istraživanje protugljivičnih svojstava, ukupnog sadržaja polifenola i antioksidativne aktivnosti različitih dijelova odabranih voćkarica
The purpose of this study was to investigate the antifungal properties, total polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity of sapwood, heartwood and bark parts obtained from three different fruit trees; olive (Olea europaea L.), loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) and date plum (Diospyros lotus L.) grown in Turkey. Firstly, the hydrodistillation products (essential oil, hydrosol, hot-water extract) were acquired from these parts of selected trees, and methanol and ethanol extracts of the same samples were also prepared for the analysis. The antifungal activities of essential oil, hydrosol, hot-water extract, ethanol and methanol extracts were determined against wood-rot fungus Coniophora puteana. In addition, polyphenol contents and antioxidant activities of ethanol and methanol extracts were investigated. According to the results, generally, the essential oil of the parts of three fruit trees was found to inhibit the fungal growth. All hot water extracts and hydrosols of these trees showed no antifungal activity against C. puteana. It was found that olive tree had higher antifungal activity than loquat and date plum trees. The methanol extract of loquat bark gave the highest total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and condensed tannin content compared to parts of the other trees. Furthermore, the highest total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity among three fruit trees were determined in ethanol and methanol extracts of the bark and heartwood of loquat tree. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the parts of studied fruit trees have less or more antifungal and antioxidant activity depending on the experimental parameters, and therefore they can be evaluated as alternative natural antifungal and antioxidant sources.Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti protugljivična svojstva, ukupni sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativne aktivnosti bjeljike, srži i dijelova kore drva triju voćkarica koje se uzgajaju u Turskoj: masline (Olea europaea L.), nušpule (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) i draguna (Diospyros lotus L.). Najprije su od dijelova odabranih stabala izolirani produkti hidrodestilacije (esencijalna ulja, hidrosol, vodeni ekstrakt), a zatim su za analizu izolirani i ekstrakti u metanolu i etanolu. Protugljivična aktivnost esencijalnog ulja, hidrosola, vodenog ekstrakta te ekstrakata u metanolu i etanolu određena je na primjeru gljive uzročnice smeđe truleži, Coniophora puteana. Osim toga, istraženi su sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativna aktivnost ekstrakta u metanolu i etanolu. Rezultati pokazuju da esencijalna ulja iz dijelova voćkarica usporavaju rast gljiva. Svi vodeni ekstrakti i hidrosol nisu pokazali protugljivično djelovanje na C. puteana. Utvrđeno je da drvo masline ima jaču protugljivičnu aktivnost nego drvo nušpule i drvo draguna. Ekstrakt kore nušpule u metanolu ima najveći ukupni sadržaj fenola, ukupni sadržaj flavonoida i kondenziranog tanina u usporedbi s dijelovima ostalih vrsta drva. Nadalje, za ekstrakt kore i srži drva nušpule u etanolu i metanolu utvrđen je najveći ukupni sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativna aktivnost od svih triju voćkarica. Na temelju tih rezultata može se zaključiti da dijelovi istraživanih voćkarica imaju manje ili više protugljivično i antioksidativno djelovanje, ovisno o parametrima istraživanja te se stoga mogu ocijeniti kao alternativni prirodni izvori protugljivičnih i antioksidativnih sredstava
A Case of Trailer Selection under Fuzzy Environment via PIPRECIA Extended and CoCoSo Methods
The trailer, which is defined as the part behind the chassis in vehicles, is widely used especially in road transportation and allows the simultaneous transfer of large volume product groups. Different types of trailers produced for different needs enable logistics companies and manufacturers to have suitable transportation options for the transfer they need. This study aims to solve a trailer selection problem, which has strategic importance for transportation companies. Thereforen, the criteria that are important in the selection of the trailer are chosen and their weights are calculated via Fuzzy PIPRECIA-Extended. Thereafter, alternatives were evaluated using the Fuzzy CoCoSo method. The results showed that the most essential criterion in the selection of the trailer is found out as “Light structure”, and the most appropriate trailer is obtained as the Tırsan.SCL X / 150 - 12/27 Trailer. According to the findings, comprehensive perspectives related to the trailer selection problem is presented. This study will benefit the literature in terms of both application and the integrated methods
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