15 research outputs found


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    Kurikulum 2013 mengamanatkan penilaian berbasis kompetensi, menggantikan penilaian tes konvensional dengan penilaian otentik yang menganalisis pengetahuan, sikap, dan kemampuan. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan, yaitu pengumpulan data dengan cara mencari sumber dan mengkonstruksinya dari berbagai sumber seperti buku, jurnal dan penelitian yang sudah ada. Berbagai pendekatan dapat digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data kemajuan pendidikan siswa mengenai proses pembelajaran dan prestasi akademik. Metode pengumpulan data ini menilai kemajuan akademik siswa dengan mengukur pencapaian kriteria kemahiran mereka, yang mencakup kemampuan dasar yang ditentukan dalam Kurikulum 2013 dan kompetensi penting yang harus dipenuhi. Penilaian kecakapan dasar menggunakan indikator pencapaian kemahiran yang mencakup satu atau lebih bidang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, tanda-tanda tersebut dapat digunakan untuk memilih metode penilaian yang sesuai, seperti tes tertulis, observasi, penilaian praktik, dan tugas individu atau kelompok. Selama evaluasi kelas, tujuh prosedur khusus dapat digunakan: penilaian ujian tertulis/lisan, penilaian kinerja, penilaian sikap, penilaian proyek, penilaian produk, pemanfaatan portofolio, dan penilaian diri. Penilaian tertulis/verbal menggunakan tes, sedangkan enam prosedur evaluasi lainnya (non tes) menggunakan lembar observasi dan angket. Instrumen kontes dapat mencakup daftar periksa, skala, atau catatan observasi. Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan fokus pada evaluasi kompetisi yang meliputi (1) proses pembuatan alat nontes, (2) macam-macam alat nontes, dan (3) penilaian kualitas alat nontes yang dihasilkan. alat non-tes

    Analysis of Mathematics Problem-Solving Ability of Junior High School Students in Emotional Intelligence

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    This study aims to describe the problem-solving skills that students learn from emotional intelligence. This type of research is descriptive and qualitative. The instruments used are questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The questionnaire instrument was used to measure students' emotional intelligence. The test instrument was used to measure problem-solving skills, and interviews were conducted to learn more about problem-solving skills. The subjects of this study were 5 of 15 students from class VIII who were taken as a sample and then given an ability test and analysis based on Krulik and Rudnick's problem-solving steps. Subjects with high emotional intelligence can understand the context of the problem and represent the problem with pictures. Students can link between information, use appropriate strategies or steps, and relevant answers and conclusions. The subject with medium emotional intelligence is rewriting information on the problem using mathematical models and their language. Subjects can relate information, but not all students' answers are correct. Subjects with low emotional intelligence do not make representations or use clear problem-solving strategies. Subjects cannot relate information, so they do wrong calculations and only guess the answer

    Analysis of Mathematics Problem-Solving Ability of Junior High School Students in Emotional Intelligence

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    This study aims to describe the problem-solving skills that students learn from emotional intelligence. This type of research is descriptive and qualitative. The instruments used are questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The questionnaire instrument was used to measure students' emotional intelligence. The test instrument was used to measure problem-solving skills, and interviews were conducted to learn more about problem-solving skills. The subjects of this study were 5 of 15 students from class VIII who were taken as a sample and then given an ability test and analysis based on Krulik and Rudnick's problem-solving steps. Subjects with high emotional intelligence can understand the context of the problem and represent the problem with pictures. Students can link between information, use appropriate strategies or steps, and relevant answers and conclusions. The subject with medium emotional intelligence is rewriting information on the problem using mathematical models and their language. Subjects can relate information, but not all students' answers are correct. Subjects with low emotional intelligence do not make representations or use clear problem-solving strategies. Subjects cannot relate information, so they do wrong calculations and only guess the answer

    Students' Intuitive Thinking Process in Solving Geometry Tasks from the Van Hiele Level

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    Thinking is a cognitive way of generating ideas for problem-solving decision-making strategies. This study aims to analyze and describe intuitive thinking processes in solving students' mathematical assignments about geometry based on Van Hiele's theory. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects were students of class VIIIA. The research location is one of the Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Pasuruan Regency. Credibility uses source data collection techniques using the VHGT test to determine the level of the subject, geometry problem tests, document studies, and interviews. The main instruments are researchers and supporters of geometry tests and interviews. The results of this study indicate that students who think intuitively through catalytic inference are obtained spontaneously and suddenly in completing the math tasks they face without using prior knowledge, and intuitively appear globally and use shortcuts. Whereas students who think intuitively with common sense are obtained directly and directly using the steps to complete mathematical tasks neatly and neatly, intuitively, the sequence of completing tasks appears by their experience and knowledge. Based on Van Hiele's level, students who think intuitively with catalytic inference are included in level 0 (visualization), and students who think intuitively with common sense are included in level 1 (analysis). Students who think intuitively with common sense can directly and immediately use the steps to complete math tasks neatly and neatly, intuitively appearing in the sequence of completing tasks according to their experience and knowledge. Based on Van Hiele's level, students who think intuitively with catalytic inference are included in level 0 (visualization), and students who think intuitively with common sense are included in level 1 (analysis). Students who think intuitively with common sense can directly and immediately use the steps to complete math tasks neatly and neatly, intuitively appearing in the sequence of completing tasks according to their experience and knowledge. Based on the Van Hiele level, students who think intuitively with catalytic inference are included in level 0 (visualization)


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    Student's difficulties in learning mathematics independently are due to the lack of media that supports the learning process and is practical in use and the lack of freedom to choose their preferred field. The aim is to develop teaching materials in the form of an e-module guided discovery learning model in the HOTS-based independent learning curriculum. The steps of the Guided Discovery Learning Model used in the e-module are the steps according to Polya, namely: (1) understanding the problem; (2) making plans; (3) implementing the plan; (4) looking back or checking again. This type of research is Research and Development (RND), using development steps according to Borg & Gall, which Sugiyono has transformed. The development steps are limited to seven degrees. Among them; are potential and problems, gathering information, product design, product validation, product improvement, product testing, and product revision. The final result is the percentage of design expert validation getting valid criteria. Moreover, the results of student responses obtained exciting measures. As well as the results of student responses obtaining interesting criteria so that e-modules are feasible to be developed for learning material