43 research outputs found

    Language Politeness Patterns in Information Services at Zion High School Makassar

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    This study aims to reveal the politeness pattern of expressive and assertive speech acts in information services at Zion High School. This research is a qualitative research using speech act theory and language politeness theory. The data of this study consisted of speech data and field notes. Data was collected through recording, observation, and transcription techniques. Data analysis was carried out through four main procedures, namely: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and inference/verification. Based on data analysis, speech act politeness patterns in information services at Zion High School include code mixing and pleasantries

    Comparison of Character Values in Fable Figures in Indonesian Textbooks

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    This study aims to examine and compare the character values ​​of the main characters and additional characters in each fable in Indonesian School textbooks. The type of research used is qualitative with a descriptive research design. The data in this study are words and sentences that indicate the value of the main character and additional characters in fables in Indonesian textbooks. Data collection techniques used content analysis with reading and note-taking techniques. Data analysis techniques used in this research are data reduction, data classification, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found a comparison of the five characters in fables in textbooks. The comparison of the first character values, namely religious with the sub-values ​​of faith and piety, is found in the additional characters in the fable of the Praying Mantis and Brethren Must Share. Second is found in the national character value with the sub-value of national spirit in the fable of the Praying Mantis and Fellow Brothers must Share, each of which each is represented by an additional character. The third is the independent character value, the work ethic sub-value in the Praying Mantis and The Tiger-Skinned Horse, each of which is represented by an additional character, the fourth is the value of mutual cooperation with the sub-value of cooperation in the praying mantis fable and Cici and the Wolf who each is represented by an additional character

    Firm Specific Determinants of Growth in a Post CPEC Situation

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    Purpose: The study explores  the determinant of firm growth in a post CPEC scenario by taking a panel data of 53 textile based firms listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). Approach/Methodology/Design: The data were extracted from the Financial Statement Analysis (FSA) published by State Bank of Pakistan for a period ranging from 2012 to 2017. In this research, we applied some methods to evaluate results descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression models such as random effect model, fixed effect model and pooled OLS and also we use GMM method (generalized method of movement).  Findings: The results after the calibration of CPEC as dummy variable proved that profitability and financial leverage are significant determinants of firm growth in the textile sector of Pakistan even after controlling the endogeneity problems.   Originality/value: The results imply that the firms in textile sector should focus on sustained profitability and also the availability of healthy financial arrangements to pursue growth in the long term


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    Indonesia's reading literacy score is below the average for 18 years as a participant in pisa assessment from 2000 to 2018. In 2018, the average reading literacy score of Indonesian students showed a significant decrease of 371. The scores obtained by Indonesian students do not meet the average minimum score of international literacy. Test sampling conducted by PISA is also one of the factors that determine the test results. Sampling is done randomly and not thoroughly so that the results do not represent the picture of literacy in a school. SMPN 5 Mandai, Maros Regency is a school that does not become a PISA test sample. Thus, measuring students' reading literacy in SMPN 5 Mandai is important to obtain specific and uniform data. The measurement results can later be used as a foundation to produce appropriate learning methods and design the right reading program for students. The present study aimed to examine: (1) students’ competence in finding text information; (2) students’ competence in understanding the text; (3) students’ competence in evaluating and reflecting on the text. A quantitative research design was used. The sample was selected using a simple random sampling technique. The data were gathered using the internationally acknowledged OECD-PISA questions. The data collection technique is carried out by providing a test for 60 minutes. Data analysis steps, namely (1) performing a score, (2) converting the score into a value, (3) creating a value matrix, (4) establishing a competency category, and (5) making conclusions. Data analysis was run in SPSS version 25. The findings revealed that: (1) students’ competence in locating text information was sufficient, with a mean score of 63.92; (2) students’ competence in comprehending a text was very poor, with a mean score of 52.55; and (3) students’ competence in evaluating and reflecting on the text was very poor, with a mean score of 45.27. Keywords: reading literacy, PISA, readin

    Feasibility Analysis and Production Increase Strategy for Marine Ornamental Fish Agribusiness

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    The marine ornamental fish business has experienced significant growth every year in Indonesia. This study aims to conduct feasible business analysis for marine ornamental fish commodities at PT. Indotama Putra Wahana. This study aims to evaluate the financial feasibility and investment in the marine ornamental fish business by achieving maximum sustainable profits. The research was conducted from March to July 2023. Data collection was carried out using primary and secondary data using interview methods and direct field observations (PT. Indotama Putra Wahana, DKI Jakarta). Data were analyzed using NPV (Net Present Value), Payback Period, Profitability Index, IRR (Internal Rate of Return), and BEP (Break Even Point). The results show that the NPV of cash flows for 10 years with a discount rate of 20% has a Profitability Index of 1.2. This indicates that the marine ornamental fish business has promising prospects. Data analysis also shows that the payback period is 3.4 years, the Net Present Value is IDR 9.972.734.254, and the IRR (Internal Rate of Return) is 21.8% which exceeds the interest rate of 11.5%. Break Even Point (BEP) of IDR 1.489.913.724 or 8.343 fish. These values indicate that this marine ornamental fish business generates positive income or profits

    Microwave-vacuum extraction technique as a green and clean label technology: kinetics, efficiency analysis, and effect on bioactive compounds

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    Grape pomace is a rich source of bioactive compounds and dietary fiber. This study aims to valorize the grape pomace by microwave-vacuum-assisted drying and extraction, which is a novel, green, and clean label technology. The drying and extraction of bioactive compounds from the grape pomace was optimized using response surface methodology. Box-Behnken design was used for three process variables, i.e., time, power, and vacuum levels. The highest drying rate was observed (5.53 g/100 g min after 10 min of drying) at the combination of 80 W and 20 inHg. This combination significantly reduced the drying time (25%) and resulted in the highest yield (64.5%) of bioactive compounds. Equally, changes in moisture ratio behavior were rapid under these processing conditions. Furthermore, Midilli model (R2 = 0.999, RMSE = 0.002, SSE = 3.71 × 10−6) was the best to justify the fitness of experimental values with predicted values. In addition, the diffusion coefficient, activation energy, and extraction yield were increased with increase in power and pressure. The concentration of bioactive components was higher in dried pomace compared to the extract. The extraction was successfully achieved without the use of solvent and the characteristics of extracted phenolics remained unaltered. Based on these findings, the microwave-vacuum-assisted drying and extraction process can be claimed as a sustainable approach.Universidade de Vigo/CISUGAxencia Galega de Innovación | Ref. IN607A2019/0

    The perceived psychological well-being of LGBTQ individuals in Malaysia

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    This study explores the psychological well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) individuals in Malaysia, focusing on their experiences of identity formation, societal understanding, and the impact of prevailing attitudes on their mental health. Through qualitative methods, including in-depth interviews with nine participants from the LGBTQ community in Kuantan, Pahang, this research delves into the personal narratives of two lesbians, two gay individuals, two bisexuals, and three transgender persons, to understand the complexities of living as an LGBTQ individual in a society marked by religious and legal considerations. .The findings reveal that participants recognized their LGBTQ identity during adolescence, often navigating societal expectations discreetly to avoid backlash. Despite challenges, participants demonstrated resilience and found support within familial and community networks. Notably, the study highlights a shift towards greater understanding of LGBTQ individuals in Malaysia, potentially reducing instances of psychological distress within the community. This research underscores the importance of supportive environments and the need for culturally competent mental health care for LGBTQ individuals. It also calls for further studies to include broader societal perspectives and professional insights to enrich the discourse on LGBTQ mental well-being. This study contributes valuable insights into the evolving landscape of LGBTQ perceptions and the factors influencing the psychological health of LGBTQ individuals in Malaysia

    Efektivitas Pengelolaan Pemerintahan Daerah terhadap Komunitas Bissu di Kabupaten Pangkep (Telaah atas Hukum Ketatanegaraan Islam)

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    Masyarakat dan kebudayaan merupakan satu mata uang dengan dua sisi. Ia dapat dibedakan, tetapi tidak dapat dipisahkan. Salah satu komunitas adat di Sulawesi Selatan adalah komunitas adat Bissu di Kabupaten Pangkep, secara turun menurun hidup mendiami Kampung Bontomate‟ne Kecamatan Segeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengelolaan pemerintahan daerah terhadap pelestarian komunitas Bissu tersebut berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 yang terdapat pada pasal 31 ayat 2 poin f. Jenis penelitian ini tergolong kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan; fenomenologi, sosio-yuridis, yuridis-normatif dimaksudkan untuk menelusuri alasan yang dipakai dalam pengelolaan pemerintahan daerah Kabupaten Pangkep melestarikan komunitas Bissu. Bahwa pengelolaan pemerintahan daerah Kabupaten Pangkep dalam melestarikan Komunitas Bissu belum signifikan melestarikan kebudayaan yang berada di wilayah Kabupaten Pangkep. Hal ini terjadi karena tidak ada pembahasan secara khusus tentang komunitas Bissu dalam Peraturan Daerah di Kabupaten Pangkep. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah daerah dan DPRD dapat membuat rancangan peraturan daerah tentang komunitas Bissu di Kabupaten Pangkep, sehingga Bissu tetap menjaga tradisi-tradisi yang dipercaya dan dapat mentransformasikan ilmu dan pengetahuan mengenai tradisi kepada generasi muda dan masyarakat di Kabupaten Pangkep turut serta dalam menjaga dan melestarikan komunitas Bissu

    Ramadan Effect on Price Movements: Evidence from Pakistan

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    This paper attempts to verify the widespread perception that general price level tends to rise due to the month of Ramadan in Pakistan. For this purpose, the ARIMA methodology (simple and extended form), along with simple graphical and scenario analysis, has been applied on the monthly data for overall, food and non-food indices of consumer prices in Pakistan from July 1991 to December 2008. URL:[http://www.sbp.org.pk/publications/wpapers/2010/wp32.pdf]pakistan, ramdan, data, government activism, price level, monthly data, food, non-food, indices, consumer prices, economic time series, ramadan, ARIMA methodology,