3,086 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Implementation of 1972 Udoji and 2003 Obasanjo Public Service Reforms in Nigeria: A Neo-Public Management Paradigm

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    This Paper is a comparative study between the 1972 Udoji Public Service Review Commission and the 2003 Obasanjo Public Service Reform. The objective of the study is to identify the similarities between the 1972 Udoji Public Service Review Commission and the 2003 Obasanjo Public Service Reform as New Public Management Paradigm.  The study uses documentary evidences relating to Public Service Reforms as its methodology.  The Study revealed that ‘The New Style Public Service’ recommended by the Udoji Public Service Review Commission, was the early stage of the ‘New Public Management’ because the contemporary ‘New Public Management’ is a call to operate the Public Service like the private business.  In conclusion, it was clear from the study that the lack of full implementation of the 1972 Report of the Udoji Public Service Review Commission was the reasons why we had the 1988 and 2003 reforms.  The paper therefore recommended that government should always implement the recommendations in the Public Service Reforms to avoid a repeat of the reforms encompassing what had earlier been recommended in a previous reform.  In addition, the Bureau of Public Service Reform should always monitor the implementation of recommendations emanating from reports. Keywords: Public Service, Reforms, Management Paradigm, implementatio

    Estimation of Export Supply Function for Citrus Fruit in Pakistan

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    There is strong evidence in the literature that export and economic growth have a positive relationship. In Pakistan, with an agrarian economy, earnings from primary agricultural exports are vital for the overall growth process. Fruits are the traditional export commodities, which contribute more than half of total export earnings from primary agricultural commodities. The persistent instability in world market prices for primary commodities has depressed the export earnings from these commodities over time. This poses great challenges to a country like Pakistan. The present study aims at examining changes in the volume of export of citrus fruit from Pakistan caused by such factors as changes in domestic and export prices, national product, foreign exchange rate, etc. The study uses time series data for the period 1975–2004 for citrus exports and related domestic price, export price, GDP, and foreign exchange rate, employing the co-integration and error correction techniques for analysis purposes.

    An Assessment of the Effect of Authoritarian Leadership on Democratic Project in Africa

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    This paper assesses the Effect of Authoritarian Leadership on Democratic Project in Africa.  The objective of the paper is to draw attention to the contemporary negative issues trying to derail the democratic project which started in the 1990s in Africa, with a view to finding solution to them in order to avoid a reversal to the old order, which are authoritarianism and one party state.  These objectives shall be achieved with the aid of secondary source of data and other documentary evidences.  The paper was able to realise that African Leaders that perpetuate themselves in power after the constitutionally allowed time limits are suffering from a disease known as Hubris Syndrome.  This disease normally kick-start after about five years in power and get steadily worst leading to chronic authoritarianism in the State.  The paper also identify that Liberal Democracy in Africa is facing resistance from two forces: adventurist soldiers who nurse a nostalgia for the period when the military was the shortest route to power in Africa and civilian beneficiaries of this third wave of democracy who nurse a nostalgia for the period of one party dictatorship that prevailed in most parts of the continent shortly after independence until the end of the Cold War. The paper therefore concluded that some Africa countries have now moved from the eras of one party-state, military coups and multi-party to the era of constitutional coup attempts via constitutional amendments to remove two-term laws to allow for third terms in office.  This is to ensure the perpetuation of some African leaders in power.  To overcome the derailment of the Democratic Project in Africa, it was recommended that any attempt to derail democratic project in any country in Africa should be strongly resisted by the people, civil society organisations, the regional organisations like the ECOWAS and the African Union.  It was further recommended that dialogue and inclusiveness in government should be imbibed at all cost in the African Democratic Project. These will ensure the peaceful resolution of crisis of any nature and type and also ensure the cohesiveness and brotherly tolerance among the various political parties in Africa. Keywords: Authoritarianism, Leadership, Democratic Project, contemporary issue

    Composition Analysis Of Catches Bubu Tiang During High Tide And Low Tide In Pulau Halang Muka Waters, Kubu Babussalam, Rokan Hilir, Riau

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    The research was conducted on Januari 2016 in Pulau Halang Muka Waters, aims to determine difference of catches bubu tiang during high tide and low tide and weight composition and species of catches, using survey method. From the results obtained the highest of catches there at high tide 573590 tail (79,17 kg), while the number of catches on the low tide that is 237666 tail (32,58 kg). Based on the type of species caught are Rebon shrimp (Panaeus mysis) 809600 tail (101,2 kg), White shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis) 1290 tail (1,76 kg), Lomek (Horpodon neherus) 153 tail (2,97 kg), Sword fish (Trichiurus lepturus) 53 tail (0,7 kg), Gulamah (Pseudocienna amovensis) 82 tail (3,49 kg), Giant threadfin (Polynemus tetradactylus) 45 tail (1,15 kg) and Tongue soles (Cynogglossus lingua) 33 tail (0,48 kg)


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    Critical condition of muntok white pepper of Bangka Belitung and its alternative recoveryBangka Belitung (Babel) Province is one of the pepper producing areas in Indonesia, particularly for white pepper. Recently, its role however tends to lower indicated by the decreases in cultivation areas and production of white pepper. A number of factors causing the decrease of production and plated area of pepper in Babel are fluctuation of pepper price, infestation of plant diseases, uncontrolled exploitation of tin mining, and expansion of other estate crops. If the factors are not able be controlled carefully, it may result in muntok white pepper, the trademark of Babel, be eliminated over the time or neglected. Hence, a number of alternative solutions such as zoning of main crops growing, diversification of crop production, and strengthening of capital and institutional supports may be established to minimize the decreases of black pepper areas in Babel

    Desain Dan Implementasi Sistem Informasi Akademik (Studi Kasus Fakultas Ilmu Agama Islam Universitas Islam Indragiri)

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    Sistem Informasi yang berjalan di Fakultas Ilmu Agama Islam Universitas Islam Indragiri yang dalam pengolahan data akademiknya masihmenggunkan sistem komputerisasi sederhana. Walaupun sudah didukung dengankomputer tetapi hanya memanfaatkan office standar (Microsoft Office Excel danWord) sehingga memungkinkan banyak sekali kesalahan dalam pengolahan dataakademik. Dan menyebabkan pelayanan akademik yang diberikan oleh FakultasIlmu Agama Islam menjadi kurang efisien, serta mengakibatkan kesulitan dalampencarian data dan menyita waktu relatif lama dalam pembuatan laporan. Untukmembantu dalam menyelesaikan masalah tersebut perlu adanya suatu sisteminformasi akademik yang baru agar setiap pekerjaan yang menyangkut pengolahandatanya dapat dikurangi tingkat kesalahannya serta dapat memberikan pelayananyang memuaskan terhadap para pengguna sistem. Dalam perancangan sisteminformasi akademik ini digambarkan ke dalam bentuk diagram UML (UnifiedModelling Language)

    Kondisi Kritis Lada Putih Bangka Belitung dan Alternatif Pemulihannya

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    Critical condition of muntok white pepper of Bangka Belitung and its alternative recoveryBangka Belitung (Babel) Province is one of the pepper producing areas in Indonesia, particularly for white pepper. Recently, its role however tends to lower indicated by the decreases in cultivation areas and production of white pepper. A number of factors causing the decrease of production and plated area of pepper in Babel are fluctuation of pepper price, infestation of plant diseases, uncontrolled exploitation of tin mining, and expansion of other estate crops. If the factors are not able be controlled carefully, it may result in muntok white pepper, the trademark of Babel, be eliminated over the time or neglected. Hence, a number of alternative solutions such as zoning of main crops growing, diversification of crop production, and strengthening of capital and institutional supports may be established to minimize the decreases of black pepper areas in Babel

    Toleransi Galur Harapan Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L.) pada Persaingan dengan Gulma Echinochloa Crus-galli

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    Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.) is a major weed competitor to rice production in Indonesia. In order to develop integrated weed management program, a research to select competitive rice lines to E. crus-galli was conducted in a green house of Indonesian Centre of Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resource Research and Development Bogor. The research design was split plot with four replications, E. crus-galli was designed as the main plot (rice without E. crus-galli compared rice with four E. crus-galli per pot), and the sub-plots were 25 genotypes (23 lines, 1 tolerant variety and 1 sensitive variety). Level of tolerance was determined by the reduction percentage of grains weight, the number of productive tillers and dry matter weight. The results showed that rice competition with E. crus-galli reduced plant height, productive tiller numbers, filled spikelet numbers per panicle, dry matter weight and dry grain weight. Three lines, i.e., IR10L-155, IR10L-133 and BIO-R84-1 were classified as tolerant, 19 lines were moderate and 3 lines were sensitive to E. crus-galli competition
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