501 research outputs found

    Consolidation of water management and efficiency parameters for development of green building rating system

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    Water generation and distribution involve activities that leads to energy consumptions in various ways. This leads to GHG emission which make it important for various sustainable development assessment. Hence it is important to develop some consolidated parameters to cover water in building life cycle assessment (LCA). Development of rating system involves the utilisation of some parameters and points allocation. These parameters and points allocation varies between countries and their rating systems. This study aim at reviewing water management and efficiency category and the extent of parameters and points allocation across some rating systems. The purpose of the review is to develop a consolidated parameters that will universally cover building life cycle assessment. Eleven rating scheme’s categories, parameters and points allocation were reviewed. Specifically, water generation, distribution and usage was further elaborated for this study. The parameters were reviewed from the context of their, adaptability, preference, prevalence, relevance and measurability of parameter to suit the universal concept of sustainable building assessment. The review shows that the variations of the parameters and points distribution are based on social, economic and environmental need of the country. The highest parameters and points allocation signifies the need of efficient water generation, distribution and usage and lack of enough fresh water for daily activities. The lowest consideration is due to advancement in sustainable water generation, distribution and usage. The study consolidated the parameters in to nine parameters covering the strategies for reducing unnecessary water usage and other sourcing consequences. They also cover the approximate accounting of GHG emission from water consumption and its reduction. The study can be used by researcher, organisations and countries developing rating schemes. As the study harmonised parameters covered the entire sustainable building and greenhouse gas assessment in term of water generation, distribution and usage

    Socio-economic factors influencing farmers' adoption of a new technology : the case study on the groundwater pump irrigation in Lombok, Indonesia

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    This thesis analyses factors influencing farmers use of groundwater pump irrigation in Lombok, Indonesia. It aims to identify the determinants of the speed of technology adoption, to identify factors affecting the levels of water use and to estimate the state of water use by comparing the actual water use to the estimated optimal water use.Thesis (M.Ag.Sc.) -- University of Adelaide, Dept. of Agricultural Business, 199

    The use of point counterpoint strategy in teaching EFL students’ writing skill at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 5 Bireun

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    This study aimed to find out the use of point-counterpoint strategy to improve students’ writing skills on discussion text for the second-grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 5 Bireuen. This research used a quantitative method. The research subjects were 42 students from XI MIPA 1 and  MIPA 2. Class XI MIPA 1 was an experimental group and Class XI MIPA 2 was a control group. Both classes were selected for students’ equal ability. The instruments used to collect the data were tests; pretest and posttest and questionnaire. The writing test was used for pretest and post-test. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistic to find the mean scores of the two classes. The mean score of the pretest in the experimental class was 63.61 and the mean score of the posttest in the experimental class was 77. Meanwhile, the mean score of the pretest in the control class was 63.80 and the mean score of the posttest in the control class was 74.47. The  mean score of the experimental class was higher than the control class. Accordingly, the hypothesis of this research was accepted. In the questionnaire, the researchers found that almost all students choose “agree” toward the Point-Counterpoint strategy in writing discussion text

    Afghan EFL Lecturers’ Assessment Practices in the Classroom

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    The current study is conducted with the aim to explore the practices and perceptions of Afghan EFL lecturers toward assessment. A second aim of the study is to explore the challenges the lecturers encounter in the implementation of formative assessments in their classes. To serve these basic objectives, a qualitative case study method design was employed with three English language lectures as the participants. Semi-structured interviews were used as the main instrument to collect data. The findings of the study indicated that all three lecturers maintained positive perceptions toward formative assessment and favored it over summative assessment. However, the study also discovered that the lecturers practice summative assessments more than formative assessments in their classrooms. This, as indicated by the lecturers, was due to the fact that their choices of employing certain assessment practices were dictated in terms of certain challenges such as university rules and policies, large classes, and time constraints. Lastly, some suggestions are made that may prove useful to effectively apply formative assessment in Afghan EFL context


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    Asma berasal dari kata “Asthma” yang diambil dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti “susah bernapas.” Penyakit asma dikenal karena adanya gejala sesak napas, batuk dan bunyi saat bernapas (mengi) yang disebabkan oleh penyempitan saluran napas. Asma juga disebut penyakit paru-paru kronis yang menyebabkan pengidap sulit untuk  bernapas. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode naïve bayes untuk mendiagnosa penyakit asma Alasan menggunakan metode naïve bayes adalah memberikan kemudahan dalam menghitung dan menentukan kemungkinan-kemungkinan gejala penyakit asma serta meringankan biaya pasien untuk membeli obat. Metode naïve bayes adalah algoritma yang dapat menerima inputan dalam bentuk apapun dan kecepatan dalam memproses untuk masuk kesuatu data, jadi pada setiap datayang akan didiagnosa dihitung nilai probabilitas untuk masuk ke setiap class yang ada, dimana hasil akhirnya tergantung pada nilai probabilitas yang paling tinggi. Adapun manfaat dari penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan diagnosa tingkat parah penyakit asma dan solusi secara cepat dan akura


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    Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit pada Tanaman Kakao Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining di Dinas Perkebunan Indragiri Hilir. Merupakan  sistem yang bisa memberikan informasi keterangan beberapa jenis dan ciri-ciri penyakit yang mengganggu tanaman kakao. Sehingga  bisa memberikan kemudahan bagi petani / user untuk mengetahui cara mendiagnosa penyakit pada tanaman kakao. Tentu saja hal tersebut diaharapkan secara tidak langsung mempermudah cara  diagnosa para petani atau user. Dalam pengembangkan sistem ini penulis menggunakan metode Forward Chaining. Sedangkan untuk metode pengumpulan datanya penulis menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan kuesioner. Sistem yang di gunakan pada Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit pada Tanaman Kakao di buat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman 6.0 dan MySQL. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan adanya Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit pada Tanaman Kakao ini, Pekebun dapat mengetahui penyakit yang terdapat ada tanaman kakao dan Pekebun mendapatkan cara mendiagnosa penyakit pada tanaman kakao. Kata Kunci: Sistem Pakar Penyakit Kakao Forward Chaining

    Response of Imitanib Meysylate in patients with gastrointestinal stromal cell tumour

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    In this study, the response of Imitanib Mesylate in patients with Gastro-intestinal stromal cell tumour (GIST) was assessed. GIST results from a mutation in one of the receptor protein tyrosine kinases. Imitanib Mesylate, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, has emerged as a promising new treatment for GISTs. Total 16 cases were reviewed. Diagnosis was based on biopsy and immunohistochemistry. Response assessment was done using CT scans, at a median duration of 4 months. The median age of the patients was 52 years, Majority were male (n=14). Most common presenting complaint was abdominal pain (n=7). Commonest primary site was stomach (n=7), Liver was the most common organ involved in metastasis (n=8). All patients received Imitanib 400 mg orally, once a day. No mortality was reported during median follow up time of 28 months on Imitanib. There was also either radiological remission (n=5) or response (n=5), in about half of the patients without any serious side effects


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    Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit pada Tanaman Kakao Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining di Dinas Perkebunan Indragiri Hilir. Merupakan  sistem yang bisa memberikan informasi keterangan beberapa jenis dan ciri-ciri penyakit yang mengganggu tanaman kakao. Sehingga  bisa memberikan kemudahan bagi petani / user untuk mengetahui cara mendiagnosa penyakit pada tanaman kakao. Tentu saja hal tersebut diaharapkan secara tidak langsung mempermudah cara  diagnosa para petani atau user. Dalam pengembangkan sistem ini penulis menggunakan metode Forward Chaining. Sedangkan untuk metode pengumpulan datanya penulis menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan kuesioner. Sistem yang di gunakan pada Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit pada Tanaman Kakao di buat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman 6.0 dan MySQL. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan adanya Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit pada Tanaman Kakao ini, Pekebun dapat mengetahui penyakit yang terdapat ada tanaman kakao dan Pekebun mendapatkan cara mendiagnosa penyakit pada tanaman kakao. Kata Kunci: Sistem Pakar Penyakit Kakao Forward Chaining

    Pengembangan LKPD Aplikatif Integratif Berbasis Inquiri Terbimbing Pada Materi Kesetimbangan Kimia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik (LKPD) yang aplikatif integratif berbasis inquiri terbimbing pada materi kesetimbangan kimia untuk kelas XI SMA /MA sederajat. LKPD ini membantu peserta didik mengaitkan materi dengan fenomena alam ataupun kehidupan sehari hari dengan basis inquiri terbimbing. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA N 4 Pekanbaru dan SMA N 15 Pekanbaru. Sebelum diujikan kesekolah LKPD di dinilai kelayakan oleh tim validator. Kelayakan LKPD diujikan pada validator dengan intrument kelayakan yang sudah dirancang. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan pendekatan  ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Tahap penelitian ini adalah tahap penggalian potensi masalah dan perancangan. Skor rata rata validator menunjukkan hasil 93.5% yang berarti layak digunakan. Uji respon guru didapatkan hasil skor rata rata  89.5% dan uji respon peserta didik skor rata rata 90.25% yang berarti LKPD dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran

    Sistem Klasifikasi Kualitas Kopra Berdasarkan Warna dan Tekstur Menggunakan Metode Nearest Mean Classifier (NMC)

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    AbstrakKlasifikasi kualitas kopra dengan bantuan komputer menggunakan pengolahan citra dapat membantu mempercepat pekerjaan manusia. Teknik data mining dapat dimanfaatkan untuk klasifikasi kualitas kopra berdasarkan warna RGB (red, green, blue) dan tekstur (energy, contrast, correlation, homogeneity), . Permasalahannya adalah kesulitan dalam memprediksi  kualitas kopra dalam kelas A (80-85%), kelas B (70-75%) dan kelas C (60-65%). Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah membangun aplikasi untuk klasifikasi kualitas kopra berdasarkan warna dan tekstur. Adapun metode klasifikasi yang digunakan adalah nearest mean classifier (NMC). Sebelum proses klasifikasi dilakukan praproses background subtraction dengan metode pixel subtraction untuk memisahkan objek dengan latarnya. Manfaat dari penelitian ini antara lain dapat menghemat waktu dalam melakukan klasifikasi kualitas kopra dan dapat mempermudah penentuan harga jual beli kopra. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi metode cross validation diperoleh ketelitian rata-rata adalah 80.67% dengan simpangan baku 1.17%. Kata Kunci: Klasifikasi, citra, kopra, nearest mean classifier, pixel subtraction, warna RGB, teksturAbstractThe classification of copra quality with the help of computer by using image processing can help to speed up human work. Data mining techniques can be utilized for copra quality classification based on RGB color (red, green, blue) and texture (energy, contrast, correlation, homogeneity). The problem is the difficulty in predicting the quality of copra in grade of A (80-85%), grade of B (70-75%) and grade of C (60-65%). The purpose of this study is to develope an application for the classification of copra quality based on color and texture. The method used is the nearest mean classifier (NMC). Preprocessing is done before the classification process for background subtraction by using pixel subtraction method to separate the image of object against the background. The benefits of this research are it can save time in classifying the quality of copra and can facilitate the determination of copra price. Based on the evaluation result by using cross validation method obtained the average accuracy is 80.67% with standard deviation is 1.17%. Keywords: classification,  image, copra, nearest mean classifier, pixel subtraction, RGB color, textur